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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > Fall Festival 2015 - Avatar Dress Up
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Level 75
Nature Walker
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Posted: 11/16/2015 at 10:02 PM Post #1
The object of this game is to go to the Wardrobe and create the most creative avatar that you can manage! Come back to this thread afterwards and post your avatar here along with a short paragraph describing your character.

You may not use your avatar entry from past Dress Up Contests. You must create a new one.


1. You are allowed to dress up your avatar in any style or item from the wardrobe. You do not have to own the style or item.

2. You are only allowed to submit one entry.

3. Along with your avatar image, you must write a short paragraph about your avatar character... either by giving a back story or by talking about your inspiration for creating the avatar.

4. You can edit and change your entry, but whatever you have in the thread is what I'm using when the contest ends.

5. This ends at the end of the festival...which is November 22nd at 11:59pm.


Krinadon and I will judge the entries and choose a first, second and third place winner. Everyone who participates will receive the forum title Fancy Pants. :)

1st Place


~The Scarecrow's Tear~

Long ago, the Viridian Meadows was a peaceful place. There were no bandits, no struggles, no strife, and the farmers had fields spanning all the way to the edge of Astryl's Vale. Overseeing the fields from upon the highest hill, beloved by the people of the land, was a magical scarecrow. With burlap skin, buttons for eyes, hair made of straw, and a stitched mouth, the scarecrow dutifully watched over the fields, and only when someone was in need of help did the scarecrow come down from his post. For generations this magical entity tended to the land and its people, and for a long, long time he was happy.

But peace does not last eternally... and on the Eve of the Great Fire, the scarecrow's happiness, and his life, came to a tragic end. While the people slept blissfully the Nightfall Bandits struck the fields, engulfing the land in a raging inferno that spread far and wide. Only the scarecrow remained awake to see the fires in time, and without a single thought of hesitation he knew what he had to do. There was too little time to warn everyone door to door, so rather than running to the farmers' houses he ran west, straight into the blazing fields.

Not far off, at the peak of the next hill, was an old watchtower. Already the building was alight with fire, brilliant embers flickering through the wind and smoke billowing into the night sky, but the scarecrow knew that this was the only way. Without concern for his own safety the scarecrow ran into the burning tower, and made his way up the spiraling stairs to the very top. The fires ate away at him, singeing his clothes, his hair, his body, but the scarecrow never stopped climbing. There was barely anything left of the scarecrow by the time he made it to the tower's crest, but it was enough, and with the last of his strength he reached up to ring the warning bell. The scarecrow had saved the people, and as the last of his body burned away, he shed a single tear. Not one of regret, or pain, or sadness, but one of happiness, of love, and of gratitude...

The mighty ring of the warning bell was enough to awaken the people, and not a single life was lost as they fled to the coast. No life, that is, except for the scarecrow's... By morning when the fires burned out and bandits had left the people went to look for their beloved guardian, but all that remained of him were two charred buttons, hidden within the smoking ashes of the watch tower... The people held a vigil in the scarecrow's honor, and as they built up a new home along the coast they already knew what they would call it: Esior's Haven, named after the scarecrow who had sacrificed his life in order to save all of theirs.

Now, so many years later, the Nightfall Bandits have claimed most of the Viridian Meadows, but on the anniversary of the Great Fire, upon the high hill where the scarecrow once lived, Esior's spirit returns to watch over the people, while they feast happily in a celebration known to them as Thanksgiving.

"Thank you, Esior..."


3 Visible 2015 Fall Festival Themed Pet, 500 Diamonds, 1,000,000 Gold

2nd Place


Lady Allure
Once, she was beautiful. Once, she was gentle and kind. Once, she was the envy of a nation. Now she bears ivory claws, thick black fur and blood stained fangs.

The Lady Allure lived a life of luxury and privilege. Sighing on the arms of knights, singing to handsome lords and batting painted eyelashes at wealthy princes. She drew the gaze of every man and woman she glided past and dreamed of a day she would marry a beautiful man equalling herself.

But dreams are made of just that and eventually like most noble daughters whom are simply the property of their fathers, she was sold. She was married off to a short, fat, ugly, old and worst of all unkind king. Shipped far away from her glamorous home. Sentenced to a life away from pretty parlours and charming courts, demoted to a rank of house ornament and bed warmer.

How dare she be paired with someone like him? He was not match, no equal. He was disgusting, too rough, too mean, too old and too ugly. So, like many in her situation, she took a lover in secret. A beautiful bard with silvery moonlight hair, boyish features and a voice that soothed her stormy rage. A true equal to her. A beautiful and delightful secret.

But, there is always a but with secrets. They are hard to keep and soon enough someone found out. Soon enough someone told the grisly king and soon enough the punishment for keeping secrets was to come. Her beautiful bard, tortured and killed, no longer would she hear his song. Her beautiful face, beaten and bruise, never killed, she cost too much. Her freedom, stolen, locked away in her room with big iron doors and large, heaving locks.

This was not her end, she had nothing left to lose now. So one dark night, when the king had drunk too much and was in a deep sleep, she escaped. Remembering how to pick locks with her hair pins, as she did as a child, she bolted from her castle turned prison and sought out the only person who could help, a sorcerer who was rumoured to dwell in the woods.

The sorcerer smirked at the foolish girl and demanded everything in return for her revenge. And so with little hesitation, Lady Allure traded it all. Her looks, her money, her clothes, her privilege, her blood, her soul, her everything, for those ivory claws, thick black fur and blood stained fangs. And under the moonlit night, a Lady no more, but a beast, stormed that castle turned prison, with all her fiery rage, devouring everyone, every last blood drop. Blood for blood, pain for pain, ugly for ugly.


2 Visible 2015 Fall Festival Themed Pet, 250 Diamonds, 750,000 Gold

3rd Place


The Stargazer

"Aim for the moon, if you fail you will still be among the stars."
"Be careful what you wish for."
"Desire is a powerful thing, you must overcome it."

Long ago, a young boy of 7 years lived by the phrases his grandmother taught him. He dreamed of touching stardust and holding the constellations in the palm of his hand. For as long as he could remember, he and his grandmother would gaze upon the stars every night, always leaving him in awe. His grandmother had stopped when he was 6 years old, telling him that it was dangerous to fall to obsession, but the boy did not heed his grandmother's warning. He continued watching the sky every night, for as long as he could. Soon he began losing sleep, then reason, then thought, when finally he had stared too long. On his 7th birthday, just as dawn had started to break and the stars were fading, it is said that the constellations fell from heaven and sweeped him up with them.
Now, he has forgotten all worldly things. There is no such thing as a name, no love, no feeling, no difference between right and wrong. For him there is only the winds of space and the lives of stars, but he is plagued with emptiness and a feeling of being lost. On earth, people often see him in the form of a flickering light in the night sky, lighting the way for his lost self. Legend has it that if a child gazes at the stars with such longing as his, they will find him gazing back, the same longing mirrored in his eyes.


1 Visible 2015 Fall Festival Themed Pet, 100 Diamonds, 500,000 Gold
Edited By Faiona on 11/30/2015 at 2:24 PM.
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 11/16/2015 at 10:17 PM Post #2

Without knowing it, I suppose I loosely based this on one of the witches from Soul Eater, Medusa. XD

So I guess that's the reference, but my avi's looking like she got caught up in some mischeif >:D maybe she just stole all the Nephinies or something.
Level 61
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Posted: 11/16/2015 at 10:34 PM Post #3
Yumi: Goddess of the Darkness

Yumi is my character for a lot of things. The name Yumi is based off of the Japanese word for darkness, Yami. Yumi is the goddess of darkness, shadows, and death, but she is not evil. She detests it when people assume that she is evil just because of the darkness. Yumi is Kari's twin sister, and they are both part cat and part angel. Yumi is usually annoyed with life and she is quick to anger. The only reason she has not destroyed everything is because Kari, who is the goddess of light, stops her.
Level 60
Benevolent Brewer
Joined: 10/21/2015
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Posted: 11/16/2015 at 10:36 PM Post #4
Serpensorcia the Dragon Queen

Serpensorcia is the Queen of dragons in the land of Artharis. They reside atop the highest mountain in Castle Sidoc. She gained her thrown through the great battle between Artharis and which she lost her parents and older brother. During this battle she lost many hatchlings save for a few including her kindred Istok whom stayed in the hidden lair below the mountain where the egglings are kept. The valley that her castle over looks is now the home of over 100 thousand dragon spirits that can be seen flying and preening each other as the sun sets. Now that the war is over she will begin putting her kingdom back together and searching for her mate to begin the next generation of peace keepers of Artharis.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 11/16/2015 at 10:40 PM Post #5

Avia is the daughter of Santa and Mrs Claus, The plushy she is holding was made by the elfs as a gift to her when she was a baby. She is wearing one of her favorite gowns for the annual party her parents hold each december.
Edited By Karma on 11/16/2015 at 11:08 PM.
Level 63
Fancy Pants
Joined: 5/25/2015
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Posted: 11/16/2015 at 10:49 PM Post #6

Phoenix tamer, a legendary position. Able to glide from tall craggy rocks upon wings of fire. Allowed to ride upon a mythical beast without risk of being burned. Claws that can grasp onto anything, to hang from anywhere. Only those with such cruel eyes can wield the whip and control the bird of fire.
Level 75
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Posted: 11/16/2015 at 10:54 PM Post #7

In the dark of the forest, pixies scream and fairies twirl.

Don't go too far,
They squeal and they hurl,
She's waiting,
She's watching,
She's snatching and She's marking.

Her song, it screeches.
And you'll want to feel it.
You'll want to find it,
To watch it.

But She'll eat you,
You'll be devoured,
Another bone,
Another pile,
Another smile.

Our warning, if you'll hear,
We're snarling it in your ear,

Don't go too far,

Don't go too near,

She's. In. Here.

Edited By Everlost on 11/17/2015 at 7:59 AM.
Level 58
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 11/16/2015 at 10:55 PM Post #8
Level 75
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Posted: 11/16/2015 at 10:57 PM Post #9

Seer of the Savannah

Her tail flicked in agitation as she gazed into the scrying orb.

There had been no rain in her pride lands for nigh a fortnight. Not even a distant cloud appeared, arid as it was. The bones of those who had already succumbed to the sweltering heat shown white where scavengers had picked them clean.
The land, the flowers, the people...were dying.

She scrawled a hastily writ note before setting out, in search of rain to save her land.

Level 75
Wondrous Warlock
Joined: 11/4/2015
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Posted: 11/16/2015 at 11:05 PM Post #10

Charon of the River Styx
Charon, also known as Kharon or Xarun, is the Ferryman in Grecian mythology, who guides souls across the River Styx and into the realm of the dead. He is the son of the Goddess of Night, Nyx, and the God of Shadows, Erebus. He is also the brother of the God of Death, Thanatos, and the God of Sleep, Hypnos. You must pay the ferryman for the passage across the river so people would place coins on the eyes, or sometimes in the mouth, of a deceased person in order to make sure they reached the realm of the dead. If one did not pay the ferryman it was said that they must wander the shores of the river for one-hundred years. Very few heroes who were still alive have passed the River Styx, either by tricking or paying the Ferryman the correct price.
So this design is based on that guiding light for the dead.
Edited By Jonathananubian on 11/16/2015 at 11:05 PM.
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