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Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/16/2015
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Posted: 3/2/2017 at 2:14 PM Post #291

Cullyn of the Sapling ~~ Crown Prince ~~ 5 ~~ Currently in RG
When he found something in the book he looked around him after quil and inc as well as some parchment or paper. But to his dismay he found nothing of it, the man was walking up towards him so with a sour face he turned the man his back and pulled out a few strands of hair, putting them as a bookmark. This book is something he wont be able to put down for several reasons for now. Several of the words in the book was hard to understand and read. And despoite the child knowing that the chaimberlain could read, he took the book and walked past the man who simply walked after the child. Once in his chamber the boy dismissed the man by saying "il stay here for the day so you can go". As the man bowed to the boy he walked out of the chamber, leaving the prince to sit on his massive bed.

The man walked to Mollys chamber before knocking. "Miss Molly?" the man asked while looking at the door.Well now he just had to apologice for using her name.

Agrona of the Raven ~~ Poisonmaker master ~~ 22 ~~ currently in: DC

Her lightbrown eyes looked at him as he talked, well atleast atempted to talk. He was breathing way to heavy for a man that travels for a living. He cant be as well trained, or atleast not as quick and absolute NOT a long distance runner. "now now, you talk a bit much dont you? Im not that fast and fight? I cant recall fighting" she said with red cheeks. at his comment. Her face turned towards him before she shuckled a bit. "Truley you must be jesting Ruairi, My looks is nothing above average" she said looking down at the wolves. If she was alone she might have tried going down there to take them down. But as it was now she wasnt alone. "And you arnt precisly badlooking yourself" she said with a faint smile as she looked up at him again. His red mane-like hair and beard really fits his skin, his eyes sharp and kind yet they seem to be experienced somehow. He have a really nice build to his body as well, well muscled and giving of a impression of him beeing what would be called muscular. To be honest he seems to have everything most women look for if they could choose. Kind, genrous, strong and polite. For most, and her included, he is a dream come true, simply waiting to be picked.

NPC for Hawk & Sapphire

He looked at the priest before simply pushing him down on the table again. "She said something about going to meet the king. Now however you need to rest your hoolyness. " he said in a strict tone. With that he helped his students to carry the table with the priest to the beds there they put him in one of them. The straw was warm and once the young man was in it the herbalist put blankets over him. "Now, you need to rest. If you need anything you can ask my aprentices for it." he said in a commanding tone. It was clear that the old man was used to beeing obeyd and people doing as he told. The tone in the old mans voice didnt allow any protests or objections, simply obediance.

The captain nodded before bowing back at the young lord. "yes sire" he said and with a nod one of the soldiers walked up to the boy with his horse, saddled and ready to get going. They all had their own horses behind them in a tidy and orderly row. The soldier took the lords saddlebags and put it behind the saddle as he hold the horse for the lord so he could sit up without problem. The captain waited calmly with the soldiers still at attention. Untill the lord is safely on his horse they wont be allowed up on theirs. Most of the horses behind the soldiers were chestnut colourd with diffrent signs, the captains however was a buckskin coloured gelding with a white star in its forehead. The animal was standing as stiff and still as its owner, waiting paitently ans well behaved next to his rider.
Level 66
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 9/21/2016
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Posted: 3/3/2017 at 9:42 AM Post #292

He got on his horse which was grey. He closed his eyes. He looked at his escort and then he sighed. This was basically exile at it's finest to him. He wondered what it would be like in the king's court. Had Emont ever thought of going there but not because of punishment? What would have the king thought of Emont? He knew deep down he would of loved Emont's personality to death. It made him sick about how everyone loved Emont even though he wasn't flawless. He had seen his brother in the forest venting out his rage. One could say he was weak to anger if they had ever seen him hunt while angry. Aris then shook his head. Now was not the time to think of his brother. He had heard of the King's son before. Would he get along with him? Would he ever even see him.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 3/3/2017 at 9:52 AM Post #293
Zarune~ 29 years old~ RG

"I have no time for rest!" The priest said again pushing himself up yet again, wincing yet again as the bandage rubbed on his wound. "You don't know how pressing this is, I may not get another chance to speak with her!" With this he rose to his feet. "Now if you will, please locate and bring me my robes. I would prefer not to walk about the town bare chested. If you deny me this right then I will just be forced to leave here in the nude." He had never spoke like this before, it felt nice to finally stand up for himself. Maybe dying hadn't been so bad in the first place if it made him feel this way about his life. At this rate he could stand up against Molly and maybe hold his own without getting torn apart. With this thought he stood a bit taller even past the pain in his shoulder. "I'm not an infant, I need not be treated like one. I know my limitations and what I can and can't do better than any one else. I believe that I will be fine with a little bit of a walk. Nothing more will become of the trip." Though he knew not what the trip would bring. Surely Molly wouldn't be too mad would she?

Molly~25 years~RG

****** who could that be?! Couldn't they tell she cared not for company? "One moment please!" She called wiping away the tears that stained her face. Molly cared not if anyone saw the tears she had shed, though she did want to at least appear somewhat civilized. Carefully she pulled herself from the bed, trying as she might not to trip over the dress as she did. How ridiculous she felt! God it was humiliating! Grumbling she threw open the door half hoping that Zarune would be the one at the door though she was mistaken when the chamberlain standing there. "Yes?" She asked a bit irritated that a man such as himself would come crawling to her chamber. Was he here to gawk at her?! Lords about help him if he was. She may have been a woman but she could still deliver a nasty punch when provoked, and today was not a good day to get on her bad side. Too much had happened and she was not in a mood to deal with the stuff people brought to her. "It better be good what ever it is." The words slipped from her tongue with enough hostility that they could be cut with a dull knife.

Ruairi~23 years~DC

A laugh escaped his throat at this. "Surely you jest! Can you not see your beauty? It seems to me that no woman would ever call herself beautiful even if the highest of kings told her she was." With this said he laid the lute across his lap, picking at the strings a bit. The wolves below seemed not to care about leaving even with the insults Agrona was throwing at them. "How about a song milady? To pass the time?" Before she could answer he had already shouldered the lute picking a fine tune on it. (Ruairi is to be compared to an Irishman.) "Perhaps I'll sing of this time. I'll call it...I haven't got a clue what to call it but anyways." He stopped then being interrupted by a howl. "It's alright boys! I promise that I'll be here for a while yet!" He said even though he was a bit cross. The tune again started up. It was cheery despite their current situation, yet it had an edge that cut through the air. "I hope this doesn't take too terribly long, I do have to be at the inn by night fall."
Edited By Hawkeye on 3/3/2017 at 1:09 PM.
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/16/2015
Threads: 27
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Posted: 3/3/2017 at 11:05 AM Post #294

Cullyn of the Sapling ~~ Crown Prince ~~ 5 ~~ Currently in RG
he looked at the door after some time before going and fetching some writing material and the dictonary he had in his bookshelf. With that he sat down on the bed again as he read the massivly thick book he had picked out from the library. Every now and then he looked up a word in the dictonary before scribbling it down on the perchment. The young boy didnt even notice the servants that occasionally walked in to make sure the fire didnt go out as well as to make sure the prince didnt need anything. But the child never look up at them, he didnt even seem to notice them at all.

The man stood silent while waiting patiently. He heard on her tone when she told him to wait that she was upset. However as the door was thrown open he had to step back quickly or he would have been hit by it. And judging by the force it went past him he would have ended bedridden for a day or two if it had landed a hit on him. When she told him it better be good he instantly regretted going here. He is a chaimberlain, he is a servant! He dont have any experience in fighting! Atleast not more than he did as a child but it was rarly even then. "I simply came to apologice for using your name miss, however I did it so his highness would eat." he explained while doing a small, polite bowing towards her. He atleast wanted to apologice to her for doing so and he wanted to do it properly. He is a honest man that does it work no matter the cost.

Agrona of the Raven ~~ Poisonmaker master ~~ 22 ~~ currently in: DC

At his comment she couldnt help but snicker a bit. Well he do have a point. When asked if she wanted to hear a song she didnt even have time to answer so instead she just leaned back, looking at him with curious look on her face. As he started to make a bit of sound come from the instrument she closed her eyes, just enjoying it. But as a wolf howled she simply glared down at it before laughing a bit at Ruairis comment to the wolf. "You sir are truley amazing at losing up a tense situation, but if you feel the need to get there quickly maby you could climb down and talk to them?" she sugested with a teasing tone to make it sure he understood she was joking. As one of the wolves stared to how again she simply tossed a pinecone in its mouth as it opend it to start over again. This made the wolf back a bit surpriced as well as doing a coughing like sound. "I asume that gives me a few points" she mumbled while looking at the animal that got a surpriced look as it looked around itself, trying to figure out where it had come frome.

NPC for Hawk & Sapphire

The man sighed a bit, rolling his eyes at the young mans unvillingness to do as told. "il have you loan a set of my own clothings. It may be a bit small as you are taller than me, however your own is beeing washed and would only serve to give you a nasty coold" he said and waved for the priest to follow him. The old master walked through the shop and every room belonging to it before coming in to a section beyond it, it looked compleatly diffrent and in there sat a old woman, knitting a blanket. Thank the gods the priest was atleast not butt naked. Once the door opend the woman got up. "No need Rosaria, Il just lend the young man some clothings" he reasured the woman that nodded and sat down again. With that he walked into their bedroom, looking through a chest of clothes trying to find something that would fit atleast somewhat on the man. He himself is about a head shorter than the priest so nothing would look good on him but atleast decently was what he was after for now.

Once the young lord got up on his horse the captain nodded for the escort to get up on theirs. And with a movment so rehearsd it looked as one beeing as they in precis syncronisation got up on their horses. The four soldiers got on two rows with to soldiers in each row while the captain took his place next to the young boy. "Whenever you are ready my lord" he said politely bowing his head to him. He had no idea why the boy was to leave for the kings castle at this point in the night, but he as well as the four soldiers behind him will do as told and escort the boy to the kings castle. Now, how loong since he had been there? The princes birth? Yeah thats most likely it. However despite the riders eagerness to do their work in the middle of the night the animals themselves was ... eum ... less enthusiastic about working during the houers that was ruled by the moon.
Level 66
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 9/21/2016
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Posted: 3/3/2017 at 1:20 PM Post #295

He nodded. He was ready to head out to this new place. Would he be welcomed? Would they like him? No he felt like they would hate them. He knew that his brother would have been adored if he ever came to the King's court. He bet even the king would love Emont. He was always the favored one. Aris hated it that's why he had wanted to kill him because he wanted to be loved and important. But no his mother was always worried about Emont and never Aris. He was always shoved aside and discarded when Emont could be in his place. He muttered something quietly. He closed his eyes.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 3/3/2017 at 3:06 PM Post #296
Zarune~ 29 years old~ RG

How big was this place? It seemed much larger than most infirmaries he had been to, none though that he had actually been the patient in till now. Many of his trips had been to deliver messages or a pray to some ill temple goer. Once or twice he had gone to retrieve a body, many of which were children that he could easily carry to the temple to bless and see that they made it to the right place though now it seemed that everyone made it to the same place before they were blessed. Now he knew all about that, a strange though really. Least be said he was glade it had not granted him any powered beyond those the temple and the stone had given him. When handed the dark green tunic he took it looking at the rather soft fabric it was made of before hastily attempting to pull it over his head. The palm of his hand was easy enough to avoid hurting more, but his should proved more inclined to remind him of its pain. The slightest movement of his shoulder caused him to gasp in pain, doubling over as he did. Now his vision completely blackened though he remained aware of everything that was happening around him. After what felt line an eternity the pain retreated back inside the wound allowing its barer to regain his composer. Breathing a bit heavily he stood again this time being more careful to use his left hand to inch the tunic up over his head before pulling it down. Raising his arm was not an option thus he simply put his right arm in the into the fabric first. Getting it on from there was a feat, seeing that it was already too small plus as he had to put it on all wrong. Next to be put in was his head followed by his left arm before it was pulled on over his chest and abdomen. Panting now form effort he took a moment to rest. The tunic was a bit tight hugging him about the shoulder and chest not to mention the arms being a bit short to cover the full length of his arms. After struggling for a bit he pushed the sleeves up to his elbows hoping to counter react the shortness of it. All in all the clothed felt nice, so much softer than his robes though these were a lot colder that the wool he was used to wearing. His own tunic, having been a white color was bound to be stain a red color now that not amount of washing would remove. He would have to have the other sewn up as well as his robes though that can wait until later. "Thank you, my friend. As I said before I plan not to take long though if I return in worse ware is a different matter." With that being said he turned to leave nearly rubbing his arm on the frame of the door. "You dont happen to have a bit of clothe that I can tie my arm up with do you? I would rather not have the wound open due to hitting it on something."

Molly~25 years~RG

as much as she wanted to be angry is was hard to be when the lad seemed so concerned about the simple use of her name. "Well what did you call me?" SHe asked crossing her arms over her chest and leaning on the frame of the door. "I do hope that you reframed from calling me a hag for that I am not despite my actions." Lord how many times had she been called a hag in her lifetime? There was that once, back home on the farm, when that little boy down the lane had called her one when she refused to play the game he wanted. After being kicked down the family well his attitude changed for the better. it took him nearly the whole morning to finally climb out and then he agreed to play whatever game she wanted.Then there was that one guard at the gate when she refused to allow him to order her about. He found it good to call her a "ungrateful hag, that didn't want to please a man". For that he received a mighty kick to the crouch which sent his to his knees for a good while. One couldn't forget the drunk in the bar who found her to be a disgusting hag that no one would find in their bed. When the doctors arrived they said that he simply fell while eating thus inhaled the very fork that brought him food. Later he died due to his injuries though she was never charged. It seemed that no matter where she went people got hurt, mainly by her. Even Zaruen had fallen to the blight of this trap. Hopefully he would pull through though. And what if he didn't? Then she would never forgive herself for letting him get hurt. Was this the feeling for someone that one called love?

Ruairi~23 years~DC

"Many have said that, though others seem to be angered by my humor." He stopped the tune and looked down at the wolves. "There are clearly too many for us to take on even with the two of us so that leaves...." With this said he stood up throwing the lute over his back. The tree next to theirs was not too far thus the bard took a flying leap to it. "We can always jump to the town!" He called back before taking another leap forward. Sasha growled at him as he went, threatening to bite him with each jump. " At this rate we should make it is we are careful!" Though in saying this he missed his jump some and fell down towards the ground catching himself only a few feet from the ground. Hanging there breathless and gazed he was helpless to the wolves nipping at his feet.
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 3/4/2017 at 2:40 AM Post #297

Cullyn of the Sapling ~~ Crown Prince ~~ 5 ~~ Currently in RG
As the man saw her leaning against the doorframe in a confident manner he licked his lips a bit nervously. Beeing new on the post as his father had past away only a year or so and therefor gottne the position he wasnt precisly as confident as he should. "I told his highness prince Cullyn that you asked him to eat some food, he would refuse otherwise so I lied and used your name. For that I truley apologice" he said in a calm manner. Molly is a couple of years older than him and he grew up seeing her kick one******after the other, thus he have a massive amount of respect for the woman. He is horrified of what the woman would do with him for using her name, but he would fear it more if she found out on her own. He isnt precisly the oldest of servants, in fact he is in the younger group. But chaimberlain is more often than not passed down from father to son just like the title of king would. However despite his young age he is able, hardworking, honest and loyal into the bone. Wich was why noone batted an eye as the young man had been given the title of chaimberlain, basicly the kings right hand. As it was now he had probably interacted more with the prince this week than he had his own children that was working in the castle in diffrent possitions.

As he sneezed a bit one of the maids stopped, looking at him before taking a chanse. "Is there anything I can get you your highness?" the maid asked politely with a smile. The child looked up, confused at her. "Eum ... something warm to drink perhaps?" he asked politely. "Ofcorse your highness, Il get you something right away" she smiled, kneeling and walking out of the chamber.

Agrona of the Raven ~~ Poisonmaker master ~~ 22 ~~ currently in: DC

She looked after him before standing up on the branch. Carefully she balanced out on the tip of it and jumped to the next tree. After the first jump she picked up the pace a bit, her fett taking relaxed, confident strides on the branch with relaxed movements. As she landed on a branch next to Ruairis she stopped, looking calmly at him. "Need some help?" she smiled, offering him her hand. This was kinda fun to be honest, it reminded her of the training she had recieved by the clan and priests as she trained to be an assasin so she found it rather easy to walk on the branches, as well as junping between them. So for her it was no big deal really. Heck she like any child of the raven clan had been trained to walk easly on ropes, so branches was easy in comparision.

NPC for Hawk & Sapphire

He looked at the man struggling with the tunic. It was with a mix of amuzement and anxiousness that he observed the man. As he folded double he took a step towards the man that somehow remained consious enough to stand up. As he seemd to get his thoughts back to himself he relaxed a bit. Once the man had his tunic on "Ofcorse I have a cloth for that, no need to be insulting young man. But first maby a pair of trousers as well?" he commented to the man holding over a pair. The old herbalist glared at the priest, clearly not amuzed by his question of IF they had a cloth to help his arm rest in. If he could he would kick his tiny******out on the streets. But he is a patient and further more he is a priest no matter how you look at it.

He nodded and as the young lord started to ride away he made the same. The small escort of four soldiers behind them let their horses begin to walk as well. "Sire, are you okej?" the man asked after some time. He had observed the young boy as they left the castle behind them and he seemed to be more troubled than usual. The buckskin coloured horse shaked its head as if it was telling its rider that the child wasnt okej at all. However once the horse had shaken a few times he walked calmly once more. The man patted the animal encouraging and as a apology for having him work this odd houer of the day, eurm ... night.
Level 66
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 9/21/2016
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Posted: 3/4/2017 at 9:39 AM Post #298

Aris shook his head deep in thought. He felt his horse shaking and he pet it's neck trying to comfort it. He whispered into it's ear then leaned back. He pat his horse gently as they went along. He felt comfortable for once in a lifetime on a horse. He somehow felt safe. Was it because of all the guards? Was it because he was going to a safe place? Would he be welcomed there? Or would he be sent home? No it couldn't happen but he knew it could. He just refused to believe so.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 3/4/2017 at 10:37 AM Post #299
Zarune~ 29 years old~ RG

That would explain why it was a bit breezy down there. How undignified it would have been to walk out with noting on more than a shirt and what ever was covering a portion of his legs. Try as he might he couldn't help but blush, his cheeks growing hot as he took the trousers. How in world was he going to get these on? The tunic had been hard enough, though that had involved raising his hands this one the other hand didn't have to. Taking a breath Zarune leaned on the door frame thus ruling out that he had to balance on one foot. After bending over he pulled the pants over his left foot first, rolling the legs of the pants up around his ankle, before pulling it on over his right foot doing the same to it. Then taking the trousers in both hands he stood up, pulling the trousers up nearly all the way. His left hand finished the job setting the pants in their proper place. Now even his hand was throbbing though it was nothing compared to his shoulder. The hardest part was out of the way at least leaving only shoes which could be forgotten if need be. "I meant no disrespect." He said rather breathless. Since when had he gotten so out of shape? If he had to keep this up for long, it would be the death of him. Of course he could ask for help, but that would admitting defeat something that he could not do. It was still tiring nonetheless, thus he sat in a chair to try and catch his breath.

Molly~25 years~RG

A chuckle escaped her throat as she laughed which ended in a rather hardy snort. "There is nothing wrong with that my young man, though I am glade you did tell me. You seem like a nice enough lad, what's your name?" Even then though her mind was elsewhere. The gem was still pressed against her chest, even now it's warmth was passing through her. What could it be? Some priest charm no doubt, though what it's use was was nothing she knew. Though this thought brought he back to the fact that she had just left Zarune down in the town with the herbalists without going back to make sure he was at least going to live. With injuries like that he would be lame for a while if not forever. He would need help no doubt, though she was torn between wanting to help and wanting to punch him the next time she saw him. What would Cullyn wish her to do? Well of course he would want her to help him, plain and simple thus that if what she would do. Despite her anger for the priest they were both in the same boat at the moment. Birds of a feather flock together. After this conversation with the young man she would venture down and check on the priest granted he was still among the living.

Ruairi~23 years~DC

A simple smile was all he could manage as he pulled himself. Sasha was trembling on his shoulders having barely been able to hold on when they fell. "T-that was close." He coughed. "Think I may have even seem my life flash before my eyes." With that he rubbed the sore spot of his chest and looked out across the woods. "The town is just over there, though it looks as if the trees that can hold us up end about here. What do we do now? We can't outrun the wolves, and we can fight them." He thought for a moment but nothing came to mind. Great just great! They would be stuck up this tree with no hope of getting back to the town till the wolves left!
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/16/2015
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Posted: 3/4/2017 at 3:18 PM Post #300

Cullyn of the Sapling ~~ Crown Prince ~~ 5 ~~ Currently in RG
As the woman infront of him shuckled and told him it was fine he gave up a sigh of relife as well as relaxing quiet a lot. Thank god, he remeberd always sneaking away when molly enterd the same room as him as kids, he was simply horrified of the woman. "I thank you kindly for understanding miss, my name Cyneweard, son of the late chaimberlain Wemba and the kitchenaid Matty" he said while dowing a light, polite bow to the woman as he introduced himself properly. The woman had never had a reason to really know him, he was the son of the former chaimberlain and a kitchenaid, working to take his father place, never doing much trouble at all. Heck, if the woman wanted to she could easlybeat him down to a pulp without even trying.

When the young prince recieved the cup of warm milk he raised it to take a drink. But as the woman didnt stop looking at him he stoped in his movement, the cup not yet touching his lips, but still not far from it. Looking at the woman he sniffed the milk. Sweet? it had a sweet sent to it? "Whats in it?" he asked while lowering the cup. The woman looked a bit confused. "Just milk and honey your highness" she reasured him. He was silent for some time, looking down at the milk. "So you wouldnt mind drinking it first?" he asked holding the cup towards the woman that looked compleatly lost.

Agrona of the Raven ~~ Poisonmaker master ~~ 22 ~~ currently in: DC

"Well then" she said simply sitting down on her branch. If she had her poisons she would have dealt with the animals with eas but now she had to swallow her pride and let them tire on their own. "We seem to be having time to spare kind sir. So why not tell me what you just saw before your eyes? I would gladly listen" she saidwhile ``brushing`` her hair with her fingers. Despite the hair beeing short it was already filled with tangles that needed tending to. It had been months since she had been able to use some oils to her hair so it feelt dirty and it would take time to get untangled as well as any potential leaves, grass and so on out of it. Most likely most of the time that the wolves would be here anyway.

NPC for Hawk & Sapphire

The old man shuckled once more at the young priest. "I will even lend you a belt so you dont have to walk like that. Granted im not as tall as you are young man, but I sertainly are rounder so it will atleast go around you" he commented with a calm smile. With that he took out a old, worn and torn belt helping the priest to make sure it held both the pants and tunic in place. "Now, lets get you that cloth to your arm." he said calmly. With that he walked out of the bedroom and into the livingroom that belonged to him and his wife. After kissing her affectinatly on the cheeks and then her hand she rewarded him with a gentle kiss on the lips. "Il see you later my angel" he smiled at his wife that smiled back up at him, still holding the knitting in her hands. "Il see you later to my brave darling" she answered with pure love in her voice. With that done he walked out to the herbalist part of the house and took a simple yet steardy piece of fabric, 1.5meter long, it should be enough for what the priest wants and need. "I almost got the cloth the priest was wearing clean master" the youngest aprentice said as she came in with it. "Werry well, hang it to dry for now" the man answered calmly.

He looked at the young lord that simply shaked his head. So he wont tell him? Well thats ... disturbing. "Sire, if you dont mind pleace atleast keep up an act. The men will soon catch on if you look that down, The jeurney will take months and having them disheartend would be disastrous" he said while looking at the young boy. As a noble the young boy cant have luxaries such as anxiety, fear or sadness. He will simply have to bear the hatred, anger, sorrow and pain with a smile. Maby there is a reason they say that those who truley are free are those who travels the roads as a living? Going wherever they wish, doing whatever falls into their liking and feeling like the heart tells them. And maby, the only people more captive by fait than a lord is the royals. Having the burden of a mother, father and older brother of a nation, never beeing allowed to bend to their own emotions.He himself is bound by his job. He is to never faulter, never show fear or doubt. He is bound by his title to lead his soldiers by example, and that is courage, honor and loyalty.
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