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Level 60
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Posted: 2/27/2015 at 6:38 AM Post #81

I do hope you'll pardon this lateness... was caught up in schoolwork...And I may not have pinged everyone... i think...

[ Jun Yasushi ]
Bmr - Melody

"I wish i could say the same, but I believe I'm expected to be there. " A chuckle accompanied the sentence, but it wasn't one filled with joy. Rather, it held a melancholic tone to it. "In all honesty I was hoping to be able to take a break... but it seem that it's just not meant to be...

A soft sigh escaped Jun's lips as she scanned her now filled tray. Fruits lay neatly on a white plate, with a bottle of water in the corner. For breakfast, her chosen set of foods would do. But perhaps she should make an effort to eat a little more in the morning. "Shall we head back?"

[ Evangeline Evergreen ]
Desiree - Myst, Bmr - Harmony, Yin - Nathaniel, Lotus - Julian

Evangeline nodded, a smile adorning her face. "I agree! It's quite exciting to meet new students; especially if your class is filled with a variety of students from the different kingdoms. Don't you agree, Ammy?" The little wolf yipped, as she jumped on Evangeline's lap, earning a soft yelp of shock from the teacher.

"Well, someone's full of energy, aye?" Laughter filled Evangeline's voice, the teacher running a hand through Amazon's soft fur. "Actually, Julian, that's not a bad idea. Mind if I try what you suggested?"

[ Ren Kirigakure ]
Loli - Edana

Laughter filled the air before Ren managed a breathless reply. "You know me only too well, Edwin. Sadly, the old man back at home wants to be there, and as much as I hate balls, I hate lying to him more."

The relationship between him and his father was improving, and Ren didn't want to risk destroying the already fragile bond they had with a lie. "Well... I got what I wanted... you?" On his tray lay pieces of toast, a couple with peanut butter, a couple with chocolate spread. Of course, he had already grabbed some food for his pets, and they lay on a corner of his tray.
Level 64
The Perfectionist
Joined: 8/23/2014
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Posted: 2/27/2015 at 11:26 AM Post #82
Bmr - Melody - Soltra - Jun - Cafeteria
Melody nodded. "Yes, Now where are your friends sitting?" She asked looking all around the room. She picked up her dress skirt a little and balanced her tray on one hand. She couldn't wait to not have to worry about her skirts dragging or talking correctly or standing straight. She wanted it to be tomorrow then.

Melody started walking away from the counter of food to make sure she'd be out of the way of the rest of the students getting food. "Jun how do you even know your friends?" She asked a little curious. She placed her foot down and almost tripped. She had known her parents would make her wear a dress but why this dumb pink one? She stuck out like a sore thumb.

(Dis good?)
Level 60
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Posted: 3/8/2015 at 3:48 AM Post #83

[ Jun Yasushi ]
Bmr - Melody

Jun instinctively reached out, gripping Melody's shoulder. It was by good fortune that the other girl had already steadied herself by then, and Jun shook her head, a quiet laugh escaping her. "Careful there... Dresses can be somewhat difficult to manoeuvre around in. Now, how about we head to the table? It's over there."

The Electricon pointed out the table where the two boys sat, and with a glance at her friend, began walking towards it. She took her time to get there, keeping a slow pace for fear that if Melody were to move too quickly, she'd fall again. "Well, as for how I know Akihiro and Yukio... Akihiro's my cousin - Yukio's a friend he made when he moved to Glaciere. We became 'friends' then, for I kept in contact with Akihiro."
Level 64
The Perfectionist
Joined: 8/23/2014
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Posted: 3/14/2015 at 11:12 AM Post #84
Bmr - Melody - Soltra - Jun - Cafeteria
Melody laughed with Jun a little. "Yes it is rather hard but I think it's more of a carrying something while wearing a dress issue right this moment." She said rather diplomatically. She followed her friend as she walked towards the table.
Level 60
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Posted: 3/16/2015 at 4:14 AM Post #85

Sorry if this seemed a little rushed...

[ Jun Yasushi ]
Bmr - Melody

"Well, be careful, alright?" She kept her friend in her peripheral, and was close to hovering around her. She was worried, yes, but Melody was a grown girl - she could take care of herself, so what need was there for Jun to act like surrogate mother and cosset her?

With a deep breath, Jun took a step to her side, giving Melody a little more space. Perhaps it was time to work on that aspect of herself - her protectiveness of her friends. She was quite sure that it was already starting to get on Akihiro's, if not Yukio's, nerves, due to their journey to the school, and she didn't want to make Melody fell the same way. Though... it would take a while, but she could learn.

"Take a seat, Melody." Jun gestured towards the empty seats around the table, as both Yukio and Akihiro waved at them. The two boys weren't doing much besides chatting and eating, and Jun hadn't yet taken a seat, instead she waited for Melody's choice.
Level 64
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 3/16/2015 at 7:22 PM Post #86
Bmr - Melody - Soltra - Jun - Cafeteria
Melody smiled a little at the boys and sat down a couple of seats over from them so she could look at them if they wanted to talk to her. She pulled her skirts under the table a little to keep them out of everyone else's way. She groaned a little at them again. She picked up an orange from her tray and started pealing it neatly onto her plate. She had had it with all these dresses and couldn't wait until that night. Maybe Jun might even want to help her figure out what she should change about her look. They were roommates after all. She looked over to the boys and opened her mouth to say something but clamped it closed less then a second later. Her mother had told her she was not to address gentlemen unless spoken to. But would that apply to schoolmates? She thought to herself.
Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 7/19/2014
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Posted: 3/20/2015 at 1:45 AM Post #87
Piper - Desi - Demetry - Bmr - [Cafeteria]


Piper wasnt normally the type of person to be able to tell if someone was lying or not, but for some reason her gut told her this brown-haired boy wasnt telling the whole truth. Part of her wanted to ask if he was, but another part told her to back off. Besides, its the first day. She didnt want to make someone uncomfortable. And today was already as nerve-racking for anyone.

But maybe he was being honest. Some people arent naturally hungry, right?

After hearing Demetrys voice again, she snapped out of her thoughts. She smiled too, at the small cub. Apparently he was purring quite loudly.
Really? It seems too easy to do. Piper chuckled as she took one of the cubs paws and played around with it, making it wave at her. He must be a good boy. she said again. She scratched under Rays chin and giggled. What a cutie youve got yourself, Demetry! I am quite jealous! Piper laughed as she continued to play with Rays paw. She heard a loud chirp coming from her shoulder, making ringing sounds in her ear. Sunny was there, giving her a stern look. All Piper could do was laugh.

After scratching the cub, Piper tucked her chestnut hair behind her ear and picked up her toast. A loud crunch occurred as she listened to what Demetry had to say next. Though it was not something she wouldve liked to hear. Demetry was right; she did not like talking about her past. It was the past, right? To be forgotten. Recently, Piper was only focusing on the present and the future. She didnt want to make the same mistakes she had already made, so she was being extra careful.

But she had to think first. I mean, it would be alright if she said she wanted to play the game, wouldnt it? It was just a game after all. And Demetry had gained most of her trust for now. He seemed like a pretty nice guy, though if he asks something that will totally make Piper flip the table, hes out for sure.
She took in a breath. Why are you being like this? Stop being a total drama queen! She could trust him. She already considered him as a friend.

Piper nodded. Sounds good. she repeated a few moments after he said it. Just, uh Who starts? she asked, taking a bite out of her toast again. She had finished most of her breakfast already.
But Piper hoped Demetry would let her start the game.

Myst - Desi - Harmony - Bmr - Evangeline - Soltra - Nathan - Yin - Julian - Lotus - [Cafeteria]

The headmistress started to laugh along with the forest-haired teacher. My, Im glad Amazon is excited! she chuckled. And I agree with you, Evangeline. Variety! she exclaimed excitedly.

Another thing Headmistress Myst liked. Organization. She knew she might not have time to get that much teachers for each of the different kingdoms. So she separated the kingdoms into four classes with their teacher. She hoped the classification would work well. She trusted that the students would succeed and not cause any trouble, which has only happened a few times. Only a few.

Myst sighed as she had more of her breakfast, almost finishing it. She couldnt wait for classes to start! She hoped the first day would go well. She didnt want anyone coming into her office.

Heck, it was 7:50 already. Ten minutes to go!


(I'll add the others in later. XD)
(Thank you to Soltra8 who reminded me to do my replies. :D)
(And yes, you all will be going to classes soon! *dances* Yay! Sorry for making you guys wait so long...)
Level 60
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Posted: 3/20/2015 at 2:02 AM Post #88

[ Jun Yasushi, Akihiro Yasushi and Yukio Kiryuu ]
Bmr - Melody

Well, one of them was curious - Jun could see it written in Yukio's eyes. But Aki...? No matter how much Jun searched her cousin's eyes, they remained as impassive as ever, giving away not one clue as to how her kinsman felt.

"Yashushi Akihiro. And you are?" He stuck a recently cleaned hand out for Melody to shake, the other placing the used napkin aside. He had thought ahead and brought extra napkins along - Yukio was passing the remainder to both girls.

Jun took it with thanks, settling what looked like 5 sheets of paper on the side of her tray. "Welcome..." The soft reply was almost inaudible, but Jun's ears were trained enough to catch it. She wasn't so sure if Melody did though. But thankfully, Yukio spoke up for his next question, albeit with a shy tone. "I am... Kiryuu Yukio."

Well... it was more than what Jun had gotten him to say on her first try... Melody sure had an effct on others!
Level 64
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 3/21/2015 at 12:41 PM Post #89
Demetry - Bmr - Piper - Desi - Cafeteria
Demetry smiled and scratched behind Tee's ear as Fah flapped her wings a little near his feet. "Well maybe he just likes girls more." He laughed a little. "No need to be jealous of them, I'm jealous that Ray seems to like you more." He took a sip of coffee. "Since I'm making you get out of your comfort zone a bit, why don't you go first?" He said smiling taking another sip of coffee.

Bmr - Melody - Soltra - Jun - Cafeteria
Melody smiled and put her orange down and shook his hand. She thought for a bit if she really wanted to be Melody today. "I'm Melody. It's nice to met you." She said as she let go of his hand and looked down at her food again. She wasn't sure what to do. All the etiquette that her mother had taught her was mainly for tutoring, not a normal school.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/17/2013
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Posted: 3/29/2015 at 8:40 PM Post #90
(Not exactly sure where to start, I was meaning to start Rping here soon)
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