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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > Entering Enegryle [LIMITED Game]
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Level 71
Cutely Creative
Joined: 3/4/2013
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Posted: 5/28/2017 at 7:11 PM Post #1
This is a choose-your-own-adventure/pick-your-path game. If you participate, you will be given a set of options each round, which may lead you into dialogue mode. In dialogue mode, you must instead speak to an npc, or a non-playable character. The choices you make will affect how others interact with you, what type of situations you get into, and sometimes, the choices presented to you.

You may sometimes find companions who will help you, and you may sometimes lose companions. Your companions may speak up at any time if they are humanoid beings. Your companion does have a mood, and it may lower or raise in response to your choices. Your companions will have personalities, and will each have their own reputation.


The Rules, which must be Read AND Followed:

1. This game will have a limit of 5 people at a time doing their little stories at this time so I don't get overwhelmed.

2. The slots will be first-come, first-serve.

3. If you are inactive with this game for three days, you will receive a warning message. Once you have been inactive with this game for a total seven days, you will be removed and your slot would be open for someone else to fill.

4. Failure to follow the rules thrice, earning a strike each time, will result in immediate death of your character by an unstoppable cause and you will be removed from the game, with the spot open for someone else to fill.

5. NO cursing/swearing/foul language. "Heck, frick, etc." is alowed. However, if you really want to cuss, please make a creative phrase of random words, such as, "Flabbergasted Peacocks!"

6. Do not be mean to another player.

7. Do not act like it is a sob story that someone else has more of anything than you.

8. Do not complain. You can joke, but no complaints. Please, keep this lighthearted.

9. NO dirty references.

10. You choices may lead your character to die.

11. Please do not PM me asking if any spots will be opened. When/if spots are opened, they will usually be random. I may choose to expand the amount of people playing if I so wish.

12. Your character can either be evil or good, lawful or chaotic, really up to you. It is best, though, that you stick to a personality with your character.

13. You may have no more than 3 companions travelling with you at any given time.

14. You MAY reserve a spot.

15. Have fun!


The plot of Entering Enegryle is as follows:

You are a lonely adventurer. You've been on your own for some time, for whatever reason you choose, and have heard of troubles brewing in the ever-troubled Enegryle. You hitch a boat to the continent, and begin your adventures.



The currency in Enegryle is called Crowns. A Crown is a small, carved teardrop shaped purple gem.

There is currently a deadly disease plaguing certain parts of Enegryle called the Captain's Wiles. You don't know quite which parts, however. It will be different for each player. This disease is incurable and extremely contagious.

Each player will start out their game with 20 Crowns, a bag, armor that suits their character, and some pieces of meat and fruits in their bag.


Creating Your Character:

You are one of four humanoid creatures. In your first post, you are to create your character, filling out a form. The humanoid creatures are as follows:

Human - Playing as a human is the most basic role you are able to fill. Humans are exceptionally charismatic creatures, and can cover just about any weapon, or magic. The human species is the most flexible for you to start off with. Humans live in villages, so that must be a part of your backstory if you are a human. Humans have skin ranging from pale to dark, and hair ranging from light to dark, or red. Humans average about 5'6, but can be taller/shorter. Humans do not carry with them much of a reputation.

Orc - Orcs are very strong creatures. They do best with heavier armor, and heavier weapons. Orcs tend to be more hotheaded and high-tempered, but not all are. Orcs are able to learn magic, but their magic tends to be unpredictable. This species does not do well with a bow and arrow. They live in solitude most of the time. Orcs have skin ranging from light to dark green, and hair that lies on the grayscale. They are a tall species, averaging about 6'7, and do not have much variance. All orcs have two tusks. Orcs tend to have a negative reputation.

Elf - An elf is the most tricky of the humanoid species in Enegryle. The elf is witty, and cunning, and knows to think outside the box. They are quick on their feet, and as so, are better suited for magic or archery and light armor. Elves usually live in tribes in the middle of forests. Elves typically have very pale skin colors, but their hair colors range as the same as humans'. Elves average in height about 5'8, but can have much variance. Elves have long ears, and carry with them a neutral reputation most of the time.

Dwarf - Dwarves are hardworking, strong creatures that are better suited for heavier armor, but not necessarily heavier weapons. A dwarf does well with heavy weapons, but also with archery. Dwarves are completely incapable of any magic. The dwarves are commonly found living in clans underground. A dwarf averages about 4'5 in height, but can have slight variances. Dwarves range in complexion and hair color as humans do. A dwarf will typically carry a positive reputation, as dwarves tend to be your usual workers.

The following form is for you to fill out when creating your character:

Name of Character:
Picture (Use Sylestia Wardrobe, does not need to be available immediately):
Weapon of Preference:
Backstory (Not needed immediately):


The Players:

Username: Ember2000
Name of Character: Axilya
Gender: Female

Race: Elf
Weapon of Preference:Bow and Arrow/Some magic
Two guards rush in to the Queen's chambers, breathing heavily with a worried haze visible in their eyes. "Yes madam?" the two questioned in stereo, as if rehearsed a million times on the way up the stairs. A petite elven queen turns their way, a maniacal grin. "Enegryle has fallen ill. Their kingdom is shattering as we speak. Now is the time."

Crowns: 20
Items: 5 pieces of meat, 5 pieces of fruit


Username: malas120
Name of Character: Naida Mystine
Gender: Female

Race: Elf
Weapon of Preference: Magic
Backstory[I don't think I'm a good writer XD]:
Naida is the child of a river nymph and an elf.They lived happily together for many years and they taught Naida magic,mostly water magic of course.However because Naida was born with black eyes she was seen as a threat waiting to happen.Black eyes were a sign of rebellion and evil in the elf community and because of this they soon were forced to move away from everyone else.Even though such things might sound wrong they did have a point.Naida was known in the village as the little girl who almost flooded the whole town...twice.She also nearly ruined all their crops because of all the rain she brought.Even Naida was worried that the elfs were right about her;but her parents assured her it was nothing to worry about.As she grew older Naida and her parents realized she still couldn't control her magic and because of this they nearly all lost there lives while she practiced her spells.Soon even her parents had to send her away.Naida then went to live with faires;she knew most of them were tricksters and weren't to be trusted but she had to do something.Eventually through many trials and errors she made it to fairies who would help her instead of playing nasty tricks on her.They gave her an orb full of water.They explained to Naida that as long as she had the orb with her,she could only use the water that was within it.At first she had no idea how that was going to help her keep control of her magic....butt hen she realized that with such a limited supply she couldn't drown anything!Oh course because her disastrous nature she still gets into some trouble but,the more she practices with the orb by her side the better she gets.
"One day,I'l be so good at controlling my powers...I'll be able to go see mom and pa again.."

Crowns: 20
Items: 5 pieces of meat, 5 pieces of fruit


Username: Enyo
Name of Character: Mirwen
Gender: Female
Picture (Use Sylestia Wardrobe, does not need to be available immediately):

Race: Elf
Weapon of Preference: Bow
Backstory (Not needed immediately):

Crowns: 20
Items: 5 pieces of meat, 5 pieces of fruit


Username: Fox
Name of Character: Maldok
Gender: Male

Race: Elf
Weapon of Preference: Bow/Basic Magic
Backstory (Not needed immediately):

Deep in the woods he waited. Many hours passed and many feet shuffled along the forest floor, passing by so close he feared they may find him. Sometimes there were voices calling for him, sometimes there was silence and only the rustling of leaves as the elven scouts searched for him. Slowly, he moved through the enchanted forest he once called home. Eventually he had reached the ocean that separated his lands and those of Enegryle, a less magical and disease-striken country.

The elf, a tall and slender specimen, was fair of hair and had bright lilac eyes. For an elf he was emotional. It was difficult for him to hide his facial expressions and many found him to be irrational when his sensitivity got the better of him. It would be his emotions that sent the scouts after him. At one time they were beneath him. He was a lead scout, one of the best in his tribe.

Flashbacks pained him. Tears streamed down his angled cheeks as he recalled the times he had spent with his love, Allora. Until the tribe's queen killed her. It was his last mission. The queen had sent his squad to assassinate those who opposed her. Maldok, tired of the corruption that had consumed his queen, had defied her and ordered his scouts to do the same. Little did he know, his once loyal scouts had been brainwashed and held him at spear point. The queen's laughter rang through his ears as she made a gesture with her hands and two guards dragged Allora into the throne room.

The sight was too much. He pleaded for her release but right there and then the queen cut into Allora's flesh with invisible and magical swords. The death, pain and suffering seen in Allora's eyes burned in his mind still. At this moment he knew he needed to be strong and while the shock overtook the room he managed to escape and flee deeper into the forest.

He found a small ship, preparing to sail to the continent of Enegryle. Maldok did not know the land well but has heard of rumors about a deathly sickness called "The Captain's Wiles". There was no other choice for him and he boarded the ship and paid the captain with the coin he had. He spent many nights in sorrow and during the day he cleaned the decks and aided the fishermen. Perhaps some of his tribe would be sent across the sea. On some nights he glimpsed another elven ship in the distance and couldn't help but think it was his queen's ship. The journey was long, but finally he disembarked and walked towards the town known as Ihndiste...


Kiothar, Elf:

Crowns: 32
Items: 5 pieces of meat, 5 pieces of fruit, water


Username: Britters
Name of Character: Aoife O'Hare
Gender: Female

Race: Dwarf
Weapon of Preference: War-axe
Backstory (Not needed immediately):

Crowns: 20
Items: 5 pieces of meat, 5 pieces of fruit
Edited By Creativity on 6/2/2017 at 1:46 PM.
Level 71
Cutely Creative
Joined: 3/4/2013
Threads: 253
Posts: 5,852
Posted: 5/28/2017 at 7:11 PM Post #2
(This is the beginning post for ALL new players)

You enter the small town of Ihndiste, hoping to find anyone in need of help. You glance around, but only find a small boy with ashen skin running to you at top speed. You're slightly alarmed, but he skids to a halt right before reaching you. He looked to be no older than seven years.

"Please!" he shouted. "Please, don't come in here! The Captain's Wiles have touched this town! My ma! She's sick... Her skin is almost completely purple now... I don't want you to get sick, either! Please, don't come near Ihndiste!"

What do you wish to do?

a) Speak to him (Will enter dialogue mode)
b) Kill him
c) Leave
d) Other (Specify)
Level 60
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 5/12/2017
Threads: 12
Posts: 404
Posted: 5/28/2017 at 7:15 PM Post #3
I will ask him "Why cant i help?" from a distance

(I hope this is the correct gameplay?)
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/8/2013
Threads: 134
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Posted: 5/28/2017 at 7:16 PM Post #4
Username: Ember2000
Name of Character: Axilya
Gender: Female
Picture (Use Sylestia Wardrobe, does not need to be available immediately):

Race: Elf
Weapon of Preference:Bow and Arrow/Some magic
Backstory (Not needed immediately):
Two guards rush in to the Queen's chambers, breathing heavily with a worried haze visible in their eyes. "Yes madam?" the two questioned in stereo, as if rehearsed a million times on the way up the stairs. A petite elven queen turns their way, a maniacal grin. "Enegryle has fallen ill. Their kingdom is shattering as we speak. Now is the time."
Edited By Ember2000 on 5/28/2017 at 7:40 PM.
Level 71
Cutely Creative
Joined: 3/4/2013
Threads: 253
Posts: 5,852
Posted: 5/28/2017 at 7:17 PM Post #5
Give your form first, please :). You cannot enter the gameplay until your character is made. And pelase ping me in the future~.
Level 70
Nature Walker
Joined: 1/19/2016
Threads: 14
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Posted: 5/28/2017 at 7:19 PM Post #6
Reserving while creating the character (i hope this is fine)

Username: Enyo
Name of Character: Mirwen
Gender: Female
Picture (Use Sylestia Wardrobe, does not need to be available immediately):

Race: Elf
Weapon of Preference: Bow
Backstory (Not needed immediately):
Edited By Enyo on 5/28/2017 at 8:11 PM.
Level 75
Master Sylestiologist
Joined: 3/10/2014
Threads: 398
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Posted: 5/28/2017 at 7:19 PM Post #7
I'll play!!

Username: Fox
Name of Character: Maldok
Gender: Male

Race: Elf
Weapon of Preference: Bow/Basic Magic
Backstory (Not needed immediately):

Deep in the woods he waited. Many hours passed and many feet shuffled along the forest floor, passing by so close he feared they may find him. Sometimes there were voices calling for him, sometimes there was silence and only the rustling of leaves as the elven scouts searched for him. Slowly, he moved through the enchanted forest he once called home. Eventually he had reached the ocean that separated his lands and those of Enegryle, a less magical and disease-striken country.

The elf, a tall and slender specimen, was fair of hair and had bright lilac eyes. For an elf he was emotional. It was difficult for him to hide his facial expressions and many found him to be irrational when his sensitivity got the better of him. It would be his emotions that sent the scouts after him. At one time they were beneath him. He was a lead scout, one of the best in his tribe.

Flashbacks pained him. Tears streamed down his angled cheeks as he recalled the times he had spent with his love, Allora. Until the tribe's queen killed her. It was his last mission. The queen had sent his squad to assassinate those who opposed her. Maldok, tired of the corruption that had consumed his queen, had defied her and ordered his scouts to do the same. Little did he know, his once loyal scouts had been brainwashed and held him at spear point. The queen's laughter rang through his ears as she made a gesture with her hands and two guards dragged Allora into the throne room.

The sight was too much. He pleaded for her release but right there and then the queen cut into Allora's flesh with invisible and magical swords. The death, pain and suffering seen in Allora's eyes burned in his mind still. At this moment he knew he needed to be strong and while the shock overtook the room he managed to escape and flee deeper into the forest.

He found a small ship, preparing to sail to the continent of Enegryle. Maldok did not know the land well but has heard of rumors about a deathly sickness called "The Captain's Wiles". There was no other choice for him and he boarded the ship and paid the captain with the coin he had. He spent many nights in sorrow and during the day he cleaned the decks and aided the fishermen. Perhaps some of his tribe would be sent across the sea. On some nights he glimpsed another elven ship in the distance and couldn't help but think it was his queen's ship. The journey was long, but finally he disembarked and walked towards the town known as Ihndiste...
Edited By Fox on 6/2/2017 at 1:29 PM.
Level 72
The Eggstraordinaire
Joined: 8/25/2014
Threads: 167
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Posted: 5/28/2017 at 7:20 PM Post #8
Username: Britters
Name of Character: Aoife O'Hare
Gender: Female

Race: Dwarf
Weapon of Preference: War-axe
Backstory (Not needed immediately):
Edited By Britters on 5/28/2017 at 8:25 PM.
Level 71
Cutely Creative
Joined: 3/4/2013
Threads: 253
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Posted: 5/28/2017 at 7:21 PM Post #9
All slots are reserved!
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/9/2013
Threads: 174
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Posted: 5/28/2017 at 7:22 PM Post #10
Sorry internet not working well,saw your post right after I posted. Aww poop >->;
Edited By Malas120 on 5/28/2017 at 7:28 PM.
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