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Level 75
The Jolly
Joined: 1/19/2013
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Posted: 9/5/2015 at 4:59 PM Post #201

Aimee truly is a beloved friend to all. To gain her trust will take time time but you will never lose it. She was born to a loving father and mother that didn't quite understand their daughter's love of water. She learned to hunt and was taught to fly. She would always return to where she was the happiest. That is where I found her. She played in the waves as the sun painted the clouds red, pink, orange, and yellow. The air chilled and she came out of the water. We looked at one another and then she was gone. The sun had set and my bed called me home.
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
Joined: 1/12/2013
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Posted: 9/5/2015 at 5:28 PM Post #202
Aa I love your luff design and the matching story. *u*

Just wanted to ask, the gene spread to the tail, and the tail is black. o: was that intentional? Just wanted to point it out, because the gene looks so much like the ocean shore and it's a pretty effect. *u*
Level 70
Guardian of the Realm
Joined: 8/24/2013
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Posted: 9/5/2015 at 10:23 PM Post #203

My entry is based on my pet cat in real life, Luna! She was laying on me the entire time I was making it. Luna is a big sweet kitten who loves to cuddle and follows me pretty much everywhere. She's especially fond of lying on my keyboard when I'm trying to type, hehe. Her tail is super bent (kind of like a Pikachu).
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 4/20/2014
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Posted: 9/6/2015 at 1:20 AM Post #204

No star is identical to another.
In the sprawling universe we inhabit, we can only estimate how many stars there really are. Gazing up from our own minuscule corner, we can see about ten-thousand of them on clear, dark nights - beyond that, their lights are consumed by the vastness of the cosmos.

At the edge of the pond the girl sat still, face upturned. The moon reflected silver on her round face, its light glinting sharply at the corners of her eyes. She came here often - to ponder, to unwind, to be alone, and on this particular night: to cry. For a time, the exactness of which she did not know, she allowed the tears to flow unchecked down her face; with them, she tried to release all the sadness that had brought her there that night. Now, she sat, unmoving, not yet ready to return to the place from which she had come.

A soft patter of feet at her side made her break her stillness. The animal that had made the sound was small, with fur as dark as the sky between the stars. Bright flowers illuminated her coat, and translucent wings like glowing mist adorned her back. Before the girl could react, the creature spoke:

"Why do you weep, child?"

Taking a moment to gather herself, the girl tilted her head. "I suppose," she replied, "it is because I feel unnecessary. I am no different from anyone else in my world. What purpose could I serve, while there are so many others who are more capable, more knowledgeable, more beautiful than me?"

The animal paused a long while before answering.

"Did you know that each star is unique in its composition?" She padded closer to the girl, sitting at her knee. "There are no two that are identical. But gazing into the sky, you see not one, but many. Upon first glance, it seems that the stars are but one body, stretching from one horizon to the other. This is not the case. They are each their own, though we don't often take notice of their differing qualities. So it is with you."

The girl raised her face again. She heard the creature stand and begin to walk away, but she did not turn to watch. From behind, the animal's voice sounded once more.

"You are a combination that can never be made again. You are identical to no one, nor should you be."

Without looking, the girl could tell that the creature had gone. She stood and began making her way home.

(I'm sorry it turned out to be so long! I went a little overboard, I'll admit ^^;; I hope the length and formatting don't make it too much trouble to read.)
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 11/17/2013
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Posted: 9/6/2015 at 5:21 AM Post #205

This handsome dude is the monarch dragon though he likes to go by Durante. He caught me by surprise one day while playing in the generator and I've loved him ever since. He does not speak very much but he has a very regal, powerful bearing and is decidedly the protective sort. He would rather act than speak, often getting tongue-tied and never really able to express deep emotions but he has a pure heart and sometimes loves too much.
Level 32
Joined: 9/3/2015
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Posted: 9/6/2015 at 7:36 AM Post #206

This is Orac.
Orac is an athlete, he runs marathons, jumps hurdles, and wins races. His dream is to become an Olympic Gold Medallist. He also wants to get a promotion at work, did I mention where he works? His job is guiding the souls to the underworld, fighting off demons and those who would steal souls for their own purposes.
His daily life includes chasing down wayward souls, jumping over mountains, and winning fights with demons.
Orac enjoys his work, he enjoys helping lost souls find their way, and he enjoys winning.
Level 64
Joined: 1/21/2015
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Posted: 9/6/2015 at 8:00 AM Post #207
Aaw, Thanks! ^.^
The black kinda turned up on it's own, but I liked the effect so I kept it. It also only turns up when M1 is bunny tail but that's my favourite tail mutation so... I thought it looked rather like some rocks the waves were crashing into. XD
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 1/29/2015
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Posted: 9/6/2015 at 9:15 AM Post #208

Cacao the Chocolate Latte Puff!

This guy's colors were actually an accident that ended up being super lovely! He smells suspiciously like chocolate and caffeine, but is a high energy pup who is always ready to play or lend a helping hand to his friends. His enthusiasm can be contagious and can bring anyone out of the dumps, as a result he makes an excellent companion to Sylestians and Sylesties alike who often find themselves in a sour mood. Cacao is ready to bring a little bit of sweetness to your life!
Level 71
Vanquisher of Undead
Joined: 6/16/2013
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Posted: 9/6/2015 at 10:00 AM Post #209

Haimi, the Seeker
Many wonder the origin of our moon. Very few know the true story.
She was a clever child, born into a small middle class family that loved her well. As a young child, she spent her days alone, reading, exploring, doing as little children often do. She stayed out of trouble, for the most part, and was very well acquainted with those from the neighborhood.

As she grew older, it became clear that she was a very special child. Very early on, it was obvious that she knew her way around. Even when she was placed in an area she had never been to before, she was able to find her way easily, even when blindfolded.

The villagers soon learned that her abilities to find her way also translated to an ability to find lost items. They began to come to her to find their missing belongings, and each time she happily led them to the correct location. She became known to the villagers as the Seeker. But the challenges for the Seeker were soon to come.

It was a dark, rainy night, when a familiar man from the village arrived at the Seeker's hut. He was frantic, close to tears, and the young Seeker immediately sat him down by the warm fire. She was already painfully aware of the absence of the man's young daughter. He paused for a moment, catching his breath.

"Oh Seeker, please help. I have lost my most precious possession. My dear child Moncha ran into the forest chasing a favorite toy. I went in after her, but the forest was too tick, and it was far too dark. I searched for as long as I could, but I couldn't go much deeper as I would get lost myself." For a moment, the man was lost to his tears. Finally, he looked up again, an urgent, pained look painted on his face. "Please, find my Moncha. Without her, I am lost as well."

The Seeker immediately went out to search for the lost Moncha. She searched for hours in the rain and darkness, following every trail she could possibly find. Back at home, the villagers, who by now had all caught wind of her efforts, worried that this rescue was too difficult, even for their little Seeker. Just as their last slivers of hope began to diminish, a tiny face appeared through the brush. Moncha collapsed into her fathers arms.

"The Seeker found me Papa! But...I seem to have lost her. She led me here, but now she is gone."

The villagers waited for hours beside the forest where Moncha had appeared. Despite the rain, they stayed vigilant, taking turns watching for any sign of her. As darkness began to fall again, the rain began to clear, but still no sign of the Seeker. As night fell in silence, they all gathered to mourn the loss of their beloved Seeker. As the final clouds cleared, it was Moncha who noticed it, perched into the night sky like a steady candle. A large, blue orb that emanated light. They had never before seen it. It was bright, just enough that they could see into the forest with ease, and see the paths that they would need to find their way, if they were to get lost inside at night. It was obvious to them that they had no need to worry about its depths any longer, as this new object would be there to light their way.

"What is it?" Moncha asked.

"Haimi, the Seeker."
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/9/2013
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Posted: 9/6/2015 at 1:43 PM Post #210
Magma the Golden Dragon

Magma is one of the many dragons I have made up.She is one of my favorites by far.This is just a brief description of her.

Age:2678 or in human years about 270
Type:Fire/Current Golden Dragon

Magma is a hot headed,sarcastic and adventurous dragon.She travels around the world and other realms protecting the inhabitants from dangerous villains,criminals and natural catastrophes.It is Magma's duty as the golden dragon to protect all and keep the peace.She was born on earth,her mother being a golden dragon passed on the blessing to her.The golden dragon usually isn't actually golden they just have a golden shine,which is true in Magma's case.Magma's main typing if fire but she is capable of learning all other elements and powers[if she wanted to].For now Magma is the golden dragon,at least until one of her own children inherits the abilities from her or until she passes down the blessing[or curse to some dragons] to someone else.
Edited By Malas120 on 9/6/2015 at 1:53 PM.
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