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Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 2/13/2017 at 1:04 PM Post #21
Shadir-47 years old- Masyaf: Training Ring

"You shouldn't be so mean to her..." The girl said watching how the woman treated the lion like animal. She knew well that cats hated water, after all she bore scars that showed her experience with bathing a cat. So why would the woman throw the big cat in the water? Sure it made the animal go away but still there had to be a better way to do so no? Father was never mean to Dhuka like that, least not while they were home. He seemed to love that bear like she was a second child almost. yet still the cat could have a whole different story that was more than it seemed. It didn't matter to her, least not much. "Want me to help you set it up?" the woman asked. The pin shone in the light as it was laid next to her. Was she really going to give her, a child no more than ten, such treasures to keep up with? With a steady hand she picked the pin up looking at it. "If you would." Lela said in a low voice. but before she got her answer the woman mentioned her parents and mentor. "Mom and dad wont care I'm out here. I have no clue where my mentor is, he kinda left me. Either that or I suck at looking for him." Lela admitted lowering her head in shame. Maybe the woman could help her with that as well. She hated to have to have this much help but if she was to succeed then she needed to get all the information she could before it was too late.

She was gone, the bench sat empty where he had left her. "Lela?" He called out through the crowd. A few heads turned at his words though there came no answer. She could be anywhere! He was supposed to be hiding in plain sight so she could find him but then stupid Sef got in the way! If the man wasn't his brother he would have killed him. It was one thing to get in the way of some simple training but the first student he had out on her first training?! Sef would surely get an earful after this. With long strides he pushed through the crowd. "LELA!" he called out again. Still nothing. ****** where was she?!
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 2/13/2017 at 1:37 PM Post #22
Atara - 22(f) - The river
Her eyes looked at the young girl infront of her."no worries about her, Algol will be more than fine. We are not really fighting, just teasing one a other." she explained for the child before she sat down behind her and started pinning the hood while still making it look nice. Once she was done she looked at her. "Well once the hood is good for you we can go look for your mentor." she promissed the child calmly. She wasnt sure the hood was to the girls liking and it can still take some time to get it fixed. It had taken her self about 25trials to get her own hood the way she wanted it. "And dont worry, we older ones are here to help you kids. Pluss its kinda fun. I never had a younger sibling" she smiled while talking a smooth tone.

Mot Hajjar - 12(m) - the village

He stopped in his track, looking down at the man. Is he joking?! Lela is gone? As he landed he glanced at his own mentor before sighing and simply doing a backflipp, landing in the sand on the ground before running up to the man. "Have you lost Lela?" he asked in a worried tone. He have only been her mentor for barley an houer and he have lost her?! She is a really precious friend of his and she is like a fourth sister so ofcorse he gets worried. But to be frank he was kinda worried what his own mentor would punnish him for actually going away from him. But he just cant abandon someone that is so preacious to him. Its impossible, just simply impossible. He can take the punnishment later, one simply just not abandon his friends and family an thats it! beeing smaller than the man he had it easier to move forwards in the crowd of people.

He stopped, looking backwards before stopping. "For ******s sake. Where have he gone now?" he mutterd before backtracking, keeping a open mind and vision for the child. He will get to know the wish of death soon. The child WILL wish he was dead once he is done with his punnishment for this.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 2/13/2017 at 2:57 PM Post #23
Lela-9 years old- Masyaf: By the River

The hood felt...different. It was more supported this way, though she couldn't tell if it was for better or worse. Standing she took a few steps, It defiantly was different. "I think this is fine, I can certainly see better now." Swimming though would be the true test. She took a step towards the water a shiver running up her spine as she did. "Believe...believe in yourself." She breathed before jumping off into the water. A moment leter she was coughing on the beach again soaking wet from head to toe. When the coughed subsided she sat up a disappointed look on her face. "What am I doing wrong?!" Lela exclaimed ash she pulled herself to her feet. Crossly she crossed her arms over her chest looking down at the ground.

The man jump ever so slightly as she child was suddenly beside him though it was more of a on guard sort of movement compared to a frightened one. He didn't know this child, other than he was a friend to Lela. The man looked down at the boy, looking about at the many of faces that made up the crowd. He couldn't let the boy think that was the case! They had been training after all he was the one lost if anyone was. she was probably off looking for him in another part of the town was all. "Lost? I wouldn't say I lost her, we are training see. She is simply hiding in plain sight." The man lied, either way it would be a training experience. If she was hiding then he would find her, though even eagle vision couldn't find her at the moment. the boy needed training as well. If he caught on to the lie then good, if not did it matter?
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 2/13/2017 at 3:17 PM Post #24
Atara - 22(f) - The river
She looked at her before nodding. Well, if she is happy with the hood then that is fine. "The cloak is heavy to swim with. It will be harsh to swim with for quiet some time. You will have to build more strength and adapt to the techniq to it. But it will be better in time, this I can assure you." she said while smiling at her. "I was bad at it without the hood, with it? it took me two years to get the jist of it. And you are a lot better now than I was back then." she reassured the child.

Mot Hajjar - 12(m) - the village
He looked at the man in a disbeleaving way before rolling his eyes. "I may only be a Novice sir, but Im not stupied. If it was training you wouldnt yell for her like that." he answered while keeping up with the man. "But really, isnt it a bit to quick to lose her already?" he mumbled for himself. It seems kinda horrid to be honest. He was young enough not to think about everything he said, his father had been given years to train away his bluntness. But Mot ... he still have to train it ... quiet a bit to be honest.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 2/14/2017 at 1:16 PM Post #25
Lela-9 years old- Masyaf: By the River

"Really? So you mean I don't just suck at it?" She looked her eyes hopeful. It was the same look she had given father when she had asked him if he would tell him a bed time story, or the same look she gave when she wanted a cookie before it was dinner time. Lela was almost hopeful that what the lady said was true but at the same time she rather doubted that it was true. Sometimes adults were that way, they would tell you you were good at something but in truth you sucked at it. Was that the woman saying now? The girl sat in wait for the answer though her mind wandered as she did. The waves sounded so nice as they washed against the sand. As her eyes looked across the beach she couldn't help but notice a particular glob of dead grass washed ashore. It was brown and yellow with decay, yet no smell came from it. Now that she thought about it it didn't look like grass at all, but more of a poor animal that had come to the arms of death. It was sad really to see such a small animal die like that. Lela sighed knowing that she would have to take the life of many of people but animals were different for her. She liked them, all of them save for horses which scared her with their size. Once she had seen a horse kick a man clean across its pen. He lived but was never the same after it. He thought were shattered though by a soft coughing like sound, where was it coming from? The girl looked about again her gaze falling on the animal. Was it coughing? With a careful stride she stood and bent over the body. She had never seen anything like it. Picking it up she turned back tot he woman holding the small creature close to her. Its fur was drenched to the bone and it was rather limp. Was it alright? Lela looked to the woman for advice though she wasn't sure if she would be of help. (below is a picture)

"You catch on quickly." The man said taking a hand and pushing the boys hood down into his face playfully. "I didn't lose her as much as she lost me. I went the hide from her, for practice you know, and ended up getting a bit far out of her sight. Next thing I knew she was gone." Darim sighed looking about as he did. "You haven't seen her have you?"

Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/16/2015
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Posted: 2/15/2017 at 12:37 PM Post #26
Atara - 22(f) - The river
She lcouldnt help but shuckle a bit. "I assure you, you are a lot better than I was back then." she encouraged the girl. Wow, those eyes. Her parents must have a hell telling her no. Heck, if Algol gave her those eyes she would probably let the massive cat eat her legs. She could actually imagine it. She could see it infront of her mind actually. She sat at a campfire, eating some grilled fish while the fire would crackle in a comforting way. Stars sparkling like diamonds in the black welvet sky, surrounding the pearl like moon that watched down on her and the waterlike lighra.After some time the animal would start giving up a low, meowing-like sound and just numble a tiny bit on her leg, purring softly. "Oh well, go ahead!" she would say smiling at the sparkling eyes of the animal. With that the massive predator would start chewing on her legs. But as the girl walked away she was taken away from her daydreams and she followed her with her two eyes. When the girl looked at her she got up on her feets, easly walking over to the child, looking down at the animal. When she saw what the girl held in her arms she got a surpriced look. "Wow, a luffox. I havnt seen them anywhere near here before. I have only seen them in large cities" she said before carefully putting her hand on the animal. It breaths atleast. She looked down at Lela a moment before smiling. "Come on, lets take it home, we might be able to save the little creature" she said before sitting down on knees before her. "Jump up on my back, it will go faster that way." she smiled.

Mot Hajjar - 12(m) - the village
He gave up a grunt of displeasure when his hood was pulled down and with a sour movement he corrected the garment once more. "Right now you seem about as trustworthy as my sister beeing caught with a halfeaten cookie and crumbles on her face and still denying eating it." he commented on the exuse of training. When a few children came out from what apeared nowhere he simply just jumped over them. "But there is about one or two places she goes to when she wants to think about stuff" he noted. Something poked his mind, his countiense, making him look around. Had his own mentor already found him?
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 2/15/2017 at 1:13 PM Post #27
Lela-9 years old- Masyaf: By the River

"A luffox? What's that?" Lela said looking at the animal. How could anyone tell what it was in its current state? Maybe the woman knew more than she let onto. The two had just met so it was understandable. With a careful hand she held the animal close to her body. "I can keep up." the girl said walking past the woman. The only person she took a piggy back from was her father, and that was only when she had hurt her ankle when she was younger. "You really think it can be saved?" She asked the woman. "I mean it looks kinda dead." As a matter of fact it did look dead with it's wet hair and limp body. Though the claws in her arm told a different story. Despite it's state the little creature seemed to be holding on for dear life as the girl held it. Her tunic did well to soak up some of the water from the creature's fur drying it some. Still she doubted it could be saved. She had once seen a mouse trapped in a jug in the kitchen that looked like this. When she fished it out and dried it off it looked well enough though it still managed to die. Perhaps if this animal lived it could be like her companion. Would that not be exciting?! She would be like father and have the only animal like it in the village. Oh how envious her friends would be.

"Now that's where you would be mistaken. I'm actually a very trust worthy people to be with." Darim said with a smile. "You know my father was like you when he was little. He never trusted anyone." The man looked around for a moment as the boy did. There was something up, he could feel it. "Why don't we get you back to your mentor? Of course after you tell me of these two places you mentioned."
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 2/15/2017 at 1:36 PM Post #28
Atara - 22(f) - The river
her two brown eyes looked at the child as she walked past her. "A luffox is a really fluffy little creature, I have mostly seen women have them as pets. Granted I cant tell for sure if it can be saved, however there is no harm in trying as loong as you are prepared that you might fail it." she said before she got up on her feets. "You dont want to ride Algol back then?" she asked as she begun to walk, easly catching up to the girl and past her. The lioness simply just walked up to the woman, walking next to her with a calm expression, the tail hanging in a relaxed manner. With easy, almost soaring steps she jumped between a few rocks, the lighrah taking two at the time, landing on the other side of the water before Atara herself. She stopped, looking back to make sure the child was able to keep up as she had said. She was however prepared to let Vipera take a grip of the child if needed to prevent her from getting harmed. She is a good swimmer but if possible she will avoid it. She enjoys dipping her feet a warm day just as much as anyone else, but as she told the girl, she is slightly blove average in her skills with it.

Mot Hajjar - 12(m) - the village
"If you truley were trustworthy would you have to state it then?" he asked curiously. "And dont worry I think my own mentor is close by" he said. He had just finnished the last sentence as he noticed a shadow. A quick curse was heard, something he was thankfull his father didnt hear him say or he would have gotten a beating for using it. Quickly the young boy threw himself to the side, grabbing a pole that was used to hang laundry between it and a second pole. There he had been just moments later was his mentor, having done a rather serious attack against him. "Im so sorry sir" Mot said in a low, anxious tone. "Oh trust me boy. If i get my hands on you you WILL wish you were dead" the vice of a really old man was heard. "I will give you 5 seconds" the man said as he stood up and Mot rushed away for his life. CRAP! Why the hell did he have to go make the old man cranky and pissed of?! He couldnt just behave and do as told? Noo, he had to act on his own! Stupied stupied stupied! As he turned a courner he simply put his foot in a open window, jumping up on the roofs and wushing away.

He looked after the kid before the man he had been running with. "I do apologice if my student (if that is the correct term) botherd you. He is a bit ... odd." the old man said as he ******ed. His hand dusted of his garments that had gotten dusty from the sand, flying up from the attack he had done towards his student. "now if you exuse me, I have a lesson to teach the child." he said before swiftly disapearing up on a nearby roof.
Edited By Jillyana on 2/15/2017 at 1:41 PM.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 2/15/2017 at 3:08 PM Post #29
Lela-9 years old- Masyaf: By the River

With careful steps she climbed up the rocks careful not to harm the luffox she was carrying in her arms. The thing looked with glossy eyes about as they climbed up. Lela may not have been the fastest but each step was as sure as she was that the sun was beating down overhead. "No I'm fine." She stated again reaching the top after the woman had. She liked to depend on herself more than anyone, even if it was an animal. Her burdens were none but her own to carry. "I wonder how it got in the water in the first place..." The girl said looking back down at the little animal that already seemed to be perking up. Maybe it would make it after all. She could hope couldn't she? She had seen what the herbalist could do in the worst of situations with people and this was far from the worst. Once her father had come home near death with gashes all over his body and the nurse had managed to fix him up so he could still work. She had even managed to fix up Numair. He was so bad off that you could see the bone through his injury. That was a scary day. Father had rushed his horse into the village three weeks before he was suppose be back. His horse was foaming at the mouth and had been covered in blood. She had only been about two at the time but the fear she felt stuck out in her mind, and father had told her of the day more than once. He had found Numair by chance thus he saved his life. It had to have been the more stressful day of her life watching and waiting for the nurse to get done with the man in hope that she could save his leg. Now though was different. This was an animal not a human, and there was no blood. There was no need for alarm.

"Again you are wrong. How do you know if my last statement was true?" Darim said bumping the boy before noticing the shadow over head. What the-?! He went to push the boy from the enemies path to find the boy was already gone. Tripping over his own feet then he ended up on the ground, covered in dust. "Im so sorry sir" Mot said in a low, anxious tone. What the hell? He knew the attacker? Darim sat up then seeing an older man where they had been. The boy's mentor...he was behind this? Figures. The man went to open his mouth but was cut short when they ran off. And he still had no clue where to look for Lela, great.
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 2/17/2017 at 11:42 AM Post #30
Atara - 22(f) - The river
She looked at the girl and once she was over the river she begun walking with easy, elegant strides, making it look almost as if she was soaring just above the ground. To her question she thought for a while. "Perhaps aurleon carried it to feed its young but lost it due to something?" she sugested. Not the most likely way she have to admit, however it is possible. It is really possible so there is nothing wrong with the theory and so far its the most likey she could think of for now. The ligrah jumped a bit playfully after a butterfly, looking like a massive kitten. The massive paws hit the grass, making it dance from the impact of the massive animal. With a soft, playfull sound the animal jumped after the butterfly that keept staying just out of her reach. Atara didnt care much the massive waterlike creature will come back home before the storm anyway. "Do you want to take the little creature back home?" she asked calmly, turning to walk backwards so she looked at the girl with a soft smile. As he turned around towards the girl Vipera danced a bit before laying to rest against her hip. The chain giving up no sound at all due to the thin, flexible leather surrounding it.

Mot Hajjar - 12(m) - the village
He thought a bit abut what Lelas mentor had said. "Wait, didnt I question his stating to begin with?" he mumbled to himself. He went flying through the air, landing on oft feets on Shadirs roof, stoping to look behind him. As he did he didnt notice his mentor so he sighed a bit. "hello Shadir, Alhena" he smiled happily while raising a hand as a greeting. His teacher is a lot older than what most people get to be even when they have a peacefull life, so for a assasin to reach that age is ... impressive to say the least. But it kinda set its traces as the man has lost a lot of speed, agility and stamina. But his wits is amongst the best. No matter the obsticle or problem he faces he finds a way. No matter the question Mot have he have a answer. Maby the answers and solutiouns isnt perfect but they work and are atleast okej. With a sigh he stretched his back a bit. Damit, he must have sleept odd this night. His back have been stiff since he woke up. But its starting to get better now that he have been moving a bit. His mentor have a ... uniq way of tutering. If you do as told he will be the most gentle and forgiving mentor. But do something he dont agree on or he told you not to and you will get to play a odd game of hide and seek. It is basicly just hide and seek there the game ends first when the mentor manages to hit him once. He have gotten quiet a few hits over the years but more often than not he obeys and does what he is suposed to but now he had gotten worried about Lela.
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