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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Harry potter Rp
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Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 12/21/2020 at 5:06 PM Post #1061
//ahh updates, my phone dose that it decided tp update without informing me and I lost the Roleplay I had on another website called Pokefarm Q. Its a pain at times

//and I don't mind a timeskip I didn't have a plan really just let me know when/where you think we should skip too

Evelyn placed her backpack down on the ground and glaced around "I hope those spiders aren't nearby " she said being absolutely terrified of her ever since she was bitten and poisoned by one in her first year after a broom accident. Evelyn pulled out some food and his it around the area to feed the wild creatures that was unable to get their own food during the winter season when a snap of a twig startled her and she turned around

Draco blushed softly it might make Halloween much more interested apart from the candy it didn't have much interest in Halloween unlike a muggle he knew by the name Georgia (AKA me in real life) who loved Halloween and went all out "cool movie" he said as he passed out some popcorn watching as the sleeping evil decided to hand on his shoulder and stare at him still not trusting him yet and wanted to observed and see why his master Sammy was so interested in him after all the swooping evil was really hat and I reach peak mature take to understand romantic relationships and potential mates
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 12/5/2017
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Posted: 12/21/2020 at 5:18 PM Post #1062
//Yeah I used to use pokefarm Q then I got bored lol it happens a lot

Viktor hummed in thought his eyes in space not noticing any of his mates trying to get his attention "Krum hey you alive in that mind of yours?" He heard one of his friends ask moving their hand in front of his face, startling Krum greatly and his head snapped towards them and he smiled slightly, "yeah I am good whats up?" He asked and his buddy shrugged "you seemed zoned out so I wanted to see if you were listening" Viktor nodded slightly "just thinking thats all" he said in thought and his friend looked at him amused, "about that girl?" He asked and Viktor's cheeks betrayed him as he looked away.

I glanced at the Swooping Evil and smiled gently as it sniffed at Draco and I smiled as I rested my head on Draco again my eyes drifting to the movie again, in thought.
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 12/5/2017
Threads: 28
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Posted: 12/21/2020 at 5:18 PM Post #1063
//We can do the timeskip now :)
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 12/21/2020 at 5:30 PM Post #1064
//same I only use it for mature Rps and the custom/faxe-mon Pokemon

//when should we skip to?

Vasil smirked "Leave him alone Sergey you know if karkanoff hears us we get detention he hates that girl" he said and smiled at Viktor "something about her father oh you know that jerk Vlad Romanoff? I heard he related to her" he said surpassed Vlad who was a bully and the son of two death eaters was related to Evelyn whom was his polar opposite

Draco stroked swooping evil and much like a untrusting cat it positioned itself ready to attack in case it was attacked in return making soft hissing sounds but when draco stroked it sweeping evil just stood there still glaring "still don't like me huh" he said not fazed by this but had a small smile on his face looking almost cute
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 12/5/2017
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Posted: 12/21/2020 at 5:33 PM Post #1065
//Where do you want to skip to?

Viktor looked at the two shocked his brows up in thought "related to her? No... Never... They are complete opposites" He said slightly amused looking to see if the two were joking, when he noticed they were not joking he frowned in unease as he started to think again, his fingers tapping on the table in thought.

I giggled slightly my eye lids growing slightly heavy as sleep attacked me, I tried to keep awake as my eyes closed.
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 1/24/2021 at 12:12 PM Post #1066
//im sure you asked for the time skip I assumed you knew when you wanted to skip to Like the next morning or to a the next task or to a curtain event involving sammy and draco

//I'm sorry I never got a notification for this :(

Vasil ran his hand through his light blonde hair "its true Evelyn's mother and vlad's mother are twin sisters I think bald motrr is calle Margaret and she meet vlad's father a student at drumstrang at the triwizard" he said and looked at viktor " Margaret join the death eaters and evelyn's mother joined Dumbledore.....after vald father was sent to Azkaban Margaret and vald ran away and took refuge pretending that they was under that mind control curse" he said

Draco smiled when he noticed and put a blanket around her and turned the volume down he pulled her closer leting her use him as a pillow and something to hold onto or cuddle if she wanted to
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