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Level 60
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Posted: 8/15/2017 at 3:49 PM Post #31
The River began in a small room which had a bunch of gears on the walls

The gears didn't turn, nor did they really do anything

"Here it is! I think the gears open and close the hatch somehow, maybe it has to do with that weird crystal..." The pup states, turning around so she could see Blue Jay

Willow sighed deeply "You mean she wants to turn back time and fix everything?" She replies, trying to keep calm

Up ahead there was a broken door frame leading to another room, the cub quickly ran underneath it, not bothering to wait for Damion "Come on! I wanna show you these cool statues!"
Edited By Stormfoot on 8/15/2017 at 3:59 PM.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 8/15/2017 at 4:20 PM Post #32

Blue Flicked her ear and swayed her tail " I think your right dear.." she said walking up to the crystal examining it closely

Tomen nodded " that's what I could sense... she wasn't really in the mood to talk" he said looking over his shoulder near the entrance

Damion hurried quickly to keep up with the youngster " Statues Huh?" he said squeezing under the frame just barely
Edited By Katelynn4545 on 8/15/2017 at 4:46 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 8/15/2017 at 4:45 PM Post #33
The crystal was slightly luminescent, it glowed in a blue color

"Are you going to mess with it?" The pup asks, examining everything Blue Jay was doing

"I should go find her, time magic can be very dangerous, if she were to succeed in turning back time she could create a paradox, or worse... Are you going to come with me?"

The statues were of two Zolnixi, the one with wings had a green gemstone on it's chest, while the other had a red one

"I don't really know who they are but the statues look cool, I thought you'd like to see them!!!"
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 8/15/2017 at 4:57 PM Post #34

Blue Looked over her shoulder and smiled before turning back to the crystal her Nose sparking with blue electricity before she touched it to the Gem.

Tomen nodded " She is fully aware, that's the scary part.... your right that we should find her, but can I suggest that we not crowd her..." he seemed genuinely worried and his next words were a little ragged as he spoke " I don't want her to do something stupid, but If we can fix it so this never happened.." he stopped knowing she could figure out the rest and that his babbling was not necessary

Damion paused Tomen and Blue flicking in his mind over and over and the look on his face seemed utterly shocked " Yes..... Thank you.... My comrades may want to check this out" he said walking forward and taking a deep breath before examining the crystals
Edited By Katelynn4545 on 8/15/2017 at 5:05 PM.
Level 75
Joined: 11/29/2016
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Posted: 8/15/2017 at 5:03 PM Post #35
Rose petal looked at Lily's lump on her head. "I am rose petal. The lump on your head looks alright, and should take about a week or two's time to heal. Just make sure it does not get infected by washing it frequently with water and be careful. Resting should also help." Rose petal said.
Level 75
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Posted: 8/15/2017 at 5:20 PM Post #36

Ashleigh & Tatsu

Ashleigh beamed a warm smile when Basil acquiesced to her request. Though none of them were as good a cook as the original staff, they had managed to spit a good size pig and bake some apples in a pan to go with it.
Tatsu came stomping up the stairs with two great casks under each arm, with two bungs cleverly hooked on his wing base and a bung mallet in his teeth. He sat one down on the floor to use like a short table, and placed the other on the leg rests at the end of the bar, so thirsty patrons wouldn't need to wait.

But Ashleigh had managed her way to be first in line and was there to fill a pint mug for Basil while she waited on the pig to roast just a little longer. She had turned and placed the pint in his claws, then grabbed a carving knife to carve Basil a healthy portion of extra rare, then she grabbed two freshly softened apples and mashed them hard against the pork, the heat barely noticed. There was a gleem in her eye and a glint in her teeth as she delicately set the plate before him.

"Eat well and make strong your intentions." She said to him. But rather than sit and eat with him, she headed down the stairs where she saw Apollo go down.

Ashleigh later appeared outside with a small box of decorations she had found sitting just inside the lower room. She quickly spotted Apollo setting about his task inner-twining lights amid the low bows over the guild entrance. and leaving the banisters and railing alone for the moment. Stepping to the right, outside the doorway she set the small box down and opened it up. It was full of tinsel.
"Hi there Apollo!" She called out to get her friends attention. "Found this box of tinsel and thought you'd like to add it to the rails to reflect the lights from below." It was a small offering she hoped he would welcome. They'd been on less speaking terms for a little while now, since Basil started spending more quality time with her. She had been missing his company and hoped this would break the ice between them.

Ainsleigh & Tatsu

Having an eye for tradition, Ainsleigh enlisted Riker and Fir to help her and Tatsu start getting the public room squared away to the traditional appearance it had when they had left it so long ago. Over the years it had been used as an everything sort of den! They set about sliding tables chairs, barrels and stools all over the deck to recreate the atmosphere they had once had in the place. Though each of them had some input to some subtle changes to work with the new guild group.

"Whattaya' think fellas, will that be satisfyigng to the crew?" She asked the.
Inferno's supportive comment had warmed Ainsleigh to the fact they were doing the right thing. What little opposition that would be left couldn't hope to rally a vote against the present tide, unless misfortune befell them. The only possible plight like that maybe their friends that had gone off exploring.
Big as he was, Tatsu had no head for guild politics like his mate seemed to possess. Though he was eager to get the pub back in order. Like his mate, he was worried about Blue and Tomen, but for a different reason. Damien's whereabouts were unknown and scuttlebutt thus far suggested he was with them.
That was perhaps the most unsettling thing to him about them all missing right now. However, he busied himself with pouring drinks and helping to move the tables, when they weren't have ale wars and minor food fight skirmishes at the big lunk!
Level 60
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Posted: 8/15/2017 at 6:05 PM Post #37

The gem glowed brighter and the gear began to turn, causing the hatch to start closing. The pup tumbled backwards, surprised by the sudden light

"If there is the chance to fix what happened we shouldn't take it, there is too much risk, we are lucky our reality isn't as bad as it could be... You have to notice that if things didn't happen like they did then we could possibly be dead or something just as bad" Willow replies, she began to walk in the direction Blue went

"Did you know these two?" He asks curiously, wanting to know who the statues were meant to be

The Crystals seemed to have a bizarre magic energy to them

"Thanks, I guess.." Lily replies, she walks inside the guildhall, greeted by the scent of roasted pork "Whatever's cooking smells great, give my compliments to the chef"

Basil was much too busy chewing down his food to talk

Fir helped Tatsu move the tables "We could put up some decorations to make it feel more lively, the place looks rather bland... Maybe we could ask Apollo to hang up some lights in here too... " He replies, keeping his attention on his job

"We should probably put a huge nest on the deck or maybe we could build a balcony, so that winged guild members can land in them and rest up" Inferno suggested

"Thanks!! I'll make sure to use them!!" He yelled, twisting the lights between the branches
Edited By Stormfoot on 8/15/2017 at 6:06 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 8/15/2017 at 6:12 PM Post #38
Rose petal sighed. Healing sure was not one of her best attributes, yet she tried her best. It had been a long day for her.
((Lol, I actually have no healing/doctor-like skills whatsoever XD))
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 8/15/2017 at 6:27 PM Post #39

Blue watched as the hatch closed,her fur rustling a bit and sparking but the sparks soon died down after the light faded she turned to the pup " pretty cool huh?" she said with a soft smile

Tomen flattened his ears " I'd agree with you... but I'm not the one you have to convince.. " he said following before looking a bit more serious " Can I tell you a story about your mother?.." he asked not looking at her but staring ahead instead.

Damion nodded and walked closer to the gems "Yes.. they are close Comrades of mine.... well one is at lest, I still have some hard feelings for the other" he he said walking up to both of the crystals examining them closely " I'll tell you a long story later if you wish to hear it" he said touching a paw to the orange crystal before his paw was engulfed with flames.
Edited By Katelynn4545 on 8/16/2017 at 9:57 AM.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
Threads: 345
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Posted: 8/15/2017 at 6:40 PM Post #40
((OOC: I feel like Rose would make a good "Mirajane"... just a thought))
Edited By Katelynn4545 on 8/15/2017 at 6:42 PM.
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