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Posted: 10/13/2017 at 5:18 PM Post #141

Inferno smashed to through the door frame, flames continuing to ignite under her feet. She tackled down the other Ny'vene, hissing and clawing at it. Apollo ran forward and attacked the other shadow creature, using his magic to weaken it, while Fir bit at it's legs. Lily flew upwards, she used her own abilities to make sure everyone was alive


Basil eyesight became blurry as they neared the door, he looked back, trying to find something that wasn't there. He grabbed Ashleigh's claw and squeezed it tightly, he began to shake softly "C-can we g-get out of here?..." He was staring at the fire that was lurking closer and closer to the two

Willow rushed up to the roof, she saw Tomen and Tatsu flying closer, causing her to calm down, if only a little "Hopefully this will be enough" She walked to the pedestal placed at the center of the tree top, on it a book laid opened. She flipped through the many pages until she found the spell she wanted

A bright glowing came from atop the guild tree, the sky darkened and rain clouds gathered. The rain poured down violently, soon everyone outside was soaked besides Inferno who was still glowing brightly. This did very little to extinguish the flames.

The Zolnixi glided pasted her father and down to Ainsleigh "Hey, you think that's enough water for you to use some spells with?" She asked in an almost sarcastic way

Riker's now-soaked fur covered his eyes, he could barely lift his tail and ears "I think you may have went a bit overboard" he yelled as the sound of thunder filled the air "Seriously what kind of spell did you use?"
Edited By Stormfoot on 10/14/2017 at 3:29 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 10/14/2017 at 7:57 PM Post #142


Ashleigh wasn't certain about what was going on, but Basil was virtually acting like a frightened hatchling. His face was already protected under her wings and claw. She saw the flames as well.

"Pay no attention to it baby." She told him, pressing his face into her chest. "Just count my scales and let me lead you out." With that, she checked the door, it was cool to the touch, so she opened the door and walked in toward the hidden window. The air flow caused the smoke to push back into the tree,then the flames began responding to the increased air source. The suction wasn't intense but it caused loose light things to scatter about. She guided Basil to the window and took his hand and placed it on the sill.

"It's okay now my love. Just go outside and don't look back."

As they began escaping through the window, a heavy darkness clouded the sky, a sharp bolt of lightning followed by a magnificent tropical storm drenched even within the dense foliage of the guild tree. The unnatural event was upsetting and she wrapped her claws about his shoulders and hugged him to her bosom. She needed a moment to gather herself, hoping Basil could see that she needed him...


As Tatsu dove down to engage their plan, he and Damion both noticed how Inferno, Apollo,and Fir engaged the shadow creatures; the odds already two to one in the guild's favor without any back-up in case of a secondary assault. Inferno easily had a complete advantage over her opponent, and between Fir and Apollo the griffi was trapped in a pincer movement with Lily providing support for all three. He was ready to flare out his wings to brake air, then he noticed a strange ryori on the outskirts suddenly attacking Nina, who apparently did so without provocation. Clearly she didn't get along well with her own kind. But she was his ally and needed there help. So without warning Tatsu quick shifted in mid-drop and when he was at the altitude he dropped Damion at a safe distance to land right on top of Braedon. He banked and prepared to pull up when the sonic boom hit him in the back, knocking the air out from under his wings. With nothing but vacuum, gravity took over and Tatsu corkscrewed oblong into yet another innocent tree, busting the trunk and the top falling down towards the shadow beast conflict. Tatsu bounced off two more trunks before getting caught in the low branches of a big pine tree.

He groaned after he plummeted onto the earth. Then he managed to get up on his elbows and knees,but was feeling too unpleasant to pay attention to the darkening sky. The crackling bolt got his attention, then the rain definitely woke him up. At least five guilders were being attacked and he wasn't there to take the blows for them. He began walking towards the shadow beasts, certain that Damion and Nina could handle one little ryori.


Blue Jay was really worried, there was certainly no hiding her love for Tomen.She would be a good mate for him to litter with, she had decided thoughtfully. At least so far as thoughtful was for a desert draeyl. But her concerns about dark powers were very real and Tomen could be seriously taxed or possibly slain for the exchange. The sonic boom caught Ainsleigh's attention, making her worry about Tatsu the way Blue Jay worried about Tomen. Nothing else could blow flyers out of the sky more completely; or recklessly. She instinctively wanted to pick-up speed but only got a few paces ahead before realizing she would leave her colleagues behind. Eventually backing off for Jay and Riker to pace with her again. As the sky darkened, Ainsleigh's first thought was that Riker and Willow had some small psychic attachment. Then the lightning cracked and it's thunder boomed through the trees. Finally Willow landed with her mocking smile and winning spell and Ainsleigh couldn't help but gain a little admiration for the little vixen's wisdom. Without another word, she bolted off toward the guildhall ready to do what was necessary. As she ran, she began drawing the water towards her and a flowing wave of hydrate accumulated in her wake and splashing around trees following her path with growing effect on the landmass she passed...
Edited By Harleyc on 10/15/2017 at 10:25 AM.
Level 71
The Artistic
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Posted: 10/14/2017 at 10:51 PM Post #143

Damion Inhaled deeply Before releasing a great Stream of fire from his jaws it finding its target on the open Griffi. However the Blast lasted a sort while and all four paws were soon on the ground and he fell into formation with the others.

Blue gave Willow a Pleased smirk. She may not have been her daughter by blood, but she was as quick as a whip much like herself. However praises would have to wait until later, right now the Vixen changed course headed to the others Outside the Guild hall. Tough it seemed like there were enough hands there as well, and Damion was entering with an Arial assault, and the beasts would soon be taken care of. Once again she found herself in a rather useless position. Not long after Tatsu's shadow darted in a direction different from the chaos, and almost instinctively she caught up staying in his shadow as she looked ahead to see Nina being tormented By a shadow realm Ryori, and it became clear that her and Tomen would possibly both be under the knife before the day was over.

Tomen Was steadily adding a thunderous boom to the air, but as his wings became too wet it was obvious there was little more he could do from the air. He landed on an upper level beam panting heavily as he watched the dwindling fire below " Went a little over board huh?" he mumbled Before coating himself in shadow and leaping into the flames a small circle forming around him as whip like shadows protruded from the cleared area whipping back the flames slowly.
Edited By Katelynn4545 on 10/14/2017 at 11:20 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 10/15/2017 at 6:42 PM Post #144

Basil only heard a few parts of what Ashleigh said, he cautiously walked forward and out of the burning tree. Soon fear turned into confusion, as water dripped down his scales "...Did Willow do this?" He muttered, jumping when Ashleigh hugged him, he hugged back after a moment to take everything in

The small group quickly finished off the two shadow creatures, their remains disappeared into the darkness. Inferno's spell seemed to have worn out

Lily warned the group of Ainsleighs spell, Inferno grabbed Fir and they flew out of the way along with Lily and Apollo


"So what are we going to do after this? I mean the Guildhall is going to be completely destroyed, and what survives the fire and the spell will be completely soaked" Willow stated, watching the destruction that the spell created "I say we grab what isn't destroyed and leave. The enemy knows we're here, this area is almost completely deserted, and those that are here aren't usually that kind" Riker 'watched' as well, even though he was blind, he could easily use his other senses to find out what his eyes couldn't
Edited By Stormfoot on 10/15/2017 at 7:14 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 10/15/2017 at 9:47 PM Post #145


In a matter of moments, Ainsleigh came rushing into the guild clearing like a streak of greased lightning, with an unusually flowing mass of hydrate amassing into a large body of water. Dirt, pebbles and loose vegetation was pulled in as the hydrogen bonds at the edge of the mass pulled at the matter around it. She looked every bit as fearsome as she could in full spur sprint, with claws and talons flared as her bipedal jaunt pumped like a 300 horsepower engine. Her head bent forward and her ram horns lowered sufficiently to batter anything that got in her way and her dark grey astral smoke plumes blinded anyone from viewing most of her flanks. Her guild-mates had cleared the path and she pursued headlong to attempt to save their home;what was left of it.

Ainsleigh leapt the full length of the stairs and landed just before the door threshold, the water mass following her leap and all. She planted her soles and the water rushed in through the guild hall, carrying Ainsleigh in through the water body as the water completely filled the first floor and sloshed it's way up the inner body onto the second,completely separating the flames from the wood it was using for fuel. Ainsleigh managed to swim to the stairwell, her swim looked similar to that of an ocean iguana the way her tail swung back and forth. When she surfaced she didn't bother to shake off the water. Though she Instead she bent down and touched the surface with her fingers, and causing the water mass to crystallize. The water flowed with gravity and momentum and the ice coated the guild tree with an inch of ice to cut off the fuel for the flame and drop the thermal temperature too low to support natural flame.


The shadow creatures were already decimated by the time Tatsu could arrive. There was nothing he could do there, and Nina and Damion were already dealing with Braedon. His aggressive action for this little theater was over. However, his mate came through in a blur, and he knew what was coming. That mass of water was as dangerous as a tsunami and equally as lethal to anyone not controlling it.

"Everybody get clear of the tree!" He called out to the others, though they apparently got the idea already.

Everyone except for Tomen. His dark mass was easily in the blast field of the water mass, though he himself was safe from the flames. Tatsu rushed in as fast as he could mobilize his bulk. The darkness must certainly be blinding Tomen's ability to see what was coming. With three strong,but painful, flaps of his wings, he was able to wrap his mass about the black ball,which he knew would start to engulf him until Tomen recognized who he was.

Until that moment, all he could do was allow the mass to absorb some of his lifeforce while he erected an aerial field bubble to reduce the effects of the water mass that just started pummeling them unmercifully. The only thing he could control was holding his breath for as long as possible.


Ashleigh clung to Basil at the shock of the lightning strike. It had been enough to take her cool away, amid the fire, the suffocating smoke and her bull losing his composure. She gave him the time he needed to climb out upon the wet branch before following after him. She had to climb over slowly and get his help to plant her feet on the branch. Though once she was steady,she placed his claws upon her tummy that he could feel the egg forming in her. She didn't have to say anything to him,just let him discover and understand for himself that she... They needed him to get a hold of himself. A mass of water sloshed out the window and cascaded beside them down the side of the tree.
Level 71
The Artistic
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Posted: 10/15/2017 at 11:02 PM Post #146
Tomen Realized what was going on rather quickly and The mass changed to more of a soled black stone encasing the tow as the water Pounded around them. and with a worried glance Tomen looked at his comrade " I didn't hurt you did I? Probably should have figured out that's what the water was for" he seemed a little shaken and uneasy as his ears and wings drooped a bit and it seemed like something was pulling his consciousness elsewhere.

Blue snapped back around realizing Tomen was in the cross fire by the time Tatsu was already half way there , However the Ryori was beginning to cause quite the issue, and Damion was searing clear of the shadowy openings he had made, so Blue decided to make herself useful and drew her sword Damion moving and cowering back almost instinctively at the sound as a black form of electricity coated the blade in a wild uncontrollable manner " Damion... Get Nina" she said in a demanding tone as she walked towards the two ryori. "Your not.... not while Tomen is this far...." Daminon muttered moving in a position to do as he was commanded " Distance has nothing to do with it...... I don't see another choice killing would start a war.... and I don't toy with my prey." she said Before Leaping at the Shadowy demon Separating him and Nina Before slashing the ground with her blade a portal like enchantment opening in the ground boarded by the same black electric current that once coated her sword. Damion pulled Nina Back standing over her in a protective manner as the Ryori rared back, " Beings With your Bright mark cant open a gate here! How is this even possible yo-" Blue didn't let him finish his rant and leaped forward Grabbing him by the nape before practically shoving him in the gate and sealing it cutting a few of her whiskers.

Damion moved so Nina could stand, But the look on his face was one that read a sense of displeasure and concern.
Level 66
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 10/16/2017 at 3:14 PM Post #147
Nina was shocked but was unsure if she was supposed to be afraid. This was unnatural yes but she could handle unnatural. After all she knew a lot about difference in the shadow realm as a child. She was very unlike the other ryori. She enjoyed this overworld with all it's light. She could still harness darkness but she wasn't hindered by fear of the brighter lights. She looked at Damion.
Level 66
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 10/16/2017 at 3:14 PM Post #148
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Level 60
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Posted: 10/18/2017 at 12:10 AM Post #149
Rain continued to pour down, but at a slower pace

Lily now stood in front of the guildhall "Hey, is it just me or does the guildhall look a bit... lopsided?" She asked, noticing how the tree was bent to the side "Yeah.. We will need to get Riker and Willow to fix that, if they can" Fir sat next to his sister after Inferno placed him on the wet and muddy ground

Basil let go of Ashleigh and wiped some blood from his nose "Hey, d-do you want to come with me? So that we can talk... I'm sure the others will be fine without us for an hour or two"

"So we run away? What if our enemies chase us?" Willow asked "What if we stay here? What if next time we are attacked it's more than a few enemies?... We need to run away for now, gather people and then we face our foes. I mean, we don't even know who they are" Riker responded, Willow smiled "Then I think it's time to visit an old friend. Come on, we should join the others"
Edited By Stormfoot on 10/18/2017 at 10:41 AM.
Level 75
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Posted: 10/19/2017 at 8:58 PM Post #150


Rain steadily trickled down Ashleigh's head, muzzle and shoulders. She was surprised at Basil's disinterest in her state. From her point of view, his only thought was to wipe the blood from his nose and attempt to get her alone; especially during this particular time. She just stared into his face and studied the blood that was still seeking to ooze from his mouth, nose,eyes and tympanum. She felt the bark give a little as her claws gave her purchase against the slippery effects of the water, as well as the chill from the window as the cascade began to ice over. Her sense of smell was fat with the coppery scent of Basil's blood. But what chilled her the most was the treacherous space of air now lying between them, even as he suggested they go someplace private. "No Basil. We shouldn't. The guild hall has been attacked. We need to muster with the others so we can be accounted for, regroup and decide what to do next. But if you don't want to be accounted,then will you help me and our hatchling down so we can at least let my parents know that we are alright?" She said to him.

Tatsu & Ainsleigh

Between the dark orb and the base of the tree roots,Tatsu took a relatively rough and tumble beating equal to any battling he may have done. Every knock and thump attempting to drive the breath from his lungs and drown him in his own mates spell. However his Astral Fumes remained maroon and Ainsleigh was aware at all times how he was doing. Tomen's words rang clear in Tatsu's tympanum even though he couldn't respond as the water all but crushed his air shield. He was struggling to hold his breath when the water iced around them. Ainsleigh was gracious enough to make it thinner about them so Tatsu could easily break them free and plant the dark orb on the surface of the ice. Tatsu stood a little banged up and beaten in the rain but overall fully whole, right next to Tomen. He was facing Damion and Blue Jay who had rescued Nina, although the Lightning bug had still not disbanded the dark portal she had made. He felt it was a little foolish, her not sealing it quickly, especially with no sign of Rosepetal yet. Another opening into the dark realm,for all he understood, may bind the dark powers Rosepetal might need to arrive here beside them.

Ainsleigh walked up to the library, she had effectively sealed herself in with the ice for a little while. She walked into the library and began to notice the lop-siding of the guild tree; it had shifted under her feet a little. Her first response was to gather all of the most sensitive works of magical literature in the private and restricted sections of the library; including the one Willow had been using. She found an old knapsack to slip them into and eventually found her way through a window to the outside of the tree and negotiated her way back to the ground. She had noticed the different conversations by Willow and Riker as well as Lily and Fir, though she only caught the back half of each. She had landed hard to get all of their attention. Once she had it, she turned to Riker. "Muster the guild, Riker, account for everyone regardless of their condition." She commanded.
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