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Forum Index > Roleplay Games > Manor Mystery
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Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
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Posted: 4/9/2021 at 8:17 AM Post #11
Author: Starpup5
Time Posted: 4/8/2021 at 7:18 PM
The detective introduces herself, "Mr.Burne I'm detective Jones and my partner," A man walks up to her looking more then a little green, "is rookie detective... well Rookie."
"Hi," Detective Rookie answers, "before you say anything yes that is my real name. Mr.Burne if you wouldn't mind describing what you found before you called us, your occupation, and lastly what compeled you to enter the manor when the door was open and the lights were off?"

The music stopped but then the creepiness truely begun. Detective Jones smiles glad to be rid of Beetoveen's Moonlight Sonata third movement before a voice came from the record. A deep voice echoes thoughout the manor: Welcome contestants to the Blackwell's Island murder mystery competition. Your goal is to solve the murder of Jane Doe in cell 3A. You each will get a ticket to go to the island, a copy of the police record, and a copy of a page of Jane Doe's diary. Please to collect your items go to the dining room. Your name will be on your package and please feel free to explore the manor. After the man on the record finished speaking there was an eerie laugh of what sounded like an insane person.
Detective Rookie looks at you slightly shaken.
"Blackwell's Island," Detective Jones responds, "Mr. Burns that is the last place you want to go if you go there, there is no coming back the same way you were. Also we need your package as evidence in this murder."

As if on cue a lab tech comes back with an evidence bag that has your package in it. Several other bags were the same way with six other packages. Miss Icily, Mr. Green, Mrs. Swalgs, Mr. Potters, Mrs. Jones, and lastly Mr.Niccos.

(proceeds to go ham playing a hyper character xD)
Whoa. Creepycreepycreepywhyisthatsocreepy? It's..... kind of cool..... My mind is racing a mile a minute, which honestly isn't all that out of the ordinary for me, but this time it's going even FASTER than usual. I think? I mean, how does one even determine that.... I really should answer their question.
"Um! You probably still want me to answer that. Yeah, I didn't find much anything, just rumors and stuff of a mystery around here that needed solving. I'm a chemist, a professor actually at.... have you heard of Columbia University? Great place, really competitive, highly recommend.... I think I'm getting sidetracked again, I do that a lot. Heh." I pause for a second, thinking. "I don't really know. I'm kind of impulsive, I'm sure you can tell by now, so I didn't really think much of it..... I'm, ha, a lot better in the field once I get working, I swear." I turn to face the packages, fidgeting anxiously.
Edited By Mystiria827 on 4/9/2021 at 8:20 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
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Posted: 4/9/2021 at 11:52 AM Post #12

You were invited to a contest in a manor for a mystery prize rumored to be the manor and all the money the only catch is that the host's contest is one of investigative skill. The host wants the competitors to solve a century old murder the murder of one Jane Doe. The host has promised he has all the clues from that time: police files, possible murder weapons, acess to the murder scene at Blackwell's Island, the Warden's file, and lastly Nellie Bly's book about the Asylum at the time.

When you arrive something is oviously amiss as the door is wide open, the lights are off, and a smell comes from inside. Worriedly you walk inside the manor you see nothing out of the ordinary aside from a large painting over the fire place of Blackwell's Island. As you walk in deeper you hear music coming from a record player inside the manor. Out of curiousity you follow the music only to discover a grusome sight; the host has been murdered with what looks like a knife.

After you call the police the lead investigator warns you not to leave town as right now the contestants are only a handful of suspects. The lead detective looks at you not totally convinced you didn't do it. After she sees the crime scene and a sneezing fit courtesy of the resident housecat. Mixed with the stench of blood there is anothother issue is th lights turn on for the entire manor when you walk in the den. It's fairly ovious that with this crime and your job that this could be quiet the predicament.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
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Posted: 4/9/2021 at 11:58 AM Post #13
Detective Rookie frowns at the fidgeting knowing that could mean several things. The lead detective on the other hand keeps her face nuetral and warns you not to leave town.
"A chemist," Detective Jones repeats, "congratulations on your position." From her tone though it's hard to tell if she's being sincer or something a little more dangerous.
Taking a bit of sympathy on you she hands you a map of the sights in New York and of the library, "Again though don't leave town for any reason especially without notifing me." At that she hands you her card and escourts you off the manor grounds.
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 4/9/2021 at 12:58 PM Post #14
Author: Starpup5
Time Posted: 4/9/2021 at 11:52 AM

You were invited to a contest in a manor for a mystery prize rumored to be the manor and all the money the only catch is that the host's contest is one of investigative skill. The host wants the competitors to solve a century old murder the murder of one Jane Doe. The host has promised he has all the clues from that time: police files, possible murder weapons, acess to the murder scene at Blackwell's Island, the Warden's file, and lastly Nellie Bly's book about the Asylum at the time.

When you arrive something is oviously amiss as the door is wide open, the lights are off, and a smell comes from inside. Worriedly you walk inside the manor you see nothing out of the ordinary aside from a large painting over the fire place of Blackwell's Island. As you walk in deeper you hear music coming from a record player inside the manor. Out of curiousity you follow the music only to discover a grusome sight; the host has been murdered with what looks like a knife.

After you call the police the lead investigator warns you not to leave town as right now the contestants are only a handful of suspects. The lead detective looks at you not totally convinced you didn't do it. After she sees the crime scene and a sneezing fit courtesy of the resident housecat. Mixed with the stench of blood there is anothother issue is th lights turn on for the entire manor when you walk in the den. It's fairly ovious that with this crime and your job that this could be quiet the predicament.

I raise one hand to awkwardly greet the lead detective while using the other hand to cover my nose with the excess sleeve from my coat. "He wasn't a criminal or anything, was he? The host, I mean," I blurt out without actually introducing myself first, for some reason automatically wondering if the host was on a hit list or something. My voice probably comes out unprofessionally muffled, because I'm also covering half my face along with my nose. I vaguely wonder if the detective recognizes me. I might've met her before, or maybe I didn't, it doesn't seem like the kind of thing I would pay attention to, honestly.
Edited By Larkien on 4/9/2021 at 1:03 PM.
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
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Posted: 4/9/2021 at 1:14 PM Post #15
Author: Starpup5
Time Posted: 4/9/2021 at 11:58 AM
Detective Rookie frowns at the fidgeting knowing that could mean several things. The lead detective on the other hand keeps her face nuetral and warns you not to leave town.
"A chemist," Detective Jones repeats, "congratulations on your position." From her tone though it's hard to tell if she's being sincer or something a little more dangerous.
Taking a bit of sympathy on you she hands you a map of the sights in New York and of the library, "Again though don't leave town for any reason especially without notifing me." At that she hands you her card and escourts you off the manor grounds.

"Will do!" I salute (I'm not quite sure why I did that) and take the card. That's a little sus.... who am I kidding though, I'm terrible at picking up social cues. I allow them to escort me outside, smiling cheerfully as usual. I look over the map, which I'm grateful for (despite the fact I always manage to get lost anyways.) I wave goodbye and thank them for their hospitality as I leave.
Level 63
The Tender
Joined: 7/19/2017
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Posted: 4/9/2021 at 1:37 PM Post #16
Demoiselle "Dessi" Streiss
Part Time Investigator and runs the family business of being a Clairvoyant

Describing her a bit
On the taller side maybe around 5ft 7 inches her dark teal cornrows go down to her midback and she often has one of two in front hanging out of her hair wrap. She's currently wearing a white, over the shoulder shirt with a red matching shawl and some blue jeans with boots. She has a big bag with and a necklace with a red gemstone on it. Her bag is a bit of a mess and overflowing a bit with papers and bottles of stuff
Highly sarcastic and straight to the point. She easily can get on people's nerves and can often nitpick out certain things that other people do, which helps with both parts of her job.
The whole Clairvoyant side of her family has led her to be highly superstitious, which makes her less trusting of most people because you never know what someone's hiding
Part Time Freelance artist on the side so she's got a eye for details
Goes by Dessi
Edited By Dragongem23 on 4/9/2021 at 1:43 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
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Posted: 4/11/2021 at 10:49 AM Post #17
The lead detective glares at you, "No Mr.Tyk was no criminal he was the single biggest donor to the NYPD in history. Who are you and why are you here?"
The other detective glares as well oviously offended by the though of Mr.Tyk being a criminal, "Mr.Tyk would never be involved in criminal activites. Wait are you contestant?"
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
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Posted: 4/11/2021 at 10:53 AM Post #18
Detective Rookie smiles faintly, "See you later Mr.Burns. Remember to be careful."
Detective Jones on the other hand looks less then thrilled, "Yes goodbye."
The map (I have no clue on how New York is set up so if it's wrong it's my bad) has a few museusms, libraries, restraunts, and even more. Though it doesn't have Blackwell's Island on it.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
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Posted: 4/11/2021 at 10:54 AM Post #19
Quick question real quick? Is the reason she signed up for the contest because she has an eye for detail?
Level 63
The Tender
Joined: 7/19/2017
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Posted: 4/11/2021 at 3:05 PM Post #20
Yes, and she's probably a bit bored with her life right now
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