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Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 9/24/2016
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Posted: 11/18/2016 at 4:46 PM Post #1
Welcome to sylestia the untold story here it's an adventure you make meet new friends as you journey across the world of sylestia make your own character! it has to be a sylestia pet, it can be made in the generator. you can not steal others designs, Stealing isn't good it will only get you in trouble.


maybe your character has a love?

here is an example with my first character form;
Name: Heroine
Story: long ago in a place far away past the sylestia water there layed a hidden kingdom in that kingdom lived a great king and his wife and son but of the kingdom there was an outcast (my character) for she was not of this world of sylestia she was of another world (ps.minecraft *whispers* my character be herobrines daughter!) no one in the city looked at her as she went for no one liked her
which ended to hating the world and not looking back for she was a princess of another world...
Pic: (i've used this in a different roleplay but no one answered)
kingdom: there is only a house as this kingdom (for the real kingdom im still building lol)
personality: kind,loving,giving but yet hatred
and....forever alone maybe...

Heroine - kanakwella - Akega - Undyne ~ Charzard
Grim Rose - Metal - Amythest - Uryi - Yal ~ Sapphirethewolf9339
Aleria ~ Lauren0879
Mwindo - Geb ~ Jillyana (Quit)
Meara - Dhuka ~ Hawkeye
Mermydon ~ Harleyc
Raka - Kipper - ??? - Raka's parents - Quilla ~ Deridel (Quit)
Amara ~ Katelynn4545
Blue - Lycridia - Skyler ~ Goldennautilusdreams (no show for awhile.)
Misty - Emerald ~ Icepaw (no show for awhile.)
Edited By Charzard on 3/10/2018 at 8:13 AM.
Level 66
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 9/21/2016
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Posted: 11/18/2016 at 5:02 PM Post #2
story (needs to be good): There once was a sylesti whom was abandoned by their parents and forced to learn to fend for themselves. It was a Ryori and it has no name for no one gave it a name
character picture (any type of sylestia pet):

Adult above
Child below (Starts out as a child)

kingdom (chose a kingdom make it up maybe): Ryori Castle
personality (any type of personality): Strange, mysterious, socially awkward and mischievous.
maybe your character has a love? ^^
or maybe they're forever alone like my character (will be edited) Nope this is a loner
Level 61
The Tender
Joined: 4/26/2016
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Posted: 11/18/2016 at 11:01 PM Post #3
story (needs to be good): Aleria has lived with being put down her whole entire life by all the other Kelpari for being different. Her oun family left her when she was only an eggling, living on the streets on the Kingdom her whole life. (as of so far)
character picture (any type of sylestia pet):
kingdom (chose a kingdom make it up maybe):Kingdom of the water
personality (any type of personality): Clever
maybe your character has a love? as of now no his is a rp though right our charecters will change and meet other charecters right?
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 9/24/2016
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Posted: 11/19/2016 at 4:31 AM Post #4
Yes Lauren all the characters will meet at some point in the roleplay,but other than that both forms are accepted!!
Edited By Charzard on 2/12/2017 at 8:09 AM.
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/16/2015
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Posted: 11/19/2016 at 8:01 AM Post #5

Name: Mwindo
nickname: Do
Age: adult
Family: Mother Ilankaka, father Lonkundo, 3sisters (Muisa, Ntumba and Neognathae)
Pack: -
Likes: Listening, relaxing, water, night, familier areas, friends
Disslikes: Talking, new areas, daytime, new persons
Personality: Do is a quiet person who dont talk much, he prefers to let his actions speak for them self. While hessitant to trust others at first he will never turn his back on those he hold dear. Living alone have made him enjoy the company of others and just listening to others talk. While he dont say much himself he does love having others talk, it makes him feel at home. While in areas he is familiar with he is werry calm and confident while new areas makes him anxious and tense.
History: Mwindo was born in a pack of Zolnixis that called them selves the Kinshasa. They all lived in the desert area of the Sylestia kingdom, roaming and never resting. The young pup and his siblings (three females) all quickly became aware of the massive diffrneces in the desserts temrature. Beeing cooked alive during the day only to freeze during the night. To save both energy and the small amount of water they had in their bodies they rested in whatever hsadow they found during the days and both hunted and travelled during nights. As they got close to the middle part of Sylestias land a rouge and lost Morkko with her cubs had met them. It ended in disaster for the small pack of two adults and three somewhat young nixis. So as the siblings ran away as fast as they could. Their paws taking the four siblings deeper into the dessert once more. After finally getting to a safe place the exausted and scared siblings stopped to wait for their parents. However no matter how loong they waited, their parents never came for them. So by leading his sisters away from the hideout they had been waiting at they walked into the dessert. At first it went quiet well for the siblings, they managed to bring down a bulbori here and there, even a lost faelora once however not without a cost. As they hunted the exausted faelora his sister Neognathae got kicked on her jaw, making her unable to eat so slowly she starwed to death, leaving Do, Muisa and Ntumba to struggle alone. Not long after that Ntumba failed to get to water in time, not waking up a evening as they were about to walk furter. So with only Muisa as his companion. However even that was shortlived as she joined a male and his pack for company and thus he was alone, left to wander and survive to the best of his abilities.
Extra: -
Lives in: the desert area of the continent
Edited By Jillyana on 11/20/2016 at 2:59 AM.
Level 61
The Tender
Joined: 4/26/2016
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Posted: 11/19/2016 at 4:29 PM Post #6
Both forms what do you mean by forms?
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 11/19/2016 at 8:59 PM Post #7

Name: Diego
Age: 7 years old (about 25 years in quitari years)
Gender: male
Species: quitari
It was a warm and sunny day when the colt was born out on the open plains on the outside of the desert. His mother was alone in having him, after all she was royalty and no one was allowed to know of the prince's birth yet. Mia was a single parent, her husband and the father of her child having died from a wound he had received while protecting the herd from a lighira. It was her job now to raise her son to fill his father's place while looking after it until he was old enough to do it himself. A few years passed and the mare grew old, too old to look after the herd. Her son, Diego then rose to fill that place. Soon though a bigger stallion comes along and kicks him from his herd winning over the females including his mother. To make matters worse the draught came. Fire after fire drove them closer and closer to the desert a death sentence for the herbivores. Diego could only watch the herd as they were led to their death. Those that followed died of starvation or heat exhaustion. Soon he was left only with two or three of his comrades one of which was his mother. Soon though even she died away, her body thin and weak not being able to go on. Slowly, one by one the rest of the herd left or died away leaving him alone. He walked through the plains dazed with depression and guilt nearly starving himself to death in the act of it. The stallion snapped out of it though when he found his travel partner, a Bulbori by the name of Red. Red lifted him up, made him feel better about himself, though he could never forgive himself for what happened to his family and friends. The two traveled the plains together forming their own band in a way. Red though was only a Bulbori which were on the bottom of the food chain. He could have never reached her in time, even if he had been able to.
They had been joking aground, being on a rather rocky ledge as they crossed the mountainish rang of hills. Red hopped along in front as Diego followed. One of the rocks gave way and he slipped into the cavern hitting his head on one of the rocks. Dazed and bloody his coronation was off he couldn't warn Red as she tried to get to him. A single shadow passed over them, causing the rabbit to stop. A hawk swooped down, grabbing her before flying away with her in its clutches. The injured Quitari followed the hawk until he lost sight of it. Lost and confused from the blow to the head he now searched the plains over including the desert to try and find his friend in a sad hope that she is still alive.
Kingdom: Cesped verde (Green Grass)
Personality: Diego is a kind and caring individual, treating everyone as family. He is a party animal, liking to play around most of the time and making life fun. Ladies have always caught his eye (after all he is a Spaniard) causing him to fall head over heels for them.
Crush: none (open)
Edited By Hawkeye on 11/19/2016 at 9:00 PM.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 9/24/2016
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Posted: 11/20/2016 at 11:24 AM Post #8
what i meant by form is the character form for the roleplay
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 9/24/2016
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Posted: 11/20/2016 at 11:27 AM Post #9
accepted! sorry i took so long i've been afk for a day and a half :P
Edited By Charzard on 2/12/2017 at 8:08 AM.
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/16/2015
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Posted: 11/20/2016 at 11:27 AM Post #10
thank you :)
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