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Forum Index > General Discussion > Why Release Pets?
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Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 10/3/2019 at 10:55 PM Post #31
Aren't we all? :(
Level 70
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Posted: 10/3/2019 at 11:11 PM Post #32
in case anyone is wondering bc i am on that blacklist. i bought and released pets and i am now on there. i did not harass anyone, if anything they went out of their way to harass not only me, but other ppl aswell. i can provide screenshots of my messages. i did not initiate the convo, but i did defend my rights to releasing. as said in pet sale conduct rules, contacting a buyer for doing anything is considered harassment. no matter how politely ( and the msg i got was in no way polite ) it is harassment.

and backing up what i said abt not being the only one harassed. this post is inappropiate bc it was extremeley rude and cruel for no reason.
Edited By Encryption on 10/3/2019 at 11:12 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 10/3/2019 at 11:21 PM Post #33
Good point :(
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
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Posted: 10/3/2019 at 11:28 PM Post #34
Ah geez, thats horrible (I'm autistic myself so looking at their bio kinda made me upset, I really don't wanna be lumped in with that kinda behavior, I mean I get the whole not understanding when I offend people at times but... Idk I think its been fairly bluntly stated its not very nice of them I guess?)

Ye though thankfully all pet sites that I know of go by the 'if you sell it you can't decide what they do with it' which I think is more then fair considering I'm also someone that loves making, trading, and buying adoptables so I try to avoid most sales that want to heavily restrict things unless its part of a group.

Honestly I'm shocked I'm not on his list since I buy and release at least once a day to keep that sweet egg bonus up lol
Level 48
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 10/4/2019 at 6:58 AM Post #35
Ah, of course "that kind of behavior". Way to go prodding at somebody.
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 10/4/2019 at 1:19 PM Post #36
It's been deleted. What did it say?
Edited By Canawlia on 10/4/2019 at 1:20 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 10/4/2019 at 5:57 PM Post #37
called the other person trash on their thread. me and some other ppl reported it, thats why its marked inapropriate.
Level 70
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Posted: 10/4/2019 at 7:14 PM Post #38
Oh no, glad it was removed then.
Edited By Robyn on 10/4/2019 at 7:14 PM.
Level 75
Crystalline Cleaver
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Posted: 10/14/2019 at 5:42 AM Post #39
It's really sad that releasing has become so controversial, especially since it's the first time I've seen this community be anything but caring and supportive.

Releasing is part of the game and it's in the rules that people are allowed to do it when they buy pets that are up for public sale. If you really want to find a buyer who is guaranteed not to release in the foreseeable future make a forum thread and negotiate it personally.
I understand where a lot of newer players are coming from with wanting affordable pets for themselves, but there are plenty of people who do newbie giveaways or discounts so an abundance of pets for 1 gold on the public sales isn't the only solution.
I'm also among the older players who have spend months or years doing breeding projects and have only ever sold a handful from all of my projects combined because I value them at what I think are fair prices (between 10k and 30k depending on how hard the project was to do), and people don't want to spend that much money when there are thousands of pets for under 100 gold.

I think releasing is important in keeping the economy here healthy, but there's much more that people need to be willing to do.
I will go through public sales and release cheap pets that have been bred over a month ago and not sold (for personal moral preference and the lost grove nest bonus), but I also make sure to go through the breeding discussion and put myself down on interest lists and buy offspring from people's projects so that there is a market for pets people have designed and bred specially.

Newer players also need to work out how to make more gold, as it's easier than a lot of people realise. And I don't say that to mean that newer players are stupid, when I joined it took me ages to work out that battling isn't how you're meant to efficiently make gold, missions are.
The highest tier mission alone gives you 7.2k gold upon completion if you're 100% successful, and admittedly that is the highest tier mission and it takes a while before you can be running that and 5 other missions easily, but you can start with the easier missions basically as soon as you join and build your way up.
The easiest two missions, which you're guaranteed to succeed at, gives at least 200 gold each in just an hour.
Having to wait until you can run the harder missions to get thousands of gold might be frustrating to some people, but progression is how games work. You're not meant to be able to buy a stable full of pretty 6vis pets as soon as you join, you're meant to get a handful of cheaper pets in your first day or two and build up a collection over time.

I stand by releasing cheap pets, but I wish other people would also stand by supporting people who want to sell their projects for the time and effort they're worth.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 10/17/2019 at 9:35 PM Post #40
Mmm why do i release pets?

I do projects with my goal being 6v and in some cases max stat.
Pets Found: 17,968
^ i wont say that all of these were bred by me cause i have some i have bought and released but a good number of those have been bred yes xD Why do i release rather than sell? Mmm this is a good question that has a good answer. During the process of doing 6v on a project, i sold off some of my breedjects, some people that bought them used those breedjects to get to 6v themselves and sold "cousins" of my project for 5-10k thus by the time i was finished max statting them alot of people had 6v versions of my project that were similar to my project. I had 2 different versions of the project and I havent actually sold any from that project so that was 72 prisma philters bought at a cost of 150k or so (though i used rl money to buy prismas) so that project is in the red around 10.8 mill per vein ^-^ so a total of 21.6 mill of prismas spent on a max stat project that was ruined by me being stupid and selling my breejects, They continue to just sit in my stables without a single person wanting to buy one. I am stubborn and hope they one day someone will but alas i should just release them.

Why i dont sell purebred anymore
Mmm i used to sell pure bred rikkis for 200-300k each. These were offspring that didnt carry forward as many traits as i wanted and i would sell 5-10 before people started to breed their own and the market wasnt there for them anymore so i would start releasing. A few newer players have joined the site and started collecting tagged rikkis to sell their offspring for "lower" to "help" newer players. Pure bred rikkis are now worth 5-10k thanks to these players "helping" newer players. You know what would help them more? Teaching them the value of things rather than lowering the value of things to suit them. right at the beginning of this slide i had an offer on pb rikkis of 100-200k each and person wanted a pair from every theme. Would have been 3 mill or so in sales, someone came in and offered ON MY BOARD to sell person all the themes they were seeking for 200k total. Another example: I paid 150k each for a handful of grove forager pure bred rikkis, someone i used to chat to alot paid 1k dias for hers earlier on in the year (so 2 mill for a pb) this theme is now butchered like the others and i have seen them sell as low as 5k < this is the problem with the market right here. Im not salty that something i bought has little value now. I am salty that people are ruining the market cause "if newer players cant afford nice pets they will leave" < ok? i would rather them leave them stick around thinking that everyone should sell expensive themes to them for 5k

Max stats
Oh how i love max stats, getting to 6v makes me so happy i walk around with a smile on my face for days. The lead upto max im like a little kid on a sugar high running around a lolly shop. When i have max i am soooooo very proud of them. Trying to sell the little buggers? yeah that makes me start to wonder if doing anything max stat is worth it. I lower my prices to try and sell and end up selling at a huge loss cause i think that "at least im getting some money back right??" but the thing is i am cheating myself and lying to myself. Noone is going to pay 500k for the same max stat that i have been selling for 250k thus i will no longer breed pets to sell low anymore and my current stock in here that are priced at 250k are my last. Any pets for sale from me in the future will most likely have 200 mana but will be 600k+ ^-^ That said i do have max stats that i sell for 100k ^-^

They are what people on the thread have referred to as "dishwater" i call them "throwaway max" you buy a team for 300k to use while you save for something nicer ^-^

In conclusion
When i started playing things were priced differently and the amount of players was alot less then it is now. I am not sure what number we are upto in ID's but last i checked we had gained close to 30 thousand people since i joined in april 2018. With such an influx of people to the site things will change but we have to remember that working for things makes a site more enjoyable and i can flip the coin on its head and reply to the comments saying "newer players find pet prices too high so they leave" with a return comment of "well if they get handed everything they like for free what is there too work for? they get bored and leave" At the end of the day play the game the way you want to. If someone sends me a PM chastising me about releasing and threatening to put my name on their lookup to display my crimes cause i did something so bad as releasing a pet.... you know a feature placed into the game to spawn eggs more often? You go ahead ^-^ add me to your list of shame but know that, THAT is harassment and you know against terms and conditions of the site ^-^


Comments about max stats/my max stats: "you are disgusting selling your max stats so high AND having them unable to breed... why would anyone pay this much if they cant recoup their money spent"
"If i had max stats i would put them for open breeding so that anyone could have max stat and not have to spend money doing it"

I will put this in bold down here for people that may not understand max stats:
Say you use 4 pets to get to max, this is the cheapest option. If you start at 300-400 hp you will need 9 months and 36 prismas to make your pets max. Current price of prismas= 170k. Cost to get a project to max, without the added cost of getting 200 mana ~ 6.1 mill if you sell them for 400k each you would need to sell 15 < fifteen halfway between 10 and 20...... thats alot of pets..... to be close to breaking even. To be profitable EACH project has to sell 16. And thats selling at 400k AND only using 4 to breed and max. Till recently i used 8 to max so my black hole of debt my max stats owe me is probably close to 100 mill xD people fail to understand that 400k per max stat... is such a small fraction of what it costs to max them and i can promise that max stat sellers are doing it cause they love the pet not for profit

Mmmm parting message: Its ok to have different opinions to others but its not ok to preach your beliefs and expect others to follow your beliefs or you will block/blacklist them. Once you have sold a pet it is no longer in your control and thats why i couldnt control what damage happened when i sold 4v2c/5v1c breedjects.. It was stupid and i didnt forsee what damage it would do to have fertile ex project babies out there ... i couldnt get all the evils back in pandora's box. They were out there and i couldnt control how many babies they had OR how much they sold for. If you want to control what people do with your pets.... dont sell them. Dont want your old pets to breed? dont sell them fertile (i can make pets infertile if people need it) everyone has a choice and mine is to release before selling something for lower than i see its value at. If you really want a good cry look at the max stats i have released when i couldnt sell them xD

Interesting links for people:
Female starter for my black and gold puff project and her 140 mana 20 generations removed descendant

Maxing stable ||Project board
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