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Forum Index > News and Announcements > Announcement Regarding Recent Bans
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Level 74
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Posted: 3/24/2023 at 7:58 AM Post #41
Oh wow. I knew there were some issues, but I didn't realize how bad things were. I've been playing for several years. And I was the first to breed a 6 visual Vul. I remember that I had them up for breeding at a decent price and I even sold a few that didn't cost an arm and a leg. But this was way back, before we evolved to be a decently large game. I can understand why selling max stat pets for like 50k would tank the economy. We work really hard for stuff like that.

I hope everything starts to chill out now.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 3/24/2023 at 8:07 AM Post #42
Author: Pyewacket
Time Posted: 3/24/2023 at 7:55 AM
I'd like to add my thoughts if I may. It's unfortunate that this subject kept being brought up so much that a forum post was eventually required to address the issue. I honestly feel like the acknowledgment that these players have been banned should have been enough, and the very serious reasoning as to why, could have been left alone. I personally could have lived with never knowing what had happened. However, since so much digging was constructed by other players to find out what had happened, that the Sylestia staff has now needed to address the issue; I do want to say thank you to Krinadon for his handling of the matter by making it public to the best of his ability, as well as allowing a discussion about it to happen. From what I've seen over my years of playing this game, the sylestia community has always seemed like such a good one. Although it is sad to find there are such people on this wonderful website, it doesn't come as a surprise. As can be expected in any community, there will always be people who are two faced. Though it truly horrified me to know precisely what lengths have been gone to in order to harass other players, and the staff. As a victim of a completely unrelated incident myself (players from sylestia were not involved), I can absolutely understand how those who have been targeted by the now banned players feel. My heart goes out to Krin, Faiona, UntitledPrince, and anyone else affected by these people. It frustrates me to see that there are players focusing only on the plotting to take down the Sylestia economy. Not realizing that there was also severe harassment coming from some of these former users, that threatened the mental state, and even physical safety of other people. That is never acceptable. It is literally toying with other people's lives. And we have to understand that what has been said in ways of harassment is cruel, hurtful, or even leaving the victims embarrassed at times. These things are private, and likely not something that the admin wish to share with the entire site. The fact that this has all happened on a website that is a game makes it all the more frustrating. I understand that one will come across people they don't particularly like on any website. I have even done so here on Sylestia. It's so easy to just not have contact with those people though. I will never understand how there can be people who go out of their way to be cruel to others. Thank you to the Sylestia staff for doing their best to keep us safe.

With a rant out of the way, I do have a question for you Krin. The first is, should we expect any new social media restrictions to be put in place? For example, we can no longer give out our discord, twitter, instagram, facebook, ect, accounts anymore. This is something that worries me, as I'm familiar with these restrictions from another site, and although it does in some ways keep things like this from happening, as well as sometimes keep players safe, I don't believe that it's a good thing. It seems to cause more problems than it fixes.

At this time, we don't plan on initiating such a rule change. I think something like that would also be extremely difficult to control/enforce. I also think those things are just a part of the internet life in 2023 and beyond.

However, Faiona and I are contemplating creating an actual, official Discord server for Sylestia. This would allow people a safe place off-site to stay up to date on news and updates, keep in touch easily via mobile devices with friends, etc. We are currently looking into the specifics of creating auto moderator bots for such a channel, the API requirements to link Sylestia accounts to the Discord account in the channel, etc.

Lastly, down the road, we definitely plan on improving Sylestia's own social features and platforms. Our chats are still kind of obscure and difficult to even get to. There's a ton of ways to improve them. Additionally, the Social Inbox is very old and clunky. So there's a lot of room for improvements there to where people will be less inclined to leave Sylestia to socialize while not actively battling.
Level 75
Luck of the Draw
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Posted: 3/24/2023 at 8:09 AM Post #43
I wasn't going to reply. I've seen firsthand the sort of vitriol this group can produce when you stop subscribing to the groupthink or step a toe out of line.

But, honestly, this is the best thing Krin and Fai could have done for the site. While it may, at first, cause a ripple and worry people, given time, the site will go on. Others will rise to finish current content. No single player is so integral that others can't rise to the same level if they disappear.

To those who are on the fringe of this group, I do have to ask: Is this who you want to be? Is this sort of anger who you are at the core of your being? Do you really enjoy bullying and harassing other players you disagree with?

I asked myself those same questions and my answer? No.

It's not too late to walk away and find peace.
Edited By Elevensins on 3/24/2023 at 8:10 AM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 3/24/2023 at 8:34 AM Post #44
Oh my goodness. I was told you had "no proof" of this behaviour. This is lots of proof.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 3/24/2023 at 8:35 AM Post #45
There's been a strong "mean girls" vibe going on for awhile now. Maybe it's cause I was new, but I was not as surprised as some about those banned. I didn't have a history of seeing them always being great. I've seen it in the forums and in realm chat, briefly in the disc (I left it after a few days, when it first started up) it's the main reason I started lurking more than chatting.

I'm fine with the bans and all the investigating. Targeting real people, wanting to tank the economy, harassing other players you don't like?? That bullying type of attitude is ridiculous, dangerous and disgusting. I have a max stat pet now that I have to get rid of. Even though I purchased last year at full price, it's just tainted for me.

Sorry Krin and Faiona that you had to deal with that, but the appropriate actions were taken. Thank you for providing the background information, and keeping an open communication and keeping us all as safe as you can here.

*edit: Well said Elevensins, agree 100%!
Edited By Jadedragon07 on 3/24/2023 at 8:36 AM.
Level 75
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Posted: 3/24/2023 at 8:44 AM Post #46
I've got mixed feelings on this. Though I've not been here for years, and I'm not a very vocal individual in chat or the Forum, I am someone who lurks and observes often. I've come to know a bit about a few of these users via interactions they've had with others on site/in chat.

Disregarding what I have seen or gathered about individual personalities, good or bad, looking at the actions on both sides here has me worried with a few concerns.

I'll say first that any mention of doxxing or hacking, even in a vague and indirect way, should have been addressed regardless of whether it's on site or off site as it can and often does lead down a terrible rabbit hole of harrassment/stalking/ect. It should never be okay to casually bring up doxxing. Some may argue that there was no threat made here, but even the mention of it brings into question the intention behind it. I personally have no problem with how that was dealt with.

On the subject of people talking about crashing the economy however, that's a different story. Yes, seeing these messages are alarming and worrying, as it's a serious threat to the site and the enjoyment of the player base should actual attempts be made on site. But I do believe unless actual attempts were made, that the gun was jumped here a bit on this one.

If this was something discussed on site, then I'd see it as very reasonable to ban such users. However, it was done off site, in a discord. While I do not agree with what was said and the morality of such conversations does come into question, if no action was taken on site it's all talk at best.

I do see some users incriminating themselves in these messages as having done actual things on site to hurt the economy, but others are just talking about it/encouraging it. Which is not okay, but also it does make me wonder where the line begins and ends on what is considered a bannable offense off site. Which can be a tricky thing to navigate in itself as you need irrefutable proof behind who is who offsite and onsite. Which you have claimed you did have in this case, but that may not always be the case. Policing offsite issues can quickly become problematic - for many reasons.

Having read all messages up to here, I would like to mention that it's very reasonable to expect and know that anything you say to anyone else - whether in the real world or online - has a very good chance to be shared or spread. A "private" chat or group, may not be as private or secure as you think it is. We can sometimes forget this among those we consider friends, but all it takes is one person to share for things to start spreading. Being mindful of what you're choosing to say to others is common sense.

All that being said, I am worried about the economy as we go forward. A lot of the people that were involved were users with years of collecting. With them being gone, as it has been brought up, a lot of high value pets and items are off the breeding/sale market.

Lastly, I am incredibly sorry to hear this has happened. My condolences go out to anyone who was affected negatively in this situation. Whether that be you had to be the one making tough decisions and calls, you were the one being harassed, or you lost close friends/partners to game with on site. I'm sure this was not an easy situation for those involved.
Level 29
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Posted: 3/24/2023 at 8:57 AM Post #47
Wowzas.. I knew (from experience) that a few people were rude but Jesus.. literally trying to find out your address, Krin? Thats madness! I thought the people from my past experiences were just the bad apples of the bunch, so to speak. This.. this is actually crazy.

Krin, I would like you to know that your safety is in my thoughts and prayers. Also, some people have told me that there have been times where you have spent 20+ hours working on coding this game. First off, I wanna say that you have done an amazing job. Sylestia. Is. Wonderful. The second thing I have to say to that is to GET SOME SLEEP XD

I wish you a great day and I hope this quote makes your day just a little better:
If you fall, Ill always be there. -the floor
Edited By Angelthefurry on 3/24/2023 at 9:04 AM.
Level 22
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Posted: 3/24/2023 at 9:05 AM Post #48
isnt unauthorized private discord illegal this is breaking a lot of tos i think but i know youre the admin but that doesnt seem like an excuse to break your own rules?
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 3/24/2023 at 9:08 AM Post #49
Author: Azaragnar
Time Posted: 3/24/2023 at 9:05 AM
isnt unauthorized private discord illegal this is breaking a lot of tos i think but i know youre the admin but that doesnt seem like an excuse to break your own rules?

I'm sorry, but I don't quite follow your question.
Level 22
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Posted: 3/24/2023 at 9:15 AM Post #50
u got into a discord that didnt let you in and for getting people in trouble isnt that illegal like harassment or stalking something id ont know wouldnt you be in danger if there werw minors
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