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Forum Index > Pet Marketplace > Operation Wide Awake
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Level 68
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Posted: 1/1/2014 at 4:36 PM Post #1
Ok picture this.
Your walking through the pet shops and see all sorts of pets for sale. Captured pets, bred pets, even the occasional pet created from an essence! But no matter where you look you see fabled pets selling for as low as 1g.

Hi, I'm Dragon and I wish to fix this.
Its saddens me to see pets like the Ny'vene or the Nephini (whose species are part of the fabled pets mind you) are reduced to common found pets! Breeders buy essences so they can gain a ideal pet through project breeding. At the same time they are flooding the market with rejected kids.Or people catch fabled pets whether they're common or not!

Its happening right now! With the Griffies! With the Ny' venes! With the Ryori! So on and so forth! The fact that the Griffies (like some of the other fabled species) are only available during the Winter Festival, people are catching them left and right! They don't care if the fabled or Festival pet they caught is common or not. As long as they can own one or sell it to someone else who's desperate to own one just to make a quick buck.

Yeah they're only available for a limited time. Yeah you can always buy essences to create your own.


My father has always told me, "You don't have to have it right now. There will always be another chance to get it at a later time." Same thing here! You don't need to spend your or your parents hard earned money just so you can buy diamonds to own them or spend all your gold buying traps just so you can catch them.

Take your time! Make sure you really want the pet. Release any unwanted pets rather than selling them otherwise they'll just sit in your stables for weeks, taking up valuable room!

"To those who wait gain greater rewards."
If you simply waited catching maybe one or two pets you can save a lot. Save your money and you'll have more money to pay bills, shop for clothes, or buy food. Save your gold and you could buy that mutator you've been eyeing or feed your pets.

I cant do this alone though. I need your help to make sure these fabled pets live up to their name. To be rare and hard to come by!
Edited By Dragondawn on 1/17/2014 at 9:35 PM.
Level 68
Joined: 1/21/2013
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Posted: 1/1/2014 at 4:43 PM Post #2
The plan

I (and any others who join me) plan to buy and release all the less undesirable fable pets. Pets like common or uncommon who were captured or rejected project pets.
You can help by:
1. Release any unwanted pets from your stables and reevaluate your pets while your at it. Make sure you really want that pet. Any pets that your iffy about release them. *I've done this and never regretted it*

2. set you hatchery to release any un-named pets. Its faster and less time consuming. If there are pets you want to keep, then as soon as they are "teens" (as I call them) send them to your stables.

3. If you find any cheap fabled pets and you bought them then gifted/released them, let me know the species so I can add it to the counter.

4. If you find any useful links... Please! Please! Please send me the link so I can add it!

5. Convince your friends to do the same thing! The more people that do this the better the result!

6. Message me the species and how many you released! Lets make that counter grow!

Links similar to this cause:
Operation: Ny'Vene [SOS] Thank you Flute for finding this link for me!
Second Chances

other links:
The Sylestia Times - December 2013 issue

Soldiers: Starfall, Visenkha, Dragonwolfaz, Trish29, Schadenfreude, Soltra8, Rennie, Keedle95, thunderfovi, TopazWolf, Lakarr, Daemonhaustier

Gifted/released Fabled pet Counter
Ny'vene: 39
Lighira: 73
Nephini: 3
Ryori: 21
Griffi: 15
Puffadore(not considered a fable): 24
Edited By Dragondawn on 1/17/2014 at 9:39 PM.
Level 60
The Whimsical
Joined: 3/1/2013
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Posted: 1/1/2014 at 4:51 PM Post #3
I definitely support your decision! I found some of my friends selling nephinis, griffis, and etc for low prices, such as 1k and such! o: I don't approve of rare sylesties, such as the ryori, being sold at such low prices. I think we should all release pets we don't need in order to preserve their price more often. If I can help in any way, let me know! >w<

Things such as Shee's adoption center, however is very exceptional. I do think that she should have a limited supply though >w<
Level 68
Joined: 1/21/2013
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Posted: 1/1/2014 at 5:36 PM Post #4
Thank you for your support! There are actually a few ways you could help!
1. Release any unwanted pets from your stables and reevaluate your pets while your at it. Make sure you really want that pet. Any pets that your iffy about release them if you have the parents still you can breed a better one.
2. set you hatchery to release any un-named pets. Name any you want to keep or as soon as they are "teens" (as I call them) send them to your stable.
3. If you find any cheap fabled pets and you bought them then gifted/released them, let me know the species so I can add it to the counter. *counter will be made after I post this ^_^*
4. If you find any useful links... Please! Please! Please send me the link so I can add it!
5. Convince your friends to do the same thing! The more people that do this the better the result!
*this will be added to the second post*
Level 60
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Posted: 1/1/2014 at 8:22 PM Post #5
Interesting. I'm torn cause I enjoy getting good prices on those pets, especially when it comes to breeding, but at the same time I almost expect to get a good chunk of gold for fabled pets that I don't wish to keep. I'm sure I'm not the only one who encounters this.

I can see where you are coming from with this project. I'll have to give it some thought before deciding to participate or not. But I guess the whole point of having fabled pets is that they are rare and hard to come by so having them be as common as Zolnixis or Vulnyxs defeats the purpose.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 1/1/2014 at 8:47 PM Post #6
Limited Supply?~ owo
Like what? Because I don't knwo what I could be doing~ XP

(And it's not like everyone try to actually Adopt, I get very rare people asking for those pets, so I stopped to breed and refuse Donations for the pets I have too much of~ owo")
Level 60
The Whimsical
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Posted: 1/1/2014 at 8:55 PM Post #7
Idk, maybe XD Not too much nor too little, maybe around 5-10 each? o: I don't know for sure how much pets you have for adoption so DX
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 1/1/2014 at 9:02 PM Post #8
I stop accepting Donations at 15 Males and 20 Females~ :3
I normally stop to breed myself when it get close to 10, otherwise there would be too much~ owo

All my "Center Donation pets" are found in Stable 4 & 5~ XP

I learned with the Ny'venes fast that lots of people didn't wanted their Ny'venes and almost none were adopted too... o.e"
Level 60
The Whimsical
Joined: 3/1/2013
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Posted: 1/1/2014 at 9:04 PM Post #9
That sucks :c Anyway, thanks for noticing my post about your Adoption Center xD O3o Areyouaninja
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 1/1/2014 at 9:08 PM Post #10
I just happened to be reading about this lol~ X3
Just because I don't post everywhere mean I doesn't try to follow stuff happening~ :3
I DO read the newspapers and saw the article~ ;3

I'm maybe not of a great help for you guys, since I love to give to other what I don't "use" at 1g~ :3
But I'm not really going to be breeding anything except my Griffi right now~ :3
(Normally~ XP)

So please, if you see something from me at low-price, tell me before just buy-release?
I'm attached to every of my little "Pixel-pets"~ XP
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