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Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 9/17/2020 at 2:13 PM Post #1031
Eveyln stood in and smiled and used her wand to move her purse by fang who was sleeping in the corner she knew no one would try and touch it and then turned to face Viktor "come on let's go to the dance floor " she said and her eyes softened and she made her way to the dance floor unaware how she would end up being a stolen item in the second task like felur sister, Ronald and who chang as they was important to the champioms or who they seemed to romanticly love "come on Viktor I like this song" she said

The weird sisters started the next song which was called magic works which was the only song from the band Eveyln seemed to like whole the band started young witches fan girled over the band and couples danced the the guys (of the fan girls) seemed relaived to get a drink and rest

Draco heard the song start and rolled his eyes "I hate this song" he said and took her hand and laughed "yes he is, I'm sure he just trying to get fans as wizarding bands struggle as there are more muggle bands" he said and smiles " i'm sorry about buckbeak I never ment for him to get killed" he said and remembered that Sammy was the only one who forgave him Harry and Ron hated him and hermonie slapped him and Eveyln cried for two weeks every time she saw draco "My father would not let me have a say" he said and hugged Sammy"im so glad I have you" he said
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 12/5/2017
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Posted: 9/17/2020 at 11:58 PM Post #1032
Viktor smiled and followed "I would love to dance I do not see why not" He said and stood with her following her his eyes amused and glittered with an unsaid glee, "I haven't really heard this music before" He said honestly looking around and smiling before his happy eyes landed on her.

I looked at Draco, "Buckbeak isn't dead..." I whispered to him quietly, my eyes moving carefully through the crowd "why must they play such wretched music..." I muttered and shook my head, "Buckbeak was able to get away..." I said again looking away.

(if confused she helped Harry and Hermione, Didn't do as much as them but she knows what was going on)
Level 61
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Posted: 9/18/2020 at 6:31 AM Post #1033
//that makes sense I'm glad as it seems Sammy has her own life and backstory and not following the golden trio around XD

Evelyn took Viktor's hands and placed them on her waist and pulled him closer "I guess music is different in Bulgaria huh?" She said kissing him on the lips and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck "I like that fluffy thing your wearing it's soft" she said and pulled him closer to her chest watching as people danced

Draco smiled at the thought he was still somewhat cowardly and selfish and spoilt and could be described as a villain he wasn't evil just misunderstood "im glad" he said though only the golden trio and Sammy and serious black and possibly Dumbledore knew that buckbeak had survived draco was happy "tell me about it plus they look creepy as heck" he said and laughed to himself "a shame queen wasn't playing" he said and was unsure if Sammy wanted to dance to the bad music or grab a radio and dance to queen elsewhere
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 12/5/2017
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Posted: 9/18/2020 at 4:05 PM Post #1034
//Yea in the book I am writing a Harry Potter Fanfic the main character or Samantha Lupin, she follows them around but she and Harry somewhat share the same fate since Voldemort tried to kill her multiple times.

Viktor smiled down at her and kissed her forehead lovingly, "I love you" He said smiling at her and hugging her close and happily he nodded "music is much different in Bulgaria" He said amused as he danced with her, "what other music do you listen to?" He asked moving his head to the side curious.

I smiled at Draco, "Sirius took Buckbeak and got away... Of course you cannot tell anyone" I said quietly and looked at him sternly and I smiled warmly and looked around, "although Queen is a muggle band isn't it?" I asked looking at him amused.
Level 61
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Posted: 9/19/2020 at 2:34 PM Post #1035
//ah well be careful as only Harry was the chosen one and the only one to survive otherwise he wouldn't be the only one able to kill vodemort XD

//what other movies,games,books or tv shows have you made ocs for?

Eveyln blushed heading thoses words and pulled him closer "I don't really listen to much music to busy studying for my O.W.L.S exsames and trying to get into a good magical animal care collage which takes up a lot of time but my mother loves a band called abba while my father likes rock bands so I listen to thoses when I am home" she said "i think one bad he likes us called offspring" she said and continued to dance with Viktor and blushed he looked so adorable when he tilted his head like a confused puppy

Draco Malfoy glanced at the band "I know it's a shame we couldn't get your Queen cassate tapes and player and fund space not in our common rooms and dance alone" he said and took her hand "I know the music is bad but want to dance anyway?" He asked softly and kissed the top of her hand like the hero did to buttercup in her movie
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 12/5/2017
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Posted: 9/21/2020 at 4:53 PM Post #1036
(Hey sorry I was moving to a new house, and thanks for your concern, she is more her own side story it isn't exactly like Harry's she has her own villain who isn't as strong as Voldemort as he is Harry's enemy and stuff you know?)
(Fairy Tail, Marvel, Wings of Fire, and I am doing others but they are usually the same person but shifted and adjusted to fit the story and its storyline)

Viktor down on her smiling and blushing he sighed lovingly and sighed again, "I am so lucky" He mumbled again and he sighed happily, "I would have never found you but I am so glad I did, you brighten my day, and you make me feel nervous out of amazement and joy in seeing you" he said his eyes warm a blush adoring his cheeks.

I looked at Draco and blushed slightly "The Princess Bride?" I asked amused my eyes warm and a blush still glowed on my cheeks "you are a goofball" I said giggling slightly.
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 9/22/2020 at 2:51 PM Post #1037
//oh cool lucky you, ah alright I was worried as people hate Mary she's or ocs who are copies and I hate for you to receive hate :( your so nice

//oh I enjoy marvel and have crushes on doctor strange and captain America and as for anime no characters at the moment sadly


Eveyln blushed deeply her red cheeks was almost as red as his dress robes "oh Viktor I think I'm the lucky one and stop being romantic or I might faint" she said and giggled pulling him closer and rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes she wanted to show him how the golden egg worked but that would mean she have to take him into the hufflpuff perfect's bathroom and get in the bath with him and was worried it be weird as they was dating over a month

Draco tiled his head "princess bride? Why did you mention it?" He asked and looked around did she want to watch it in the secret room that Dumbledore army used in secret and later dance to queen music. Draco struggled it off and slowly started to spin her around romanticly and not in time with the music as it was fast and upbeat and far from romantic "this song do the hippogriff is worse where is queen when you need it?" He asked and laughed "anyway what is your favourite queen song? Mine is bohemon rapaody" he added
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 12/5/2017
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Posted: 9/23/2020 at 8:01 PM Post #1038
//Awe thank you :) I wouldnt want you to be hated either, hate isn't fun I have dealt with it before and it has somewhat made me a better person. I appreciate you looking out for me.

//yea for me an Marvel I have a crush on Spider-Man and Starlord... I am a dork

Viktor smiled resting his cheek on her head, his eyes closing slightly and he sighed happily, "what if I don't want to stop being romantic..." He said cheesy as he opened his eyes and looked around glaring at some of the Hogwarts and the Drumstrang students that looked at Evelyn with lust filled gazes and he huffed shaking his head gently and resting his cheek on her head again.

I looked at him amused and shook my head "don't worry it'll be over soon, if only the Queen members were wizards" I said amused and looked at Draco my eyes glittering in amusement.
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 9/25/2020 at 4:49 PM Post #1039
//I'm glad hate awful
//no your not, Spider-Man is adorable like a precious bean. I think my marvel of looks out for him and helps him like a less scary Nick fury lol.

Eveyln giggled and looked up at him she had no idea how he was single he was perfect and handsome "if you keep being romantic Viktor this night will end in more then just a kiss" she said and closed her eyes as the song ended and the band weird sisters took a break to rest themselves and left the stage to get refreshments and Eveyln opened her eyes and looked at Viktor "what is drumstrnag like?" She asked she heard they erased people memories to keep it a secret and wonders about that criminal grimwald.

Draco Malfoy watched the band take their break "sadly they aren't and after Mercury's tragic death I'm dought they still perform but at least I have all their songs and their cds" he said pulling away and grinned "song is over what would you like to do?" He asked softly
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 12/5/2017
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Posted: 9/25/2020 at 11:26 PM Post #1040
Viktor looked at her warmly his arms still wrapped around her lovingly and he smiled "It's Durmstrang... You know... Just another place in the world..." He said shrugging in thought "no one has ever asked so I don't know how to respond to it..." He said looking down at her smiling slightly.

I looked at him and shrugged smiling and kissing his cheek, "whatever you feel comfortable doing" I said smiling warmly at him.
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