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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > 3 Visible Lunemara Design Contest
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Level 65
Assistant to the Sculptor
Joined: 10/8/2014
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 8:58 PM Post #21

Atracted to the light of humanity she buzzed towards them and whispered stories in their ears of vast deep forests almost as old as the earth itself. In their dreams, human minds followed the whisper. Floating through the deep green and sharing in her love for nature. And as the best stories go; she became her stories. With every proclamation of her love for the forest, every whisper and every dream, she transformed more and more into nature itself. Untill one day it would absorb her. Yet still we can hear her whisper.
Level 75
Guardian of the Realm
Joined: 5/2/2017
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 9:12 PM Post #22


Nyx is a quiet lunemara, she has spent her entire life hiding in the shadows of the night. From the beginning she was different, if the bright colours of her family didn't separate her from them already, then her love of the night did. For reasons Nyx couldn't understand, the night fascinated her. Unlike her brothers and sisters, Nyx spent her time wheeling through the stars and slipping through the dark shadows. Even now she waits, hoping to find one who would share she love for the night.
Level 60
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 4/18/2017
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 9:23 PM Post #23

Give Blood Lunemara

Yeah, it's an odd thing to take inspiration of, but there's a story. When I gave blood for the first time, back in my junior year, it was right before the end-of-the-year holiday break. All the bugs, including the cute butterflies, were gone. The second time I gave blood was the same. However, the third time I had done so, it was the beginning of spring, and there were tons of beautiful butterflies and moths. One had even landed on me before I went in. We were just talking about that, my mom and I, when I started this, and thus, the Give Blood(or Red Cross) Lunemara was made!
Level 66
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/16/2017
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 9:23 PM Post #24

This is Sphinx

So I was inspired to create Sphinx the Egyptian Lunemara. As you probably can tell by her name you can figure out what I was mainly inspired to create Sphinx

Backstory: Sphinx is a kind but series Lunemara. She loves to explore the sands of Egypt and loves to chat with the merchants that come into town. She mostly travels at night because it's cooler and she loves to look up at the moon and stares. But Sphinx is no ordinary Lunemara for she's been gifted with the power th control the sands of time which means sand always flies around her. Because of her power the people gifted her with tattoos to signify her difference and importance in their society. She is no ruler but is worshiped liked one.
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 9:34 PM Post #25
my inspiration was cherry blossoms/trees :) they look super pretty to me...

this lunemara was forced to work for millennia in the mines as a light, and when the mines collapsed he escaped and in the sunlight was turned into a cherry blossom lunemara. he has since then brought happiness to hard laborers by appearing before them and presenting them with a gift.
Level 62
Stocking Stuffer
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 9:34 PM Post #26

The Cosmos Caretaker:

The cosmos is not as peacefull as it may seem. It is constently torn aprt by a force name entropy. This Lunemara alwayse make sure that this destructive force never win and keep every thing in order and at is place. Thank to her, the Sylestien can sleep soundly under a beautifull starry sky every night.
Edited By Mignais on 8/26/2017 at 1:04 PM.
Level 64
Frosty Hands
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 9:35 PM Post #27
Lunar Stone Guardian


She is one of the Lunar Stone Guardians. Queens are much larger than all of their species. The Queen's antennae is elaborate, with its' center forming a glowing ball of lunar light. The lunar ball begins to form on a new moon, and finishes growing on the next new moon, which is then taken and placed in a lunar garden, surrounded by Lunar Stone Guardians. After it is harvested from the Queen, it will bathe in the moon's light. As it bathes, it is charged. The Lunar stones are a magickal object. Any in the possession of one is granted magickal abilities. The larger the stone, the greater the power. In the wrong hands, it is quite dangerous and destructive.
This particular female, guards those very stones from the hands of evil. Crescentia is a fierce fighter, and will protect these stones to her death. It is her life, her passion, and will become her death eventually. She is stunning in shades of blues and purples. Unlike the rest of her species, she has never left her home. She lives to serve her Queen.

My inspiration is the moon!
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 9:35 PM Post #28

Name: Baransu (Japanese for Balance as the yinyang is a balance between light and dark)
Inspiration: Yin Yang
Back Story:
Baransu was born in a land full of cherry blossoms. He grew up playing in the fields with his siblings and friends, flitting between the trees. One day he was carted away by a strange trader. He was sold into a life of terror and there he learned Yin and Yang. Light and Dark. Black and White. Good or Evil. He is dedicated to setting the world free from peril and making his home safe once again. He will forever fight for peace. He has a very black and white view of the world and he uses this too choose who will survive too live in this peaceful world he will create.
Level 75
High Warlord
Joined: 2/27/2017
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 9:40 PM Post #29

Name: Herald of the New Year

Inspiration: The Southern Chinese Lion costumes, worn during Lunar New Year celebrations. The colors used are the ones I've most often seen (yellow/red/black) on these costumes, and tie back to the three lion types (see a simple google search of "lion dance" and look at the description on the wiki if you want to know more). The wings that have little baubles and rings on them suit this concept, since the costumes have coins, ribbons, and a small mirror or two.

Backstory: The creak of vendor booths, sounds of iron poles scraping on tar, droning voices, were all carried off on the wind. It was breezy, humid, made the lanterns sway and sputter, but the thick scent of smoke and oil clung and wound and stuck, stubbornly, on the shifting crowds. There was clanging, high-pitched and tinny, and a thrumming beat surged through the streets. It was loud, perhaps uncomfortably so, like a foreign, too strong pulse in one's own body. A small lull, long enough to look toward the source of silence, was enough to dim the hum of the crowd and a hush, a stillness, rippled down the street. Illuminated by the lanterns, jewels and wings glimmering, The Herald glided past the vendors, over the heads of the crowd, a whoosh of air and tinkling bells the only sounds. When she was past the street, the barest shimmer of light retreating in the distance, there was left the sizzle of cooking food, creaking of an old sign, and a murmur began; louder and louder, laughing, yelling, joy and exhilaration bubbling up through and down the street as they welcomed the New Year.
Edited By Ley on 8/19/2017 at 9:51 PM.
Level 29
Joined: 8/11/2017
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Posted: 8/19/2017 at 9:51 PM Post #30
Author: Faiona
Time Posted: 8/19/2017 at 6:48 PM
The objective of this game is to visit the Generator and create a 3-Visible Lunemara of your choice.


1. Visit the Generator and design your dream 3-Visible Lunemara. After you're done, come back and post your Pet in this thread. You must include a name and backstory for your Lunemara. Please keep the story less than 500 words.

Note: you are not actually generating the pet.

2. This contest is for the Lunemara Revamp Release, the pet may only be a Lunemara.

3. When posting your Pet, you must also include what the inspiration is. If you fail to include this in your post, your entry WILL NOT QUALIFY.

4. Please post ONLY ONE image.

Note: This includes posting both Male and Female versions; you must pick the one that you want!

5. Your Pet MUST HAVE EXACTLY 3-VISIBLE TRAITS. A Trait counts as either a Gene or a Mutation. It cannot have any Carried Traits.

6. This contest is over August 26th 11:59PM server time. Any entries posted after this time will not qualify.


Everyone who participates and has a qualifying entry will be put into a drawing. Whomever's name is randomly drawn from the list will have their Lunemara created for them. Additionally to a random winner, there will be one chosen winner based off the story and appeal of the Lunemara. There will only be two winners from this contest. Good luck and have fun!

so it cannot have all genes and mutations?
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