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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > Fall Festival 2014 - Spooky Stories
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Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 5/20/2013
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Posted: 10/31/2014 at 6:51 AM Post #31
So apparently it's really difficult for me to write anything under 1k words (or under 2k words, for that matter). I started four different stories but I finally managed to keep one to a reasonable length, so here it is.


Kat woke up to an overwhelming feeling of wrongness. She couldn't hear her kittens anywhere and the thing she was lying on felt nothing like her nest. It was also far too hot for that time of the year and the stench of mankind permeated everything. Had she been captured? Had they taken her kittens? She knew that some Sylesties chose to live with humans but Kat was a wild Vulnyx and she had no intention of ever being tamed.

"Hey, kitty, are you awake?" Kat jumped in fright and turned to face the man who had sneaked behind her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Want some breakfast? You liked those spicy sausages from yesterday, didn't you?"

Why was that man talking to her as if she was his pet? Did he think she was going to submit to him only because he was abnormally large? Not even the Headless Horseman himself would be able to manage that.

The man moved away and Kat took the chance to look around her for an exit. They were in a large chamber made out of wood and every opening was blocked either by more wood or by something that looked like really thin ice. Were all human nests this big or had this man built his home larger because of his size?

She was sitting on some kind of open nest and right next to it there was an object similar to the bottom half of a purple pumpkin filled with water. Kat batted it carefully, trying to see if the water was safe to drink, but then she saw her paw and fainted.


Kat woke up to one of her kittens nuzzling her. After a brief moment of confusion she realized that she had been dreaming and sighed in relief. Her other kitten nuzzled her too and she wondered if it was time to teach them to hunt. They were growing up incredibly fast.

Suddenly she heard a hauntingly familiar sound in the distance. It was a screech like the sound a baby bat might make and Kat had no idea where she could have heard such a noise before. Then a ghostly wail pierced the calm of the forest causing an abrupt silence. Kat scrambled to push her kittens further into the nest and sat at the entrance ready to protect them from whatever had caused that horrifying sound.

The whole day she sat there, refusing to let her kittens out or to move away from the nest even to hunt for food. She knew with absolute certainty that the cry of the baby bat meant bad news, but she still couldn't remember why.


Kat woke up to an empty stomach and the mouthwatering smell of food. She opened her eyes with reluctance, half knowing what she would see. Indeed, she was back with the abnormally large human. Or rather the man of regular size, because if her paws were anything to go by she had somehow become a kitten.

This was a really strange dream, and far too vivid for her liking, but if it was just a dream she had nothing to fear. With that thought in mind Kat decided to eat the food the man left in front of her. It was like nothing she'd ever tasted and she loved it.

"Good, right? Ethernia might be full of prancing Puffadores but when it comes to food their cooks are the best."

After eating her fill Kat laid down for a nap. She was ready to return home.


Kat woke up to a loud growl. Her kittens must've sneaked out while she was sleeping and now they were play fighting. It was definitely time to teach them how to hunt. Standing up she called to them and started walking towards the river. Her kittens would enjoy fishing.

When they arrived Kat saw that there was a man and three Sylesties right by the river. The man was sitting on a rock and looked very familiar, not that she was any good at telling one human from another.

"Why did I think that hunting here was a good idea? And how come there is so much sand in here? This is a river, not the sea! Look at this, my shoes are full of sand!"

The man peeled something off his feet but Kat wasn't paying attention. She knew that voice. It was impossible but somehow the man from her dreams was right there in front of her.

"Did you hear something?"

The man and all three of his Sylesties turned at once towards Kat and she realized that her kittens had gone back to playing rather loudly. She growled to make them stop but it was too late, the man had found them.

"There's three of them! This is worth wearing sandy socks!"

The fight was fast and one-sided. She tried to distract her enemies so that her kittens could escape but she didn't know if it had worked. She couldn't stand up, too tired to even try. The man got close and pointed an estrange object towards her. She heard the cry of a baby bat and everything faded into a sea of green light.


The Demon Vulnyx kitten woke up to her owner petting her.

"You know, at first I wasn't sure about that Witch Doctor Hexamora but now I'm glad I went to that haunted shack of hers. Collecting enough Mojo took time but it was worth it just to have you."

Her master loved her and she loved him back. He was the first thing she saw when her egg hatched and took good care of her. He was the center of her life and she wished nothing more than to grow up fast so she could take care of him too.


I don't even know if this is spooky in any way and there were probably some mistakes (sorry about that, English is my third language) but I hope it's not too awful.
Edited By Elleshie on 10/31/2014 at 6:51 AM.
Level 68
Joined: 7/4/2014
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Posted: 11/1/2014 at 3:30 PM Post #32
A group of Prancing Puffadores were out playing near the woods one lovely autumn day. When their stomachs started to rumbling madly they decided to have a picnic and laid a blanket on the grass. Luckily they had remembered to bring a picnic basket with some very yummy Spicy Sausages, but as they sat devouring the delicious meal they heard a Ghostly Wail. Scared but curious they all turned toward where the sound came from and saw the secretive Witch Doctor Hexamora and her Baby Bat freind come out of the woods. They began telling a story of how they had gotten Sandy Socks while trying to rescue a Vulnyx Kitten that had wandered into the Haunted Shack down by the river. Unfortunately the ghostly wail had frightened them and they ran away from the shack, leaving the poor little vulnyx behind.
Upon hearing of this the Puffadores decided that they should help Hexamora and the baby bat save the vulnyx kitten lost in the woods. So off they all went back into the woods and to the shack where he had last been seen. They found him hiding in the same corner shaking like a little leaf, he mewed meekly as they came near him. Just as they had coaxed the kitten out of the shack and into their comforting arms they heard a cracking noise in the woods beside them. They turned and saw the very frightening Headless Horseman Staring at them, he then threw a flaming Purple Pumpkin in their direction. They all ran back to the sunny grass clearing they had been playing in earlier and decide to never go back into the horsemen's woods again, unless of course they had to save another poor pet lost in the woods.
Level 60
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Posted: 11/3/2014 at 3:23 AM Post #33
A ghostly wail tore through the night, sending baby bats screeching away from their hiding spots.
Sandy Socks had never been one for Halloween, not even when he was just a kit. He never mewled and moaned to go out for candy like his siblings did. He never took chances.
His denmates would always hound him for it - two prancing Puffadores, howling and whining for him to join them. Purple Pumpkin was especially insistent this year.
"Pfff, are you still a little Vulnyx kitten, too scared of the Headless Horseman to go outside? C'mon, it's just a story. We have big plans tonight and you gotta join in!"
"Why would I join in? You heard that scream. I wouldn't go out there for the world, not tonight."
Spicy Sausage snarled. "You are such a shut-in! Hey, Pumpkin, we should get that one Witch Doctor, Hexamora I think?" She paused. "We should get her to make us like a courage potion or somethin', get this baby outta the hatchery and inta the real world!"
Sandy's fur stood on end. "If I'm going to go, I want it to be my own choice, not the effects of some potion!"
"Then get your rear in gear! We got stuff to do!" Pumpkin flicked her tail eagerly, helping Sausage push the Vulnyx out of their den.
The followed a long and winding path, stopping to yip at Sandy every time the scenery changed and he wanted to back out.
"It's just a forest, geeze, not like there's zombies or anythin!"
"Oh, no, however shall we continue? I can't go on, this yellow grass is just too much"
"It's a tree. Look, bark! Branches! No teeth on the bugger. S'a bore."
The Puffadores nearly had to drag him up to the foot of their destination.
"Please tell me this isn't what I think it is..." Sandy whimpered meekly.
The house loomed ominously above them, the fog around them making the atmosphere oppressive and overwhelming.
Pumpkin and Sausage thought it was totally awesome.
"Y'ain't scared, are ya?" Sausage hopped up to the barely-intact doormat, looking cheekily at the cowering boy.
"It's just a little haunted shack, no big deal~" Pumpkin pushed him forward, joining her friend on the mat. "We're just gonna be spending the rest of the night here!"
Sandy Socks let out a pained whine.
Worst. Decision. Ever.

((Short, but I ran out of steam. Might add more later, though!))
Level 75
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Posted: 11/3/2014 at 5:27 AM Post #34
It was getting closer to Hallow's Eve the Headless Horseman was in dire need of some Spicy Sausages for a special brew. Just then he had an idea! He would visit the Haunted Shack were the Witch Doctor Hexamora lived with her Vulnyx Kitten. I arrived and immediately saw a Purple Pumpkin next to her doorstep. I heard a Ghostly Wail from inside and ran in. I immediately saw a Baby Bat which is where the wail came from. I saw the witch doctor in her Sandy Socks and asked her for the magical ingredient I needed for my perfect brew. She went and retrieved the item. I saw her Prancing Puffadores out of the corner of my eye, they must be new. I went home and brewed my brew and had an amazing night with a slew of new friends.
Level 75
The Dreamer
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Posted: 11/3/2014 at 9:16 AM Post #35
Sandy Socks was lost.

She had been wandering through the woods, looking for her pet baby bat. The baby bat had flown off in fright after a group of prancing puffadores decided it was good fun to sneak up and scare them. Abandoning their campfire and spicy sausages, Sandy Socks had ran as fast as she could after her pet. But the baby bat had flown into the woods, and soon disappeared from sight.

After a while, she noticed the trees thinning, and soon, she emerged into a small clearing with a shack in the middle. The shack looked old and worn-down, with a pumpkin hanging above the door. Sandy Socks remembered her mother telling her stories about a haunted shack in the woods when she was just a little vulnyx kitten.

It is said that the witch doctor Hexamora used to live in the shack in the clearing somewhere in the woods. There, she would mix her potions and conjure her spells. Every year on Halloween night, with the help of Ichabod Egret the local professor, she would cast a powerful spell to summon the Headless Horseman to do her bidding. One night, the ritual suddenly went wrong, and the Headless Horseman broke free from the spell.
(They later discovered the local kids had painted one of their white pumpkins into a purple pumpkin as a trick.)

Ever since, the Headless Horseman was able to rise from his grave, and terrorise the hills, seeking for heads. If you hear a ghostly wail on Halloween's night, you'll know the Headless Horseman has found his victim.

To try to amend the problem they caused, Hexamora cast one more spell. When the pumpkin above the shack's door is orange, all is well. But when the Headless Horseman is rising, the pumpkin will turn purple as a warning.

"It's just a story", she thought. Still, Sandy Socks glanced up at the pumpkin above the shack's door. It was orange. With a little dark spot hanging from the bottom.

"Batty!" She cried in delight.

The baby bat flew down, and clung to her fur.

"You're safe now. Let's go back and roast some marshmallows!"

Turning, Sandy Socks happily left the clearing. Behind her, the hanging pumpkin started to glow purple...
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/6/2014
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Posted: 11/4/2014 at 4:31 PM Post #36
One night a girl and her Vulnyx Kitten were walking to Witch Doctor Hexamora's,Haunted Shack. Hexamora had promised them that they would carve Purple Pumpkins together.As the girl stepped into Hexamora's Haunted Shack,she herd a Ghostly Wail.She and Hexamora followed the noise.The came across a beach with a big tree.As they headed to the big tree,the girl stepped on something.The girl got so scared she jumped up and screamed at the top of her lungs.When they released it was just some Sandy Socks they started hearing the ghostly wails again.They came up the beach where the tree was and saw a sign.The sign said,"Beware of the Headless Horseman."The heard the noise once more and saw it was just a Baby Battrying to scare them.They walked up a steep hill and went into the haunted shack.When they opened the door,they saw a Prancing Puffadores on a stage.A farmer came up to them and told them what was going on.He explained that he threw a halloween party for hexamora and the girl.They all sat down and enjoyed some Spicy Sausages!
Level 74
Fright Master
Joined: 3/12/2014
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Posted: 11/4/2014 at 10:14 PM Post #37
Gather 'round, Sylesties and Sylestians all, for the tale of Shajhial the Vulnyx Kitten, and the disappearance of Witch Doctor Hexamora.

Many years ago, on a dark Autumn evening, Shajhial's family went to enjoy the first night of the local Sylestian Fall Festival. The festival was far smaller then the one near Esior's Haven, but diverse enough for the local Sylesties. The Prancing Puffadores were performing their yearly fire-dance, Baby Bat and The Seven Sandy Socks were sitting up their magic-show, and festival foods such as Spicy Sausages from Astryl's Vale and exotic, elven Purple Pumpkins were adding that unique combination of smells to the fair-like atmosphere.
And yet, for Shajhial and the other kittens, the main attraction of the festival was the Haunted Shack, situated at the edge of the woods and well beyond the lights of the festival. The ill-kept building was usually nothing special, but during the nights of the fall festival it took on a very sinister role. The legends had it that it became the temporary home of the Headless Horseman, as he rested from his travels across the land.
For Shajhial, slipping away from his family in the crowded festival-grounds was easy. His friends were already gathered behind the fire-dance stage when he arrived, their eyes bright with expectation and excitement.
Tonight was the night. Tonight, they would actually go inside.
Rjasion, as the oldest in the group and the only Lighira cub in town, proudly took the lead. The rest padded after him, eagerly at first, then more cautiously as they left the light and warmth of the festival behind. Before they were halfway to the shack, most of the group had made hasty escapes, calling excuses that they weren't allowed and their parents would be looking for them.
So it was that Shajhial and Rjasion were alone by the time they came creeping up behind the bushes around the Horseman's shack. The old wood creaked and cracked in the chilly autumn weather, and from somewhere nearby they thought they could hear the snorting and pawing of a Qitari.
Rjasion and Shajhial glanced at one another. Both knew what the other was thinking, but Rjasion was fastest.
"Dare you to go inside," he whispered, and Shajhial's ears twitched.
"I dare you."
"I said it first."
"I said it second."
Rjasion got that smug look that meant he thought himself clever. "You scared?"
Shajhial laid back his ears, lashed his tail. "...No," he said after a moment.
"Prove it."
With Rjasion watching him from behind, Shajhial cautiously slipped out of the bushes, stomach close to the ground in an attempt to be stealthy. He peered around the corner of the shack, towards the porch, and only after making sure the coast was clear did he start making his way towards the door.
Then, just as he was reaching the porch, something across the yard moved. Shajhial reacted instinctively, diving under the porch and crouching in the shadows under the stairs. Between the steps, he could see a human figure walking toward the house...
Shajhial pressed himself against the ground as the figure came closer, but then the moon came peeking out from the clouds and illuminated the yard. Shajhial relaxed slightly, he recognized the human now, if just barely. It was old Hexamora Senior, the witch doctor from the village. But, what was he doing here?
A Vulnix's curiosity is hard to resist. Shajhial watched as Hexamora tiptoed up the steps, acting as sneaky as a human was capable of. A moment later there was the sound of a key turning, a lock clicking... a door opening.
Shajhial darted out from under the porch, silent as a mouse. Hexamora didn't notice as the Vulnix kitten slipped in behind him, then the door swung shut on them both. They were alone in a hall that ended in a dark stair to the second floor.
The inside of the Haunted Shack was even spookier then the outside. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling and across every doorway, the floorboards creaked under Hexamora's feet, and there was something making a scratching noise on the second story. Shajhial let Hexamora go on first, then crept quietly after him. He didn't want to go further into the shack, but he didn't want to be left alone either.
Hexamora opened a door to one of the rooms down the hall, but before Shajhial could follow, a Ghostly Wail echoed through the house. The kitten jumped, fur sticking straight up on his spine, and darted behind a pot of wilted plants to hide.
"That upstart whipper-snapper," came a hoarse voice from nearby. Shajhial crouched low behind his pot. "That young know-it-all. I'll teach that Egret to steal my theories and claim all the glory!"
A orange glow appeared through the mostly-closed door. A Qitari whinnied outside, and a sinister laugh began echoing through the halls...
Shajhial bolted, running down the hall for the door and scratching at the wood in an effort to climb to the knob. The fiery glow strengthened as the door behind began to open again.
Then the doorknob turned, and Shajhial tumbled forward as the door opened, knocking right into Rjasion. The Lighira had been standing on his hind legs to reach the knob, and both kittens tumbled back onto the porch and down the steps.
"What happened?" Rjasion gasped, eyes wide with fear. "I heard a wail...!"
"Run!" Shajhial interrupted with a squeak. "It's the Headless Horseman, run!"
At that moment, hearing its master's call, around the side of the house a fiery-maned Qitari appeared, huge and glowing and fierce.
And run they did.

After that day, no one ever heard from Old Hexamora Senior again. It is said, however, that the Headless Horseman haunts the Esior Fields, never to return to his haunted shack as he seeks revenge on a certain Ichibod Egret...

The End
Edited By Xovinx on 11/4/2014 at 10:18 PM.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/15/2013
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Posted: 11/5/2014 at 2:14 AM Post #38
I tell you now of a frightening tale,
Of innocence stolen by a Ghostly Wail.

A simple child, so young and sweet,
Fell prey to a game she could not beat.

On a nightly walk with Vulnyx Kitten in tow,
She heard a sound with a haunting echo.

A howl she heard, a frightened cry,
That rang through from trees to the midnight sky.

"Whats that?" she thought, "Who could it be?"
"Please, help!" she heard, "Someone, save me!"

To the forest she ran with prevalent haste,
Through fog and through shadows, there was no time to waste!

In a clearing she found him, hunched over a tree,
Coughing and wheezing, "O woe is me!"

"Why, sir, what happened? Are you alright?"
She asked as she came to the wretched sight.

His clothes were tattered, his hat was askew,
His skin was pallid, with a slight tint of blue.

"A creature attacked from up in a tree,
With poisonous fangs, the monster bit me!"

"Oh my, you poor man, I'll go and get help!"
"No please don't!" he replied with a yelp.

"There's only one cure to spare me my fate,
Tis an item that lies through the Witch Doctor's gate."

"A magical pumpkin of violet hue,
You must bring it to me before my time is due."

"A Purple Pumpkin, now surely you jest!
I will not go on such a ridiculous quest!"

"The pumpkin is real, I swear on my breath,
And without it so real shall be my death."

He hacked and he sputtered, and he cried out in pain,
He tried to speak, but all was in vain.

With a heavy thud he fell to the ground,
And quivering breath was his only sound.

Convinced the girl was of the poor man's plight,
And off she ran, through the dead of night.

Witch Doctor Hexamora was a sight to see,
Letting her magic run wild and free.

Prancing Puffadores danced about,
Hexed by mojo, there was no doubt.

Around her glowed a menagerie of things,
Spicy Sausages, Sandy Socks, an assortment of strings.

But the only thing that caught the young girl's eye,
Was a bright purple pumpkin within the pigsty.

"The pumpkin! It's real!" the girl cried in delight,
And with it she took off, back into the night.

But the man was missing, he was nowhere to see,
And the young child wondered, "Where could he be?"

And then she heard it, a dreadful sound,
Terrible shrieks from all around.

"Tis back," she heard, "We must get away!"
"Follow me," he spoke, "I'll show you the way!"

She turned to the man and followed his lead,
And through the forest they trekked with great speed.

"Through there," he panted, "Before it can attack,"
And he pointed to what looked like a Haunted Shack.

The child showed fear but knew their options were slim,
If they stayed outside, their fate would be grim.

So swiftly they crept into the rundown house,
As careful and quiet as a tiny field mouse.

But once inside they were not alone,
For the Headless Horseman was perched on his throne.

But the man was not scared, it's as if he knew,
And calmly he kneeled, as if on cue.

"Whats this!? "the girl cried, "Whats going on!?"
The man rose with a grin, "You fell for my con."

Quickly he grabbed her and held her in place,
While the Horseman came closer, face to pumpkin-face.

"Don't come any closer! Please, let me go!"
The girl squirmed and she screamed, both too weak and too slow.

"Her soul is pure, she will suffice,
You've done well in finding a sacrifice."

The Horseman spoke in a ghostly echo,
As dark as the night, and as chilling as snow.

"Tis an honor to serve you. Thank you, my lord,"
And the young girl's pleas were completely ignored.
And so the child was never heard from again,
For she could not escape the Horseman's den.

But what of the creature, you may wonder?
Do you think my story has a blunder?

The monster you seek lies under my hat,
A small, loudly shrieking, Baby Bat.

T'was I who lured the girl into the night,
To see if her soul could bring forth the blight.

But our efforts were thwarted, our plan had failed,
And to start anew, a fresh soul had to be trailed.

The Horseman comes for your soul tonight,
For you have shown it is pure, and light!


Colors are used to point out the different voices, since it did get a bit messy to keep the rhyming flow, and I didn't want to have to use ten or so rhymes for "said." XD

I'll also be using my narrator for the avatar dress-up too and giving him more of a back story since this was so much fun!
Edited By Xavion on 11/5/2014 at 3:51 AM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 11/6/2014 at 4:00 PM Post #39
In all her years, Witch Doctor Hexamora had never seen a Halloween night as chilling as this one. It was not the ghostly wails that made the night so frightening, nor was it fault of the mysterious purple pumpkins floating around the entrance to her humble, haunted shack. No, the fear in the air was not caused by any of these things, but by something far more alarmingSomething that kept even the prancing puffadores from trick-or-treating for the spicy sausages they so loved. Something that kept all the vulnyx kittens curled up with their mothers rather than playing in the moonlight with the baby batsHexamora could feel it all the way from the top of her head down to her sandy socks. Tonight was no ordinary Halloween night. Noshe could feel it in the air, his presence growing strongerAll Sylestians, human and animal alike, would do well to stay in tonight! For tonight would see the Headless Horseman ride again!
Level 60
Seashell Collector
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Posted: 11/7/2014 at 6:58 PM Post #40

Sage looked at his friends in disbelief. "You really want to go to the haunted shack? It's boring. We've gone every year and nothing has ever happened. We just sit around and tell stories and eat candy. We can do that at my house and not freeze to the bone."

His friends looked startled by his statement. Mindy was dressed as a Superhero complete with cape and mask, but had forgone boots because they tended to slip off her hooves when she swam, Scarlet wore an Elmer Fudd outfit for irony, and Tiger had settled on a lion tamer.

Charles, a Lupora dressed in a suit, simply looked affronted "Nu-uh! He snipped. Remember last year? The headless horseman showed up!.

Sage scowled. "No he didn't. That was just a prank played by those stuck-up Puffadores down the block. Getting pranks played on me is not my idea of a good time".

Unfortunately Charles comment had gotten the group excited and Sage watched as his normally sane friends ran off to gather ingredients for snacks and a firepit. He sighed and went to get a bucket of sand to put the fire out with when they were done. He was the only one who ever remembered. When he went back outside there was a pale Vulnyx kitten sitting on his porch with his friends nowhere in sight.

"I'm hungry. Could I please have something to eat?" The kitten asked barely speaking over a whisper. Sage almost said no, but the kitten was so small and nobody should be hungry. He dashed inside to grab some leftovers from his mother's spicy sausage casserole, but when he got back the kitten was gone. Weird he thought to himself, but weird things often happened around Halloween.

He looked around for his friends and saw them just down the road glaring at a pair of prancing Puffadores.

"You can't have a party there!" Mindy snarled baring her teeth. "We always have a party at the shack. You can't just decide to use it."

Prissy one of the twin Puffadores who constantly tormented them. This year she had dressed as a baby bat and her twin Pond had dressed as a purple pumpkin. Prissy sniffed "It's public property. You never registered a private party and we did. We even got the witch doctor Hexamora to agree to tell spooky stories. She's going to tell us all about the time that she met the headless horseman and fought to save Sylestia and you're not invited."

His two friends looked like they were going to say something, but Sage stepped up. "I think we should go walk on the beach this year. The shack was boring the last two years and it will be boring again this year."

As he turned out of the corner of his eyes he saw the small kitten huddled behind some boxes in the alley by his house. He walked over to it as the others continued to argue despite his fantastic ending statement. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm cold. Could I have a blanket please?" The voice seemed even fainter this time as if the lightest gust of wind would blow it away. Sage was saddened because he didn't have a blanket to give the kitten.

"Why don't you come to my house?" He asked gently "We'll get you warmed up and find your parents." The poor thing was obviously too young to be out alone.

"I have to stay here so my mother can find me." The kitten said softly. Sage hesitated. He couldn't just leave the kitten here alone and cold. He'd go get a blanket and then call the police. He ran as fast as he could, but when he got back the kitten was gone.

"You cold?" Scarlet asked "You furless types are always getting cold when it's pleasant out. Come on. We decided the beach is a good idea after all."

"There was a.... Nevermind." Sage said starting to walk with the group.

They walked, talked, and told scary stories until long after the sun set. At almost midnight exactly a ghostly wail drifted across the sand. If he'd had fur it would have been on end.

"What was that!" He asked seriously spooked.

His friends looked a bit confused until Mindy gave him a sad look. "I forget that you didn't grow up here. That's old Ms. Rakescale. About seven years ago today she lost her kitten. It snowed that year, a white out. She had been walking home and they got seperated. Ms. Rakescale stayed out all night looking for her kitten, but you see the kitten couldn't talk very loud. Her cries must have been swept away by the wind and since she was all white nobody could see her. They never even found her body. Ms. Rakescale comes out the beach to avoid all of the celebrations during Halloween. That's why we usually go to the shack."

A sadness settled over the group and after a bit Scarlet said "I think it's time to head in anyway. I don't know about you all, but I've got sandy socks" He wiggled shook his paw and sand filtered down his leg. Sand had a habit of getting everywhere. The joke didn't lift the mood much.

"There's something I want to do first." Sage knew, without a doubt, that the kitten was someplace in his alley. He just had to find where it could have hidden.

After hours of making his friends crawl around looking for a hiding spot they came across a loose brick in a building near his house. Pulling it out revealed a small pile of bones with a small tuft of white fur still on them. Mindy rushed off to get the police as Sage pulled it out carefully. "Go ask Ms. Rakescale to come here please. So she can say her goodbyes." Sage wrapped the blanket he'd grabbed around the tiny pile and he felt something soft and warm brush against his hand for just an instant as if to say thank you.

Entry 2
((Not sure if multiple entries are allowed, but I wanted to see the minimum number of words I needed to write a complete story with the required words and a plot. ))

The Vulnyx kitten peered out from under her mother's purple pumpkin print skirt. Chuckling to herself the Witch Doctor Hexamora scooted her kitten dressed as a baby bat closer to the, apparently terrifying, headless horseman statue outside the haunted shack a popular Trick or Treat destination. "There's nothing to be afraid of Socks" She scolded lightly just as two prancing Puffadores shoved past to enter the shack. A horrifying ghostly wail came from the statue and it leapt toward the small group making Hexamora jump and her kitten dash off down the beach. Hexamora took off easily catching up with her short legged offspring. Her kitten looked particularly put upon and Hexamora realized that she was covered in sand. "Come on now my sandy Socks" She said wrapping her tail lightly around the quivering kit. "Let's go to Aunties and get some of her famous Spicy Sausages." That was the day that Socks learned the being scared of things was alright, and sometimes you even got spicy sausage.
Edited By Emgeal on 11/7/2014 at 6:58 PM.
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