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Posted: 1/5/2016 at 3:49 AM Post #21

Soltra8 - Ashter Vialis
Jay and Dominic (Yin) - Fountain

Hm? Sunstream, what - oh. The moment Ashter turned in the direction his companion was staring at, he immediately realised what had caught the phoenix's eyes - a navy-draped boy was walking his way. ...He seemed...familiar.

Seeing her partner's obvious confusion, Sunstream took that moment to speak up. My roommate? Go figure, the bird was the one with a better memory. Of course I read the notes father gave me - don't give me that look, you were there when I was studying them. I just... yeah, I didn't bother to remember much of it... I still have them though.

As if to prove his point, Ashter patted the slight bulge in his pocket, in which he still kept the few notes his father had given him. And no, it wasn't that he was lazy, but with the amount of care he had to give to his sick animals, he had no time to gather information himself. So he left that to his father.

Alright, I'll say hi, happy? With a hiss of displeasure and a glare directed to his companion, Ashter made his way towards the prince, calming himself as he walked. Hopefully these introductions wouldn't be too bad.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Soltra8 - Ren Kirigakure
Brendan (Yin) & Pyry (Loli) & Rie (Lotus) - Fountain

Ren was like a little child in a candy store - hyper, excited and above all else, happy. He couldn't wait till school started! ...Or wait to see his roommate. The moment his feet landed on the fountain pathway, the Liquian took off, weaving his way around the students and checking to see if any of them matched his roommate's description. But.. no luck.

Oh well, Ren just shrugged it off. His roommate would get here sooner or later, so he'll just meet him then, no biggie. For now though, he'll see if he can find anyone else to bug until then. Hopefully, he won't come off as too annoying. But... who to talk to?

There was Prince Jay and his twin with a redhead, a trio of light haired males and another of blue and white clad boys, five adults with two students - oh, so those were the teachers - and, who else? Oh, that brown haired, hazel eyed boy with those two... Ooohhh.

This was going to be fun. With a smile nearly matching the Chesire cat's he made his way over to the small group, greeting them with a wave just as the brown-haired male finished speaking. What was his name? Brendon? Brendan? ...He'll figure it out later. Hello! Ren said cheerfully, coming to a stop just beside the brown-haired male. I know you probably will want me to leave, but I thought I'd give it try and drop by to say hello. It's always good make some friends before classes starts, y'know? Oh, by the way, I'm Ren, Liquian. Nice to meet you.

...Yes, he knew he wasn't bowing, saluting or whatever else would be polite or respectful, but hey, this was school, not some formal gathering. If those royals didn't like his attitude, too bad mate, he wouldn't change how he acted for anyone! That being said, he was going to have so much fun here.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/5/2016 at 4:27 AM Post #22
Pyry (Loli), Rie(Lotus), Brendan (Yin) and Ren(Soltra8) - Fountain

Pyry had barely gotten over the shock of the red haired girl talking to him when the boy came and entered the conversation. And just when he was in the process of formulating the least awkward response to the girl too!
So when yet another boy came over to their small group, Pyry had to physically resist the urge to run away. He was so shocked at how forward thes people were, introducing themselves as though it were the simplest thing in the world.
In fact, he was surprised he hadn't started hyperventilating yet!
"N-no problem at all, y-you can stay here," he finally managed to stutter out to the newest boy, Ren, not managing to meet the eyes of either of the newcomers. He instantly forgot everything that had been said before the Liquian came. He glanced around nervously, wondering if anyone else was being attacked similarly.
He wondered who they all were, what type of family they came from and whether they'd share any classes together. Could he perhaps become friends with them???
He'd never had friends before.
Pyry then realised he was getting ahead of himself. He'd barely even said anything to them yet. And now they probably thought he was rude for not seeming interested in them. Not that he'd meant it.
He barely managed to hold back a sigh at himself, knowing it would only make matters worse. He was panicking. A lot. "Oh, I'm Pyry," he said, remembering that it was probably a good idea to introduce himself. Why am I so bad at this? he thought.

Edana(Loli) - Fountain
Edana trudged along the long road to Enchantia High, watching with a hint of jealousy as carriages passed by. She couldn't afford a carriage herself. She hadn't brought a lot of gold with her, as she didn't want to steal from her parents on top of leaving them. She had only her meagre earnings from baking to support her.
Besides, she'd thought the walk would help with her training. She hadn't thought about how tiring- or dirty- the trek would be.
Swiper mewed next to her, still bounding along, occasionally pouncing on mice who were unlucky enough to stray into his path. "Yes, yes, we're almost there," Edana replied, briefly stopping to give the serval cat some more water.
As she neared the school, she shifted her shirt around more, hoping it wasn't obvious that she was a girl. She was nervous, yet excited, looking forward to making new friends and continuing her training. But she could already feel paranoia setting in about her secret. Most of the kingdoms were okay with females being knights. But the town she grew up in was dead against it. If her old neighbours found out that her family's youngest daughter had become a knight, she would have brought them a great shame.
So Edana gave her hair a quick messing up. She wiped dirt and sweat off her face in the shadows of the school, watching as carriages pulled up in front of a fountain. "Gotta look presentable Swipes," she told her cat as she cleaned some mud off his leg.
She surveyed the people in front of her. Already groups were forming. She scooped up Swiper, giving the cat a good rub on the stomach. "Sorry buddy, you gotta hide." Swiper gave a disgruntled mew as the gently placed him into her largest bag, layered with blankets on the bottom. She pulled it onto her shoulder, making sure that she could still look into the open bag to ensure the cat was safe. He was already asleep when she glanced down. "Typical," Edana grunted.
And with that, she strode confidently into the school, looking anyone who glanced her way straight in the high. She kept her head up, hoping her bravado would soon become real. She sat herself on the edge of the fountain, looking nonchalant about the fact that she had no one to talk to. Despite her thoughts running at a million miles per hour, she knew she looked calm, approachable and totally totally not terrified about someone finding out a secret.

Fen (Loli) and Sage(Desiree) - Fountain
"Shadow! Stop!" Fen yelled as his hell hound bounded out of his carriage. Fen jumped out after him, startling the coachman who had dealt with Fen's babbling the whole ride
'I must move Fen. I cannot bear sitting still in that wretched prison for any longer', Shadow replied, communicating telepathically with Fen. The hellhound took extra pleasure in teasing Fen directly in his mind. Shadow had not stopped complaining the whole time. Fen scolded himself. I should have known he'd try something like this.
Fen sighed as he chased after Shadow. "It's a carriage! Not a prison!" Despite having tamed the hell hound over a year ago, Shadow still liked testing Fen and occasionally giving him trouble. It seemed that Fen's talent for mischief had rubbed of on the beast in all the wrong ways.
Fen could only watch in horror as Shadow took a giant leap and landed straight in the middle of a fountain.
Other students stared at him, some laughing, others afraid of the big dog, who was proudly staring down anyone who came near him. "You really are something Shadow," Fen muttered under his breath, begrudgingly shuffling over to the fountain. He apologised to a boy sitting on the edge, who was clutching one of his bags particularly tight.
"Yeah alright, I'm sorry Shadow," Fen exasperated, trying not to laugh at the startled expressions around him. If Shadow saw him even smiling, he would think he'd gotten away with his reckless behaviour!
Shadow smirked in a dog-like fashion. Then, gracefully he bounded down the fountain, ensuring that he splashed as much water around as possible. Geez Shadow, what am I to do with you?"
He glanced around, glad that most people had gone back to their conversations. Most, by the looks of things, had animal companions of their own, probably all too familiar with their antics themselves. Fen stared in awe at all of the creatures. One boy had an arctic fox. A blue sheep stood calmly next to a girl. And was that a phoenix flying around the boy with the red hair?
And... "That's a beautiful hummingbird you have there," Fen said to a girl with green hair, eyes widening at the small bird. Hummingbirds were rare in his forest... it was even rarer to find one so blue! Fen smiled at the bird buzzing around. "I don't think I've ever seen one so pretty!"
Fen quickly glared at Shadow who was preparing to jump up at the bird. No eating the bird his stare said.
Shadow sighed. 'I never have any fun.' Fen just rolled his eyes. "Oh, I'm Fen!" he said to the girl, grinning.

Anima and Karayan (Loli) - Fountain
Anima had been standing proudly for quite some time now. She was getting tired of holding her perfect posture, of holding her head high to have the light shining down on her in a perfect way. Karayan could see the stress was getting to her. "Hmmm." Anima turned slowly and ladylike, keeping her composure.
"Yes Karayan?" she asked, using his full name in front of others. Other royals would look down on her if they knew how close she was to her butler.
"It would appear everyone is socialising, Princess," Karayan replied, a hint of a smirk on his face. He loved playing the dumb servant in public.
Anima sighed at his games. So Karayan was getting bored too. "Well yes, I can see that," she huffed, haughtily flicking her hair.
"And how about you princess?" he whispered to her turned back. Anima ignored Karayan. She knew all of the royals that were over 25. All of the decision makers. But she had no clue who would be worth talking to here. And furthermore, who would want to talk to her.

Anyone want to talk to Ani and Karayan or Edana??? :)
Edited By Lolidragon on 1/5/2016 at 4:28 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/5/2016 at 8:02 AM Post #23

Soltra8 - Alfonse Kim, Caius Kim and Travis Kim

"Hm? Brother, isn't that your roommate who is currently being harassed by three others?" Travis was the first to spot the Electricon prince in the group of four, an amused smirk lacing his lips. It seemed as if the Electrite was in a bit of a spot, or rather, he seemed to be a cornered mice surrounded by three cats. It was funny to see, to say the least.

"He seems a bit... caught up... and busy... I doubt my going over would help things, Travis..." Alfonse said with an odd look on his face, as if he couldn't decide to be worried or to be confused by it all. But he did know that if he went over with Travis and Caius beside him, he'd likely make things worse. Pyry didn't seem to all that attention much, and more would probably only cause the prince distress.

"Then... what about another royal? Say... one of Nightlandia origins?" One could almost hear the smirk in Caius' voice as he spotted Princess Anima, whom he'd come to hear of when he was in her kingdom with Psyker for training. "You know... I think she's pretty bored right about now..." And in a moment of jest - and knowing that Alfonse would probably never try to speak with the princess if the choice was left up to him - Caius shoved his brother in Anima's direction.

"So, what are you going to do, Travis? I'll be following Alfonse, of course. Yet you... seem to wish to do something else?"

"Hmph. I wish to speak to my roommate, whom I spy over there..." Travis pointed to the fountain, where a hellhound had just caused a mess. "But, I also wish to check on our pets - I heard they were sent ahead of us? I'll admit, I'm itching to see Fang. Chrono, I heard, will arrive within the next few days. He's been busy with the gear dragons."

Caius merely chuckled as he started to walk off, following after Alfonse whom was nearing the Princess. But before he left, he said one final thing to his brother. "I agree. I can't wait to see mine either - from what I heard, aunt and uncle arranged for them to be waiting for us in our rooms. Now, why don't you get over there, and say hi to your new roommate? Don't go scaring him off, you here?" With a smirk and a wave, Caius picked up his pace, finally catching up to Alfonse and dragging the male the rest of the way to meet the princess.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Soltra8 - Alfonse Kim and Caius Kim
Anima and Karayan (Loli) - Fountain

Finally coming to a stop before the Nightlandia princess and the boy whom stuck by her, Alfonse nervously waved a greeting, purposely elbowing Caius in the side as he did so. "Ah.. H-hi... I'm erm..." And Alfonse was at a loss for words. Just what was he supposed to say? 'Hi there, I'm royalty too! Let's be friends!'? Yeah, right, like that was going to happen.

Flustered and stressed, Alfonse sighed, attempting to try again only to be stopped by his brother, who thankfully saw his nervousness and decided to start them off instead. "Prince Alfonse of Technologech. I'm Caius, his... aide." And while Caius saved the conversation.... sort of, he also gained a new bruise to his hip, which he received with a glare towards Alfonse.

"Brother, not aide!" The prince hissed out, returning his brother's glare before returning his attention to the princess and her follower. "Sorry about that, my brother prefers to introduce himself as my aide or bodyguard rather than family. How sweet, right? Anyway, nice to meet you, we're from the royal family of Technologech." Both males bowed to the duo, but not before Caius managed to get one last word out.

"Yeah, but I renounced my title, so bodyguard works fine."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Soltra8 - Travis Kim
Fen (Loli) & Sage (Desiree) - Fountain

Travis shook his head as he watched his brothers walk off. How they managed to get along was beyond him, seeing as how they were all so different. But perhaps that was the reason - they were all different, and that was what drew them together. But no matter, he wasn't here to ponder that, he was here to evaluate his roommate. After all, meeting them in person beat reading about them on paper.

Making his way over to whom he assumed to be Fen, he raised a hand in greeting, before introducing himself to the male... and the girl he seemed to be talking too. Wait, was he always this cheerful? ....They might not get along well... "Hm... Are you Fen? I'm Travis, your roommate?"

He didn't care if he was interrupting anything or not.
Edited By Soltra8 on 1/5/2016 at 6:56 PM.
Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 1/5/2016 at 9:18 AM Post #24
Desiree: Headmistress Myst & Vanille // Fountain
+Yin/Nathaniel/Ophelia -- +Bmr/Harmony -- +Soltra/Evangeline -- +Lotus/Julian

Just as the teachers started interacting with her, Vanille felt some weight pushed over her, and someone crying out her name. It felt like a... hug? She whirled around to see who it was, and was still almost terrified even though it was just her lady-in-waiting. "Ophelia?" she questioned innocently, still slightly confused at the ruckus. The princess still needed to take everything in. After all, something happened behind them, a wolf-like creature splashed into the fountain causing most to laugh or gasp. When Vanille turned to her aunt, she just rolled her eyes and smirked. She was in a good mood.

"O-oh, yes," She forgot Ophelia had asked to ride in a carriage together. "I'm so, so, sorry! Father insisted on a separate carriage, a-and we..." Vanille was at a sudden loss for words, nervous that Ophelia would be mad at her; that was highly unlikely, though. The two had grown so close after meeting, and still, the princess talked so formally around her.

The Headmistress chuckled when Ophelia arrived. "Why, hello, dear." she said, waving back. The two girls definitely grew a lot since the last time they'd met. "Nice to see you again, too. It's lovely seeing a friend of Vanille." A smile widened across her face before she decided not to add, "Our family wouldn't know what to do without you."

She sighed and gestured to the other students. "We're heading inside in a few minutes, girls. Run along and mingle before we do." she said as she shooed them off.


Desiree: Sage // Carriage, Fountain
+Loli/Fen -- +Soltra/Travis

Peacock was fluttering around her so recklessly. "Peacock?" she asked, the hummingbird still zooming here and there. Was he trying to tell her something? Why did it seem urgent? "Peacock? Peacock, hey." she gasped, finally catching him in her hands. "Hey, bud, what's wrong--" Then she saw what he was trying to say. A boy with pretty blue eyes was staring at them two, well, mostly at Peacock, in awe.

Sage let go of her blue hummingbird and let the words the boy said flow slowly into her ear. "Oh! You really think so?" she asked happily. Happily because of the compliment to her bird (who was now proudly flitting about again) and also because someone was talking to her! How nice. "Thank you. You made him quite happy. I mean, look at him now"--he was dancing around her head--"he's thrilled! This is Peacock, by the way." She almost forgot to introduce herself. "Ahh, and I'm Sage, from Naturella. Nice to meet you, Fen."

Soon another boy walked up to them, saying to be Fen's roommate. Not wanting to be rude, Sage stopped talking and just smiled at the other boy, with purple eyes and white hair. Weren't there two other boys with the same characteristics?
Level 23
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Posted: 1/5/2016 at 7:52 PM Post #25
Yin -- Nathaniel -- Fountain
Along with Myst Arumi (Desiree), Harmony (Bmr), Evangeline (Soltra), & Julian (Lotus)

"You know, Myst, you look a lot like your niece." Nathaniel smiled at her when she finished sending the girls away. "Haven't you noticed before?" Surely, she had, right? All the students probably thought about the resemblance already.

This reminded him about his kids and his wife. The boys weren't even teenagers themselves yet. One turning 7, the other had just turned 4 a month ago. Their mother really liked having family time, so even if he didn't want to visit on breaks (though he'd want to visit. Badly.) he'd practically be forced to.

Yin -- Ophelia -- Fountain
Along with Vanille (Desi)

The brunette grinned. "No, it's alright, I was fine on my own. I figured His Highness would want that. You are the Princess of Sucre Ville, after all."

She was utmost surprised when the Headmistress told them to speak to others before they head in. Ophelia already had Vanille to talk to. But they walked off anyway, into the sea of other children their age. "Your Aunt Arumi is rather... hyper? No, no, uh... Lively today. Yes, that's the word." she said awkwardly, trying to make her friend laugh.

"So," she said again. "Who's your roommate? Is she here?" she asked. Ophelia dipped her hand inside a small pocket and took out a piece of paper. There was a lot of info to read, but she mostly skimmed over about the students. "I'm with her." she said, pointing over to a white-haired girl. "Princess Anima. I hope she likes me. It should be easy, it'll be like hanging out with you, yeah."

Yin -- Nick & Jay -- Fountain
Along with Ashter (Soltra)

Nick followed Jay over to the boy. His brother looked somewhat unsure again, though he managed a wave. "Hey," he said casually. "You're Ashter, correct? I'm Prince Jayden of Liquia, heir to the throne;"--he gestured over to Nick--"And this is my brother, Prince Dominick of Jewella. Most people call us Jay and Nick, though."

Dominick didn't think Jay would do his introduction for him, for he was too used to doing it himself. "Hello," he said, trying to grin. It probably turned out like an ugly grimace. He wasn't a people-person. "I'm very sorry for our intrusion. Jay here was practically itching to talk to someone." It was supposed to be more of a comment, but he ended up saying it like an apology. Jay looked at him with a thin smile.

Yin -- Brendan -- Fountain
Along with Rie (Lotus), Pyry (Loli) & Ren (Soltra)

A new boy hopped on along into the group. Brendan was glad he was getting to know people. He smiled at the feeling of being included. So far a few other people were talking to others as well. Surely, though, this Naturellite doctor would make a fool out of himself once classes start. In fact, probably even sooner than that.

"Hello," he said to this so-called Ren. He had clusters of cinnamon hair falling just above his eyes. He absolutely did look like a Liquian. His eyes were even sea-washed, if that made sense. "Yeah, stay, certainly. The more the merrier, right?" he chirped, agreeing with Prince Pyry. If he remembered correctly, Pyry was the heir to the Electricon throne.

Yin -- Anna -- Fountain
Along with Edana (Loli)

Anna couldn't believe it. Princess May was attending Enchantia High as well? That was a small shock to her, as she hasn't seen her around often. No wonder she couldn't recognize her from first glance.

But the last time she interacted with her was when May ran away. Anna didn't want to, but she frowned anyways. She was only trying to say hi, after all. She shook her head, thinking. "Does she think I'm weird?" she wondered. "Why? Nobody finds out I'm mute until after they fully meet me. She shouldn't think I'm weird... Unless I looked weird when I tried to say hi..."

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice another student sitting on the fountain ledge not far from her. She only noticed after she gazed at the sky. Should Anna talk to her? She was wearing rather boyish clothing, and her hair was hanging low.

Anna scooted over and tapped her shoulder and waved. Hopefully this girl wouldn't think she was weird just because she couldn't speak. Most people thought that, anyways. Her mother used to tell her she got that from her dad's side of the family.
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Posted: 1/6/2016 at 2:07 AM Post #26
Anima and Karayan(Loli) and Alfonse and Caius(Soltra) - Fountain
"Ahh, it appears I spoke too soon," Karayan whispered from behind Anima. He noticed her muscles tensed. "Over to the right, the three boys. Alfonse, Caius and Travis. Alfonse is the only royal of the trio," Karayan said as Anima subtly glanced towards the three. Two of the three had started towards her, one in particular looking quite distressed.
"I gather they're not very used to other people?" Anima asked, hiding a smirk.
"Practically inseparable," Karayan replied before they came into earshot.
Anima was almost fascinated by the pair's interactions. That's how most families treat each other, she thought morbidly, glancing back at Karayan who had an eyebrow raised.
Quickly getting over her amusement, Anima hurried to give the brothers a curtsy. "Princess Anima of Nightlandia. And this is my butler, Karayan. It's very nice to meet both of you, regardless of your relation!" she said with a smile to the brothers. She hoped that was polite enough. She still wasn't used to interacting with people her age, and didn't know whether to be formal or casual!
Karayan gave them a quick nod and a bow, proud of Anima.

Fen(Loli), Sage(Desiree) and Travis(Soltra) - Fountain
Fen laughed, smiling at Sage. "Well he made me very happy too!" Naturella, he thought. That explains it. Fen was just about to ask how Sage had Peacock so well behaved when a white haired boy joined them.
"Ahhhh, so you're Travis! I was trying to guess who you were from the people here already," Fen excitedly replied to Travis's introduction. "Glad to meet you," he added with a grin.
"Do you know who your room mate is yet Sage?" Fen asked, hoping she didn't feel excluded.

Edana(Loli) and Anna(Yin) - Fountain
Edana scowled at the hellhound that had jumped on the fountain, and his owner who apologised, despite his grin. She anxiously glanced down at her bag, hoping that Swiper hadn't gotten wet. Thankfully the cat was still sleeping peacefully. He gave a small sigh as he rearranged his paws.
"Lazy spud," Edana whispered down at him, although she was glad that he hadn't been woken up.
Edana continued sitting quietly, watching with some jealousy as more and more people began interacting.
Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up as a light haired girl waved to her.
"Oh hi there! I'm Ed," she said with a smile, hoping that she sounded masculine.
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Posted: 1/6/2016 at 9:30 AM Post #27

Soltra8 - Alfonse Kim and Caius Kim
Anima and Karayan (Loli) - Fountain

Ah, so the boy was her butler! ...Well they should have guessed that earlier. "Nice to meet you, Karayan. Hm, maybe we'll get along. I don't suppose either of you two have met your roommates yet?" Since Alfonse was... a bit more socially inept, Caius took it upon himself to at least say something before the meeting turned awkward, and asking about roommates was just about the first thing that came to mind.

As for Alfonse, he didn't really mind that his brother was doing the talking. In fact, he couldn't be happier that Caius was talking! Usually, the 'Psy Tracer' had a habit of being a rather silent and stern person, so it was good to see him change, if only for today. Though, since both Travis and Caius had promised him to try and be a bit more sociable at the school, maybe their cheerfulness - sort of - would stick for the year.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Soltra8 - Travis Kim
Fen (Loli) & Sage (Desiree) - Fountain

Travis gave a nod of acknowledgement to the girl - Sage, wasn't it? - before eyeing both pets. One seems nice, but it was a bird, and a hummingbird by the looks of it. They were usually nice... until you somehow managed to anger them. As for the other one... Well, that was a hound to be worried about. It even looked fiercer than Fang, and that was saying something. That high dog was basically built to be a war machine! That said... if Fen was his roommate, even if they couldn't get along, at least their pets might.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Soltra8 - Ashter Vialis
Jay and Dominic (Yin) - Fountain

"A pleasure to meet you both. As you already have guessed, my name is Ashter." He said with a short bow and a forced smile. How annoying, he really hated these formalities. But they were princes, and it was the least he could do to act like they actually bothered, even if he'd rather just brush them off. They were always such spoiled brats, and Ashter was sure that given time, Jay and Nick would show to be the same as the rest.

"And please, neither of you have intruded on anything. I would be happy to chat with you, Jay. Though, pardon my curiosity...but may I ask, why me?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Soltra8 - Ren Kirigakure
Brendan (Yin) & Pyry (Loli) & Rie (Lotus) - Fountain

Oh, perhaps he'd misjudged how much his appearance to the group's chat would have affected the prince. He didn't think Pyry would have been so... shocked, or panicked... maybe he was shy? Or just not good with people? Ren's brows furrowed in worry and confusion, as he both pondered the reason behind Pyry's behaviour and if the prince was alright or going to start hyperventilating. The latter wouldn't be too good.

"Hey, you ok? You seem a bit.. erm... nervous." Ren asked, giving the prince a once-over. Blond hair, electric blue eyes - fitting for an Electrite. But the nervousness was unexpected. Having never been to the country before, he only had the tales of the people to base his expectations off. And from what he heard, he had thought that they would have either electrifying personalities, or be as fierce as a lightning bolt.

((I'll have to do Evangeline later, sorry!))
Edited By Soltra8 on 1/6/2016 at 9:30 AM.
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Posted: 1/7/2016 at 4:09 AM Post #28
Anima and Karayan(Loli) and Alfonse and Caius(Soltra) - Fountain
Anima giggled. "Oh yes, I'm certain we'll get along just fine!" she said, smiling at the brothers. "But no, we haven't yet met our room mates. Have you managed to spot yours yet Karayan?" she asked, looking around. "Why that's Prince Dominic over there, isn't it?"
"Ahh, quite right Princess," Karayan replied, looking surprised. He did this despite having seen his room mate over twenty minutes ago. Wouldn't want to seen too competent. And besides, what harm could letting Anima show off her knowledge do?
"And you two?" Anima asked politely. "Were you lucky enough to be put in the same room?"

Pyry(Loli), Rie(Lotus), Brendan(Yin) and Ren(Soltra) - Fountain

Pyry almost jumped upon hearing that he was being addressed yet again! He scrambled to catch his violin case, which he was luck not to have dropped. The Liquian, Ren, was the one who had spoken.
Am I really that obvious? Pyry asked himself, mentally cursing his social inhibitions. Elysia, his sister, would never have stumbled so blatantly! She would have instantly made herself the centre of attention, and try to include as many people as possible into her conversation.
Pyry was certainly making himself the centre of attention, just in all of the wrong ways. He drew a few deep breaths in, trying to steady his nerves.
"Oh, yes, thank you. I'm quite alright... just a few nerves is all," he quietly replied to Ren, nervously laughing afterwards.
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Posts: 130
Posted: 1/7/2016 at 8:30 AM Post #29
Yin -- Anna -- Fountain
Along with Edana (Loli)

Oh, Anna thought. Did I get the gender wrong? Trying to hide her reaction, she smiled. This Ed definitely sounded masculine. And Ed was a boy's name. Or was it a nickname? Curious thoughts whirled in her head as she decided, Alright, a boy.

Anna kept grinning as she pointed both her index fingers in the air, then crossed them, shaping an X. She pressed them to her lips, signifying that she couldn't speak.

Yin -- Brendan -- Fountain
Along with Pyry (Loli), Rie (Lotus) & Ren (Soltra)

"Aren't we all a little anxious today?" Brendan asked, trying to lift the mood. He didn't want Pyry to feel as if he was messing up, and Brendan understood that feeling completely. He chuckled softly, but it came out weirdly, almost like nervous laughter. "I am, honestly. Sometimes I just don't know how to act... cool, y'know?"

Yin -- Nick & Jay -- Fountain
Along with Ashter (Soltra)

For some reason the question confused Jay. "Well," he said, attempting to sound braver than he actually was at the moment. "You are my roommate, aren't you? I thought we could talk and get to know each other before we get into our dorms." he explained.

"Besides," he said again. "You look pretty awesome with that phoenix of yours."
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/25/2013
Threads: 2
Posts: 110
Posted: 1/7/2016 at 12:28 PM Post #30
{{Hi guys ^^! My internet has been out the last couple days, but it is back up now ^^. I've got my post started, half way done ^^. I just need to run to the store for a bit, so my post will be up some time this evening.}}
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