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Forum Index > News and Announcements > Sylestia's Envision for the Future of Ex...
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Level 60
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 10:52 PM Post #21
Ah! In that case, never mind my post, and I applaud the changes. I understand the concerns printed here, but ultimately I hope the community will fully embrace the new content.
Level 65
The Hallowed
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 10:57 PM Post #22
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 6/15/2024 at 2:39:40am


More than one person will be able to attack named and get loot. It'll work how raid bosses work...example being multiple people can fight and earn loot from Tyrielle.

Will the gathering nodes and treasure chests work this way as well? If they stay up for a few minutes after spawning or such for others to attempt to get to it would at least ease some of the camping sting.
Level 75
The Jolly
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 10:58 PM Post #23
I'm excited! I sure bugs will happen and some problems will arise but when they do we can deal with them then. Thank You for this. I think traveling around this way is going to be awesome. I really like the idea that not every space will have something, and other spaces will have something special. I think it makes it more realistic.
Edited By 1283 on 5/22/2013 at 11:01 PM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 11:04 PM Post #24

At this point, no. Once things like that are consumed, they'll disappear. However, their respawn timers will be much shorter.

In regards to gathering, we really don't know exactly what 'gathering' will be because we haven't even designed it yet. So we can't really say what exactly it will be with gathering nodes.

But as I said, we will make everything as fair and accessible as possible. No matter what we have to do to accomplish that, we will. If something becomes very hard or frustrating to find, we will fix it.

The original post is a concept. As we begin designing it, I'm sure some parts will change to improve it.
Level 65
The Hallowed
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 11:18 PM Post #25
I understand that some of this is still very much concept sketching and not filled in yet, though it is reassuring to hear that you are up to being flexable about it once implimented.

In regards to resource nodes.. I spent years on WoW being a Tauren Druid Herbalist. I could pick a herb from the sky without fully landing, and if another druid showed up at the same exact time my racial bonus meant I still swiped the herb out from under them. Game mechanics permitted and in some ways encouraged me be unpleasent towards others while I was in charge of gathering herbs for our raid team's cauldrons.

In the time since, I have switched to an MMO that encourages cooperation with others, not competition. This MMO cites that in many MMOs it had become a case where seeing other people around you just made you go 'Oh great.. why can't they just go away' because they were going to be competing for the things you were seeking. I don't want to see Sylestia turn into a game where we see each other as nuisances that swipe our resources away instead of friends.

If it can be done without causing this, then I feel a little better about the system, though I am still very much on the fence right now.
Edited By 3878 on 5/22/2013 at 11:21 PM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 11:21 PM Post #26

Exactly. This was said in the general chat a bit ago:

Mutie: if multiple people can fight at once it might turn into less of a camping thing and more of a HAY GUISE, THIS DUDE SPAWNED LET'S GO KILL IT
Mutie: thing? or am i misunderstanding?
Jackfarcry: i hope theres gonna be different art styles for every area
Me: Yes, Mutie, that is our hope
Me: Cooperation > Competition
Level 65
The Hallowed
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 11:25 PM Post #27
Good to know that it is being considered while plans are still being made. May I ask, what is this general chat?
Level 60
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 11:26 PM Post #28
Reading through this I feel conflicted. I think it will be cool to have a set map kind of thing and be able to travel in the cardinal directions. What I don't like is the competing for spawns and paying diamonds for the maps. I'd be willing to spend some gold to get a map but not that much honestly so that's why I'm not keen on that aspect.

The question I have is if we are exploring a zone and we leave, you said it goes back to the beginning. I tend to do dungeons and quests over periods of days but i do missions every night so I complete them by the morning. If I have to restart everyday I'll likely never get it done, that's the biggest disadvantage because I don't spend a ton of time on sylestia questing per day but do it over time as I said. The question would be if the missions would affect the lock but I think i already know the answer :/
Level 75
Nature Walker
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 11:34 PM Post #29
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 6/15/2024 at 2:39:40am

Good to know that it is being considered while plans are still being made. May I ask, what is this general chat?


Live chat is accessible in the bottom left hand corner of your screen. The 'chatrooms' button.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 5/22/2013 at 11:39 PM Post #30

For spawn times and maps, as said above, this is still just a concept. We'll do what we feel is best and fair for all once we're in design-mode.

Missions won't affect your location in a zone. However, adding pets to your Party or changing your Party will force you to leave the zone.

But keep in mind, please do not consider current content when thinking about exploring the new content.

Like, currently, each dungeon is 50 steps I believe. Let's say you explore to step 49, stop to change your party, and come back. It's not like you'll be at step 1 and have to go through all 49 steps again.

The zone will be a map, not a linear path. Getting from the beginning to a specific location (such as where you were before you left) will never take more than a few minutes. Content will be achieved by having to travel to various places in the zone - not just a linear path down the middle. But going from one location to another will take a few minutes at most.

So if you are trying to clear a dungeon for the day and defeat 3 out of the 4 bosses, but have to leave. It's not like leaving will make you have to start all over again when you return. When you return, the 3 bosses will still be defeated. You will just have to travel from the entrance to wherever boss 4 is located.

Does that make sense?
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