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Level 62
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Posted: 9/11/2020 at 4:08 PM Post #2481
Yo guys, I'm lowkey panicking about something, y'all willing to offer your opinion?
So there's a guy called Bang Chan. Leader of Stray Kids. Kindest but least perfect person on earth, which makes him perfect. My idol. I aspire to be like him. Anyway.

A picture of him to bless your eyes.
There's been a bit of controversy to him and things he's done.
The first controversy was as you may know, the hairstyle scandal. He wore cornrows (people say it's dutch braids, and I think so too). It was after the Miroh era, their biggest era, which made them very famous and actually won them an award. All of Stray Kids were so happy. But then, after Miroh, he performed (with Han and Changbin) Zone, a 3RACHA song. And he wore cornrows.

He chose to wear it and many black stays (the name of the fandom) felt like it was a huge I hate you to their culture. There were some who didn't mind, but most were upset. He apologized about it, but people still clown him and hate him for the hairstyle. I think he looked terrible in them (I'm sorry Chan, but cornrows aren't good on you) and he should have done more research on the hair style or anything that is outside of his culture. (This last statement applies to EVERYONE, including non-kpop idols and yourselves).

But Kai of EXO wore cornrows. He didn't get hate because EXO is a popular group. When a BTS member wore cornrows, same thing. No hate, because BTS is a very popular group. And all the members are Korean. Don't get me wrong, I love EXO. BTS is okay. But Stray Kids has a very special place in my heart for private reasons.

The second controversy was the n-word controversy. The first few times I watched the V-live clip where he played one of 3RACHA's songs, Matryoshka, I heard ninjas. However, people said he had said the n-word. He clarified that it was ninjas and people call him racist because he used ninjas as a cover-up for the n-word. The line is "Imma protect all my ninjas". Ninjas is the unofficial fandom name for 3RACHA, the way BTS fans are called Army, EXO fans are called EXO-Ls, SKZ fans are STAY, etc.

The most recent one is the depression controversy. At a fan meeting, Chan and a fan were talking about a performance the group had done and the female fan said she had depression (in the sense of post concert depression). Chan at the time dressed as a doctor and jokingly said to take medicine. People took the depression thing out of context and the girl who met him said it was a mistranslation; if I am correct, he apologized about this too. (I'm not sure about this one, so please correct me)

We are all human, we all make mistakes. You don't have to like the music he makes with his mates, but don't make it to the point where his feelings will get hurt and bash him for every little thing he does or says. Idols are human like us so although they may not understand English (which is not Chris's case cuz he can speak/read English), they will eventually catch up on all the things you say about them, even the bad things whether it be right away or in the futute. Like you all, he is learning as he is growing. He only debuted two years ago, but he should learn that as an idol, people pay attention to EVERYTHING he will say.

The post-concert-depression thing? Honestly. He's trying to cheer her up imo. I have seasonal depression, and I'd be fine with Chan saying that. This is just my opinion though. There's been a lot of malicious comments on VLive, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media. Examples? Sure.


These were on his VLive stream, episode 42. It was Halloween and he had a fake cut on his face.

The worst part is that he actually read some of these comments. People who say EXO and Baekhyun are better then SKZ aren't EXO-Ls. This is just terrible, and Chan already deals with a lot of stress. Why? Well, for starters:
-He gets 6 hours of sleep. Per day or week. It's bad either way.
-Woojin left the group and is now dealing with rumors of assault which seem to be true.
-The other members (especially Felix) also get a ton of hate.
-He has to write, produce, and choreograph songs. A lot of songs.
-He's from Australia, and so is Felix, and they both miss Australia a lot, as they've both stated a lot of times. I can totally relate to that.

Guys, please tell me your opinion on this...I'm sorry for the rant but I'm just really upset to see such an amazing person treated like this. You may think I'm too obsessed or that it's none of my business, and I'm sorry for dumping it on you. I just want to know what other people may think. Chan matters a lot to me. I don't know him irl. I've never even met him or even talked to him. He just matters a lot, for personal reasons. Thanks for your time.
Cheers and stay alive,
Edited By Miroh on 9/11/2020 at 4:09 PM.
Level 62
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Posted: 9/11/2020 at 4:09 PM Post #2482
Y'all willing to look up?

Level 73
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Posted: 9/11/2020 at 4:37 PM Post #2483
oof agree mistakes were made...

There's a phrase in Chinese (which i'll loosely translate to, "that") and it sounds like the n-word (******). No joke.

Chinese: nei ge (Ney-gehr)
Translation: that

Some professor got kicked around over it. Only problem: It's a common expression in Chinese
And if you do that for chinese you gotta look at Spanish, "black" is literally "******".
Edited By Orcastration on 9/11/2020 at 4:40 PM.
Level 62
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Posted: 9/11/2020 at 4:41 PM Post #2484
Oh my ObO (I didn't know that, dang)
Yeah, I've never really understood "black" in Spanish, like why???
And the thing is, Chan said "ninjas" in English. He's from Australia, perfect clear English. But I guess they heard the n-word??? :/
Edited By Miroh on 9/11/2020 at 4:41 PM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 9/11/2020 at 4:47 PM Post #2485
TL;DR plz?
Level 62
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Posted: 9/11/2020 at 4:52 PM Post #2486
Oh, so there was controversy about an idol. I respect and admire him. He wore cornrows, made a joke, and said a word that sounded like the n word, and now he's getting hate, a lot of it. Death threats and such. I'm just really worried about him and was wondering you guys's opinion.
Level 70
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 9/12/2020 at 7:11 PM Post #2487
Oof, poor Chan. I hope he doesn't take these comments too seriously.

I remember this happened with Hongjoongs cornrows as well, but KQ cleared it up.

I don't know much about VLive, but I suggest contacting the person (or people) to tell them to stop. If it becomes too serious, we can hope that JYP can step in, but hopefully it doesn't go too far.
Level 62
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Posted: 9/13/2020 at 1:35 PM Post #2488
Yeah, Chan's dealing with too much rn ;-;
JYP better do something >:(
Level 72
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 9/14/2020 at 7:50 AM Post #2489
Wow, I'm not even into kpop and I feel bad for the poor guy ;-;

So hurts knowing people get cut down like that. We all make mistakes, and mistakes are forgivable if they're unintentional and never done again after apologizing. And if it's the people who are wrong, like with the ninja thing, then they shouldn't be so defensive. They misheard it, and now even tho they learn it's not what they thought they're still mad?? Like... did they want it to be that word???
I don't know the whole story with the depression thing, but if she took no offense to it, or even thought it was pleasant, why should everyone be so mad? That's trying to cheer her up. That's a good thing.
Ah, so those types of internet people have reached him. As popularity is gained, unfortunately so is hate. Guy's gotta remember the people who love him and what he does, gotta push through. Unfortunately, there will always be people like that. On the other hand, the comments above the nasty ones, are quite positive. There are people he lifts up with his music and presence, and if he continues performing and connecting with fans that adore him, they'll lift each other up and be able to combat the negativity directed at them.

You have every right to be upset, but don't give up on him. If the fans lose hope, he loses everything. Keep fighting, you know there are people who have your back >wo
Level 62
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Posted: 9/14/2020 at 11:57 AM Post #2490
Well the girl didn't mind, she laughed and smiled, etc.
Thanks for reminding me of that, I'll always STAY by their side ^-^
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