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Level 73
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Posted: 5/14/2021 at 2:26 AM Post #1041
"It definitely does. We have a gardener and stuff but sometimes I do it jsut because i can. Also so i can hide a few rosebushes in the flower beds to annoy my cousin." Nani gigles. "This palce has been around for....well, forevwr i think. Youd have to ask Newt. He knows this stuff better, nerd he is."
She leads you inside the house, into a rather nice foyer and then through various halls to a normal kitchen. The walls are full of family porttaits and random sceneries, as well as some knicknacks.
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 5/18/2021 at 4:33 PM Post #1042
Author: Orcastration
Time Posted: 5/14/2021 at 2:26 AM
"It definitely does. We have a gardener and stuff but sometimes I do it jsut because i can. Also so i can hide a few rosebushes in the flower beds to annoy my cousin." Nani gigles. "This palce has been around for....well, forevwr i think. Youd have to ask Newt. He knows this stuff better, nerd he is."
She leads you inside the house, into a rather nice foyer and then through various halls to a normal kitchen. The walls are full of family porttaits and random sceneries, as well as some knicknacks.

"What's his problem with rosebushes?" Leah asks, taking in the family portraits and trying to count just how many people there are in the family. "I meant like, secret passageways and things. Those are always pretty interesting."
Level 73
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Posted: 5/27/2021 at 10:29 PM Post #1043
"Eh, it's more so that when nothing's in bloom I have a good excuse to impale certain people." Nanita shrugs.

Considering there's a display of old swords on one wall, that should probably be worrying.

In the pictures, you can make out....way to many people. Though certain ones keep appearing. A girl with brown eyes and light brown hair, a serious-looking lad with very blond hair and very blue eyes and glasses, a pair of twins- whose only link to being twins is a small note on one of the larger photos labeled "The Twins (in denial)- First Day at PRASS", Nanita herself, and a short blonde in perpetual pigtails. A few faces look familiar as well- Owen is a frequenter in later pictures and Orkha (and of course, Cat) join the first pair or Owen in some of them, as well as two younger black-haired boys that are just simillar enough that they might be related. . Jade Eric and one of the first pair of twins (the one wiht black hair) are in one photo otgether (with a caption that says "it was never meant to be, rip Nicky's GF #1", which has clearly been attempted to be covered by a reel of pictures a goggle of teens took at one of those photobooth thingies. There are some adults as well; particularly an old guy you know as the formor Senator.

The images are certainly interesting. In one, the pigtail girl is practically eating fire (actually a lot of phoots involve her and fire....or in precaurious positions. Some involving a girl with lilac hair.) There's a few clearly from middle school involving the twins (mostly the ravennet) and various animals, ranging from pigeons to horses. There's even some images of award stuff. Nanita and the older brunnette has some pictures from dance recitals and there is a memorable photo of the veyr blond dude getting smacked inthe face with a fish while a laughing Owen points in teh background at him.
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 5/28/2021 at 2:10 PM Post #1044
Author: Orcastration
Time Posted: 5/27/2021 at 10:29 PM
"Eh, it's more so that when nothing's in bloom I have a good excuse to impale certain people." Nanita shrugs.

Considering there's a display of old swords on one wall, that should probably be worrying.

In the pictures, you can make out....way to many people. Though certain ones keep appearing. A girl with brown eyes and light brown hair, a serious-looking lad with very blond hair and very blue eyes and glasses, a pair of twins- whose only link to being twins is a small note on one of the larger photos labeled "The Twins (in denial)- First Day at PRASS", Nanita herself, and a short blonde in perpetual pigtails. A few faces look familiar as well- Owen is a frequenter in later pictures and Orkha (and of course, Cat) join the first pair or Owen in some of them, as well as two younger black-haired boys that are just simillar enough that they might be related. . Jade Eric and one of the first pair of twins (the one wiht black hair) are in one photo otgether (with a caption that says "it was never meant to be, rip Nicky's GF #1", which has clearly been attempted to be covered by a reel of pictures a goggle of teens took at one of those photobooth thingies. There are some adults as well; particularly an old guy you know as the formor Senator.

The images are certainly interesting. In one, the pigtail girl is practically eating fire (actually a lot of phoots involve her and fire....or in precaurious positions. Some involving a girl with lilac hair.) There's a few clearly from middle school involving the twins (mostly the ravennet) and various animals, ranging from pigeons to horses. There's even some images of award stuff. Nanita and the older brunnette has some pictures from dance recitals and there is a memorable photo of the veyr blond dude getting smacked inthe face with a fish while a laughing Owen points in teh background at him.

Leah blinks. "... Huh. Who are these guys? Are they all your family? Wait, is... is that the former senator? Wow, you really weren't kidding when you said-" she cuts off when she notices the pigtail girl eating fire. "Uhh.... what's going on in those ones? The fire ones? Who's that girl?"
Edited By Skylarky on 5/28/2021 at 2:11 PM.
Level 73
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Posted: 5/28/2021 at 10:07 PM Post #1045
Nanita tries not to laugh, unsuxessfully. "That would be my little sidter, zena. She....uh, wel, shouldnt have been introduced to the circus, we'll jsut say. Nicote didnt help much with convincing her to drop it either, they both got the reckless gene and honostly im surprised they havent died in any stunts while going all out the way they do."

"Pretty much all of them are my family members. My grandfathers the former senator, but you probably know that already. Al's the one getting emacked by a fish- that one was funny, and i still dont know if Owen did that on purpose. Anyways, Mina's my odler ssiter, we both do the mucu finer art of dance. Newt and Nicote are the twins there, Prlha and Cat are our cousins of course-oh, and Owens their brother. I already told you about Zena, and the two kids with them are their stepsiblings, Jon and Jerry. Everyuone else are just friends." Nanita rattles off.
Level 73
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Posted: 7/17/2021 at 8:30 PM Post #1046
never gonna let this die mwahhahaha
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 9/25/2021 at 11:49 PM Post #1047
Author: Orcastration
Time Posted: 5/1/2021 at 3:08 PM
"Sure. We cna brjng it over right after." She says, getting out the ingrdients.

It doesnt take long to make the brownies and by the time you finish its stille arly enough to go drop them off. Your mom leads the way to a house one street over, which seems to be somewhat connected to the large Marker property.

sorry for not replying for 6 months school got in the way, but anyway, im back!

I look over at my mom and say "who are these people, i mean like what are there names? also, what is that for?" i end and point over at the marker property
Level 73
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Posted: 9/28/2021 at 12:32 AM Post #1048
"Oh, they're the Powells. Mari- that's the lady I met- her husband apparantly works for the Markers, and I think she said something about family connections? Anyways, that large property, that's the Markers, the man who owns it is a former senator, I haven't met him yet though." Your mom says as the two of you approach the house.

It doesn't take long for someone to open the door after your mom knocks. A strawberry-blond boy who looks around your age blinks at the two of you, before yelling into the house, "Nick, did you order food again?! There's people here with food!"

Someone's footsteps sound from the stairs and a brunnette girl wearing a skirt and tank top joins the boy at the door. "Oh my gosh, Owen, don't scare the new neighbors and wake up Nick....." she groans, shooing the boy away from the door before turning to the two of you. "Sorry about that, I'm Cat. I'm guessing you're here to see my mom? She should be back soon, she went out to pick up one of my brothers. I can take the food if you want."

(it's all good :) )
Edited By Orcastration on 9/28/2021 at 12:33 AM.
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 11/2/2020
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Posted: 9/29/2021 at 2:23 PM Post #1049
Author: Orcastration
Time Posted: 9/28/2021 at 12:32 AM
"Oh, they're the Powells. Mari- that's the lady I met- her husband apparantly works for the Markers, and I think she said something about family connections? Anyways, that large property, that's the Markers, the man who owns it is a former senator, I haven't met him yet though." Your mom says as the two of you approach the house.

It doesn't take long for someone to open the door after your mom knocks. A strawberry-blond boy who looks around your age blinks at the two of you, before yelling into the house, "Nick, did you order food again?! There's people here with food!"

Someone's footsteps sound from the stairs and a brunnette girl wearing a skirt and tank top joins the boy at the door. "Oh my gosh, Owen, don't scare the new neighbors and wake up Nick....." she groans, shooing the boy away from the door before turning to the two of you. "Sorry about that, I'm Cat. I'm guessing you're here to see my mom? She should be back soon, she went out to pick up one of my brothers. I can take the food if you want."

(it's all good :) )

"No, no, its fine, I would like to meet her anyway" i say. "that is, If thats ok with you", I reply, looking at cat then my mother
Level 73
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 9/29/2021 at 5:08 PM Post #1050
Your mom nods. "That's fine, I have to head back though- there's some boxes I'd like to sort out before it gets too late. Just be back before it gets too dark." she tells you.
Cat raises an eyebrow once your mom has gone down the sidewalk some ways. "I have a feeling we were all just set up, I don't know about you but my parents are usually really good with both being at home in the evenings and normally I don't get asked to stay home in case someone drops by."
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