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Forum Index > Pet Marketplace > -- Second Chances --
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Level 60
Joined: 9/9/2013
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 3:05 PM Post #1

Are your stables being filled to the brim with pets from breeding projects that didnt turn out the way you wanted them too? But theyre pretty enough that you dont want to release them? So you put them up for sale and no matter how low you make the price no one seems to want them? Well have no fears! This thread will do its best to find homes for all those lovely pets!
Edited By Visenkha on 1/3/2014 at 3:24 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 9/9/2013
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 3:07 PM Post #2

As many of you may have noticed there seems to be a massive number of pets for sale but no one seems to be purchasing any of them. This causes a top dollar pet to be drastically reduced in price and value just so it can free up a stable slot. This thread seeks to remedy that by donating reject pets to new users to get their own breeding program started. What may be a reject to you may be someones dream pet. Ideally this thread is seeking reject pets that have at least one carry and pleasing colors. Please dont use this thread to dump your non-desirable common pets. We are trying to better these breeds not flood them with unattractive pets.
Level 60
Joined: 9/9/2013
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 3:10 PM Post #3

> It is suggested that a new player have a user level of less than 35. "New user" is a relative term and users who have a level above that can still receive pets if they have an account age of less than 15 days. As long as you meet one of the requirements you can still request a pet.

> Donated pets will be sold to new users for 10 gold or less.

> Fabled pets are off limits for this project. This includes: Griffis, NyVenes, Ryoris, Puffadores, Lighiras, Aeridinis and Nephinis. They are meant to be rare and giving them out to new users defeats the purpose. Sorry.

These are fabled pets, so please don't request any pet that looks like one of them.

> If a pet is not listed to be donated it is not up for grabs.

> If a pet comes to me to be donated I have the right to release it.

> I request that donated pets have at least one carry, but if you have a real pretty common pet then go for it!

> New users may only claim 3 pets. This may change if the number of donation pets increases, but 3 is the limit for now.

> If you don't pick up your new pet within 7 days donators have the right to donate that pet to someone else.

> This thread will work on a first come, first serve basis. Please don't complain if someone gets to a pet before you do.

> When requesting a pet, please remember to ping the user whose pet you are after. This thread has the potential to be huge and I dont want to miss your request because you forgot to ping me.

> Be nice.
Edited By Visenkha on 5/14/2014 at 4:41 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 9/9/2013
Threads: 35
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 3:13 PM Post #4


Step 1: Look through the donator's stables and hatcheries

Step 2: Look for pets that have a little, yellow coin with an S on it that is located in the upper left hand corner of a pets slot box. This will be true unless stated otherwise. Don't be put off by the price, you won't be paying that much I promise.


Pet Donation Request Form:

User ID #: [ located on your profile in the Information box under your username and title ]
Pet 1: [ please say whose pet it is, stable # or put hatchery if its in the hatchery, and page #/tab #(page for hatchery and tab for stable) and slot # ] ** Just in case, please include a link to the pets page. This is very helpful especially for hatchery pets as they can change slots or mature and be moved to a stable. **
Pet 2: [ same information as pet 1 ]
Pet 3: [ same information as pet 1. You don't have to choose 3 ]

[ DON'T FORGET TO PING THE APPROPRIATE USER ] to ping, all you do is at the bottom of one a users post there is this symbol: @. Simply click that and it will open a new thread reply that when you submit the post it will alert that particular user. You can also make a new reply and above the big text box there should be a single text line that is labeled Ping Users. Simply enter the donators name and hit the post button.

Username: Visenkha
User ID #: 8248
Pet 1: Visenkha's Stable 3, Tab 1, Slot 7 ,
Pet 2: Dragondawns's Hatchery, Page 2, Slot 2,
Edited By Visenkha on 1/21/2014 at 7:29 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 9/9/2013
Threads: 35
Posts: 1,597
Posted: 1/3/2014 at 3:15 PM Post #5

Users can also donate pets for this project. Simply fill out the form and I will add you to the donators page.

A word to users donating pets,

If you are in charge of donating your pets and you only want them to go to users in this thread then I suggest that you price them at a ridiculous amount of gold or do not list them as for sale at all. For the second option I ask that they be in their own stable or tab as it could get pretty confusing as to which pets are up for adoption. When you offer to donate pets just be clear about how you are distinguishing you donation pets that way no one gets confused and everyone is happy. Thanks!

Pet Donation Form:

Pet(s) Being Donated: [ simply put the url link to the pet. For multiple pets being donated it would be easiest to have them all located in one place, i.e. a particular stable or tab. Hatchery pets just put up for sale and give me the links to their pages. There's no real easy way group hatchery pets together :p ]
Are you giving them to me to donate?: [ I can only take a limited number so this will only work for smaller amounts of pets. If you'd rather be in charge of donating your own pets that's fine I will add all your information to the donators post ]
Edited By Visenkha on 1/13/2014 at 10:56 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 9/9/2013
Threads: 35
Posts: 1,597
Posted: 1/3/2014 at 3:20 PM Post #6

Visenkha's Stable 3 (all non-fabled pets are up for donation) and Hatchery

Dragondawn's Stable 1, Tabs 4 and 5 and Hatchery(all non-fabled hatchery pets are up for donation)

Dunefairy's Stable 1, Tabs 3 and 4
(any pet marked for sale is up for donation)

Soltra8's Hatchery (all non-fabled pets are up for donation)

Rennie's Stable 1, Tab 5 and Hatchery (all non-fabled pets marked for sale are up for donation)

Thunderjovi's Stable 1, Tab 1 (all pets in Tab 1 are up for donation) and Hatchery (all non-fabled pets listed for sale are up for donation)

TopazWolf's Hatchery (all unnamed, non-fabled pets are up for donation)

Mysticelf's Stable 7 (any non-fabled pet marked for sale is up for donation) and Hatchery (any non-fabled pet marked for sale is up for donation)

Mydarkestdayslover's Hatchery (any non-fabled put up for sale is up for donation) and Stable 1, Tab 1, slots 15 - 25

Skadda's Stable 1, Tab 2 (any pet marked for sale is up for donation) and Hatchery (any pet marked for sale is up for donation)

Kazuldrgn's Stable 5/url] and Hatchery (all non-fabled pets marked for sale are up for donation)

Aaralia's Stable 1, Tab 1 and 2 (any for sale pet) and Hatchery (any for sale pet)

Echorose's two hatchlings are looking for a home: [ x ] [TEMPLINKREPLACE][ x ]

Angelzrulez' Stable 3, Tab 1:

Morningstar1's Hatchery: (any un-named or for sale pet is up for donation)

Jeaniec's Stable 1, Tab 1: and Hatchery: (any non-fabled for sale pet is up for donation)

Sayania's Stable 1, Tab 3:

Ember 2000's Stable 2:

Toreishheizu's Hatchery: (any for sale pet is up for donation) Is also willing to breed pets and donate the offspring. Just ask her about it. :3

Alicen's Hatchery: (any non-fabled for sale pet)

Hanatsukihime's Stable 1: (any for sale pet)

Hollyheart12's Stable 1, Tab 2:

Zurrgo's Stable 3, Tab 4:

Royalribbon's Stable 4:
Edited By Visenkha on 5/28/2014 at 8:13 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 9/9/2013
Threads: 35
Posts: 1,597
Posted: 1/3/2014 at 3:24 PM Post #7

Gene One: Leopard Spots
Gene Two: Mane Highlights
Gene Three: None
Mutation One: Gnarled Horn
Mutation Two: None
Mutation Three: None

Gene One: None
Gene Two: None
Gene Three: Lunar Runes
Mutation One: None
Mutation Two: None
Mutation Three: None

Gene One: Spots
Gene Two: Iridescent Gems
Gene Three: Advanced Runes
Mutation One: None
Mutation Two: Chibi Wings
Mutation Three: None
Edited By Visenkha on 5/16/2014 at 3:16 PM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/21/2013
Threads: 23
Posts: 924
Posted: 1/3/2014 at 3:37 PM Post #8
Sent you a message with pets to offer as donations. I can manage them if you'd prefer so you have room and I'll be regularly adding to the list as I breed more just for this project.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/24/2013
Threads: 80
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 7:15 PM Post #9
I sent you a message in PMs with pets I can donate, I can handle them in my stables though until they get adopted.
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
Joined: 1/12/2013
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 7:40 PM Post #10
I was doing this for cleaning my stables in contest! <3 Good ideas collide~ (except I can't take anyone elses' pets aha)

I know you probably were gonna do something like this, but I was gonna recommend PMing every newbie in the User Search (ID number descending, it helps to have Currently Online filter as well, so you know who's active at the time) for adopting pets. It helps for me. And sometimes, if it doesn't matter to you, leave them up to 1g, and they pick up a lot. c:
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