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Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 11/25/2016
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Posted: 5/24/2020 at 8:58 PM Post #2281
Chosen Pet: Guinevere

Guinny is half Pit Bull, a fourth Labrador, and a fourth Golden Retriever. She's a sweet 7 year old, and she'll lick your face, given the chance. I chose to do her first and foremost, because she was my first furry pet and secondly, because many places don't allow dogs with any Pit in them, and many people think dogs with Pit are ferocious evil creatures.
The viciousness of an animal is based on the people who train and take care of them. I read online a while back that some very bad people are taking Pit Bulls from their homes and killing them. This design is to show that all dogs no matter how "evil" their ancestry, can be sweet, amazing, lovable companions.

I chose the Luffox species instead of my initial though of choosing Zolnixi because the description of a Luffox is a loving and playful sylesti. ^-^ I thought that fit Guinny's personality really well.

Chosen Pet: "Moony"

Moon is a grouchy rescue kitty. She was abandon in my neighborhood, and my family took her in. She's had 5 litters of kittens since we took her, and we finally got her fixed. XD About time right?
When we took her in, she was all skin and bones, and did anything for food. Soon after, she because a very healthy kitty. About a week after she had her first litter, she and one of the two kittens vanished. We live at the base of a mountain, and we found a mess of fur a little ways away...We were all so scared, and sad. The little kitten we had left was bottle fed, but he would cry every night for his mom.
A few nights later, she returned. She had clearly gotten in a fight, she looked...rough. She had missing fur and was very skittish. The kitten we named Thunder, was so happy to see her. Their reunion was the saddest and cutest thing I have seen in my life. Moon kept making cute little purring noises; she was so happy to she her baby!
Now that Moon is fixed and all of her kittens have gone to new homes, she's a completely different cat from the one we rescued. She's sweet and loves to sit in peoples laps. However, some things never change...She will do anything for food. Once she her's the sound of a can being opened, no matter what it is she'll go for it!

I used Vulnyx because of their ability to adapt to survive and their being fierce predators. Moon was able to survive against a coyote and is fiercely protective of her kittens. She brings back chipmunks as live toys for herself, so I think that qualifies her for being a fierce predator. XD On a less playful subject, I chose Lucky Runes because I feel so lucky to have her back when I had thought I lost her.

Critique of Shimeree's Aqua
First off, I love the design! The colors all work really well together, and I had a really hard time trying to find anything that could be better. I thought the original tail looked really good, and matched the reference picture well. Finally after going through a ton of traits I decided that Aqua may look better with Water Dragon Wings and the Nereid Crown. I though the Dragon Wings looked better than the Webbed Wings because they look webbed enough, but still flowy like the reference picture. I don''t have a good explanation for the Nereid Crown except that the original Vorpa head fins looked out of place.

Edited By Auria on 5/28/2020 at 9:23 PM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 5/24/2020 at 9:11 PM Post #2282

So first off, I love that reference photo. With your design I think the first thing I would like to address is the need for more contrast. You could use lots of the pretty blue tones. If you start with a dark body color you can build up, having a dark base for more brighter vibrant colors help with making them appear even brighter then normal. I would also suggest making the red slightly more pinkish and saturated, but overall this is a solid design other then needing some tweaks. I could also suggest some trait changes to better replicate that beta look. I would also suggest removing the purples.

((Was sniped let me i'm adding in some critique for Auria))
So taking a look at your Guinevere design it is quite cute, but from looking at your reference picture I would use more whites. Many of your whites also look somewhat grayed out - remember don't be scared too push the colors into slightly unnatural tones. I think your pinky tones could also be slightly more saturated - though not too much we don't want it to be unnatural. I could also suggest some slight trait changes in the genes, as valentine lace (since it pulls from the eyes) can appear rather grayed out without lighter tones - as well as Maincoon ears for some more doggish ears. Overall you have a very cute design and I think the sylestia greatly matches your pet. Good job and keep up the good work. Your colors compliment each other well and you truly got that round sweet bully look.

-- Sowen --

Sowen is my big baby who went missing over a month ago. His name is Gaelic for Halloween, as I found him the day before Halloween when i was 4 or 5 back when he was a tiny baby. He's the friendliest cat I know who likes salsa of all things. Here are a couple memories of him, his little meow and how he could hang out with me. And here is a video of me petting him. He's my little lucky boy and I hope he's coming home.

-- Jupiter --

So Jupiter is my round spoiled brat. I love him to death but god is this cat whiny. He follows me around and yowls for food, he gets upset if i don't pet him whenever he wants. He has to carried into the house, he refuses to jump the baby gate, I have to pick him up and put him on the bed. I do everything for this cat. I literally adore him though and would die for him, he follows me around everywhere and is my little baby. He also has a glow in the dark collar (hence the greens)

-- Cheese --

Cheese is my cat's older brother (Jupiter), and is owned by Sootybean. I've seen this little man since he was a super tiny baby but now, he is giant and long. He had a rough kittenhood, original owners not that good. Now he is a spoiled indoor baby who I get to visit sometimes who is generally a sweet but aloof cat. (Also funfact - him and Jupiter used to have the same bow-tie collar)



-- Mittens --

Mittens is Cheese's direct sister and Jupiter's older sister. She is built much more like Jupiter - though even rounder. She is a very chonky friendly cat (atleast she was until her diet, now she is small skinny cat). She will sometimes wear her christmas sweater - who me and Sootybean like to see her (and Cheese) in. She is very sweet and very adorable and someone else I love to visit. (Plus Cheese glaring in the background of the photo, glaring in his sweater)


-- Waldo --

Waldo is my grandma's somewhat stupid bird. He gets stuck outside his cage, not able to figure out to fly the little bit out to get back in. My grandma's recent move has caused him to be angry - his retaliation is too walk around the back of the couches and poop - if you didn't know parakeets can poop on command, so he is like an angry child.


-- Edgar --

Edgar is the rat I have been named the Aunt of. He is my friend's very large - but shy - rat. His favorite little snack is Goldfish - I will commonly feed his these when I see him. Him and his buddy Milk (who will be the next design) get along well and he likes to dash back and forth on the bed - as well as collecting food and hiding it in the blankets.


-- Milk --

Milk is the friendlier (and smaller) companion of Milk. He too loves goldfish - but he also likes to nibble on my finger nails (why, I'm not sure). His other favorite thing is to get in the back of your shirt - and crawl. This itches, it feels funny, but he loves to do it. He is also albino and has red eyes.

Edited By Limor on 5/28/2020 at 10:04 PM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 5/24/2020 at 9:18 PM Post #2283
haha your crit is above!
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 11/25/2016
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Posted: 5/24/2020 at 9:21 PM Post #2284
XD Thanks. I used more blacks because she's mainly black with a white face and tummy. ^-^
Thanks for the other advice!
Sorry for sniping you XD
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/17/2017
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Posted: 5/25/2020 at 7:02 AM Post #2285
Very nice start. I will have the first round of critiques and possible changes needed up later today after work. Remember with a mandatory we will be very particular about how the designs are done. Unlike other mandatorys you weren't able to edit at all. Once up it was over. This time I am permitting changes and edits. so yay!!
Level 69
Nature Walker
Joined: 3/12/2019
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Posted: 5/25/2020 at 10:12 AM Post #2286
Critique: Waldo (thats a parrolet isnt it? Not a parakeet?)

The design is very good overall. The traits used fit very nicely and the design doesnt feel over cluttered. The wings fit in nicely as they dont distract from the main design too much. But in my opinion it has a lot of blue when I can only see blue next to its eyes (and probably on its wings if it is a parrolet.) Also the green used had a blue tint while the bird in the picture seems to be more of a yellowish green.

Meet Natasha! The worlds greatest cat!

I adopted her years ago. She was around a year old when we got her and very playful. She would chase toys and have fun. Her favorite thing to chase was our neighbors cat who never came back to our house since we got her. She can also be a cuddle bug and will lie on the couch with you at night. When I got my second dog who was smaller, she started hiding around corners and popping out and jumping on my dog then running away. I recently gave her to my grandmother as I was allergic.
Edited By Duckbunny427 on 5/29/2020 at 9:32 PM.
Level 62
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Posted: 5/25/2020 at 1:03 PM Post #2287

I loved the creativity of your design, particularly in the traits you used like the tiger stripes and wings, but I made just a few changes to it. For one I darkened the stripes a bit to make them pop a little and got rid of the leaf veins. I also adjusted a few of the fur colours to try and make it resemble your cat in the reference photo a little bit more. I didn't see any red in your photo so I changed the eyes to a sort of green like your pet's eyes.

I grew up with Moose at my side which is why I chose him as my pet for this challenge. Moose has always had some trouble with new people which we suspect was from him being taken away from his mother at too young of an age. With a friend of my dad's help he came out of his shell though and even managed to go to a fair without any problems after a few months of training. Unfortunately we had to give him to my grandparents when we moved but I still get to see him during holidays when we visit and he is always overjoyed to see us.

My family had Spock, an african pygmy hedgehog, for a few years. He was always very adventurous and his favorite activity was exploring and seeing various places around our apartment. Unfortunately a few months ago he fell ill and passed away in a blanket in my mom's arms after she walked him around our apartment one last time.
Edited By Sophiegrace on 5/28/2020 at 10:22 PM.
Level 62
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Posted: 5/25/2020 at 1:04 PM Post #2288
Level 63
The Tender
Joined: 7/19/2017
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Posted: 5/25/2020 at 1:09 PM Post #2289

EDIT:Got Ninja'd,so SophieGrace here's yours

So,i honestly don't know what color their tail is but my brain assumed black for some reason,so that got changed a bit.And then the very very few spots I can see on the muzzle made me add Dalmatian in,and it works a little because you only see so many spots.
I do think you got the colors spot on,since the brown matches the black and white great.I think your choice to make them a lupora was also a great choice because it shows just how fluffy they are,i do see that now (5/30/2020) that you've changed the wings and I think I like those wings better because it shows off more of the pet.

So,i felt like the red was really out of place,so I attempted to get her eye color from what I can see of the picture it's a light ambery brown/yellow.And I took some of the browns and made them more cream and also darkened the color for the tabby and took off the leaf veins to make the tiger more visible, which I think was a great idea since she appears to be a tabby cat. I also love how you took the main coon traits to make the luffox appear fluffier and more like your cat.


She is my little sleepy mutt mix who I have loved since the day we got her.She's almost 2 years old now which is...absolutely insane but she's been a godsend for me personally.When i'm having a bad day she'll just plop her big head on my lap and just stare at me with her big brown chocolaty eyes.She's had a dislocated hip since the day we got her and has a little nip taken out of her ear from one of her siblings,but she's still full of energy and will barrel into you like a racecar running over the finish line.

She may look black but in the sunlight she's a bajillion shades of brown and I love it,we also got her for Christmas,and we found out her name means princess,so she's our little princess

Might add more if I can find pictures
Edited By Dragongem23 on 5/30/2020 at 2:46 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/17/2017
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Posted: 5/25/2020 at 11:40 PM Post #2290
Good day to you designers...If you are being PINGed here, that is because I have something to say to you about your submission. Please do find your name below and see what I have to say. Otherwise, thank you so much for responding so promptly and so early in this challenge with your submissions. Your wonderful pets are really neat to see. Thank you so kindly for sharing them with us.


@Shimeree....Aqua must have been a beautiful and vibrant Siamese Fighting fish. As for your stock photo, that is alright given your situation so no worries there. But if he truly was like that, he was a beautiful one. Alot of the Siamese Fighting fishes I have seen lately do have that pop really anymore. Not sure what the deal is. I know the females are on the dull side of color, but even the males of late are very lack luster. Either way, I am glad you had a pretty boy. And you are very much right about them being territorial. They don't even like each other no matter the gender unless it is time to breed and only then. Otherwise they will fight and rip each other apart. But enough of the specifics of these beauties, and lets get to the point of your design...

Over all your Vorpa design elegantly done with the specific colors found with in your reference picture of the Siamese Fighting fish(many call them Betas). In your M1 slot, your blue is nearly spot on. Maybe lightening it and saturating it a bit more to make it pop would make the bits visible in the tail to appear more like the vibrant dorsal fin of the fish? So from a 195FE2 to a 0A5EFA? Same goes for your M3 slot as well. Just making it a little more lighter or more vibrant will make a little more. Otherwise, well done. All the traits I personally think we a lovely touch. Just a little tweaking with the colors and it would be perfect. But that is me. Now on to your beautiful fur baby Nix.

I love that you went for the rikkis. They have a wonderful assortment of traits that would work well with Nix's coloration. And honestly I think you did a nice job. My only issue with this really is only 1 trait in particular. The turkey in your G2 slot. That just doesn't work well with the rest of the design. I don't see striping in Nix's fur at all, and d*mn she has a gorgeous coat of fur...(Sorry I am a sucker for kitties). I played around with the trait slot a little, and I think a switch to a tri-color for your G2 would give the image a little more appeal that the turkey took away. Your use of traits and colors other wise were really well chosen. Keep up the great work you have going on.

@Auria....Your design based on Guinevere, was nicely done. I think pits get a bad wrap, and I am glad to see another pit owner even if she is a mixed breed. All breeds are amazing, and beautiful Guinevere's facial expression in that picture was adorable. As for what you say in regards to those that turn an innocent into a vicious thing is whole hardheartedly accurate and true. It takes a mean dark hearted person to turn any breed mean. Even the small little ankle bitters. But enough of the negativity, lets look to your very stylish design. Over all the design as a whole is very nice. My only concern really with your design for Guinevere, is that your M3 coloration seems rather red. I know that you can use any color that is featured in the reference picture, but if you are going for the coloration that is that circle like pattern behind her beautiful head...It would tone it down a bit with a little more of a purplish hue. Not much just a touch. Then I think it would be pretty close to matching.

As for your smokey grey fur baby Moony...Kitties, gotta love them. And I am glad that you finally got her fixed, though you really should have after her first litter or as soon as you decided to keep her really. But that is neither here nor there. Back to your design. I love the story you told, along with why you chose what you did. It was really impressive and a nice touch for someone looking at it whom might have questions. In truth, I really have nothing to say about the design other than job well done. Keep up the amazing work that you do Auria! And nice job on your critique. You gave some positive and well as negative feedback along with some helpful suggestions. Just remember to work on explanation better going forward so you can get through to your designer what you are in truth trying to convey. With time you will get better, just pace yourself.

@Limor....Starting with your critique since it was posted first..hehe. You gave great feedback and helpful suggestions on what you thought would work best. Your explanation was friendly and not too harsh, which was a nice touch. However, you didn't really give any real feedback in to what worked well with what. Please be sure to add that a bit, and your critique for Auria will be good to go.

As for your first design Sowen, he is a gorgeous fella. He is dark and mysterious, and I am sorry to hear he is missing. I have a missing kitty too. My amazing Parker. He is a tuxedo. I have looked all over for him, and called every number I could think of. He is the only cat locally that is double chipped. But sadly, he hasn't been found. And it is going on a year now....Just hold on and keep faith that your sweet cuddle bug will be return or come home on his own. But for now, I do very much like your dark design. The soft orange is a nice contrast that pops nicely against his dark tones. I can just barely see the other traits. My question to you is this. Even though the design itself is lovely. Less in some cases is more...But why the use of the other traits? You have Tiger Stripes, Tuxedo, and Lace Runes that you can't really see unless you strain. Why use them at all? I mean you clearly can see the wings and the lucky dust which are beautiful accented, but why not the others? I mean you don't have to change them by any means, just figured to ask what your purpose for that was. You can PM me if you like, chat on discord, or not explain yourself at all. I am just honestly curious is all.

In regards to Jupiter. I have to say, that kitty knows how to be pose and look so formal at the same time. I love the fact that he seems like you little furry shadow. My Patrick is the same to a point. As for your design, I like the feel I get from viewing it. I can see a wide range of colors found with in your reference picture. And I like that fact you didn't solely focus on your fur baby persay. Very well done. The only thing I noticed is that you used an awful lot of the greenish yellow. Though true it is everywhere in that photo, it might be a touch over done. Tone it down a pinch, and I think you would have it.

Then we have Cheese. That sleeping angel looks so peaceful. Probably has horns holding up that halo. But as for the design, I think it is cute. I can really see the tabby quality to him. However, the colors seen in the eyes, collar, and spring flower stem is not really featured in the picture at all. Remember, you can only use what colors are seen in the picture as a whole. And since his eyes aren't open you technically can't use that color. So that will unfortunately need to be changed. As for the dark browns you used...Again pretty typical of a brown tabby, he seems more grey then brown. However, if you are using those hues based on around his cute little nose, and such I can see how that would work and can let that part slide.

Now we come to Mittens. Gawd I love that photo. Mittens is like what are you doing mom, while her brother is like what is going on over there...And their cute little sweaters are to die for. Your Vulnyx is a sweet touch, especially with the adorable Christmas attire. I can completely support that, and think it was a great idea to use. But much like the design before this is using a lot of dark browns which I don't really see on Mittens at all. And sure in the far background the flooring looks dark I honestly think you should rethink using that and lighten her up a bit. Otherwise, nicely done.

Seems like we have ditched the fur for some feathers here. But that is ok. Waldo is a cute little guy even with his bit of an attitude. But much like humans, not everyone likes change. So I can understand he is retaliating a good bit. Just becareful of what you sit when he is around. Your choice to the use the Aurleon was a good one to go with, as it was a safe bet to take. Your use of Blended Spots, Bee Eater, Ancestral Runes, Mystic Leaves, and Finned Crest were really great choices. The traits in a way to me take on that attitude or tatrum Waldo might throw visibly. Though...Again, my only real issue is that the shades of color you used don't really match up to your reference picture. I am seeming more yellow than green, and your blue grey colors are rather dark. Yes you could use the colors featured in what Waldo is perched on, but you haven't. Remember to use only the colors or as close to the colors as you see in the reference picture. So please make those changes where you can.

With your next design, you return to the cuteness of fur with Edgar. I love the luff design, and lemur tail was a nice addition. You have a very cute design, but I am not sure where this color of light brown is seen in your picture that I can see in scruff of your luff. I can see a light grey, white, a soft pinkish peach, a light blue, orangey yellow, and black. Maybe I am missing it. Because I would hate to keep nagging and harping about colors. But with this type of challenge I do have to be particular. I hope you can understand and help me see what you see. Where as with your Milk design, it was perfectly alright. They fur baby is like give me that...I want that. It is adorable to watch them eat some times. They are so smart too. I like the merriment of colors that you can clearly see through out the reference picture and design. So very well done there. Outside of that hon, I think you are doing an outstanding job with this challenge. Keep up the great work!

@Duckbunny427....Your critique was well done, but you need to add more of what you can say positively about Limor's design. So they understand from your point of view what works with what or what went well together. Please be sure to add that in as soon as you can. As for your sweet Natasha design, I think you made a rather cute luff design. However, you are using colors that are not featured in your reference picture. For this challenge, remember you can only use colors found with in your reference picture or as close as possible. Outside of that, I like how you used multiple traits to give it that right touch in just the right spots for that added color. But speaking of color again, you used very chocolaty colored browns that I don't see in your picture at all. At least not in that shade. Please be sure to fix that and use only what is featured in the picture. Otherwise, you have a great start going on there.

@Sophiegrace....Your critique was very well written. The only thing that is missing really is that you don't state any positive specifics. Please be sure to include what was done nicely, or what works well with what so they understand from your view what works well together in the future. And as for your tri-colored pooch Moose, very well done. I admit though upon seeing the design, I did not read your description first and though how sad...I honestly thought your pet had passed on because you used the feather wings trait. I mean I love the wings, but now after reading his story that he is in fact a live...You might want to swap out the wings for something else so that doesn't mislead someone into thinking along the same lines I original thought. Otherwise, keep up the nice work!

@Dragongem23....You have a great start to your critique, but like a seeming trend here like others...I see the helpful suggestions, and critiques on what doesn't exactly work...But I don't really see any positive feedback on what worked well. Please be sure to add that in. As for your design featuring the wonderful Zara...I love the Lup design over all. I can see the colors your choose in the woods, the cartilage of the ears and what have you. The only thing is the frosty wind trait is a bit too blue. Soften it to a more neutral grey or silver and it should work. Otherwise, very well done.
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