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Level 63
The Tender
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Posted: 5/22/2021 at 10:04 AM Post #91
Author: Starpup5
Time Posted: 5/18/2021 at 2:41 PM
"That's not good for me," Mr. Niccos mutters quietly, "Yes I know what the cards mean, I used to know a con artist not that I'm staying you're one." His demiener doesn't change much aside from being a little more cautious, "Do your cards say anything else?"

"well the cards have a certain way of working for different people" she remarked. "But what they're telling me is that in your past something happened that drastically changed your perspective, or you let someone go." she pointed to the devil card. "But something inside of you is holding you back" she then pointed to the Seven Of Wands. "Holding you back, and preventing you from rising up to meet a challenge" . All of that information had just come from the cards. She looked back at her deck and drew one more. The Ten Of Cups. "The Deck suggests that to overcome that obstacle that is preventing you from confronting your challenge, is for you to strengthen the bonds you do have with friends, family and possibly a loved one." she finished. It was a simply complex reading, more complex than she'd thought.
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 5/22/2021 at 7:42 PM Post #92
Author: Starpup5
Time Posted: 5/14/2021 at 4:58 PM
A few minutes later a pair of shoes arrives outside your door. Seems like this stranger has no desire for you to get caught. He waits paciently for you to arrive in room 365. Once you arrive you see his room is sparsly furnished except for the two laptops and a Sherlock Holmes novel. One is open to the current case and the other has the rest of the contestant's names, pictures, and type of work on it. There are two bounty hunters with the last name Jamison.
"I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Nike Niccos. No I was not named after the shoe brand. I was named after the goddess of victory," The stranger speaks, "I have already made alliances with some of the contestants. I suggest you do the same since generally it's mutually benifical. In case you were wondering how I knew about the dog and the police, I'm not nieve, I saw the grass, the scent of mint, and what looked like a certain type of mud from the manor. Now most would try to be sneaky unless they were being chased and since you're a bounty hunter most likely a dog chased you.''

"I'm pretty sure the shoe brand was also named after the goddess of victory." I point out. "So you're technically like twins, name-wise. You didn't really need to clarify. Uhh, anyways, I probably would have, already, if I hadn't been, ya know, running from a dog." I'm slightly impressed and suspicious of this guy's seeming level of expertise.
Edited By Skylarky on 5/22/2021 at 7:42 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
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Posted: 5/22/2021 at 9:41 PM Post #93
"Sirina wants my head on a silver platter," Mr. Niccos explains, "I have to walk carefully around her thankfully she's not in New York at the molment. I still love her but then again so do half the males who know or have met her. So you're saying I basically have to walk into the lion's den and beg for my life and her forgiveness before she kills me got it. Do you think email would count? Alright you can have the book." He gives you the book pulling out a copy from his bag which was oviously reprinted using a copier, "Yeah I copied a few notes from the book which really stood out."

When he mentions Miss Morgan's name he sounds slightly scared and more then a little hopeful.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 5/22/2021 at 9:45 PM Post #94
Mr. Niccos's eyes narrow at the thought of sharing a name with a shoe brand, "Well I certainly hope you don't bump into Mr. Green or the other bounty hunters in this contest without someone to back you up. Now I want to know exactly what you did or did not see at the manor. Before you speak though you're putting this on."
He hands you a bracelet of some kind, "This works as basically a mini lie detector green for truth and beeping and red for lying. If you hide anything it will turn yellow. Now do you want to tell me what you know and have my help or would you like to walk away right now? I won't offer my help again."
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 5/22/2021 at 10:08 PM Post #95
Author: Starpup5
Time Posted: 5/22/2021 at 9:45 PM
Mr. Niccos's eyes narrow at the thought of sharing a name with a shoe brand, "Well I certainly hope you don't bump into Mr. Green or the other bounty hunters in this contest without someone to back you up. Now I want to know exactly what you did or did not see at the manor. Before you speak though you're putting this on."
He hands you a bracelet of some kind, "This works as basically a mini lie detector green for truth and beeping and red for lying. If you hide anything it will turn yellow. Now do you want to tell me what you know and have my help or would you like to walk away right now? I won't offer my help again."

I spin the bracelet around my finger noncommitally. "This is cute, I made something similar for a science fair project in high school. Did you know it's only around 87% accurate at best? Probably less, actually, seeing as it relies solely on artificial intelligence and really only detects stress levels. Anyway, wouldn't it be better if you prove yourself to be trustworthy before I tell you anything? I'd like to know whether what I'm supposed to be considering is actually your help."
Edited By Skylarky on 5/22/2021 at 10:08 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
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Posted: 5/22/2021 at 10:20 PM Post #96
Mr. Niccos smiles, "Finally someone in this competition asks that question. I can give you the book which you are free to examine now if you would like. I will also give you a decoder I happened to come across from Mr. Green. He's up to something big. I know who he truly is and it's best to stay a few steps ahead of him at all times. How do I know I should trust you Mr. Lee? I don't think I should but so far I don't have many options it's either you I take a chance on or go after the real killer alone. In case you were wondering I have techinical knowelage and can rig up a bug to spy on people as well as hack into security cameras and other places. Also if you get into a fight I'm a black belt at judo. Mr. Lee what do you bring to the table aside from what you saw at the manor?"
One of the laptops beeps and Mr. Niccos uickly checks it, "Intresting. Very bad but intresting. It seems like Mr. Green has just made another ally. He has two that I know of Miss Icily and someone working in the police department but I don't know who. This third is problematic though Mr. Lee since she and I know each other quiet well. Who knows what a former spy can come up with though? Maybe she's just playing him after all Mr. Bounty Hunter science shows that flies are more attracted to honey then vinegar."
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 5/23/2021 at 12:28 AM Post #97
Author: Starpup5
Time Posted: 5/22/2021 at 10:20 PM
Mr. Niccos smiles, "Finally someone in this competition asks that question. I can give you the book which you are free to examine now if you would like. I will also give you a decoder I happened to come across from Mr. Green. He's up to something big. I know who he truly is and it's best to stay a few steps ahead of him at all times. How do I know I should trust you Mr. Lee? I don't think I should but so far I don't have many options it's either you I take a chance on or go after the real killer alone. In case you were wondering I have techinical knowelage and can rig up a bug to spy on people as well as hack into security cameras and other places. Also if you get into a fight I'm a black belt at judo. Mr. Lee what do you bring to the table aside from what you saw at the manor?"
One of the laptops beeps and Mr. Niccos uickly checks it, "Intresting. Very bad but intresting. It seems like Mr. Green has just made another ally. He has two that I know of Miss Icily and someone working in the police department but I don't know who. This third is problematic though Mr. Lee since she and I know each other quiet well. Who knows what a former spy can come up with though? Maybe she's just playing him after all Mr. Bounty Hunter science shows that flies are more attracted to honey then vinegar."

"Hmm," I say, filing the ominous information about Mr. Green away for later. "You did say that you already had several allies, so I don't think you're really that alone." Nevertheless, I think for a moment. "You already know the bounty hunter bit, I'd say I'm pretty competent even if I, ah, don't take as brutal of an approach as most. I've got several years' experience directly in the field itself, maybe not as much as some others, but I've been well acquainted with similar things for," I think of my dad, "for awhile longer. Oh, and I guess I can also mess with wiring, make several things without electrocuting myself, I guess." I add almost as an afterthought, deliberately making it sound like it's less important to my skillset than it is. He can probably tell I'm a college student, a search on me would probanly reveal that, but I decide not to tell him reveal my level of skill at the moment.
Edited By Skylarky on 5/23/2021 at 12:40 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
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Posted: 5/23/2021 at 7:32 PM Post #98
"Electrical engineering correct," Mr. Niccos asks, "You're right I'm not totally alone but against Mr. Green's forces I wish not to take any more unnessicary risks. You see Mr.Lee that murder has already been commited and I have no desire to be the next victim nor I believe does anyone else. As a sign of good will I'll give you the notes for free."
He hands you a binder of copied notes from Nellie Bly's book.
Level 63
The Tender
Joined: 7/19/2017
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Posted: 5/24/2021 at 6:07 PM Post #99
Author: Starpup5
Time Posted: 5/22/2021 at 9:41 PM
"Sirina wants my head on a silver platter," Mr. Niccos explains, "I have to walk carefully around her thankfully she's not in New York at the molment. I still love her but then again so do half the males who know or have met her. So you're saying I basically have to walk into the lion's den and beg for my life and her forgiveness before she kills me got it. Do you think email would count? Alright you can have the book." He gives you the book pulling out a copy from his bag which was oviously reprinted using a copier, "Yeah I copied a few notes from the book which really stood out."

When he mentions Miss Morgan's name he sounds slightly scared and more then a little hopeful.

Okay he just spilled alot she thought to herself as she gingerly took the book. "i'm also not suggesting you do anything you're uncomfortable with, the cards are just suggestions and very vague readings... unless you'd like a more in depth reading which we could work out a time for" she remarked. "But i will thank you for the book, it has been... a pain to find"
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
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Posted: 5/24/2021 at 6:12 PM Post #100
Nike frowns, "Thanks for the advice. Also I suggest finding a dictionary or maybe a translator. It's in Portugese. If you need me I'll be in room 365 at this hotel. The deskclerk will know how to get a hold of me." At that Mr. Niccos leaves going towards the park.

Just as he said the book was in Portugese.
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