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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > 3 Visible Lunemara Design Contest
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Level 67
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/13/2016
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 8:14 PM Post #11
As I looked back, one of the Soulless stepped into the light, allowing me to see it for the first time without the shadows to conceal its grotesque form. It was skeleton, but its bones were black as ash. Inside its rib cage was a dark grey heart, black veins covering it. The heart was slightly translucent, and inside I could see a dark shadow writhing within. It opened its mouth, and let loose an unearthly, tormented cry. But what came from its mouth was not was I expected. Small golden flames floated out, images within them. They were attracted to me, as if by a magnetic pulse. It watched me as I absorbed one. Suddenly, I remembered a little girl.

The little girl was playing outside when the old man came over. She recognized the man. He lived on the hill, above the town. Her mommy was always scared of the old man, and told the little girl to stay away from him. But ... the man didn't look healthy. Maybe he needed help. Covering his body were holes, through which the little girl could see his bones, black, like soot. The man looked at the girl.
"Yes, I think you'll do." He said
Suddenly the man lifted her into his arms. She fought, but the man was strong. Too strong

I looked up at the Soulless. But now I could see its eyes. The girl's eyes. Another memory drifted into me.

He had been doing this for months. The girl tugged at the chain tethering her to the ground to no avail. The old man stood in front of her. He opened his mouth and drew in a breath. And with that breath he stole more of her memories, more of her soul. More of the girl's life. The girl recoiled away from him. "Why are you doing this?!" The girl cried. As always, the man said nothing, just walked away from her, as she sobbed.

I looked up again, but this time I didn't see a Soulless. I saw a girl. Just a little girl, with tears in her eyes. The other memories flew into me, and I gasped, and sobbed, as I saw all the lives she'd taken as a Soulless. I saw how after each time she killed, she was restored to her old self temporarily. Then she became mindless again, just looking for another soul to take. I sobbed, overwhelmed with emotion, as she reached out to me. But then, she stopped herself.
"No." I heard her murmur, her old voice, just barely audible beneath the raspy voice of the Soulless. "No, this one will set us free. She has to." Then the Soulless girl turned away, and walked back into the shadows.

The Soulless Girl
Edited By Mccauley1 on 8/23/2017 at 7:51 PM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 8/11/2013
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 8:15 PM Post #12
My inspiration for this Lunemara Design is the night sky and the beautiful stars and nebulas in it.

Andromeda Skydancer

For many years a Lunemara couple were unable to have any children. They tried many things, from praying to the Gods, to going in search of fabled plants that may be able to aid in fertility. Sadly, none of these things worked.

One evening, the two Lunemaras were out, looking up at the night sky, in the same place they first met.
Enjoying each other's embrace, the two mates continued to gaze at the stars amidst the tranquility of the night. Later on, a blazing shooting star streaked across the night sky, captivating the couple. Upon that star, the two lunemaras wished to be blessed with a child, with all their hearts. A few minutes later, the shooting star returned, fell from the sky, and into the abdomen of the female lunemara. Her mate furiously checked her over to make sure she was unharmed. Once that was confirmed, the two just sat there in wonder. That same night, the female lunemara felt something stir within her.

A few weeks later, the female lunemara laid an egg. Both were filled with much joy an happiness at this unexpected occasion. Soon, the egg hatched into a beautiful baby girl, who looked just like a brilliant night sky. As she grew, her wings looked like beautiful nebulas, and whenever she flew, her parents always said she looked as if the night sky itself was dancing. And thus, they named her Andromeda Skydancer.
Level 60
Joined: 5/17/2016
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 8:16 PM Post #13
Mokume Gane

Mokume gane is a Japanese metalworking technique that involves mixing two or more nonferrous metals together to create a marbled appearance. It is most commonly used in jewelry and for decorative pieces. This one is in fact not made of metal, but was found on top of an actual charm of a lady moth, whom he mistook for a real living animal. The shopkeeper who discovered him was mesmerized by his beautiful sheen, and instead of killing the lune, kept him in a jar as a pet. He was given the name Chamu, meaning charm, and still remains in his little jar on the shop shelf, watching passersby and attracting tourists.
Edited By Draegi on 8/19/2017 at 8:26 PM.
Level 35
Joined: 11/26/2016
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 8:23 PM Post #14
Cherry Blossom And Oak Lunemara

It's genes and mutations are: leaf veins, branch wings and frosted tips.

My inspiration is my favourite trees, the Oak and the Cherry tree.

Cherry lived and grew up camouflaging with his huge colony in a massive Oak tree. The tree was special because not only was it an Oak tree, but when it blossomed, it blossomed Cherry Blossom flowers.One day, he rebelled against the tradition of his family to live in the tree and he took off to adventure.

A young Sylestian was taking a stroll in the Umbra Forest with her two qitaris (I'm making a reference! until she stumbled across a pretty lunemara hanging off a bush. He was injured, his torn left wing flapping uselessly. She placed a cherry next to him, and he guzzled it up hungrily. He fluttered onto her hand and she brought him to Saerielle to get an elf to heal him.
Years later, Cherry was fighting side by side with the two qitaris, Rainbow Dust and Mist.

144 words. I counted them!

Haha, I was getting very involved in that story!
Edited By Ilovecatstheyrecute on 8/20/2017 at 1:03 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 5/9/2015
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 8:25 PM Post #15

Lady Luck Irish Irena-

This lil lady, likes to go around wishing those luck to everyone who manages to find her. Its very difficult to spot her as she moves often from place to place, treetop to treetop, seeking those who need her the most. Once you do meet her, she will curtsey; once she does, you are free to ask for luck, but be sure to bring sugar water or sweet yummy nectar so she has the strength to go and visit other people.
Level 75
High Warlord
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 8:27 PM Post #16
Sylestia exists beside and ever so slightly touching the six elemental planes: Air, Fire, Earth, Water, Shadow, and Light. This is not unknown to Sylestians. After all, it is their ability to touch the planes and channel just a thread of their energies that elevate Sylesties above normal animals. Ryori exist half within and half without the plane of Shadow. Occasionally, a Sylestie is born that is able to more than just graze the misty, indistinct edges of these other worlds. They are more than just partially existing in the mundane plane; they are truly part of their elemental plane, born to some higher purpose to advance the whims of its enigmatic denizens. Hatched as a mewling grub like any other Lunemara, Hli'i, the Prismatic does not yet know her destiny. However, it is not likely that the plane of Light will leave her alone for long...

Level 75
Joined: 8/18/2013
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 8:29 PM Post #17

It had been such a lovely summer evening at my cabin! Grandma came over and was baking one of her famous pies. It had been quite a while since I'd had one of Grandma's desserts. I waited on the porch for what seemed like an eternity until she came out to announce that the pie is ready. Ah, finally! I couldn't wait any longer!

We'd only just gotten back in the door when I heard it - that heavy flapping. I knew that sound. She had decided to drop by uninvited again. She, whom I call The Thief from the woods. I don't know how she sneaks in but she's very good at it and always manages to escape. Irritation mixed with dread as I contemplated what would go missing this time. Grandma was none the wiser, just continued toward the kitchen. Her shrieking snapped me from my thoughts, and I ran to join her.

And there she was. That Thief crawled upon the table, and had made a meal of the pie! My delicious treasure was ruined and scattered everywhere! Bits were crumbled on the table, the floor, and all over the thief. Her wings fluttered a bit, sending loose crumbs flying. I seethed, Grandma cooed. "I was surprised at first, but how lovely!" she exclaimed. I wasn't sure if I was hearing correctly. It seemed like Grandma liked this horrid critter!

I was wrong. She didn't like that thing, she loved it. She promised that we can always make more pie and that this poor fuzzy moth was probably starving! That gleam in The Thief's eye is definitely not a figment of my imagination. Grandma won't listen though! As it was getting late, Grandma announced that she would return to her home in Ethernia and take her new moth with her. Incidentally that also meant that I had to wait on the pie, ugh. I can only imagine the calamity that will befall Ethernia with that stealing moth flying around at night. Those poor, poor people.
Edited By Copeh on 8/19/2017 at 8:31 PM.
Level 64
The Artistic
Joined: 12/21/2016
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 8:34 PM Post #18
The Crane Fairy

Design inspired by Red-Crowned Cranes, and the story by Japanese Crane Fairytales and by a suit designed by the Love Nikki-Dress UP Queen mobile game.

The Crane Fairy had lived for years among Kings large flock of elegant cranes. Every morning, the Kings son would come down to the pond to sketch, and the fairy would hide behind the cranes, watching him make his beautiful drawings. Soon she started to fall in love with the young man. However she knew a tiny fairy and a human prince could never be together, and to help her breaking heart, she decided to leave as soon as possible to the wild cranes in the forest. That night, a spy came to castle, in hopes to kill the prince. The Crane Fairy quickly woke at the sound of him quietly scaling the castle up and into to the Princes bedroom. Rousing the cranes, and she directed them up to the Princes bedroom window. Swiftly, they attacked the assassin with their beaks, with the fairy leading the charge. The man tried to stop them with his dagger, missing the cranes who dodged, but accidentally hitting the fairy. Gasping the fairy fell to ground, struggling to breath. Royal guards came quickly from the sound of the cranes and the shouts of the Prince, and the spy was quickly subdued and taken to dungeon. All the while the fairy lay bleeding on the ground, watching the Prince with a smile, knowing that she had saved his life. Suddenly he saw her on the ground, and quickly bent down for a closer look, a look of worry and surprise on his face. He reached out to touch her, but a crane quickly grabbed the fairy by her wings, and flew out the window. With a shout, the prince ran downstairs and outside chasing after the crane, who had flown out the middle of the pond. Gasping for breathe at the edge of the pond, the prince watched in horror as the crane glanced at him, and then emotionlessly dropped the fairy into the water. Almost immediately with a flash of white, the most beautiful crane ever seen submerged from the middle of the lake. At first it looked around in bewilderment, but when it saw the prince, it gave a happy honk, and started to swim over. Then it suddenly stopped, but the prince smiled. "Come here," he said gently. "You saved my life didnt you?" The crane swam over to the prince, who kissed her head softly. "It was prophesied at my birth that a creature of myth and animal would save me, and as my wife, she would cause the kingdom to flourish and grown better than ever before. And one day," the prince looked the crane in the eye. "The spell will be broken, and you shall become a human. That is, if you will take me as your husband?" The crane smiled and nodded. And that day 6 years later, she turned into a beautiful lady, and bore him a son. And the family lived happily ever after.
Edited By Lavenderrain on 8/19/2017 at 8:40 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 8:34 PM Post #19
Stella Lux (Star Light, in Latin)

She is the guardian of lost travelers, guiding them as starry skies guide sailors through dark waters. Her lights pierce the gloom and give the wandering travelers a ray of hope. Her enemy is the will-o'-the-wisp, who leads travelers astray. She rescues as many of these despairing victims as she can find.
Edited By Lonefox on 8/20/2017 at 3:05 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 5/24/2014
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 8:41 PM Post #20
Big Dipper Firefly Lunemara

Based off of the common fireflies around near my house in Michigan, we never used to have fireflies around our house until this year, and it was a wonderful sight to see. They were friendly too, landing on your hands and just sitting there for a while before flying off again. I've always loved fireflies as a kid, so this was definitely a special memory I will always have.

Sorry for the cheesiness, but I couldn't help it~ > v<
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