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Forum Index > General Discussion > Why Release Pets?
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Posted: 10/3/2019 at 12:19 PM Post #1
Edited By Xxbluewhirlxx on 11/7/2019 at 8:07 PM.
Level 73
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Posted: 10/3/2019 at 12:59 PM Post #2
Have you ever tried makign a 6vis pet right off the bat that looks good and doesn't cost any gold?

The thing is, when the fableds and Puffs were released, it could cost millions to buy a no-vis pet. And people did that. Then they started making projects.

Now the price is way lower.

But here's an average breakdown of an average non-themed project

~Buying the pets/essences
Obivously you want essences if possible for a perfect desired result. At the least you need three pets. So for an aurleon essence, you're talking at least 100k-200k or more gold for the essences, more if you want better essences.
Self explanaitory. At the least they costed 17k last I checked. Average? About 40-50k per. They cost around 1k scales in the shop. That's just the lesser. The greaters cost way more
Self explanaitory. It can be a few months per project
~Tab space
If you don't have room, you gotta buy it. Tabs aren't cheap
~Infertality kit and genetic tester
Don't want ripoffs? Use infertality kit. Wanna check traits? Get testers.

Now do you really think I'm gonna sell my design for 10g? Just no.

The other thing is that a lot of cheap pets are dishwashers. And since they're cheap and multitraited, newbies who don't know there are better things buy them. And then breed them. And sell ugly pets cheap. Which brings down the prices of nice pets.

It's easy to get gold if you know how to do it right. You can get over 30k eveyr 12 hours from missions if you max it out (my calculations and experience) and fests give you plenty of gold as well if you get great themes or sell supplies or have a ton of tokens I myself got 2 million out of the last fest selling all my themes and supplies-attraction perfumes are pretty good goldgrabbers

Yes you can do projects without purchasing pet dyes and stuff but really that's the glint of it-a free project has a very very low chance of being great and anyway to point is to either do it for fun, make money off it, or accomplish something. Free stuff takes no effort and the fun goes out of it.

At least that's my opinion. If you want to full deal, just read the TImes.
Level 71
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 10/3/2019 at 1:42 PM Post #3
Purebreds are not "rip-offs" of themes. Making a non-themed project of them with essences/other pets would be a rip-off. Purebreds are just offspring of official tagged themed. Do you want to know why they are generally more expensive than tagged? Because usually, they have/carry more traits than an actual tagged pet.

We already have a problem with newbies mass breeding dishwashers as well as mass breeding completed themed and non-themed projects that people have worked on to sell them at a lower price than what they are actually worth. That's stealing because the breeders did the work and what you would be doing is taking their work and selling it for your own profit which is not fair to them. So yeah, just like Orca said, we aren't just gonna hand you a 6vis for dirt cheap. If you want to make a personal project, buy your own essences and dyes and make it yourself. At least then you can say, "Look at this, I made that!"

On top of that, getting gold isn't that hard. Take a hike through Fungus Grove and collect chests, send your pets on missions, accept quests etc. Also, don't get upset because other people are buying pets to release them. They are doing the game a favor and trying to increase the value of other pets. If you want more information, please read September's issue of the Sylestia TImes.
Level 32
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Posted: 10/3/2019 at 2:29 PM Post #4
Technically, breeding other pets with someone else's 6-vis and selling the offspring isn't "stealing". It's called a business. Also, pet values shouldn't be increased! Especially if more new players are coming into the game. High prices scare away players that were coming to breed pets. And what's with people calling pets "dishwater"?! They are all just as good as any other pet! Sure their colors might not be aesthetically pleasing, but that an always be changed.

Gold is extremely hard to get in large quantities. The chests in the Fungus Grove hardly give you enough to buy decent potions. I've already read the Sylestia Times article so that is why I made this. I wanted opinions and I wanted to voice mine as well. I'm not going to shut up just because people are saying I'm getting mad or saying that I haven't done my research.
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 10/3/2019 at 2:33 PM Post #5
People being unfair to newbies? Take a look. You'll find lots of threads and people giving out free pets to newbies. Introduce yourself as new or having just come back to the game and at least 2 players will offer you free stuff. I have a whole thread dedicated to giving free themed and 6-vis, as well as gold, to new players.
Gold is difficult to get in large quantities? You don't have to even do anything for missions and you can get at least 50k a day.
The reason prices are so high, are, well, because they're meant to be high. You're supposed to work towards a good or rare pet. Not expect it to be given to you basically for free.
And some things you're saying are pretty rude to us. We're people. Not things you can take your beginning frustration out on. I'm sorry you're having problems, but you could ask nicely rather than basically saying we're wrong/stupid/whatever you were hinting at when you said 'so-called "veteran" players'.
Edited By Canawlia on 10/3/2019 at 2:54 PM.
Level 71
Majestic Brewmistress
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Posted: 10/3/2019 at 2:41 PM Post #6
Well obviously you haven't. Releasing pets is vital to sylestia's economy. With out the option to release pets, there is not only the chance for overbreeding, but it will also overload the game server, and you might not get as good of a quality the game is, than you would if you did release pets.

I'm sorry newbies have it rough, but that's the fun in the game, is that you start from the bottom and work your way up to the top. Every game allows you to do so, if you don't like it, you can always stop playing.

I for one love supporting newbies, but only to a certain extent, this recent argument on releasing pets, makes me want to hold back on the support because apparently what is available for you isn't enough. At this point people who want to have 6vis for 3g and make project to sell for higher is not only stealing, but its greedy. We are trying to make the system fair for everyone. I'm sorry, that you are at the bottom right now, but you'll get there, and once you've actually made a project yourself, you can sell it for however little you want. But until then, don't take it out on older players because we're not "helping " you, we are, just not the way you think.


You seem to be having the same problem, so why are you getting mad?
Edited By Aspheera on 10/3/2019 at 2:45 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 10/3/2019 at 2:53 PM Post #7
One of the reasons players release pets has nothing to do with controlling the market. When/if you get to the level 60+ zone, The Lost Grove, there are incredibly hard to find themed pets. Releasing pets 42+ days of age will increase the chances of a spawned egg encounter which is an already incredibly rare event. These eggs have a rare chance of being one of these specially tagged themes. There's an announcement thread here with more information regarding this. Yes, there are players that go around releasing pets to try to artificially control the market but they're also getting bonus points towards this rare egg spawning event. (There are of course players who don't care about the market, they're just after the eggs. Buying cheap pets on the market to release them can get them a possible 500k+ themed pet or even an epic/legendary egg from TLG.)

Max stat pets are around 300k which is a decent amount of gold for any player but for players who progress the game and get to TLG you're rolling in gold either way. It's possible to find chests that have just over 100k gold in them, once again rare, but it does happen.

I personally don't think an artificial market is necessary. I think what's necessary is teaching newer players how they can make gold so they don't have to settle for "dishwater pets" and show them they can buy nice pets or pet dyes to make them nicer. It's actually incredibly easy to earn gold in this game!

There are a multitude of ways for players, even lower leveled ones, to make gold on this game. It just requires a little bit of work. I personally feel like the best way is to do the following:
1.) Raise your player level/progress through the story.
*As you progress through the story more functions become available to you, such as missions, tasks and eventually even the arena. These areas have chests which have possibly higher level gold drops and pet equipment that you get from battles venders for more at higher levels. Higher level missions offer higher level rewards.
2.) If you can't battle because your pets are fainted/resting an alternative is nurturing. Nurturing is a great option for incredibly low leveled users or users who are starting out. Users of every level can access the nurturing feature and it can be used so long as there are pets to nurture. Here's why nurturing is a GREAT option:
*This gold making option is easy to do even on mobile!
*Scales: Every properly nurtured pet gives you a scale. 1 correct nurture = 1 scale, those scales can be used to buy items or pets from the scale shop.
a.) The easiest method for earning gold is to buy Lesser Pet Dyes which are 1000 scales each. If you're fast you can probably get 200 scales per 15 minutes, so guesstimate that you might be able to get those scales in a little over an hour. You buy the lesser pet dye and you sell it on the broker or via the sales forum, say for minimum 50k.
b.) Scales 1900+ can be used to buy legendary eggs from the scale shop. These are pets that have a lot of traits and some of them are really nice but it is random. You can see examples here.
*Rare event: You can get regular/enhanced essence drops which you can sell on the broker or use to design your own pets!

Personally, I feel like any time you make an investment you have to go in knowing you could lose out. If you're uncomfortable with that then you shouldn't put your resources into it or should plan very carefully. Players are willing to buy nice looking pets for higher prices. Not all pets sell immediately. You just need to find the right buyers. I can sell my offspring for a decent amount even though they're not themed or really special. I'm just really careful with which pets I choose to use for breeding and those that I do breed I try to make sure that the color scheme will look nice on most if not all of their offspring.
Level 75
The Artistic
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Posted: 10/3/2019 at 3:00 PM Post #8
Not completely related to your original question, but the assertion that it's difficult to get gold and therefore you feel pets are not cheap enough probably has more to do with the fact that you're still in the first area of the map. The first area really doesn't net you a lot of gold, probably because it's meant to be a beginner's area that you quickly progress out of. The better paying missions are available in the second region (Umbra Forest) and the money from chests in that area also increases. When you get to the third area, there are quests that you can do every hour for more gold, and again, chests that give even more gold. Finally, when you hit the Lost Grove in the third area, chests give a lot more gold (though it is a very difficult area requiring well-geared high-level pets).

You also mention needing to buy potions. Ideally, all the way up to the Lost Grove, you shouldn't really need any potions except during battle. If you don't engage in a new battle for a while after your pets have been hurt, then heal themselves. This saves a lot of the gold expense you're probably running into.

Others have mentioned participating in the festivals. I also recommend this. Over summer fest I accumulated 6 million gold (I spent a good chunk of that because I wanted a large number of certain high priced pets, but that doesn't negate the earning).

Considering that most veterans do have stashes of gold in the millions, mostly from missions and festivals, people are not steering you wrong that this is the way to go. I think the issue is that we all assume everyone flies through the early content of the game (pretty sure I hit level 60 in about two weeks when I joined back in 2014), so most suggestions assume you've hit Umbra Forest at least.

Now, to the actual question: why release? For starters, there are pets that just won't sell, no matter how cheaply they are listed. These pets are generally collected under the term 'dishwaters'. They are the unpleasing-looking pets, whether because of washed out colours, mismatching colours, low traits, or mismatching traits.... or a combination of those things. These unwanted pets clog up the sales and generally just sit there, not selling, making it more difficult for someone to search the advanced search for something they actually want. These pets generally languish on the sales for 1-100g because there are other, nicer looking pets out there, even under the 1,000g range (which is still very, very cheap).

Secondly, there are the project rejects. These pets tend to be quite nice looking as they are cast offs of a person's project. However, because they are precursors to a finished project (which, a 6v project takes about 9 months or more to complete), they are generally released. Reason one for this is space needed to continue the project. Why not sell them? First, people generally don't want to pay what those pets would be 'worth'. Second, if someone *does* want to buy them, there is the danger of that person taking those pets and breeding the project out from under the design creator. This can cause a lot of issues, from the buyer being accused of design theft to the buyer undercutting the original creator's profits on their costly breeding venture. Some people will sell the project cast offs after infertilizing them, but then there's the issue of people not really wanting low trait infertile pets.

I'm sure other people have other reasons to release pets, but these are the two main reasons I can think of (well, other than the releasing pets over 42 days giving you a buff to finding an egg in the Lost Grove, but that's a rather new reason, and was really a band aid to try to get more people releasing pets rather than slapping them up for sale at 1g).

I'm not going to get into the actual arguments about the Sylestian economy. There are issues. Part of it is a terrible start for newbies (Krin is aware, but can't change it without overhauling the entire game, which he is working on), part of it is the way breeding it right now, part of it is that many are resistant to the thought of releasing.... there's just a lot going on there, so I won't get into that.

Anyway, hope my thoughts helped somehow?
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 10/3/2019 at 4:43 PM Post #9
I have some answers that might help. I'm not a vet by any means, I just know my way around.

I've had some of the same questions when I first joined, some of them I never got answers to so I had to guess. I know how hard it is to get gold in Sylestia but you just have to keep playing. Instead of getting mad, I turned on music and ended up playing for hours on end. I don't have much gold but I'm doing my best, by doing quests/missions/tasks etc. and breeding sylesties. I currently have an entire stable of pets I'm selling.

People release pets for a number of different reasons. One group that I've come across buys and releases pets for fun and whoever releases the most pets wins the challenge or whatever. I personally don't care if people release pets unless they release mine or someone else's who specifically said not to release their pets.

The reason 6vis are so expensive is because they're 6-vis. Its extremely hard to breed one when you don't have a lot of sylesties. I sell most of my 6-vis for over 50,000g depending on their traits. No one's ever going to sell a 6 vis for under 10,000g at least.

Purebreds are still themes and are still worth a decent amount of gold. Most pets cost well over 500g depending on their colors and traits. Certain traits are worth more and others aren't worth much. Check the advanced search every chance you get and make sure you use sort by sale price ascending. Don't spend all your gold on healing and potions, if your pets get ko'd, remove them from your party and they'll heal themselves. Don't feed them unless you're breeding them. You just have to work towards getting cooler looking pets.

If you're worried about gold, breed the pets you have and sell the offspring for over 5000g They're probably worth a lot more actually. Also do missions and tasks/quests. Grind for gold and sell duplicates of avi items.
I currently have under 100,000g so I'm selling pets and re-doing the dungeons. I'm not very active so I have to work harder. Sylestia is a very grindy game and requires a lot of time and effort. If you're not willing to put in that effort, then I can't really help you. I can however, link you to a post.

Newbie services
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Posted: 10/3/2019 at 4:52 PM Post #10
I'm sorry if we sound mean but trust me, the community here is much nicer and united then in other games. Feel free to ask any of us veterans (or crazy players who play too much-me for instance) any quesitons you have about why stuff happens. Most of the time we won't start calling you out (unless you start trying to friend us before chatting, that gets annoying)

The economy here is basically just a black hole at this point. Do a little research or just read deveyrhting above and try to understand the other point of view.
Edited By Orca2Whale on 10/3/2019 at 5:26 PM.
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