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Level 27
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/28/2020
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Posted: 11/5/2020 at 7:19 PM Post #61

Amara Zyllar is my name, I am an Elf from Zephyr or as most know it The Soulless Wastes. Zephyr use to be a lively planet known for its ethereal beauty, and gorgeous crystals with great magical properties. The crystals helped us in many ways like, making potions, profitable trading, magic related things, etc. These crystals could only be found on Zephyr and some Crystals we would not sell due to what they could do. Before we started selling the crystals, no one besides Zephyrians knew about them. We would trade other materials like herbs and spices. If only we kept it that way....Zephyr would not be a memory of past. Drabek was a neighboring planet to Zephyr. Drabek didn't have anything special about their planet. Drabeks were known for their selfish, power hungry ways. If they wanted something, they took it, destroying everything in their path. When the Zephyr crystals were first shared about, the Council of Zephyr was concerned the Drabeks would come. They prepared warriors incase of battle. After two years passed and no attack occurring, the Council called off the Warriors. Then another year passed, then it happened. I was at The Mist Inn sleeping, when awoken by the commotion. It was hard to see due to it being night, and all of the smoke due to the fires. By morning, the Drabeks were gone. They stole everything, only leaving behind ruins of what use to be taverns, shops, homes, inns, etc. They made Zephyr into a wasteland, filled with wreckage. Due to the fires, the fighting, the collapsing of buildings the Zephyrian population went down alot. Most of who survived moved to Iridia, a small planet made of flower filled valleys. During the first couple weeks after the attack I helped with rebuilding homes for who stayed, as well as hunting and gathering food. One day while looking for food, I met a creature which shared the same looks as a wolf. She followed me around while I picked berries, and continued to follow me back to the village. I decided to name her Xina, and shes accompanied me everywheres. After a couple days I was also invited to join the council of Zephyr, which I accepted. After a year of rebuilding everything was going okay, the village was quite smaller though. Slowly crystals were growing again, and we could start collecting them again. Even though it is okay in our village the rest of Zephyrn will be awhile before its not a wasteland. I decided to leave the council of Zephyr so I could be a warrior, and prepare others incase the Debraks come back. Since then i have started training 11 others to be a warrior. Protecting Zephyrn from threats with my loyal companion Xin.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/8/2016
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Posted: 11/6/2020 at 3:51 AM Post #62

The Pastel Necromancer
Ghosts and Ghoulies Dark and Harsh.
Shadowed, Drab, and Unseen.

She stands out like the sourest thumb.
She's pastel pinks, blues and brown.

And those who lurk 6 ft. down,
dig on up and head her call.

A skeletal grin, stark and white,
with hollowed eyes regarding,
the dark and drab, and harsh and shadowed,
and passes on her colour.
Level 69
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 3/7/2018
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Posted: 11/6/2020 at 7:14 PM Post #63
Ken Dedes

According to Pararaton, Ken Dedes was the daughter of Mpu Purwa, a Mahayana Buddhist priest from Panawijen village. One day Tunggul Ametung Akuwu Tumapel stopped at her house. Tunggul Ametung fell in love with her and immediately married the girl. Because at that time her father was in the forest, Ken Dedes asked Tunggul Ametung to wait patiently. However, Tunggul Ametung could not hold back. Ken Dedes was brought home by force to Tumapel to be married.

When Mpu Purwa returned home, he was angry to find that his daughter had been kidnapped. He also cursed "O the person who ran away my child, hopefully he will not enjoy the pleasure, he will be killed with a keris. Likewise the Panawijen people, dry up the well, hopefully the water will not come out of the pond"
Level 75
Lucky Fox
Joined: 2/5/2020
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Posted: 11/7/2020 at 10:41 AM Post #64

My Sylestian interpretation of the headless horseman in the story
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 11/5/2015
Threads: 32
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Posted: 11/7/2020 at 4:39 PM Post #65

Feel the fright
of creatures in flight?
Though they run
with all their might
toward a sun
with failing light,
they soon will be
within my sight
nevermore free...

Nearing night,
my eternal blight,
say farewell to the sun
for soon it will be done.
The time of light
is over, for it is
Nightmare Night!

Let my darkness
reign supreme!
Let my shadows
be unleashed!
Let my heart of evil
be once more free!

So run if you can
or hide if you cannot,
but do not let
me, let my evil,
find you, catch...
Ha ha ha!
Tonight your fears
come true.
It is Nightmare Night,
the beginning of
my hunt for you...
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/9/2013
Threads: 174
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Posted: 11/8/2020 at 4:07 AM Post #66
It's that time of year again. The time to pull out a sweater and your nice boots. It's the time when leaves fall and a cold breeze picks up, it is fall. Lots a scary things happen in the fall. You get more cavities, your clothes seem to shrink and so on. You have to get through Halloween. Try not to get spooked by peoples costumes and unfortunately timed YouTube ads at 3 am in the morning. You may think after that your clear, but that's not the case. The real terror comes on Thanksgiving. I know what your thinking, "What so scary about Thanksgiving?". Your family...not your whole family but one person in particular...
Your Grandmother

Yes, your grandmother is scary. They lure you in with good food. Make sure your are all good and stuffed. They even seal the deal with some hot chocolate. Then when your all happy and satisfied she tells everyone to "share thanks". She wants you to talk about what your thankful front of everyone. Your anxiety only increases as you wait for your turn to have everyone's eyes on you. So loving, so sweet...and so cruel, grandma.
Level 64
Frosty Hands
Joined: 5/24/2017
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Posted: 11/8/2020 at 12:01 PM Post #67

Terror Queen of the Abyss
Many seafaring folks all know the legends. Stories passed down from generations past. She had been an evil sorceress from the beginning of time. She created the scary, Frankenstein-ish looking creatures of the abyss. It is told that if she is seen, death is imminent to all who see. A sea storm so severe will capsize their ship. While they struggle to survive the freezing temperatures of the sea, in hopes of a rescue, the Terror Queen of the Abyss will pick them off one by one, devouring them or calling upon her many legions of terrifying sea creatures to feast upon their bodies. They leave no trace behind. They will all then retreat into the deep abyss and await their next victims. Seafolk fears speaking her name.
Level 75
Nature Walker
Joined: 2/26/2018
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Posted: 11/9/2020 at 10:40 AM Post #68

A feral vampire, powerful but mindless, and clothed only in the residual splashes of blood from her prey, but accumulated over centuries.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/12/2014
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Posted: 11/10/2020 at 4:28 PM Post #69
As Summer turns to fall Aspen Autumntail comes bounding out of the forests bringing her annual fall bounty, She collects nuts for squirrels, shoos birds south, paints the leaves in fall colors, and helps gardens be ready for harvest. She is clothed in the colors of the late fall flowers. After all the hard work is done she hosts a feast for worthy sylesties and humans. Then once the land is ready for winter she too readies for her own winter rest. Within the hollow of a giant tree she prepares a bed of fall leaves and flowers. Then when the first snowflakes of winter fall for the sky she drifts off to sleep, dreaming of next autumn and all its wonders and natural riches.

Level 72
Majestic Brewmistress
Joined: 10/8/2020
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Posted: 11/10/2020 at 8:04 PM Post #70

The Halloween Witch
She who conjures those creatures of night.
Those creatures that give you such a fright.
As dark as night is their pelts.
They'll make you more scared than you've ever felt.
Her hair's as dark as a raven's feather.
She comes when it changes to cooler weather.
She who comes on that 31st.
Edited By Esc890 on 11/19/2020 at 5:55 PM.
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