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Forum Index > Suggestion Box > Sylestia Economy
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Level 70
The Majestic
Joined: 10/9/2015
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Posted: 8/29/2019 at 4:11 PM Post #1
This isn't really a suggestion, more like a question/concern I've had since getting serious about breeding.

I've noticed(like many others) that the in-game economy is pretty bad. Especially with some purebred restricted themes that are being sold for less than 1k gold(ex: Arctic Nomad Vol, Emperor's Dragon Nixi, and some others that I can't think of atm).

These days, whenever new restricted traits come out, I wait for someone to breed it and then wait for it to get overbred then I buy one for less than 30k gold. Or I just buy a themed pet with all the visible restricted traits except 1 carried restricted trait(they can go for less than 10k at times) then I breed it with a 4 vis completed retricted.

The only thing stable in the economy is Max stats and it's mainly because they're all sold as "unbreedable".

And of course, there are 6-vis pets getting sold for 1g. <-- This also makes personal projects undervalued. Because people don't see a themed tag they aren't as inclined to buy it as there are multiple 6-vis pets they can buy for <5kg. Breeding projects can take over a year to complete and lots of luck and essences so having the end product being sold for just 30kg is pretty disappointing. This also somewhat affects 6 vis themed pets that are overbred.

I feel like the biggest problems are A) breeding costs and B) unlimited hatchery space

Completed restricted trait themed pets and 1st gen exclusive gened pets can be found available for breeding for <1k gold.

There should be a bottom-line price for breeding for all pets, I saw it as a suggestion from another thread which I thought was a great idea.

There should also be limited hatchery space(another idea from another thread), AP points seem very useless, maybe they can be used to buy hatchery space.

Another option I saw was an adoption system(like chicken smoothie) this way new player can get pets they may want but I would make it for only adult pets(based on stable space) so people can't adopt a bunch into their hatcheries.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me, just putting my thoughts out there.

Other forums that talk about this:

I also found that the 1g pets has been a problem since 2013.
As explained in this forum:

In another 2013 forum(
Krinadon said: "However, we have been brainstorming multiple ideas to address the issue of too many pets. We are definitely aware of the growing trend and will be implementing some attempts to improve the issue in the near future."

You could bring up the 42 day release thing for lost grove, but it barely made a dent in the broken economy.

There's this 2014 thread where Faiona comments on it(
She mentions ideas like, "pet buying NPC that buys your pets for either gold or scales", "We will eventually create an actual pet auction system",and "Get rid of unlimited hatcheries and make it so that pets get released at adolescent instead of adult if there isn't room in your stables. ".
I think those are some great ideas but it's been 5 years...Maybe one day they'll be added into the game.

Once again no hate or shade intended, just voicing out my opinions.
Edited By Royal on 8/30/2019 at 1:48 PM.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 8/29/2019 at 5:06 PM Post #2
A couple things I will say here:

-Actual exclusive/tamed themes do sell for more than purebreds. There's actually quite a decent market for proper themes - although some of the least popular species do have low prices even with themes. But fabled species and the more popular regular species can actually fetch pretty high prices.

-it's often "dishwater" pets that sell for 1g. Projects with nice color palettes are a bit more likely to sell for reasonable prices.

But, yes, there is definitely a lot of overbreeding... I do a lot of nurturing for contests, and there are a few people I could call out who have 50-100+ hatchery pages. And yeah, some of them are people doing projects who'll release a lot of those pets at 42 days. But others are filled with dishwater pets that seem to just be bred for the sake of it.

I think the releasing event during the patriotic event helped a bit - the cheap pets got bought up real fast for releasing. But, of course, with a bit of time since then, the cheaper prices are starting to take over again.

The limit on hatchery space could be a bit tricky for project breeders, though the long-time players would have access to AP to buy space, if that became a feature. But yes, something like that could be useful, if worked carefully to give enough room for project breeders to do their thing without allowing unlimited dishwater breeding to occur.

I don't have much input on breeding prices since I almost exclusively breed within my own stables. Some people do like to set pets for free private breeding to friends, so a minimum price there could be a bit tricky too. But I'm not opposed to the idea, again, as long as it's considered carefully.
Level 74
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Posted: 8/29/2019 at 6:20 PM Post #3
I don't really feel qualified to actually talk about the breeding prices on Sylestia because I am pretty new here and I dont' really know the economy.

However, I have played other games with pets, and Sylestia is 'suffering' from the same problem they all have: pets that can be infinitely bred will become dirt cheap.

The reason why I put suffering in quotes is because I don't see it as a problem really. It just means that sellers need to find a 'niche' to fill in the economy or find a selling strategy that works.

However, I think that sylestia has a good mechanic that is under utilized: releasing. As the user above me said, the releasing event saw base pet prices go up quite a bit as most cheap, older pets were bought and released. While I don't think such an event should become a permanent feature (as in always active) or recur to often, I do think that rather than try to limit what comes into the economy (which usually, on other sites, not be met with open arms, and I am personally not a fan of it myself, unless it was limited when the site opened), it is better to encouage people to remove pets.

I know that I only release pets that are 42 days old and above, because I might have a chance at a lost grove nest. However, not everyone cares about the lost grove nests, and it means that pets need to kept for at least 42 days before they can be released. This means for most breeders it would be generally better to try to simply sell those pets to someone else to get rid of them, than hold them until they are 42 days.

Perhaps there could be other incentives for releasing pets, akin to the lost grove nest. Perhaps there is a chance of getting some sort of item (not necessarily an expensive one, but a consumable, perhaps from the scale shop) or rarely an exclusive avatar item, when you release any age pet.

Anything that makes pets more valuable to be released immediately upon seeing that those pets aren't what the breeder wants, rather than trying to offload them to other users, thus driving down prices of other pets in order to compete.
Level 70
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Posted: 8/29/2019 at 6:53 PM Post #4
Author: Jemadar
Time Posted: 8/29/2019 at 6:20 PM
I don't really feel qualified to actually talk about the breeding prices on Sylestia because I am pretty new here and I dont' really know the economy.

However, I have played other games with pets, and Sylestia is 'suffering' from the same problem they all have: pets that can be infinitely bred will become dirt cheap.

The reason why I put suffering in quotes is because I don't see it as a problem really. It just means that sellers need to find a 'niche' to fill in the economy or find a selling strategy that works.

However, I think that sylestia has a good mechanic that is under utilized: releasing. As the user above me said, the releasing event saw base pet prices go up quite a bit as most cheap, older pets were bought and released. While I don't think such an event should become a permanent feature (as in always active) or recur to often, I do think that rather than try to limit what comes into the economy (which usually, on other sites, not be met with open arms, and I am personally not a fan of it myself, unless it was limited when the site opened), it is better to encouage people to remove pets.

I know that I only release pets that are 42 days old and above, because I might have a chance at a lost grove nest. However, not everyone cares about the lost grove nests, and it means that pets need to kept for at least 42 days before they can be released. This means for most breeders it would be generally better to try to simply sell those pets to someone else to get rid of them, than hold them until they are 42 days.

Perhaps there could be other incentives for releasing pets, akin to the lost grove nest. Perhaps there is a chance of getting some sort of item (not necessarily an expensive one, but a consumable, perhaps from the scale shop) or rarely an exclusive avatar item, when you release any age pet.

Anything that makes pets more valuable to be released immediately upon seeing that those pets aren't what the breeder wants, rather than trying to offload them to other users, thus driving down prices of other pets in order to compete.

too add onto this i think the 42 day nest thing isnt working much to raise prices bc the ppl who overbreed have prob not even reached tlg. alot of newbies have giant hatcheries and the ones who arent new usually dont care for battling thru the story bc it takes more effort.
Level 73
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Posted: 8/29/2019 at 7:29 PM Post #5
Another addition of suport (or at least of Orca trying to type out her thoughts with fins):

Even though the Releasers are constantly releasing (I hope-it's a bit of a pain on mobile though) it's pretty hard to sell off stuff nowadays. (I personallly feel there should be like a giant mass release or something done in the system that releases any pets fo sale that are a certain price or below or something but then again that raises problems of players who sell to other players but don't use player ids and stuff)


It would be nice if there was a mass release button (which would make releasing more desireable), which i know have been asked for in this forum before. Or-well, basically more things in place to keep the economony profitable for newer players who don't have stat pets or cool themes.

And maybe there could be a limit on how much newbies can breed, at least for a few days or so until they fully understand how Sylestia economy works. Many newbies i have mentored say that onc ethey get their second or third pet they're excited to breed and sell and then they get realy disappointed when their "amazing" pet looks like scratch compared to say, those of a player that's lived through several fests. And that takes the fun out of breeding.

Or maybe like a settings button that toggles hatchery space limits. Like it starts out giving you one page of hatchery space and then after a few days or weeks you can toggle it so that you could breed inifinitely or something. Or only with as much space as you have in your stables. That way newbies dont go crazy breeding useless stuff, experienced project makers/stat breeders can breed as much as they need, and the rest of us....don't go crazy?

Anyways, at any rate, there should at least be a small tutorial on Sylestia economy in the tutorial. Not every newbie heads for the forums first things off and by the time they do, it's too late.

(Whoops. My TedTalk has become a suggestion line. Yay. Um....><> <>< thanks for coming i guess?)
Level 70
The Majestic
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Posted: 8/29/2019 at 11:18 PM Post #6
It's true that the 1g pets are "dishwater" pets though I've purchased project pets for 15k to 50k(which isn't a lot cause I can make it all back in a couple of hours). And of course species is a big factor but 50k for a 6vis giffi project is extremely cheap(cause the reg essence goes for 100k). Maybe selling a bunch can help stack up and add more profit but it doesn't seem that worth it(at least to me).

Thanks for bringing up the private breeding thing. I usually breed with public breeding so I don't do private breedings but I know there're lots of people who do private breedings. I would say just use CoD to get your gold back but I can understand how that can get extremely annoying and confusing.

Also I didn't participate in the patriotic event because I was on a hiatus but it would be nice if they continued doing these events cause a lot of people just don't care about releasing pets for lost grove(at least I don't, heard lost grove was a grind fest which I don't have time for).

No hate intended and thanks for your insight ^ ^
Level 70
The Majestic
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Posted: 8/29/2019 at 11:38 PM Post #7
I like the idea of getting an useful item from lost grove with more pets released. Since I don't really care about lost grove and I don't have time to sit at my computer all day and grind.

Offloading is a pretty big problem. Breeding these days is a speed race, who ever breeds the pets first, quickly sells them for very expensive prices until more people gain access to the pets and over time after getting over bred, the value of the pets plummets. Just today I bought a purebred themed pet for less than 10k, it was a 5v-1c This is the problem, pets are sold then over-bred to the point where they have a super low value.
Maybe this wouldn't be a problem if completed projects were sold as "unbreedable" like max stats. And I've seen a lot of breeders doing this which helps push the economy in a better direction but people don't like "unbreedable" pets so they'd rather buy from another breeder who sells the same type of pets but "breedable" which leads to a huge collapse in the value(as buyers can then overbreed the pets).

Breeding prices are very low, even when someone tries to put their pet on a high breeding price, there's always another person who puts the same type of pet but at a much lower breeding price. So the prices just get lower and lower since people are competing to get breeders to breed with their pets.

Thanks for your input! No hate intended. ^ ^
Level 70
The Majestic
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Posted: 8/29/2019 at 11:42 PM Post #8
100% agree, I for one stopped carrying about battling a few weeks after lost grove. I'm not interested in hours of grinding so the 42 day thing to me is useless. Newbies are also easily confused with battling(at least I was, the tutorial for this game is so outdated and confusing). So the easiest thing to do is to breed. And as long as a newbie has a male, they can breed with all the 1g females that they want which then leads to the giant hatcheries that you mention.

Prices on pets are still as low as ever and honestly I don't think the 42 day thing was a big deal, I was here before and after it was implemented and not much has changed.

Thanks for commenting!!
Level 70
The Majestic
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Posted: 8/29/2019 at 11:56 PM Post #9
A mass release would be SO HELPFUL. I've had old projects that I've ditched and they were a pain to release, 1 at a time in stables. For hatcheries, it's a bit better because you can set settings to "release all un-named" but that has resulted in me unintentionally releasing themed and un-named pets that I wanted to keep. So having a mass release is a FANTASTIC idea.

The limit on breeding reminds me of the dragon cave system where you have to reach a milestone in order to breed more. I think this is an interesting idea and if applied correctly, it may work well.

I've never realized how this affected new players since I've been playing for so long but now that you've brought this issue to the table, I do see it as a major problem. When new players are having a hard time becoming a good breeder when this whole game is focused on breeding, they loose interest and leave. I look at games like Lioden where the economy is great. And flight rising as well. I think the main thing that hold up the economy is either hatching limit based on stable space or a hatching limit in general. And games should focus on getting more players while also keeping the old players happy. Most of the people who play sylestia don't end up staying and a lot of old players have quit since they don't see the any worth in spending their time breeding for pets that may not even be worth much.

The tutorial is a joke tbh, it's so outdated and confusing. I had to click on random buttons to learn my way around. I think I looked at the tutorial up until I created my pet and then I got to battling like months or even a year later(I was very slow and too shy to talk in forums at the time).

Also thanks for linking this thread in your new one ^ ^
Level 74
Grand Protector
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Posted: 8/30/2019 at 12:00 AM Post #10
No worries.

I wasn't even thinking about the item being from the Lost Grove itself, but like say randomly after you release 10 pets, you can get a Lesser Pet Dye. Something found in the scale shop, but still useful, especially to players like me (and yes, I know 10 is extremely low for a pet dye). So, you release 10 pets, and you now have 50/50 odds of geting a pet dye with the next release. (BTW, if I ever type 'exalt' instead of 'release' please forgive me...)If you don't get a Lesser Pet Dye, your chances go up to say 55/45 with the next released pet. Once you get a pet dye, your chances are reset and you then have to release 10 more pets to get a 50/50 chance.

If they add in other items, especially consumables (as those can be taken out of the economy by using them), that players want, and that don't need to have specific age pets released, or don't require a huge number of pets released (if something required say 1K+ pets released, I probably would never even bother trying for it, because that amount seems insanely large, while something like 100 pets release would be much more managable. Not saying they can't have items that are at the 1K+ pets released, but not all items should be)

I just come into this as being more of a fan of adding to an existing mechanic than taking away from an existing mechanic.

We already have Pet Release, but it is under utilized (I only release pets after 42 days, and since I am relatively new and don't have a huge amount of stable space, this means that I tend to want younger pets out, however, I don't breed for now and when I do start breeding, I plan to release my cast offs) because, at least to me, there is no incentive to release.

As you said, you don't care for the Lost Grove, so getting a better chance at a nest there isn't worth it to you.

However, you might be interested in a chance at getting a pet dye, or a genetic mutator, or perhaps even 1 use test kits or genetic scanners. (I know I would love to have the one use genetic test kits, because I am finding it hard to get the permanent one due to the high price of diamonds, so I would be more likely to start releasing pets hoping to get one). Perhaps even exclusive avatar items not found elsewhere (at very high tiers).

If there were certain types of pets that were needed to be taken out of the economy, there could be perhaps different tiers for different types. We already have several types of pets, so perhaps 'offspring' could have a different set of releasing rewards than 'tamed'.

This would still allow players to breed as much as they want, and still not require them to be infertile (I have to admit, I probably will be one of the players, if I ever get my breeding projects completed, who would sell fertile offspring, because generally I don't like getting infertile offspring), because even if those players themselves weren't interested in the rewards, other players might be and would be likely to buy very cheap pets for the chance to get a very expensive item from releasing.

I am coming into this from Flight Rising, which has this same problem (though there the admins I believe have said they never intended dragons to be a source of income, but rather wanted them to be cheap and easily obtained), and I feel it is due to the same things: dragons can breed indefinitely, have multiple babies per nest, and there are items that can be used to immediately hatch a nest as well. However, on the other hand, exalting isn't handled the same way. You get money for exalting, yes, but generally it isn't worth it, at least to me, to exalt. There is no other reason to exalt unless you are hugely into dominance, and not everyone is.

There is also a sub-culture, and I have seen a bit of it here, that dislikes exalting and while they don't actively try to discourage it, they have 'exalt rescues' threads where they buy fodder priced dragons and try to get them forever homes.

Both places, here and FR, I feel would benefit from making getting rid of the pets, (exalting and releasing) more enticing, in order to get more players to do so.

The only thing I would be somewhat afraid of, in adding releasing rewards, would be potentially the rewards might crash those particular item's value. However, if those rewards were given high tiers and then moved down tiers until the price started being drastically affected, then it might help stop those prices from tanking. That is also why I feel avatar items should only be at high tiers (because you only need one copy of the item) and most of the items should be consumables, so that players can be tempted to use the item instead of selling it.
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