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Level 65
The Majestic
Joined: 8/25/2014
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Posted: 12/25/2015 at 12:47 AM Post #21

No one is entirely sure how Sarasvati came to be. Some say that she was born from a blossoming lotus; others say that her form simply rose from the waters. One source speculates that she sprang from the dawn's light climbing over the clouds.

Sarasvati rules over "all that flows", which encompasses not only water, but knowledge, art, and music as well. As a result, she is eternally peaceful and gentle. She soothes the heart and cultivates the mind. It's said that if one stands close to her, they can hear the sound of flowing water. Even more stunning is that even if she is still, her plumage ripples and flows like eddies. She travels all over the world, dispensing knowledge and creativity to all those who thirst for it.
Level 28
The Majestic
Joined: 12/8/2015
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Posted: 12/25/2015 at 12:48 AM Post #22
Her name was Aura. It wasn't a fancy or a long name like a princess should have. A stray. That's what she was - not a princess. Her father was the king of a Griffi Clan deep in the forest. Aura was a disgrace to him, due to her odd mutations; no matter how beautiful, he was upset. Aura had run away and bumped into a hand. The hand stroked her gently and she purred - or it sounded like a purr. She had found a home with this human who goes by the name of Acorn.
The End <3
Level 60
The Majestic
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Posted: 12/25/2015 at 12:50 AM Post #23

As the majestic Griffi cautiously steps forward, I notice the stars embedded in her fur, they reflect the night sky in their endless, void-like interior. She reminds me of the sky herself, mysterious, yet familiar... When I touch her fur, it feels glossy, smooth, and cool, yet soft at the same time. She seems like she is a being from the heavens, though she seems lost, just like I am, in the endless Umbra Forest. She stares at me with her, deep, wise eyes, they seem know everything about this world, as if she was at the beginning of time. Her feathers are gorgeous and magnificent, they reflect the confusion and astonishment in myself. I decide to call her Angel of the Stars, after all, she seems to be a goddess in herself. She turns away and begins to trot away, I follow her. For what seems like hours, we walk through the forest, and eventually she led me to Sanctuary of Sarielle. I am utterly astonished she had led me out of the enticing depths of Umbra Forest, usually nobody makes it back from the innermost parts of the forest.. When I begin my long trek home, the Angel of the Stars, as I have begin to call her, follows on my long, exhausting journey. When I had arrived, she had no intention of leaving. There, I claimed her as my own, and gave her a more proper name that better reflects her relation with the heavens, Astral.

Sorry if this is a bit too long.. I tend to put a TON of details in my stories.. Anyways, hope you enjoyed, and I look forward to reading other peoples' stories!
Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 9/4/2014
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Posted: 12/25/2015 at 1:02 AM Post #24
She was a single point of light in an endless abyss. Cold and alone, separated from her brothers and sisters by distances so vast she no longer remembered their faces or the sound of their voices. Their names were lost to the ages and space as well. But they had names. She knew this in the way she knew that she was different from them. Her brothers and sisters thrived in the cold and solitude, but she did not.

So one day she fell. She let go of her perch and plummeted through the abyss. She aimed for the blue and green orb that had looked so small and fragile from her spot high above. As she neared, she realized how large the orb really was. How beautiful and rich with life. She crashed through unseen barriers and was reborn on the land of the planet she had watched from the sky.

She had form now. She had a body that breathed and expressed emotions in a way she never could before. She was The Fallen Star and she awoke every night to see her brothers and sisters shining down on her.
Level 73
Majestic Sculptor
Joined: 12/11/2015
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Posted: 12/25/2015 at 1:05 AM Post #25
by the way sorry if i miss speel stuff

i look deeply into her eyes, i hear this soft voice say "i am Juiniper and i will tell u my story." i look at her eyes and suddenly i see a flashback of her past.

she was but a star fallen from the sky and took on an egglings form. when she hatched she hatched into a time of despire. She hatched in a time period where an evil lord ruled the kingdom which she hatched in. Lord Sabastain, heard of this fallen start and went in search of it. He searched everywhere but with no luck came back to the castle empty handed. To his shock his daughter was holding a baby Ghrphus that looked like a starligt sky. His daughter, Lillyan, who was on 8, knew that her new friend was in terrible danger so she hide her away for years. On her 14th birthday she ranaway from the castle and everything she ever known of to protect the 1 thing she knew would cause distar for the world. Juiniper. Lillyan and juinper lived put in the forest for two years intill her father found them. he thretened to kill Juinper is Lillyan did not come home. Lillyan refused to come home she new her dad was pure evil and she could not be around evil because she had the purese heart of all. Lord Sabastain ordered hiw Warlock to kill the Grphus and he almost did that so. the Warlock had fire magic and threw fire ball at Juinper but Lillyan pushed her out of the way. Lillyan ended up dying and Juinper took off in per depresseon. she has wandered the hills looking for a new pure hearted chiild to serve and protect.

comes back to the present

Juinper speakes softly withput moving her lips" ive found my new master."

i could not refuse i agreed and we walked home talking all night about each other

Juinper will never again feel depressed because she is now and forever will be loved.

sorry if too long i felt inspired
Edited By Lunarwolfie on 12/25/2015 at 1:08 AM.
Level 69
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 7/22/2013
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Posted: 12/25/2015 at 1:10 AM Post #26
In the Time Before, Indrani, the Solstice Star, was the guardian of the holy groves in which the progenitors of the Sylesti species would come to greet the reborn sun. When the progenitors split and went their separate ways, they no longer came to the groves, and Indrani was left alone. After many years, she journeyed to the far-off home of those who had bonded with the Sylesties, and chose to take new birth, new life, with one amongst them.


Meh, it's short, and I'm sure it'll get lost amongst all these other entries, but I tried. XD
Level 61
The Majestic
Joined: 7/7/2015
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Posted: 12/25/2015 at 1:12 AM Post #27
---- She was born of starlight itself.

---- At least, that's what the legends always said. There were slight variations in every culture, but the tales were always united in one aspect: the great Griffi was the daughter of the cosmos.

---- Every one hundred years she would appear, seeking a - well, the stories could never quite agree on what exactly she was seeking. Some said a mate, some a family; others did not presume to guess what the heavenly creature desired. Whatever she was looking for, every century throughout history she would appear seeking a new owner, and each time - sometimes within a few months, sometimes after decades - she would disappear, only returning in another hundred years time to find a new companion.

---- This century, she came to a young human on a frosted winter night.

---- "You're her." the human said in awe. "The starlight griffi."
---- The griffi nodded her head. "Will you be my companion?" She can talk! the human thought, before briefly berating herself -- she was a cosmic being thousands of years old, of course she could talk.
---- "What do you wish to name me?" the griffi asked, kneeling down in the grass before the human.
---- The human frowned. "Don't you have a name of your own?"
---- The griffi looked up as if confused by the question. "I have had many names. My last partner named me Casme. Before that I was named Anakeia, and then Riversky, and before that I - I do not remember."
---- "You don't want to choose your own name?"
---- "...It has never been done."
---- "It just doesn't seem right, that people always stick their own names on you," the human said, shrugging. "Dont you have something you want to be called for yourself?
---- The griffi opened her mouth as if to object before closing it.
---- "...Aura."
---- The human smiled. "Aura. It suits you."
---- Aura rose from the grass, nuzzling her head against the humans palm. "Thank you," she said.
---- "Of course."
---- "This time, I - I think I will stay."
---- And the two of them walked together into the star-filled night, the Griffi having finally found what she had been seeking across the millennia - a friend.

(I know it's kind of cheesy, but I couldn't resist. Merry Christmas!)
Edited By Arien on 12/25/2015 at 1:21 AM.
Level 70
Joined: 8/24/2013
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Posted: 12/25/2015 at 1:17 AM Post #28
The Tale of Sitara
Her eyes opened slowly, drinking in the world around her. It was night, and the light of stars was reflected in the mirror-smooth surface of the lake. Her mother smiled. "Welcome into the world, my little Sitara," she whispered. Sitara smiled, her whole being captivated by the beauty of the starlit water. Her mother did not express concern over her little one's strange markings. Many Griffi had suddenly had new markings appear on them from time to time. She was sure her baby would be no different.
Sitara grew, and as she reached her adolescence, strange wings and a strange tail appeared. The other Griffi in her flock admired her greatly for her beauty, for she was unlike any other Griffi ever seen. But as time passed, Sitara became restless. She had heard tell of Griffi and other Sylesties who bonded with strange two legged creatures that roamed over the land. Sitara watched as some members of her flock approached these beings, hoping to be chosen to travel with them, and the joy they felt when they were chosen. She desired this companionship for herself. And so Sitara set out to find it.
She traveled far, but finally she found one among the creatures that she deemed worthy of taking her as a companion. Feeling shy now that the moment had come, Sitara hesitantly approached the creature and nuzzled it, hoping that the bond would be accepted. "I am Sitara," she said, "and I have chosen you to be my companion, I, who was born on the shores of the starlit lake. I am Sitara, if you will have me."

I tried....Sorry for the length.....
Level 56
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/16/2014
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Posted: 12/25/2015 at 1:21 AM Post #29
A long, long time ago, there was a war. It was a brutal one, and many died. The hatred each of the warring countries had for each other was so great, it became a tangible thing. It formed into a creature of pure destruction and hatred. The humans were too busy fighting to notice it, and their own hatred fed the creature. Over the years, war overtook more and more countries. The creature became almost unstoppable, and did everything it could to keep the wars going. The creature fed and fed, swelling up to an alarming size. It seemed that the world was doomed. Civilians fought amongst each other, and even the rich were involved, hiring assassins to wipe each other out. Even the animals fought. Soon, the economy and government began collapsing.

The heavens noticed.

The creature's chaos and hate was so potent, even the gods had begun fighting amongst themselves. One, however, a child god, remained untouched because of her innocence. She watched the gods fight, and finally, she had had enough. There were two things she was good at, peace-making and art, and she intended to use her abilities to help stop all of the fighting. She got out her special clay that she had dug out from the innermost part of a cloud, and began molding. It took her a month to perfectly mold it, as the other gods kept destroying bits of it in the quarrels, but it finally got done. She stepped back, looked to the sky, and plucked out a handful of the brightest, most beautiful stars she could find. She embedded them into her statue, and painted it all of the colors of the night. She gazed at her masterpiece, and had the sudden desire to keep it, though she knew she could not. Beautiful as this creation may be be, she knew she needed to let it go so that it could help. She imbued in it her powers of peace-keeping. Now, whoever looked at it would immediately feel calm and happy. She brought over a god of life, and though he was irritated, convinced him to bring it to life.

With a flick of his finger, suddenly the statue came to life, shaking it's feathery coat, and spraying small bits of stardust over them. The child god smiled, satisfied. She bade the beautiful creature to go and spread peace all across the world, and away the creature flew, leaving a glowing trail behind her. As she flew across the lands, all who saw her dropped what they were doing, gazing upwards at her beauty. As the fighting and hate dissolved, the creature of hate began to diminish in size and power. As the beautiful creature reached it, it was the size of a small rat. With one stomp of her back hooves, and in a shower of sparks, the creature was no more.

The humans gathered around, awed by her beauty, and named her Concordia, as she was now their own mortal goddess of peace.

(I'm so sorry that this is long. >w<
I shortened it a lot, but it might still be long...
I am so so sorry...)
Edited By Kalosis on 12/25/2015 at 1:22 AM.
Level 75
High Warlord
Joined: 6/19/2013
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Posted: 12/25/2015 at 1:22 AM Post #30

The wind was blowing, snow was falling. It was a violent storm that night. All of the sylesties hid in their homes and in their stables. Owners locked the doors. Then the storm suddenly stopped and a light started to shine....

It was a Griffi, but it was no ordinary Griffi, this one was special. Her colors were dark and bright all in one. A gleam in her eye caught one of the owners of the stable. She looked down at him and spoke to him.

"Are you alright?" The Griffi asked, still looking at the stable owner.

"You talk?" He was scared of her.

"No need to be afraid, my name is Midnight." The Griffi replied. Her peacock tail swishing back and forth.

"Why did you come here to my stables?" The stable owner asked

"I want to live here on earth and be with the other sylesties. I'm too lonely up where I'm at." Midnight sighed, a few tears escaping her eyes, she felt like she was forced to help sylesties. She wanted to be treated like a true sylesti.

"Do you want to stay with me?" The stable owner asked her, feeling bad about what she said.

"Yes. Who are you?" Midnight wanted to know his name.

"I'm John. Come on in." He beckoned her to follow. Midnight followed him into the stables. He opened the gate for her and she had her own space. The other sylesties hissed at her, but she knew that they would like her soon. She just had to deal with it.

"Goodnight John." Midnight smiled.

"Good night Midnight." John waved and closed the doors before leaving. The Peacock Griffi now had a home. She could play with the other sylesties and fight evil on earth with them...

The End!
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