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Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 11/2/2020
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Posted: 2/10/2021 at 8:08 PM Post #881
I avoid the other boys and head over to the park to explore that area!
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 2/10/2021 at 9:30 PM Post #882
Author: Orcastration
Time Posted: 2/10/2021 at 4:26 PM
(Leah no-)

When you get there, you find youre not quite alone. On one side of the fountain, an albino boy is reading a book. And clearly, he has npt bothered to hide the fact he's from the Academy judging by his jacket. He seems oblivious to the fact that he could fall in the fountain with a light shove.

On the other side, a collage-age couple are walking by.

Some ways away, a brown-haired girl with glasses is talking with Meinke and a black-haired boy. They look rather..interesting, all decked out with notebooks, pencils, and for some reason a large banana split. At 8 in the morning.


(Also did you lose your ping for my RPG or are you just ignoring it for now lol)

Leah thinks about "accidentally" shoving the boy into the fountain, but decides against it since there are other people around. Instead, she decides to head over to Meinke, maybe to do more investigating on more suspicious things about him. Also, banana split, why not.

(Lmao how do I have negative reputation with Meinke but not Mateo)
(Can I eject the Xandoris)
Edited By Larkien on 2/10/2021 at 9:37 PM.
Level 73
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 2/10/2021 at 11:09 PM Post #883
The park is relatively quiet compared to your street.

You see a boy who for some reason is wearing his uniform (probably an Academy kid) readinga book on a bench under a tree. Some distance away, a trio of boys and two girls have decided to recreate an episode of Phineas and Ferb jusging by the fact they have a video camera and toy Perry the Playtypus one of them is puppeteering. Theres some guys playing basketball on a nearny court and younger kids are on the playground across the park. A fountain sits in the center of it all.
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 11/2/2020
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Posted: 2/10/2021 at 11:44 PM Post #884
Author: Orcastration
Time Posted: 2/10/2021 at 11:09 PM
The park is relatively quiet compared to your street.

You see a boy who for some reason is wearing his uniform (probably an Academy kid) readinga book on a bench under a tree. Some distance away, a trio of boys and two girls have decided to recreate an episode of Phineas and Ferb jusging by the fact they have a video camera and toy Perry the Playtypus one of them is puppeteering. Theres some guys playing basketball on a nearny court and younger kids are on the playground across the park. A fountain sits in the center of it all.

Evan walks over to the fountain and watches the kids remaking Phineas and Ferb (that was my childhood) being to socially awkward to go over at talk to them
Edited By Noha on 2/10/2021 at 11:44 PM.
Level 73
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 2/11/2021 at 9:19 AM Post #885
(Meinke is the guy who i scared of his own shadow so...and i jut answered it :D)

Meinke glances up when he sees you approach and not so discretky nudges one of his friends. The girl of the group fixes ypu woth a good heavu stare of judgement, but the boy takes no notice. "Hi. Are you academy or public? Because if youre public then you should probbly go to the oher side of the park-someone started another feud." He informs you.

Level 73
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Posted: 2/11/2021 at 11:30 AM Post #886
Luckily for you, they notice you watching first and one of the boy (probaly suppoedly representing Phineas) comes over while the others have a small squbble over which of the girls is a better Isabella.

"Hey there, are you new around here? My name's Vriyan." He greets. "Enjoying the show?"
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 11/2/2020
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Posted: 2/11/2021 at 12:13 PM Post #887
Author: Orcastration
Time Posted: 2/11/2021 at 11:30 AM
Luckily for you, they notice you watching first and one of the boy (probaly suppoedly representing Phineas) comes over while the others have a small squbble over which of the girls is a better Isabella.

"Hey there, are you new around here? My name's Vriyan." He greets. "Enjoying the show?"

"Oh, hi! Yeah, this is even better then the actual show" Evan replied "My names Evan, I'm new here. Who is everyone else over there?"
Level 73
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Posted: 2/11/2021 at 1:06 PM Post #888
"Thanks. The lot over there? Ok so, Meinke is the brunnette with the biker gloves doing a really bad job at being Ferb, Lish is the pale dude puppetteering his sister's Perry plushie, his sister is the shorter blonde, and Amalie is the other girl. I think she's dating Lish but thats debateable to behonost." Vriyan points out. "Lish is also doubling as the evil doc but he's pretty lousy at the laugh and being oblivious to stuff so everything take double the time. And right now we can't decide if we should have Amalie be Isabella and somehow get someone else to be Candence or have Himatti be a blonde Isabella and have Amalie try to walk around without glasses."
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 11/2/2020
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Posted: 2/11/2021 at 2:54 PM Post #889
Author: Orcastration
Time Posted: 2/11/2021 at 1:06 PM
"Thanks. The lot over there? Ok so, Meinke is the brunnette with the biker gloves doing a really bad job at being Ferb, Lish is the pale dude puppetteering his sister's Perry plushie, his sister is the shorter blonde, and Amalie is the other girl. I think she's dating Lish but thats debateable to behonost." Vriyan points out. "Lish is also doubling as the evil doc but he's pretty lousy at the laugh and being oblivious to stuff so everything take double the time. And right now we can't decide if we should have Amalie be Isabella and somehow get someone else to be Candence or have Himatti be a blonde Isabella and have Amalie try to walk around without glasses."

"I don't think you should have Amalie walking around without her glasses because that could be dangerous. Why don't you have Amalie be Isabella and Himatti be Candence? That might work" Even replied. "and if you need any extra people, I'm more than happy to join! Only if you want me to, that is"
Level 73
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 2/11/2021 at 3:57 PM Post #890
"True....problem is Himatti is barely 12. Seeing as the rest of us are 15....that might be a problem." Vriyan points out, just as Lish suddenly starts chasing after the short blonde girl who's laughing.

"Oh no, she's probabky changed the language again." Vriyan groans.
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