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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > ~ Winter Carnival ~
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Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/15/2016
Threads: 33
Posts: 1,623
Posted: 12/19/2018 at 2:34 PM Post #611
Could I have 5 diamond rods and 3 wreath spins
Level 70
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 8/28/2016
Threads: 66
Posts: 2,033
Posted: 12/20/2018 at 8:32 AM Post #612

You have stolen Gift 6 from Ghostpirate! Gift 6 is now locked.


Your turn is up Ghostpirate! You may swap a gift that is already open OR you may open another one.
*You may NOT steal back the gift that was just taken!*
Level 70
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 8/28/2016
Threads: 66
Posts: 2,033
Posted: 12/20/2018 at 8:40 AM Post #613

You spun the wreath! After the spinning finally stopped it landed on the Purple Light.
Congratulations! You have won 8,500 Snowflakes.

You spun the wreath! After the spinning finally stopped it landed on the Red Light.
Congratulations! You have won 1,000 Snowflakes.

You spun the wreath! After the spinning finally stopped it landed on the Blue Light.
Congratulations! You have won 10,000 Snowflakes.

You spun the wreath! After the spinning finally stopped it landed on the Green Light.
Congratulations! You have won 4,500 Snowflakes.

You spun the wreath! After the spinning finally stopped it landed on the Orange Light.
Congratulations! You have won 3,000 Snowflakes.

You spun the wreath! After the spinning finally stopped it landed on the White Light.
Congratulations! You have won a PB Seashell Lupora!!!




Level 60
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 8/17/2018
Threads: 119
Posts: 3,199
Posted: 12/20/2018 at 8:43 AM Post #614
spin the wreath 6 times
Level 70
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 8/28/2016
Threads: 66
Posts: 2,033
Posted: 12/20/2018 at 9:11 AM Post #615

You spun the wreath! After the spinning finally stopped it landed on the Yellow Light.
Congratulations! You have won 7,000 Snowflakes.

You spun the wreath! After the spinning finally stopped it landed on the Orange Light.
Congratulations! You have won 3,000 Snowflakes.

You spun the wreath! After the spinning finally stopped it landed on the Green Light.
Congratulations! You have won 4,500 Snowflakes.


You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won 16,000 Snowflakes.


You pulled the festive cookie from the jar. Without waiting a second you bit into the small treat.
Congratulations! You have received a PB Heart's Desire Ferrikki!!!




Level 70
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 8/28/2016
Threads: 66
Posts: 2,033
Posted: 12/20/2018 at 10:04 AM Post #616

Your raffle has been placed! I shall notify you once the winners are announced.


You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won 14,000 Snowflakes.

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won 20,000 Snowflakes.

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have found a jackpot! You have won 100,000 Snowflakes!!!

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won 12,000 Snowflakes.

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won 26,000 Snowflakes.


You spun the wreath! After the spinning finally stopped it landed on the Green Light.
Congratulations! You have won 4,500 Snowflakes.

You spun the wreath! After the spinning finally stopped it landed on the Black Light.
Congratulations! You have won a Dried Flower Faelora!!!

You spun the wreath! After the spinning finally stopped it landed on the Blue Light.
Congratulations! You have won 10,000 Snowflakes.




Level 70
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 8/28/2016
Threads: 66
Posts: 2,033
Posted: 12/20/2018 at 10:19 AM Post #617

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won 13,000 Snowflakes.

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won 21,000 Snowflakes.

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won 40,000 Snowflakes.

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won 15,000 Snowflakes.

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won an Early Frost Vulnyx!!!

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won 23,000 Snowflakes.

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won 13,000 Snowflakes.

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won 12,000 Snowflakes.

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won 10,000 Snowflakes.

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won 16,000 Snowflakes.


You pulled the festive cookie from the jar. Without waiting a second you bit into the small treat.
Congratulations! You have received a Dinosaur Fossil Draeyl!!!


You spun the wreath! After the spinning finally stopped it landed on the Orange Light.
Congratulations! You have won 3,000 Snowflakes.

You spun the wreath! After the spinning finally stopped it landed on the Purple Light.
Congratulations! You have won 8,500 Snowflakes.

You spun the wreath! After the spinning finally stopped it landed on the Green Light.
Congratulations! You have won 4,500 Snowflakes.




Level 75
Joined: 10/12/2018
Threads: 96
Posts: 3,012
Posted: 12/20/2018 at 10:59 AM Post #618
Thank you Aamore, and thank you very much for doing this carnival, it was lots of fun. :)
Level 60
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 8/17/2018
Threads: 119
Posts: 3,199
Posted: 12/20/2018 at 11:45 AM Post #619
Author: Twinkleunicorn
Time Posted: 12/20/2018 at 8:43 AM
spin the wreath 6 times
Level 70
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 8/28/2016
Threads: 66
Posts: 2,033
Posted: 12/20/2018 at 11:43 PM Post #620

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won 25,000 Snowflakes.

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won 17,000 Snowflakes.

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have found a jackpot! You have won 100,000 Snowflakes!!!

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won 10,000 Snowflakes.

You tossed the bait into the chilly pool. You reeled it back in, a candy cane dangling from the string.
Congratulations! You have won a Wilted Willow Lunemara!!!


You spun the wreath! After the spinning finally stopped it landed on the Orange Light.
Congratulations! You have won 3,000 Snowflakes.

You spun the wreath! After the spinning finally stopped it landed on the Yellow Light.
Congratulations! You have won 7,000 Snowflakes.

You spun the wreath! After the spinning finally stopped it landed on the Blue Light.
Congratulations! You have won 10,000 Snowflakes.




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