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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > Fall Festival 2015 - Avatar Dress Up
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Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/15/2013
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Posted: 11/17/2015 at 2:08 PM Post #61
Tragic Story Warning: I actually made myself cry a few times while writing this, though I'm sure the sad violin song I was playing at the time didn't help... So sensitive people beware! :(

~The Scarecrow's Tear~

Long ago, the Viridian Meadows was a peaceful place. There were no bandits, no struggles, no strife, and the farmers had fields spanning all the way to the edge of Astryl's Vale. Overseeing the fields from upon the highest hill, beloved by the people of the land, was a magical scarecrow. With burlap skin, buttons for eyes, hair made of straw, and a stitched mouth, the scarecrow dutifully watched over the fields, and only when someone was in need of help did the scarecrow come down from his post. For generations this magical entity tended to the land and its people, and for a long, long time he was happy.

But peace does not last eternally... and on the Eve of the Great Fire, the scarecrow's happiness, and his life, came to a tragic end. While the people slept blissfully the Nightfall Bandits struck the fields, engulfing the land in a raging inferno that spread far and wide. Only the scarecrow remained awake to see the fires in time, and without a single thought of hesitation he knew what he had to do. There was too little time to warn everyone door to door, so rather than running to the farmers' houses he ran west, straight into the blazing fields.

Not far off, at the peak of the next hill, was an old watchtower. Already the building was alight with fire, brilliant embers flickering through the wind and smoke billowing into the night sky, but the scarecrow knew that this was the only way. Without concern for his own safety the scarecrow ran into the burning tower, and made his way up the spiraling stairs to the very top. The fires ate away at him, singeing his clothes, his hair, his body, but the scarecrow never stopped climbing. There was barely anything left of the scarecrow by the time he made it to the tower's crest, but it was enough, and with the last of his strength he reached up to ring the warning bell. The scarecrow had saved the people, and as the last of his body burned away, he shed a single tear. Not one of regret, or pain, or sadness, but one of happiness, of love, and of gratitude...

The mighty ring of the warning bell was enough to awaken the people, and not a single life was lost as they fled to the coast. No life, that is, except for the scarecrow's... By morning when the fires burned out and bandits had left the people went to look for their beloved guardian, but all that remained of him were two charred buttons, hidden within the smoking ashes of the watch tower... The people held a vigil in the scarecrow's honor, and as they built up a new home along the coast they already knew what they would call it: Esior's Haven, named after the scarecrow who had sacrificed his life in order to save all of theirs.

Now, so many years later, the Nightfall Bandits have claimed most of the Viridian Meadows, but on the anniversary of the Great Fire, upon the high hill where the scarecrow once lived, Esior's spirit returns to watch over the people, while they feast happily in a celebration known to them as Thanksgiving.

"Thank you, Esior..."
Edited By Xavion on 11/17/2015 at 4:45 PM.
Level 75
Guardian of the Realm
Joined: 1/28/2014
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Posted: 11/17/2015 at 2:11 PM Post #62

I can hear Papa softly grumbling as he stumbles over the rough terrain. For the 25th time we are spending Halloween searching for the mythical beast, the Shocked Shadowsire Halloween Ryori.... the same one Mama searched for over 25 years ago.... she never returned from that search. I was only 5 years old, but I remember ever detail. Her smile as she told us that this was the Halloween that the beast would return, her laugh when Papa told her to be safe.... and Papa's worried looks when she didn't return. Papa wasn't totally obsessed with finding the Ryori. I was raised well and learned many useful things; like how Franken-dogs are good for searching out ghosts and ghouls.... and how Shadow Demon Wolves can track any fae being... Ok, maybe he was totally obsessed! I know Papa blames the beast for the disappearance of his soulmate. He spent many nights researching the lore and searching the ancient ruins for clues on finding and catching this rare Ryori. This Halloween night was different, both Papa and I felt like Mama was watching over us.... as we searched the forest surrounding Aryth's Spire, the air suddenly cooled as a fog rose and partially covered the Blood Moon. An eerie orange glow could be seen thru the thick cover of trees and brush....we crept closer. Frankie started a low growl.... Shadow's hackles stood stiff along his spine. A sudden movement ahead and there in a small glade stood the mythical Ryori. Papa immediately drew his bow, aiming to kill this beast who took his mate. A burst of red/black light lit the glade and a glow hovered over the ryori.... he was a scary looking beast, all armored in bones with wings black as the night. He growled and hissed at us, neither advancing, nor running away. The red glow bathed the glade. As Papa drew his bow, I suddenly knew something was wrong.... I put my hand on Papa's bow to stop the shot. Slowly I crept closer to the Ryori, he stood his ground... not moving. Behind him there was another orange glow. Not as bright.... but definitely there. I carefully walked around him and found a female Ryori, snagged in a tangle of vines. I knew what needed to be done. She knew I was not going to hurt her as I cut away the vines binding her. Shadowsire watched as I freed her, then ran by her side to protect her. Enchantress, that is what she reminded me of.... and she had Shadowsire under her spell, as well as Papa and I. Suddenly the red glow brightened! Both Ryoris looked to the heavens and a peace covered the glade. Papa and I left, knowing that we had found Mama and the peace we needed.

Edited By GoldGryphon on 11/17/2015 at 2:22 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 11/17/2015 at 2:33 PM Post #63

This is Nightshade; she was orphaned as a young girl due to a horde of zombies and the controlling mage, charging through their small village and killing nearly everyone and thing. There were few survivors, but Nightshade, whom was bullied and hated by the village for her strange eyes and ears, opted to stay and live in the surrounding forests.

Months later, she met her friend/familiar, whom she called Xeakora; he has been her companion for many years and forever will be. Years later, she grew familiar with many weapons and many sylestian creatures during her travel and picking up odd jobs here and there to get by.
Level 40
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/13/2015
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Posted: 11/17/2015 at 3:05 PM Post #64
The Ice Queen

My inspiration for this avatar is the snow of the coming winter.
The Ice Queen was one of the children of Mother Nature, born in the harshness of winter. She soon became able to control the elements of winter. Since Mother Nature has retired, each of her four kids have taken her place, each with an ability to control their Season. One day while she was practicing she met her soon to be pet Ceriath the Ice Dragon (Ceriath is in the back). Since then, her and Ceriath have been best friends, creating winter together.
Level 75
Frosty Hands
Joined: 3/8/2014
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Posted: 11/17/2015 at 3:26 PM Post #65
This is Airin, the adventurous explorer:

I currently miss playing tabletop RPGs, so she's sort of inspired by that, a character I'd like to play.
Edited By Olooriel on 11/18/2015 at 4:46 AM.
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 11/17/2015 at 3:26 PM Post #66
Xav, your story is actually brilliant! Though I didn't cry or anything, I wouldn't be surprised if this became lore, because it's just that good. (Or maybe some sort of quest, XD)
Level 75
High Warlord
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Posted: 11/17/2015 at 3:27 PM Post #67
Young, Reckless, Free

a splash of color filling up the night, a river flooding, spreading cheer.

simplicity of it all, yet a touch of color, providing the light in the darkest of hours.

Sly as the cat, and can always see, the deception and beauty, watching every turn every bend.

if fate reports back quiet, there is danger ahead, wondering, lurking, every bend

reckless as a storm, free as the bird, she flies from her troubles, towards the adventures above.

This character occurred to me after I saw a year book cover, I've never been much of a poem writer, so I tried to do my best. Her story--

She came from a lonely village, about as creative as rock, and she was the only soul with an imagination there. It was only her and her cat, trouble. She shared her ideas with many people and little by little changed the village. When she got into trouble, she befriended her enemies and she eventually left, and all that was left in her place was a rainbow in darkness, a storm in a jar, and a single black feather.
Edited By Wfangel115 on 11/17/2015 at 3:28 PM.
Level 60
The Tender
Joined: 1/12/2015
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Posted: 11/17/2015 at 3:35 PM Post #68

He made a deal with a necromancer on his eighteenth birthday. If the necromancer helped him get the heart of the girl he liked, Trell would do whatever the necromancer would demand. On that fateful night, he brought the girl with him to the necromancer. The necromancer tore her heart straight from her body like an Aztec would of, and put the lump in Trell's quivering palm. He screamed in horror. Trell had meant it figuratively, but the necromancer misunderstood. The necromancer tried to get him to become her apprentice in payment, but he kept refusing. Late one night, she turned him into a zombie to force him to work as her apprentice. But Trell became an unusual zombie. He began to act outside of the necromancer's will. She tried hard to keep him under her power, but one day he broke free, stealing her staff and some relics. As he was snatching up the staff, the necromancer ran in to him and plucked out his right eye while he was panicking. He did not notice until he was well away from the hut. The necromancer quickly made the stolen eye into a tracking device, forever pointing out the young zombie's location. He has been on the run ever since then, the necromancer slowly but steadily gaining on him. He fears the day she might catch up to him.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/15/2013
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Posted: 11/17/2015 at 4:20 PM Post #69
Aww, thanks Typhlosion! :D

(Oooh, it'd be awesome to have a quest based on this. >.> We could find the Scarecrow's tear and use it on his spirit at the Fall Festival to bring him back to life! ... and get a special Scarecrow themed pet for the trouble! *wishful thinking since I did make a few Scarecrow themes XD*)
Level 30
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/15/2015
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Posted: 11/17/2015 at 4:37 PM Post #70
Ina The Half Zolnixi

Ina and her pet alligator Vaiel, came to the village of Irmise with no memory of who she was, how she got to Irmise, and why she could walk with the spirits and talk with animals. The one thing she did know, was that the people she met thought she was a freak. She had nine tails, ears on the top of her head, and spirit flames floating around her. She knew she was different, being born as a half human half Zolnixi, and she believed it was a curse. However, there were two good things about being a half Zolnixi. Ina was able to walk with the spirits and speak to animals. Because Ina was afraid of what people would think of her, she always wore a robe to hide her furry body, she tried many ways but she could not conceal her tails or her ears. Even if she did, that would leave her with her unnatural skin color.

I might possibly add more later :)
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