Players (Online): 41 Players (Today): 364 Players (Active): 2,396
Players (New): 13 Visitors (Today): 2,366 Pets (Total): 8,245,572
Season: Spring   Weather: Windy
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Username: Jillyana
Title: The Kind-Hearted
User ID: 28738
User Level: 61
Joined: 1/16/2015 at 12:42:21pm
Last Online: 2,015 Days ago
Account Age: 3,388 Days
Profile Views: 2,540
About Me


Job: Make up titles
Want a title? Send me a mail and il make one based on your username.

Arkhantha - six full qit project offspring, payment was 1 enhanced essence (more if wanted)

Niraya - six full qit project offspring, payment was 1 enchanced essence. (more if wanted)

NightbaneWolf - free number of qit project offsprings nuff said :3

KaliOfDarkness - free number of qit project offsprings to the queen, nuff said :3

Name: Ida
Country: Sweden
Sex: female The deverry series by Katherine Kerr keeping up aperance, M*A*S*H*407
fav.Movie: Grave of the Firelies
Fav.Srtist/group: Nordman nnu glder solen
Idol/hero: Sailor Moon
hobbies: Drawing, reading, writing
Family: My cat <3 (mom, and brother)


thanks Nighty darling
Pet Information
In order to help reduce Server Load, these stats have been temporarily disabled.
Exploration Information
Battle Record: 6,294-37 (99.42%)
Mission Record: 3,091-12 (99.61%)
Gold Earned: 29,032,666
Scales Earned: 25,296
Quests Completed: 19
Sylestia Completion: 12.05%
Dungeons Cleared: 31
Bosses Defeated: 82
Elites Defeated: 144
Superiors Defeated: 999
Mythical Items Found: 2
Legendary Items Found: 414
Epic Items Found: 629
Rare Items Found: 760