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Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 6/11/2017 at 1:07 PM Post #481
Ruairi~23 years~DC

"And what about you? Your a woman in the world of man, holy or not they will still treat you as such. What do we say about you?" The man asked looking at the woman. She had said it herself that this was no place for a woman. He had seen enough of that first hand that a woman alone in this world stood no chance to a man. Men had all the say in the world. If a man told a woman to lie down and let the horse trample her she was to do so or be hing for not listening. That's why he had stood up for both of the women in his group thus far. As far as anyone knew he was a husband and a father all the same. It was clear though that Thea was t his real daughter seeing that she was only seven years younger than him but he claimed her as his own and that was all that mattered. The same could not be said for the woman though.

Molly & Zarune~ RG

"And there's only two of us." The man said looking about and dodging out of the way of the new on coming fire. "Stay here, I have a plan if you can just keep them destracted!" With that the priest bolted from his hiding place stumbling a bit over the snow as he dashed for the door to his and Molly's chambers. He reached the door just to find that it was locked. Really?! "Molly!" The priest shouted hitting on the door before rolling out of the way of a few snowballs. Slowly the door opened only to revoke the woman fully armored with shield in hand. She bolted from the room and into the courtyard. Confused the priest peeked from the snowbank he was hiding behind.
"You are no match for me priest!" The woman shouted throwing a snowball and hitting the man in the face with it.
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 6/11/2017 at 1:41 PM Post #482

Agrona ~~ Poisonmaker/Herbalist master ~~ 22 ~~ currently in: DC

For a moment she looked up at him before looking at the slowly closening city. "I will manage ... one way or the other. I may not have the status you hold but I would atleast somehow make it." she said, sighing a bit. She had tried to be atleast ten steps ahead during their entire jerney. It was frankly exausting and she wished for nothing more than to lay down and sleep for a day or two. So far she had taken whatever herbs she could find to keep her energy up andthe ability to think faster. It is great for a short period of time, a week or so. If loonger than that it slowly drains you of energy and she have keept taking it since she joined Ruairi and Thea. She simply hant allowed her mind to relax and recharge in all that time. The closer they get to the capital the more likely that they meet some of the Raven clan and then all hell will break lose.

Cullyn of the Sapling ~~ Crown Prince ~~ 5 ~~ Currently in RG

He stared after the priest , finding himself coverd in snow just moments later. After spitting out the snow from his moouth he crawled out of the gigant pile with a grin on his face.

He looked to the side, grinning massivly from ear to ear as Molly joined them in the fight. He was just about to jump down on her back when someone grabbed him from behind. "Sire, your father wishes to speak to you." the guard said in a serious tone. He couldnt help but feel fear spread through his small body before following the man without telling anyone.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 6/11/2017 at 10:07 PM Post #483
Ruairi~23 years~DC

"I could say that you belong to me as well. I mean to ensure your saftey it's the least I can do to help." The bard offered with a wide smile. She unlike the rest of them was usually out of the inn all day while he was playing about. He worried about her in truth. There was always that time right around dark where he feared she wouldn't return to the group. It would be hard to move on after they had spent so long together. He had never felt this close to a woman before, and that was saying something. "It's just a suggestion though, I would much rather you be comfortable with the idea than to force you into it." This is where he was unlike other men. Ruairi was the kind of man that wanted everyone to be equal, he wanted there to be equality for everyone and every race or gender and if that could be achieved with just him setting an example so be it.

Molly & Zarune~ RG

Morally he was confused as the snow hit him in the face. Molly was fighting for the prince? Well then...this would be war! "Ha! The shield madine thinks she can defeat me? Well then let's see what she has then!" He said taking a moment to form a few snowballs before bolting from cover and tossing them at the woman. She easily blocked the blows though was unable to return the fire as the priest moved to a better hiding spot.
"Such strong words you use priest! Let's see if your any match in a game of strength and wit!" The woman called diving behind a snowbank before molding up an arm full of ammo. When she peaked up though the priest was nowhere to be seen. "What?" How had he disappeared like that? Suddenly she was hit from behind as Zarune seemingly came out of nowhere and pinned her to the ground. In all honesty she was surprised at his agility and ability to pull off something like that. "Well done, you have defeated me." The woman smiled causing the man to smile back at her. "And what will the champion do now with me?" She half expected him to shove snow down her armor or to just get up and offer her a hand though what she got instead was a kiss on the lips. A bit surprised she didn't react at first but then returned the kiss until he retreated and helped her to her feet it was then she noticed the man speaking with the prince. She jogged up the stairs to met the guard. "Is there a problem sir?" She asked putting a hand on the boy's shoulder as she did.
Level 57
Fright Master
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Posted: 6/12/2017 at 12:15 PM Post #484
Eldred ~ 21 ~ DC

Eldred walked into the small town. He needed a horse, and he had the money. He walked up to the barman at the local pub.
"I need a horse." he said.
The barman looked at him closely. "An' who migh' you be?" he asked.
"My name is Eldred Torrent, a noble from Windy Valley. I am on a diplomatic mission and I need a steed." Eldred said.
"An' 'ow much would ya pay fo' one of me beasts?" the barman asked.
"Twenty gold pieces." Eldred said, taking out his sack of coins.
"Twenty gold?! Tha's a deal." he said, taking the coins that Eldred gave him. "I got's an untameable stallion out back. He's yours if ya wants 'im." the barman said.
Eldred nodded. "Thank you."
Eldred got on top of the palomino, which, to Eldred's surprise, wasn't that hard to control. The two galloped off towards Rose Glade with haste.


"We made it. The Capitol!" Eldred said happily.
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 6/12/2017 at 12:23 PM.
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/16/2015
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Posted: 6/12/2017 at 12:45 PM Post #485

Agrona ~~ Poisonmaker/Herbalist master ~~ 22 ~~ currently in: DC

SHe looked a bit surpriced at him. "ANd just what would we be playing then?" she asked curiously before simply pulling him to the side. "THEA WATCH OUT!" she screamed at the girl. Past them rushed a horse in full speed. Its rider clearly dressed as a nobleman. Of the colours he wore she would say he belonged to the Torrent clan. "THat man is from the Phonix clan, they are the personall provider of eagles to the king." she informed Ruairi as the man disepeard towards the citygates that still was quiet some walk away for them to get to.

Cullyn of the Sapling ~~ Crown Prince ~~ 5 ~~ Currently in RG

THe man looked up at her before smiling reasuring. "Not at all Molly, his higness simply wished to speak with the prince in solitude so I was sent to fetch him." he answered calmly. At this Cullyn swollowed the lump in his throat before nodding slowly. "Werry well, lets get going. We shouldnt let his highness wait now should we?" he smiled. WIth that done he simply gave Molly a kiss on the cheeks before following the man. Each step he took feelt like an eternity. He really dreade his father since the time at the courtroom. And the king seemed to hate him for what he had done.

NPC for Nafa

The guards hadnt managed to open the city gates just yet, they were still showling away the snow from it as the rider got into their field of view. It took the two men some time to realice it was a nobleman that was aproaching them. With a curse each they simply picked up the pace, as the man reached the gates to the city the two men was panting heavly and sweating heavly. "Just give us a moment sire and the left side shall be open for you." the oldest guard said with a bow. Once the two guards have bowed towards the man they walked in, opening the city gates left door that was heavier than usuall, or they were just tired.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 6/13/2017 at 10:21 AM Post #486
Ruairi~23 years~DC

Cursing Thea threw herself out of the road and into a rather large snowbank. The whole of the girl disappeared into the pile before she reemerged covering in snow. "******!" She called after the man on the horse as she shook a fist at him in passing. "Can't you see we are trying to walk here?!" After satisfied that the insult was enough she climbed back into the road and shook the snow from her clothes. "Great...not I'm soaked and freezing." Shivering she wrapped her arms about herself in a sad attempt to keep warm.

The bard froze in his steps as he saw the rider racing towards the girl though just at the last second she threw herself onto the side of the road to avoid being hit. When she emerged again she was throwing curses as well as snow at some points. With a bit of a smile her turned back to the woman. "Well we could be a family. A husband and wife out to visit the capital with their daughter?" He asked looking away for a moment. It was all he could do to stop himself from actually asking her to be his wife. No, she wouldn't want that. She was simply still in the group in a hope to pay off a debt that she owed him even though he told her not to worry about it. Even if he felt this way about her there was no telling how she felt about him. It was better not to humiliate oneself like that.

Molly & Zarune~ RG

The woman watched as the boy was taken away from her. She hated it. After that day in the trial hall she could barely look at the king before getting angry. The mere meantion of his name cussed her to clench a fist. He had hurt Cullyn that day, something that he never should have even thought about doing to his own child not to meantion heir to the throne. What if the boy had died? What then? They would have all been in big trouble. But she held her tongue not saying anything about it. I stead she put an arm about the priest's waist and buried her face in his chest. For a moment she stood there like this, his embrace was all she needed at this moment. Zarune wrapped his arms about her in a hug, something he normally did when she got like this. With that the two stood there for a moment before finally Molly pulled away from him wiping her eyes clean of the tears she had shed. "You think he will be alright?"
"Cullyn? I wouldn't worry too much about it, he can hold his own." The man smiled. Their lessons had been getting on nicely since his shoulder and hand had healed. The boy was quite powerful in the way of magic if he could just put his mind to it. Zarune himself had been learning the way of mind magic now, in order to teach the child. Clearly he wasn't good at it, though he had found a whole shelf in the library about the magic art. It might have been a bit slow in the beginning but now, the child actually seemed to understand the power he held, well just a bit. The woman didn't answer at this but instead hugged him again. This time though she slipped a snowball into the back of his robes making him cry out as he tried to wiggle free of the icy cold feeling. Giggling Molly returned to their game with the other children.
Level 57
Fright Master
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Posted: 6/13/2017 at 10:31 AM Post #487
Eldred ~ 21 ~ RG
"Thank you." Eldred said.
He rode past the guards, and broke into a gallop. There were many streets in the Capitol. In the Capitol, the Castle stood towering over the other houses.
Eldred dismounted at the front gates of the castle.
"I request audience with the royal family." Eldred said to the guard.
"And who might you be?" the guard asked, scowling at Pharos.
Eldred took off his hood. "My name is Eldred Torrent, noble of Windy Valley. I need to speak with the royal family." he repeated.
The guard scowled. "Very well." he sighed. The guard pushed the door open.
The throne room was vast and spacious. It had a very elegant and regal feel to it.
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/16/2015
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Posted: 6/14/2017 at 12:36 PM Post #488

Agrona ~~ Poisonmaker/Herbalist master ~~ 22 ~~ currently in: DC

As she heard his sugestion as to what their exuse of traveling togeather would be. "A family huh?" she said thoughtfully. She went silent for some time thinking through her options but that honestly seemed like the best one. "Werry well then hubby dear." she smiled at him. "So , when will we tell ouer daughter about this plan of ouers?" she asked, kicking a bit of snow that went flying.

Cullyn/Amden of the Sapling ~~ Crown Prince/king ~~ 5/65 ~~ Currently in RG

As he enterd his fathers chaimber he bowed politely. "You summoned me father?" he asked calmly. The old man looked at the boy under his bushy eyebrows. The princes clear, lively and determined brightblue eyes looked into the coold, calculating, hatefull eyes oh the king. For a moment the only thing that could be heard was the crackling of the fire. The two expensive rugs on the floor was in the clans colours and hade the crest on them. The king himself was dressed in a thick woolen tunic, over it was a armless shirt to help keep the body warm. Thick woolen pants and the finest of leather boots that ended at his knees stuffed with fur and starw to keep the old man warm. Over all this was a thick, fluffy bearfur hanging, covering him from the shoulders down to his feet. Despite all this the man was sitting close by the fire and Cullyn knew fully well why. The old body of the king was hurting from the cold weather.

"It wasnt loong ago that you talked so proudly of the role of a prince ... yet instead of studying or training for your future you are out playing?" he said in a chilling tone. The child looked down at the floor in silence a moment. "I do apologice father, I shall not do such a thing again." he promissed with a disapointed look on his face. "Werry well, either way I need you to know that lord Eldred of the Phoenix clan is arriving today." he said seriously. "I will greet him and make sure that I get to know him then father." he said calmly. With a nod the man looked at the prince that stood as proud as always. He were just about to say something as a knocking was heard. "Enter" the king said and in came a servant.

The servant bowed deeply to the two most powerfull humans in the world. "Your highness, my prince. I wanted to inform you that lord Eldred of the phoenix clan have arrived and is waiting in the thronerome." the man explained. "Thank you." was all the king said before slowly standing up and walking towards the throneroom. As cullyn followed his father it took the duo some time to reach the massive throneroom. Once in it the king sat down on his throne and the boy took his place to the right of his father, standing, still dressed in his outside clothes. The massive fireplace behind the throne was sparking quiet loudly and the two fireplaces on the longsides was lit as well, managing to keep the room surprisingly warm. "I welcome you to my home lord Eldred of the phoenix clan. I hope your travel have been pleasent." the king said in a calm, collected yet stern tone.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 6/15/2017 at 8:29 AM Post #489
Ruairi~23 years~DC

"I feel it would be for the best yes." The bard smiled towards his 'wife'. Sure it wasn't official but still it felt as if it was. Maybe after this little gag he could asked her to be his wife for real but for now he just wanted to stick with this. As he approached Thea he could tell the the girl was very flustered. She was shivering and attempting to get the snow off of her though it seemed the more she dusted off the more she found. "Thea?" Ruairi asked causing the girl to look up for a moment.
"Yes? If it's about the curing sorry. I'll try not to do it again." She answered before beginning on getting dusted off again. In reality though she really didn't plan on not doing it again. If someone or thing made her mad she would be happy to tell them all about it.
"It's not that at all. How would you like to be my daughter?" The girl stopped for a moment eyes wide. Daughter? He was offering to be her father?! Unable to control herself she threw her arms about his neck.
"I would be happy to accept the offer." She answered through tears.
Level 57
Fright Master
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Posted: 6/15/2017 at 10:08 AM Post #490
Eldred ~ 21 ~ RG
"It is an honour. My journey was harder than some." Eldred said. "It has been a long way."
"Skraaaaa." Pharos squawked.
"My father wished you well. He would have liked to come in person, but the health of the Lord of Windy Valley is fading. So he sent me in his stead. It is an honour to meet you." Eldred said. Pharos started to preen his feathers.
"I have brought a letter from the Lord, my father. He said it was for your eyes only." he said, handing the king the letter.

(The letter is about diplomatic trash)
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 6/15/2017 at 10:08 AM.
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