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Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 6/29/2021 at 12:32 PM Post #2071
Author: Falconetti
Time Posted: 6/29/2021 at 12:28 PM
(Hm. I read the entry in the 'Familiar Species' section and it seems to just be 'breathe fire'... so lets go with that.
Crimson is almost an adolescent, and I'll assume Emberpaw is the same age, meaning after that you wont have to worry about their fire being put out, so there's a bonus)


Emberpaw and Crimson both agree that they can breathe a little fire, which should improve when they get older. Its enough to scare a couple of enemies by setting them alight, but likely wont do much damage.

The two pups take the break as an oppertunity to get some sleep, out of your way.

"I can practice on the move. I'd be better spending my time resting just now," Numbat mumbles.

There's a discarded, broken wagon wheel over at the side of the road which you could use as a makeshift target. Is this what you're looking for?

(That's great)(Also I was doing a bit of rereading and I found something intresting about Emberpaw. You originally wrote he's from the Northern Territories at Howling Peak but later you switched that to where Crimson is from. So is Emberpaw from the Howling Peaks (northern territories) or the Lava Streams (southern territories)?

Author: Falconetti
Time Posted: 4/20/2019 at 1:23 PM
(Just so you know, adding @Falconetti later doesn't actually ping. No worries, got it ^.^)

You check the scroll.

Pegasus (M) ~ Northern Territories, Azure Valley (Valley)

Phoenix (F) ~ Southern Territories, Lava Streams (Lavaplain)

Phoenix (F) ~ Southern Territories, Hellclaw Volcano (Volcano)

Hellhound (M) ~ Northern Territories, Howling Peaks (Mountain)

Hellhound (F) ~ Southern Territories, Lava Streams (Lavaplain)

None of the creatures' families are here. But now you can go North to return the Pegasus and the other Hellhound.

>---> >----> >----> >----->

Asteria looks at the broken wagon wheel deciding that she could use it as a target for now. After shooting about twenty arrows she would take time to rest before getting the others up and moving, "Arlight then I'm going to pratice a little."
Edited By Starpup5 on 7/1/2021 at 11:29 PM.
Level 73
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Posted: 6/29/2021 at 9:07 PM Post #2072
Author: Falconetti
Time Posted: 6/29/2021 at 12:15 PM
(Heh, maybe. So far he's given me carefree vibes, with little sense of self-preservation when he's got friends to rescue. So if that's what you're going for...)


You pick up the keys and shove them into Balthur's grasp.

You turn to face the phoenix just as it is diving in for another attack run. You can still feel the stinging cuts across the side of your face from its last one.

You prepare your magic and shoot a fireball at it, hitting home. That stops it in its tracks, but appears to only infuriate the bird further rather than set it alight. It gains altitude, before coming down again for another shot at you, unfazed.

(....hes supposed to be this eegy distanced dude who hates life more then should be realisric :l )

Nicote mutters some choice words and keeps shooting fireballs because no way is he letting that thing near. Unless he could stab it but he doesnt relly want to kill it.

Then again he probably might have to? He wodners briefly if tlaking it down might work. He highly doubts that though.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 7/2/2021 at 6:16 AM Post #2073
(Hmm... that is a bit funny. Seems I swapped Crimson and Emberpaw's places of origin. If you like, it would probably work out alright if Emberpaw is still from the lava plains in the south)


After such a long time without a bow, your aim is shaky and the first few shots miss. By the end you manage to get into a rhythm and you can hit the wagon wheel, if not with enough accuracy to strike the centre.

You're picking up your old skills again - +1 combat skill

You rest until the evening. You still feel a little exhausted, but you're much better for the break.

Numbat yawns. "So... we follow the snow-clearers, then?"
Level 72
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Posted: 7/2/2021 at 6:35 AM Post #2074
(Hm. Well, he's done pretty well at surviving so far)


Your fireballs are either dodged or explode in the phoenix's face. It utters one final cry before giving up on its attack, saving you from having to make the decision.

"Hey! Spork's come crawling back to see us."

The two watchmen from earlier - weapons in hand - have rounded the corner of the next wagon, fixing Spork with a glare. They rush forward, straight at the unarmed orc.
Edited By Falconetti on 7/2/2021 at 6:36 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
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Posted: 7/2/2021 at 1:26 PM Post #2075
Author: Falconetti
Time Posted: 7/2/2021 at 6:16 AM
(Hmm... that is a bit funny. Seems I swapped Crimson and Emberpaw's places of origin. If you like, it would probably work out alright if Emberpaw is still from the lava plains in the south)


After such a long time without a bow, your aim is shaky and the first few shots miss. By the end you manage to get into a rhythm and you can hit the wagon wheel, if not with enough accuracy to strike the centre.

You're picking up your old skills again - +1 combat skill

You rest until the evening. You still feel a little exhausted, but you're much better for the break.

Numbat yawns. "So... we follow the snow-clearers, then?"

(Just wanted to make sure since I wasn't a hundred percent sure but it would really convient if he was from the Northern territories)(Quick request for if they ever go back to Elvenor would you keep in mind Asteria's backstory please? It's just the captain of the guards and the council probally would remember her.)

Asteria nods once getting ready to move again. She makes sure both hellhound puppies are awake and ready to move as well.
"Numbat Orcs have good nightvision so do you know if they can see just as well in the daylight," Asteria asks, "there's no point in trying to ambush them when they would expect it. Or if anyone has any suggestions I'm more then willing to listen."
Edited By Starpup5 on 7/2/2021 at 7:03 PM.
Level 73
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Posted: 7/2/2021 at 4:04 PM Post #2076
Author: Falconetti
Time Posted: 7/2/2021 at 6:35 AM
(Hm. Well, he's done pretty well at surviving so far)


Your fireballs are either dodged or explode in the phoenix's face. It utters one final cry before giving up on its attack, saving you from having to make the decision.

"Hey! Spork's come crawling back to see us."

The two watchmen from earlier - weapons in hand - have rounded the corner of the next wagon, fixing Spork with a glare. They rush forward, straight at the unarmed orc.

Nicote groans and sends fire their way. Yep, he should...he should invest in a bow or something. A better long range weapon. He starts running towards Spork.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 7/5/2021 at 8:08 AM Post #2077
(It would... alright, I can shift things around to make this work. It'll be far easier to get everything tied up in the mountains.
I can indeed. Want to send me a PM with the rough relationships she's got in Elvenor? Doesn't need to be too detailed, I can work on the vague bits. Help with world-building is pretty great to be honest, so thanks for pushing ahead with her backstory)


"Good point," Numbat muses, looking deep in thought as the group gets moving. "In daylight, we'll be on even ground with our vision. Which means they probably move during the night when they have the advantage, and rest during the day."

No-one has any other suggestions, agreeing that attacking during the night isn't a good idea.

Shadows have dragged across the mountain paths by the time you come into view of the snow-clearer clan. You can see campfires and hear conversation further along the pass. Crimson looks up at you, waiting to see what to do now.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
Joined: 11/13/2018
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Posted: 7/5/2021 at 8:43 AM Post #2078

Repeated use of your magic strengthens your control over it. +1/4 magic strength

One of the attackers raises a shield to defend himself. The cheap wooden thing cracks under the impact of your fireball, but the goblin keeps going. You reach Spork's side, who has raised his fists to face the goblins, when an almighty crash sounds behind you both.

Knight thunders forward and yowls in the faces of the guards. They shriek in fright, dropping their weapons and running away.

Balthur gallops over. "Which way do we go?" he demands, watching in panic as orc warriors spill out of the caravan circle, making chase.
Level 73
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Posted: 7/5/2021 at 4:21 PM Post #2079
Author: Falconetti
Time Posted: 7/5/2021 at 8:43 AM

Repeated use of your magic strengthens your control over it. +1/4 magic strength

One of the attackers raises a shield to defend himself. The cheap wooden thing cracks under the impact of your fireball, but the goblin keeps going. You reach Spork's side, who has raised his fists to face the goblins, when an almighty crash sounds behind you both.

Knight thunders forward and yowls in the faces of the guards. They shriek in fright, dropping their weapons and running away.

Balthur gallops over. "Which way do we go?" he demands, watching in panic as orc warriors spill out of the caravan circle, making chase.

"Away from here." Nicote simply answers. "And away from the arena, I like not being butchered. We can figure it out from there."

He'd have glanced up to tel direction but he doesn't care to die right now sadly.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
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Posted: 7/5/2021 at 6:35 PM Post #2080
Author: Falconetti
Time Posted: 7/5/2021 at 8:08 AM
(It would... alright, I can shift things around to make this work. It'll be far easier to get everything tied up in the mountains.
I can indeed. Want to send me a PM with the rough relationships she's got in Elvenor? Doesn't need to be too detailed, I can work on the vague bits. Help with world-building is pretty great to be honest, so thanks for pushing ahead with her backstory)


"Good point," Numbat muses, looking deep in thought as the group gets moving. "In daylight, we'll be on even ground with our vision. Which means they probably move during the night when they have the advantage, and rest during the day."

No-one has any other suggestions, agreeing that attacking during the night isn't a good idea.

Shadows have dragged across the mountain paths by the time you come into view of the snow-clearer clan. You can see campfires and hear conversation further along the pass. Crimson looks up at you, waiting to see what to do now.

(Can do)(Quick question will Numbat get a familiar?)

"We need to keep downwind of them so they don't catch our scents," Asteria says checking the wind direction. If their scent was blowing towards the orcs they would move quickly otherwise they would stay put. For now she would listen to the orcs if she could and try to piece together their next move, "We need to keep as quiet as possible. Numbat do you think we could set up a snare trap big enough to at least slow down an orc?"
Edited By Starpup5 on 7/7/2021 at 1:32 PM.
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