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Forum Index > News and Announcements > Lupora Revamp Plan
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Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/14/2016
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Posted: 10/20/2018 at 10:19 AM Post #21
Do purebred/themed luporas lose their purebred/themed icon after you regenerate them?
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 1/9/2016
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Posted: 10/20/2018 at 10:29 AM Post #22
You could try selling them first... someone may buy them :')
Level 75
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 10/20/2018 at 11:02 AM Post #23
"At this time, there is not a plan for full Trait Re-Generations. However, the following specific Traits will trigger specific Re-Generations which will just simply depend on each individual pet and what they have. But since a lot of the Genes remained mostly untouched and very few pets will be affected by Mutation changes, I don't think there's enough to warrant tens of thousands of full Re-Generations for the Lupora.

"Quick Number Example Behind Reasoning: At this point, there are roughly 250,000 Lupora in creation. Just going by the guaranteed list, just shy of 150,000 Lupora will be affected. If all of those were eligible for a full Trait/Color Re-Generation PLUS any of those affected by the potential list... we would literally end up with 80%+ of ALL Lupora receiving full Trait/Color Re-Generations. This would have a terrible effect on the Lupora economy and be way too overwhelming for the majority of breeders. Therefore, for the betterment of the species' future, I would prefer not to initiate full Trait/Color Re-Generations for this Revamp."

*cue wailing and gnashing of teeth throughout the land*
Level 75
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 10/20/2018 at 11:08 AM Post #24
So no full color regens? Ouch. With pet dyes still floating around 75-125k each I'm going to be booting 99% of Lupes with this one...

Krin, can we eventually get something like an exceptional pet dye that changes all of a pet's colors or something..? I don't think you understand the color struggle here...

Dying projects currently takes about 1-2 million gold worth of dyes PER PET - pet dyes being 75-125k on average and a full redye now requiring 10, up to 12 slots to dye, and dyes having a major margin of error where most dyes fail to get close enough to the desired result. My failure rate is 66%, 2 in 3 pet dyes not being near close enough for my projects which means important slots often take 3 or more dyes to pull off within a reasonable range. This means it takes well over 2 million for A PROJECT PAIR - usually requiring 3-4 mil in my experience of having to throw dye after dye after dye at a stubborn color. (Like getting dark GREEN 12 or so times from a dark RED color hex across 3 pets with 5 slots each needing the color; after about a dozen failures I gave up because I ran out of dyes and didn't have enough gold to buy more and still needed to turn several slots to RED...) It's ridiculous, and nearly impossible to turn profitable which is why I was hoping for some full color regens to get some good-looking stats projects that are actually worth their pricetag...

Not being able to change traits with the regen isn't a big deal; breeding for traits is easy enough even with stats pets. Not being able to change the colors, especially when you're looking at 6-vis pets where every slot has to work together..? Breeding for colors doesn't work so the only options are regen and dying, and since regens won't be able to change the base colors, that means dyes are the only option. And that's unaffordable... depending on how far I can accept the color swings to go I'll be lucky to manage 2 or 3 pairs which will cost about 5-7 million gold worth of dyes, and even then it's only because the last fest dropped their price for a little while and I was able to stock up. (Although those dyes were supposed to go to the Lunemaras since I have several projects in mind for those, I was just waiting to get the right traits for the pairs... -.- )

For the rest of my lupes? I won't be able to afford dyes for them so I'll have no use for them. I won't feel right selling them as they are at maxed stats price because they're far below my aesthetic standards. I refuse to discount them just for being hideous because it would completely crash the stats lupe economy, and I'm not the irresponsible type. I'll have no choice but to throw 99% of them away. A completely wasted opportunity and all that time spent on breeding for nothing, just because the cost of pet dyes is too high and there isn't even a chance at a full color regen with their revamp...

I understand that revamps and regens are a hard thing to balance but wow... not being able to reset the colors on ANY lupe is a major blow. Wish I hadn't spent so much time clearing Lupes for stats, superstats, traits, etc... I respect the decision if there's no other viable option, but I do hope this sheds a little light on the pet dye struggle that players like me face. Not just for revamps and regens and so on, but for all projects in general.

Overall I'm extremely happy with the revamp itself; the genes on Lupes have been desperately needing some better organization, and the depth of detail is astounding from the previews. They're stunning; they'll probably be my favorite species to make designs for. It's just depressing to know that everything I've worked towards over the past few years with the Lupes is ultimately going to waste... The time spent getting to maxed stats, the slow process of bringing new traits into the mix for maxed stats, getting superstats and, again, breeding in the other traits to the superstats standard... Ugh. Now my efforts have just left me with a ton of ugly dishwaters that I'll have to throw away. And this is something I started as far back as 1,281 days ago with the pets I used to first breed my 6V Deathstroke so I could get them to maxed stats. Oh yeah... This hurts... Throwing so much of it away because I can't afford to fix the colors... Think I'm gonna crawl into a hole for a while.
Level 29
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Posted: 10/20/2018 at 11:28 AM Post #25
Really Loving how the revamp is gonna look! I'm super pumped for it!
Level 70
Master Egg Hunter
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Posted: 10/20/2018 at 11:34 AM Post #26
OMG! I love the new Lupora image! 0.0
Level 63
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Posted: 10/20/2018 at 11:40 AM Post #27
I'm so happy.
They're absolutely gorgeous. :o
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 10/20/2018 at 11:40 AM Post #28
Author: Xavion
Time Posted: 10/20/2018 at 11:08 AM
So no full color regens? Ouch. With pet dyes still floating around 75-125k each I'm going to be booting 99% of Lupes with this one...

Krin, can we eventually get something like an exceptional pet dye that changes all of a pet's colors or something..? I don't think you understand the color struggle here...

Dying projects currently takes about 1-2 million gold worth of dyes PER PET - pet dyes being 75-125k on average and a full redye now requiring 10, up to 12 slots to dye, and dyes having a major margin of error where most dyes fail to get close enough to the desired result. My failure rate is 66%, 2 in 3 pet dyes not being near close enough for my projects which means important slots often take 3 or more dyes to pull off within a reasonable range. This means it takes well over 2 million for A PROJECT PAIR - usually requiring 3-4 mil in my experience of having to throw dye after dye after dye at a stubborn color. (Like getting dark GREEN 12 or so times from a dark RED color hex across 3 pets with 5 slots each needing the color; after about a dozen failures I gave up because I ran out of dyes and didn't have enough gold to buy more and still needed to turn several slots to RED...) It's ridiculous, and nearly impossible to turn profitable which is why I was hoping for some full color regens to get some good-looking stats projects that are actually worth their pricetag...

Not being able to change traits with the regen isn't a big deal; breeding for traits is easy enough even with stats pets. Not being able to change the colors, especially when you're looking at 6-vis pets where every slot has to work together..? Breeding for colors doesn't work so the only options are regen and dying, and since regens won't be able to change the base colors, that means dyes are the only option. And that's unaffordable... depending on how far I can accept the color swings to go I'll be lucky to manage 2 or 3 pairs which will cost about 5-7 million gold worth of dyes, and even then it's only because the last fest dropped their price for a little while and I was able to stock up. (Although those dyes were supposed to go to the Lunemaras since I have several projects in mind for those, I was just waiting to get the right traits for the pairs... -.- )

For the rest of my lupes? I won't be able to afford dyes for them so I'll have no use for them. I won't feel right selling them as they are at maxed stats price because they're far below my aesthetic standards. I refuse to discount them just for being hideous because it would completely crash the stats lupe economy, and I'm not the irresponsible type. I'll have no choice but to throw 99% of them away. A completely wasted opportunity and all that time spent on breeding for nothing, just because the cost of pet dyes is too high and there isn't even a chance at a full color regen with their revamp...

I understand that revamps and regens are a hard thing to balance but wow... not being able to reset the colors on ANY lupe is a major blow. Wish I hadn't spent so much time clearing Lupes for stats, superstats, traits, etc... I respect the decision if there's no other viable option, but I do hope this sheds a little light on the pet dye struggle that players like me face. Not just for revamps and regens and so on, but for all projects in general.

Overall I'm extremely happy with the revamp itself; the genes on Lupes have been desperately needing some better organization, and the depth of detail is astounding from the previews. They're stunning; they'll probably be my favorite species to make designs for. It's just depressing to know that everything I've worked towards over the past few years with the Lupes is ultimately going to waste... The time spent getting to maxed stats, the slow process of bringing new traits into the mix for maxed stats, getting superstats and, again, breeding in the other traits to the superstats standard... Ugh. Now my efforts have just left me with a ton of ugly dishwaters that I'll have to throw away. And this is something I started as far back as 1,281 days ago with the pets I used to first breed my 6V Deathstroke so I could get them to maxed stats. Oh yeah... This hurts... Throwing so much of it away because I can't afford to fix the colors... Think I'm gonna crawl into a hole for a while.

^ What Xav said.

I don't mind not getting full trait regens; I can work around that. But I'd really like to see at least /some/ full color regens if at all possible.

All I contributed to Xav's superstats was a pet with good wild stats, but I've seen how much work it's taken, and we were both really hoping for color regens to get beautiful designs on the superlups (and on my semi-supers).

If there's any way to give some pets full color regens, please consider making it happen.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 5/9/2015
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Posted: 10/20/2018 at 11:43 AM Post #29
Not amused in the slightest. One thing I highly look forward to in revanps is the regens and color fixing. This revamp took more than long enough to get going, and from what im seeing, no one is going to have a full 12 trait switcharoo/color swaps? Yea, not thrilled at all.

Agreeing with Xav on the color issue. The costs of the dyes are insane, (and im not even a huge dye user anymore), even if you caught a mythical non themed pet, non LG. I dont catch those anymore, not worth my effort/money. Gold is a huge commodity here, and I cant be arsed anymore lately to grind the LG at all.

This is a hard pill to swallow, especially, since it seems like revamps are going to be changing. Lups artwork is amazing, just, not amused with how this is going to play out, sadly.

Quick note- I hope this will not be the case for future revamps. Especially with fableds- breeding those takes enough time to do to get to 6v.
Edited By ALatteJava on 10/20/2018 at 11:46 AM.
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/15/2018
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Posted: 10/20/2018 at 11:44 AM Post #30
They look amazing. I can not wait to own luporas with that impressive design.
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