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If you already have an account, please log in and send a Private Message to Krinadon regarding your issue.

Otherwise, please send an email to
Frequently Asked Questions
I no longer have access to my Email Address, how can I log into my account?
Please send an email to via the new Email Address that you would like to use. Please also provide the following information:
1. Username and User ID #
2. Date of Birth
3. IP Address (You can use the following link:
4. Original Email Address (If you know it)
5. New Email Address to use instead
How can I change the Date of Birth on my account?
If the Date of Birth on your account is set to the wrong date, please send an email to via your account's registered email address and provide your Date of Birth. We can then manually update it for you. Please note, regardless, you must be at least 13 years of age to own an account. If it is discovered that you are under 13 and are also the account owner, we will have no choice but to terminate your account.
I am attempting to register a new account, but I am receiving an error saying that 2 accounts already exist.
If you are attempting to register an account from a public location, such as a school or library, please first attempt to register your account from a private location instead, such as your home. If you are still having issues, then contact us at informing us that you are requesting an additional account at your location. Please provide details on the other accounts already registered from your location, if you are aware of them, as well as your IP Address. You can easily obtain your IP Address from the following link:
How can I change my account's Username?
We offer an automatic Username Change Service. You can simply navigate to Account -> Settings and then click the "Change Username" button. Alternatively, if you are already logged in, you can click this link.
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