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Forum Index > Roleplay Games > Delve and Deliver // sci-fi, exploration...
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Level 73
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Posted: 1/24/2024 at 12:42 AM Post #21
Hello! This looks fun- might I join?

Name: Callen
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Personality: Usually calm and collected, he tended to follow. He's slowly become more vocal about things (thanks to his older siblings heading off for college or wherever) and he's found that while he'd still rather let someone else lead the way, it's kind of fun calling the shots. He tries to be levelheaded and logical, but in reality he's a bit of a snark and likes a bit of mischief, when he can think of something that it. If he gets mad, which is pretty rare though, he ditches the mask and would probably be voted "most likely to ask you to help him hide a body", at least until the rage is over and he goes back to his "chill" mood.
History: Just your average middle child from a far-too-big fam who acted as the voice of reason for his friendgroup (which wasn't saying much considering most of them acted like they had eternal sugar highs...).
Goals: keep calm and carry on.
Writing Sample: I'll send a DM :)
Other: n/a


Tussled blond hair, blue eyes, surprsingly pale (other people are usually the ones dragging him out to go somewhere), pretty lean but that's from his fast metabolism.

A pair of reading glasses that serve the lovely function of letting him, well, read, and when folded can be used like a dagger.
(Let me know if you'd like me to pick something else, I just really like the idea of making my eyewear into deadly weapons)


A standard issue ship affectionately dubbed the SUB-3000 for its nature of needing numerous repairs. Its a small thing, a little dented and a little scuffed, but its yours.

- A cryopod, perfect for sleeping, regenerating injuries, or reviving. It's a little cramped
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 1/24/2024 at 1:16 AM Post #22
Level 72
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Posted: 1/24/2024 at 9:08 PM Post #23
Corporate congratulates you for roping your friends into gathering Stardust. :D
Edited By Jie on 1/24/2024 at 9:09 PM.
Level 72
Joined: 3/6/2021
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Posted: 1/24/2024 at 9:10 PM Post #24
(Please forgive the copy-paste, it's only for the intro. :,)

As someone who has eyewear, making them weapons sounds very cool. Glasses -> dagger still leaves you with a bit of a power budget, so feel free to make your Arcana-tech stronger, either by adding more freedom to its transformations or another ability. You can brainstorm over the next few posts if you need, or choose to leave your glasses as they are if that's the way you like them.)

- - -

The lights inside of your ship dim, automatically readjusting themselves to draw your attention to the shinning blue screen at the front, where several lines of white text have appeared with a soft chime.

[ Hello, I'm S1R1, your AI assistant who will be guiding you throughout your journey! Feel free to call me whatever you like though~ ]

[ To help us find our next destination, please give me one to three words describing what you're looking for. I promise I'll find you a fun and exciting starting point. ^0^ ]

[ Seeing how this is your first collection trip, I'll only be choosing from the "safer" locations. Of course, it'll still be difficult, but I have full faith in your abilities! ]

After the barrage, a holographic keyboard appears in front the of the navigation center, hovering a few feet above the various devices.

[ Please Key Your Request in Here ]
Edited By Jie on 1/24/2024 at 9:19 PM.
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 1/24/2024 at 9:54 PM Post #25
Do I get a pay raise :DDDDDD
Level 73
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Posted: 1/24/2024 at 11:46 PM Post #26
i was kidnapped and dragged here against my will and filled out the form under threat (/j)
Level 73
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Posted: 1/24/2024 at 11:54 PM Post #27
Author: Jie
Time Posted: 1/24/2024 at 9:10 PM
(Please forgive the copy-paste, it's only for the intro. :,)

As someone who has eyewear, making them weapons sounds very cool. Glasses -> dagger still leaves you with a bit of a power budget, so feel free to make your Arcana-tech stronger, either by adding more freedom to its transformations or another ability. You can brainstorm over the next few posts if you need, or choose to leave your glasses as they are if that's the way you like them.)

- - -

The lights inside of your ship dim, automatically readjusting themselves to draw your attention to the shinning blue screen at the front, where several lines of white text have appeared with a soft chime.

[ Hello, I'm S1R1, your AI assistant who will be guiding you throughout your journey! Feel free to call me whatever you like though~ ]

[ To help us find our next destination, please give me one to three words describing what you're looking for. I promise I'll find you a fun and exciting starting point. ^0^ ]

[ Seeing how this is your first collection trip, I'll only be choosing from the "safer" locations. Of course, it'll still be difficult, but I have full faith in your abilities! ]

After the barrage, a holographic keyboard appears in front the of the navigation center, hovering a few feet above the various devices.

[ Please Key Your Request in Here ]

(Hmm.....maybe I'll add a laser to that then. Those tend to be useful.)

Callen thinks to himself, mulling over the endless option of words found in language. What to pick, what to pick-it's hard to choose. Considering he's guaranteed something somewhat safe, maybe he'll go for some fun? Something cool? It's his first trip, after all firsts are supposed to be memorable Or perhaps take the chance for something calming-well, actually if he thinks hard enough, he's pretty sure he could just put in the word "calm" or "peaceful" and that would probably guarantee something safe.

Time for adventure, then.

Callen reaches out and inputs "mystical" and "grand". Nothing too crazy, but that should get him something cool, at the very least.
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 1/28/2024 at 1:55 AM Post #28
Author: Jie
Time Posted: 1/5/2024 at 12:00 PM
[ In that case, I'll settle us down on one of the islands with less people. It should be easier to stay on track that way, so you can get information as fast as possible. I believe that you'll be able to get results in no time! ]

Keeping in line with this statement, S1R1 comes to a slow halt beside one of the less crowded islands. Large wooden houses are dotted around its premises, coming a variety of shapes and sizes. Some have multiple stories and others sprawl across the land. Some sit atop the land, some climb across trees, and others are hewn into the side of hills. Small footpaths wind between them all, bringing a sense of unity to the community of six or seven families.

Most of the members of those families are likely on other islands, working. Yet a few individuals remain in the central plaza. A few children, separate in the process of playing hide and seek. A young man, who's wrestling with a few chickens. And a teenager, strolling out of her house with a basket in hand and a song on her breath.

The latter pauses upon seeing you, curiosity shining in her eyes. "Huh, I don't remember seeing you around before. Are you visiting for the wishing wells? If ya want, I can give you a guide 'bout the islands, so you can get around easier while you're here. The magic powering them has got some rules."

"Otherwise, I wish you luck with gettin' your wish. Everyone around here has tried a few times, but it's quite difficult." She gives a soft sigh, even as she rises one hand in a thumbs up.

The place they've landed doesn't seem too dangerous, but Tuesday nevertheless glances around himself warily as he sets foot on the island. It doesn't seem like there's many people around here, but he's not certain how populated the other islands are. But after a few minutes, no apparent threats present themselves, so he relaxes a little bit.

Upon realizing he's been noticed, Tuesday waves hesitantly at the girl. "No, sorry, um, I'm not from around here." It's immediately obvious that he'll be recognized as an outsider to what looks like such a small community, so there's no point trying to blend in.

"Wishing wells? I...I don't know much about them. Would you be able to tell me more about how they work? What you said about a guide would be nice, too, uh, I'm not very familiar with this place, so anything that would help me get around..." Tuesday trails off, trying for what he hopes looks like a sheepish smile in lieu of having to figure out how to finish the sentence.

"Also, do you know anything about any...possible dangers around here?" he adds suddenly. "Hostile creatures, geographical hazards, anything like that?" He remembers the AI having mentioned something about stealthy, dangerous life forms, so there's at least one thing he'll need to look out for.


Character Sheet
Edited By Larkian on 1/28/2024 at 2:02 AM.
Level 72
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Posted: 2/4/2024 at 2:57 PM Post #29
[ I'm glad we're on the same page, captain! I'll make sure to bring you on a journey you'll never forget. ]

Your ship pushes off from the glitzy harbors of Every-ware with a rumble of old engines. It chugs along the surface of the neon-lit oceans, slow and easy as big bubbles rise in its wake. Soon, it begins to gain speed until it almost seems to shake from the force of the water crashing against its frame.

Then, the realm-hopping system kicks in, and the sea almost seems to get darker. The sight of technicolor waters mix with the view of a cold, grey sea; two images imprinted in sync, swirling together with the rising buzz of energy until the ship slips through with a quiet crack.

It surfaces to the sight of towering waves, so high that their frothy tops could be mistaken for clouds in the sky. In front of them stands an immovable tower, made from a luxurious black stone that's been hewn into bricks. On each level of the structure lies a giant, glistening window with orange light pouring out.

[ Welcome to the Home of the Dragon King! You should be in for a real adventure, this time. I can already sense two strong sources of localized Stardust! One is the dragon king, and the other is nearby someone who seems to be... a hero? ]

[ Ah, I'm not too sure what her energy readings are supposed to be. Anyways, which one would you like to track? ]
Level 72
Joined: 3/6/2021
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Posted: 2/4/2024 at 3:08 PM Post #30
"Er, you don't know about the wishing wells?" The girl's eyes go wide in surprise before she smiles, wide and proud. "In that case, let me be your guide."

"It's said that you can get any wish, if you're sincere enough about it. Just find one of them nice big wells in the center of town. The water in them is so high they're basically ponds at this point. Anyways, you take anything and hold it in your hands while your think of you wish. If you drop it in, and things start glowin', you'll know it's come true."

"As for dangers, ha." The corner of his lips curl upward, and though she's laughing, it's not rude. Or at least, not meant to be rude. After all-

"You could call the ocean a hazard, but other than that, no. We don't have any monsters out here. I think I do know where you could've gotten misinformed though. There's these giant, glowing whales in the water that look like they're made of stars. They wouldn't hurt a fly, but they'll definitely scare give you a scare if you're not prepared!"

"Is there anything you want me to show you? Mm, maybe not, you look like the independent type. Y'know, the ones who like to go striking out on their own?"
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