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Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 3/16/2020 at 8:44 AM Post #1
Don't post. Pm me if you have a question about anything character/rp related.

This list is mainly because my stupid self keeps joining rp groups when I'm supposed to be working on my stack of commissions and I keep forgetting what groups I'm even in or what characters I'm even using, lmao.

I'm getting tired of digging through rp threads when this site's forums don't have a search function and I need to step back from something for whatever reason. (Usually just being busy)

It's also to help me organize my thoughts and character edits for groups/prps because I like to ridiculously plot the heck out of everything.

Edit: I'm putting most of my OCs here now since I don't trust anymore since one of my old OCs recently got stolen by someone who did art of them. :/
So pls don't use any of my characters or species without my permission, thanks.

This thread might be ridiculous rambling either way, I have more ideas than I know what to do with and need to start actually writing them down somewhere.

If I've linked you here for whatever reason, it's probably because I have a character bio here for you to look at.

My prp preference list.


Dark Descent
(Ya boi Ezael)

Dawn's Deliverance


Savior of the Stars

Shelved, to come back to later:


Mark of Silence (probably not)

(Dex/Lyon) (Inactive?)
Edited By Xedite on 6/4/2020 at 2:46 AM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 3/16/2020 at 8:47 AM Post #2
OC template:

Full Name:












Powers and Skills:






Edited By Xedite on 5/21/2020 at 3:12 AM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 3/16/2020 at 8:47 AM Post #3

Current OCs:
Xenon Eldiram
Irene Korsak
Xelius 'X' Crufex
Luxari Vanlith
Scias Zeizan
Soterra Eldiram

Ezael Edros
Lyon Lothaire
Archer Wolfram Percival
Lowell 'King' Brichalles
(old) (new)
Jenna Pentrall (Pokemon Trainer OC)

In need of revamp

General Bryce Haskins (maybe.. he kinda became rivox ngl. i do need more human characters)
Aeron Pyrewind (probably never going to use again rip)
Idris Flint (same)
Ziva Elain (maybe)
Gale Crestwing (maybe)
Alice Delacroix (definitely)

Rivox Rulzek (reserve)
Katia Korsak (reserve)
Valaine Nixrem (reserve)
Kai (revamp/reserve)
Zell Aviro (reserve)

Why do I have so many OCs what the actual heck me

Species Codex:
Edited By Xedite on 7/21/2020 at 10:33 AM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 3/17/2020 at 6:55 AM Post #4
Discord group
(Ignore this, more a note to self)
Chronos is the leader of an Aether 'cult' known as the Hei-kora. The Hei-kora believe that the universe, left in its current direction will cause mass suffering before plummeting into disrepair and suffering for all souls involved. The Hei-kora seek to rewrite the fate of history to avoid the complete demise of all known life in the universe. They also seek to eliminate others and organizations that stand in the way of their objectives, such as the Vis Tempora.

The Elder God Visionary was sealed into Yolv by Daarizi members of the Hei-kora believing that, untouched, the elder god would grow to devour the universe in its current form. Xenon was led to believe that the process would grant his son great, immortal strength and cure him of his fatal, childhood illness. He was unaware of the process of it making him an immortal, much like Chronos. He is also unaware of the Visionary's presence due to a limited personal understanding of Aether, Empyreans, or general high plane beings.

Axis is a former member of the Hei-kora. He is well acquainted with Chronos, but Chronos dislikes Axis due to his defecting and subsequent creation of the Empyrean Siohr meant to protect the future of his own race. Seeing the demise of the Daarizi in the future originally caused the original Axis to take on the role of Archseer. Chronos is unable to distinguish between Axis and his 'future' self,
The present Axis is aware of this future as well and tends to view his previous self's actions as needed, but foolish and deranged. He has faith in the planet's present leadership, but quietly laments his inability to remain part of it.

Most Rhokai are followers of Chronos, a man who had learned to ascend to the power of an Empyrean. Chronos actively goes against the laws of conduct the Vis Tempora had set out for sapient Empyrean-like beings, feeling that the organization is entirely hypocritical in their methods. His species was punished for defiance of the Ionian laws regarding Aether use, locked to their home planet by artificial gravity devices.
Ultimately Chronos seeks order, wishing to curb the amount of chaos, destruction, and suffering in the universe by any means possible. Very benevolent albeit rude and single-minded, but ultimately working against the party in his agendas as he will not back down from his ideals
Needs some sort of interaction with Jehiel, telling him he should not exist. Chronos and Xenon have met. Reference w/ Jehiel.

Jehiel stuff:
Jehiel is a digitalized collective of Daarizi. He takes his namesake from a former Daarizi Council Overseer and possesses some of his memories. Most of his memories are from various Daarizi respectively and he will shift speaking tone depending on who he is actively speaking with and about what. His default personality is close to that of Xenon's with Aesis' even temper. He is very inquisitive, but typically keeps to himself unless called upon.

Hoo boy: Chronos plotting part deus
Chronos is being influenced by the Elder God Overlord. He is unaware of this influence despite gaining his dominion over time from him eons ago. Overlord is attempting to gain entry into the universe, slowly unraveling it at the seams. Chronos is aware that the universe is being destroyed, unaware of his own direct hand in it. He means to reset the universe ultimately as he is unable to stop its destruction at the hands of Overlord's influence.
His death will result in the unraveling of time, leaving a moral choice for the party and a suitable finale for the group regardless of outcome.
Party will need to be driven by Bene's knowledge of the high plane, Visionary, and other high plane entities.

More Chronos stuff:
Soto is a new member of the Hei-kora from universe 134.
Edited By Xedite on 7/10/2020 at 4:24 PM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 3/17/2020 at 7:12 AM Post #5
Full Name: Rulzek Rivox

Nickname(s) Riv, Zek

Titles: Ensign, Commander (former)

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Species: Aeldrian

Sexuality: Demiromantic Demisexual

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 160lbs


Personality: ISTJ-A

Rivox is a firm believer in the power of persistence, patience, and hard work to ensure success. He's known to wield past experiences as a method for teaching and has little patience for those who do not respect facts and what's tried and true.
While he can be emotionally distant, he is humble and devoted to a fault, caring far more about his friends than even his own life at times.

Powers and Skills: Rivox has two toxin producing stingers on each side of his forearms and his tail tip. He's pretty skilled in hand to hand and armed combat and trained in military and warfront tactics.

Equipment: Outside of his exploration armor, he relies much on his own personal strength when he isn't using his electric rifle to tear into any hostile threat that dares cross wrongfully into his path. Rivox also wears a simple communications brace to allow for long distance communication.

Backstory: psh I'll just work on it when I get more of the setting.

Group/Guild: same with this

Other: N/A

Theme: x

Setting: Sci-fi
Edited By Xedite on 4/25/2020 at 6:12 AM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
Threads: 54
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Posted: 3/17/2020 at 7:57 AM Post #6
Full Name: Xenon Eldiram

Nickname(s): N/A

Titles: Lieutenant, General (former), Lord (former)

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Species: Aeldrian

Sexuality: Heteromantic Bisexual

Alignment: True Neutral/ Neutral Evil (depending on setting)

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 150lbs


Personality: INTJ-T
Xenon is a methodical man with a closed, soft heart. While he can be quite personable and friendly to those he associates with, he is reluctant to trust any with his secrets.
He has a touch of a superiority complex and has been known to be quite obsessive and single minded in his pursuits, regardless of consequences.

Powers and Skills: Xenon has two toxin producing stingers on the side of forearm and his tail tip. He's skilled in hand to hand and armed combat and trained in military and warfront tactics. His robotic arm is capable of emitting bursts of flame.

Equipment: Outside of his exploration armor, he relies much on his own personal strength when he isn't using his long range scouting rifle. Xenon also wears a simple communications brace to allow for long distance communication.

Backstory: psh I'll just work on it when I get more of the setting.

Group/Guild: same with this

Other: He was once a main but he dies so much I never use him, lmao

Theme: x

Setting: Sci-fi
Edited By Xedite on 5/14/2020 at 2:47 PM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 3/17/2020 at 10:25 AM Post #7
Full Name: Scias Zeizan

Nickname(s): Edgelord (by X)

Titles: Executioner (former)

Classification code: A56-Z

Age: 162 star cycles (equal to 22 in human years)

Gender: Genderless, like the rest of his species. He takes on a male appearance.

Species: Daarizi, More info here.

Sexuality: Demiromantic Asexual

Alignment: True Neutral/Chaotic Neutral (depending on setting)

Height: 5'4 (in human form), 6'11 (in Daarizi form)

Weight: Consistent between forms.
110lbs, most weight comes from the metal that makes up his body structure. His species is fairly lightweight despite their size.


(This pic is not my art but sticking it here for human form outfit/unarmored ref whoop)

Scias is a short-statured guy with spiky, white hair. He normally conceals his face with a metallic visor that glows in the same color as his piercing red eyes. He looks fairly human normally save for his pointed ears, odd, ringlike
white irises, and his very eccentric style of clothing. He rarely takes off his armor and on the off chance that he does, he usually wears little more than a sleeveless grey shirt and black cargo pants. His arms are heavily tattooed by strange patterns that look uncannily similar to circuits and wires, though they are normally hidden by the black, fingerless gloves that extend up to his elbows.

Personality: INTX-T

A no-nonsense kind of guy, Scias is calm and level-headed. He has taken somewhat of an oath to block out all emotion detrimental to his missions. However, despite everything, he has been shown to slip up in his professionalism from time to time, reverting to his normal, socially awkward and overly excitable self. Scias has a dry sense of humor and a biting sarcasm laced in most of his words, carefully picked and crammed full of bitterness. He is very analytical and an extreme perfectionist, despite coming off as scatterbrained, reckless, and uncaring to those he works alongside. He dislikes interaction with most people and usually makes creative excuses to avoid them altogether.
When it fails to work as planned, he tends to open up slowly but is surprisingly caring for those who he sees eye to eye.


Scias wields a military-grade, armored Daarizian jumpsuit heavily modified for his own personal use. It is bulletproof and provides a high level of electromagnetic shielding. It is also equipped with basic, electrically-powered energy shields and a set of razor sharp, titanium grappling hooks. They are connected to rapid extending chains and can be fired off at high speeds towards foes or quickly used to vault from place to place. He usually keeps a standard issue, electric scouting rifle on hand.
His boots are equipped with small boosters and retractable blades to allow him to hover and cling to walls and ceilings. They also pack a hella mean kick. Scias also wears a heavy visor that serves as his primary communication device and shields his sensitive eyes from the harsh sunlight of Earth. It also augments his natural night-vision allowing him to see things in near-complete darkness with the same clarity as humans seeing them in broad daylight.
Like most Daarizians, Scias is a shapeshifter. However, he has lost most of his ability to change shape due to prior injuries to the central core in his shoulder, which functions as his heart. At the very most, he is able to revert almost entirely to Daarizian form and back to his usual, assumed human form in a single, prolonged sitting. Despite this limitation, he is still able to control the natural electricity generation and manipulation that his race is infamous for to deadly effect. The electric current generated from his body can reach up to 150 amps at his full strength.
Outside of battle, he is a skilled programmer who works on assorted mechs designed for warfare and other combat-related functions. One of his favorites is the hulking, avian-looking war-machine titled affectionately so as Cr-0. Cr-0 serves as his primary albeit rebellious companion, though he is frequently deactivated for both modifications to sedate his increasingly rogue AI and bug fixes to keep his violent, defensive functions under control.

Backstory: it's changed like 20 times idk
Scias is from a planet of militarized aliens who attempt to keep peace throughout the universe. He got sent to Earth for a bit with X, much to his chagrin.

Group/Guild: Daarizi Armed Forces

Other: Somewhat of a joke oc, but I love him anyways. He's incredibly edgy. :^)
He likes anime and terrible metal music. Was once a main but I don't get to use him very often anymore. His age gets adjusted up or down depending on rp setting. Just going off my own universe canon.

Theme: x x x

Setting: Sci-fi/Modern
Edited By Xedite on 5/14/2020 at 1:57 PM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 3/17/2020 at 11:26 AM Post #8
Full Name: Xelius Crufex (assumed), Axel Haile (previous)

Nickname(s): X, Axel (dislikes, by his brother, Axis)

Titles: Overseer (former)

Classification code: A48-C

Age: Usually I'll adjust it up or down depending on setting since he's a main character in a group I've literally had going for 7 years and I have to keep adjusting it, but he's currently 345 star cycles. (equal to 35 in human years)

Gender: Genderless, like the rest of his species. He takes on a male appearance.

Species: Daarizi

Sexuality: Demiromantic Pansexual

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Height: 5'8 (in human form), 7'0 (in Daarizi form)

Weight: 128 lbs, most weight comes from the metal that makes up his body structure. His species is fairly lightweight despite their size.


Personality: ENTP-T
Public menace to decent societies everywhere. Xelius is as obnoxiously cocky, flirty, and outspoken as they come. Rarely does he take things seriously and always seems to have a smile on his face or prank up his sleeve.
He has a generally laissez-faire approach to life and a cool head in rough situations, but seems to have issues with avoiding his emotions.
While X normally has a tendency to snark ears off, he can be very surprisingly withdrawn from time to time for an such an extrovert, preferring to be left to his work or to focus.

Powers and Skills: Unlike his partner, Scias, X is highly non-combative and will often avoid confrontation at the first sight of it. He knows hand-to-hand combat and is trained with firearms.
He, like most Daarizians, is able to assume a variety of different forms that have had their presets downloaded to his heart-core. Currently, he is able to shift to Daarizian, human, feline, and avian forms. He is also able to control his electricity generation to a greater level than his companion, creating strong pulses of electrical energy when enraged or distressed.

Equipment: For self defense, he carries a pistol or occasionally a standard issue, electric scouting rifle. The silver bracelet on his arm is used primarily for communications, but he's modified it to produce a light energy shield on demand.

Backstory: this guy's a hot mess I'll do it later
X is from a planet of militarized aliens who attempt to keep peace throughout the universe. He got sent to Earth for a bit with Scias.

Group/Guild: Galactic Federation (current), Daarizi Armed Forces (formerly)

Other: One of my mains, I've stuck this joke of a character into so many weird situations and settings. Since he was originally made as a demon for a fantasy/modern setting before he was revamped, I still have a fantasy version of him worked out that I just haven't made art for or separated into his own character.

Theme: x/x

Setting: Currently Sci-fi/Modern, but I'll put him anywhere, try me.
Edited By Xedite on 4/25/2020 at 6:16 AM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 3/19/2020 at 7:00 AM Post #9
Name: Ceryn Altair

Nickname: Yen

Title: The Silver Devourer of Time

Age: 300 years

Species: Rift Demon (Rift demons are fabled to come from breaches in the fabric of space and time themselves known as the Farreach. They are highly otherworldly and often possess great power. They gain or lose power depending depending on their proximity to wells of natural magical energy and the amount of souls they consume regularly.)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Aromantic Demisexual

Height: 6'2 (humanoid), 16'11 (demonic)

Weight: 412 lbs (weight is consistent across both forms, matter is simply magically decompressed)


Ceryn has long silver-grey hair streaked with patches of blue, usually put up in a ponytail. Long bangs hang over his slit blue eyes framed by the silver glasses that hang over his face. He wears a long, fur lined coat and heavy iron boots that cover over razor-taloned feet. Blue gems cover the surface of his shoulders and forearms, holding the excess souls of his former victims. The long set of thin, black horns nestled in his hair, hidden to most without a trained eye, curve delicately past his pointed ears. Ceryn keeps a silver locket engraved with strange runes draped over his neck and a long, cyclone-creating glaive strapped into a sheath on his back.

When he grows more agitated, he loses control over his humanoid guise returns to his demonic form, he resembles a large, silver draconic centipede with spindly limbs, a black carapace, and a furry, silver hide glowing with the energy of the souls he has recently consumed.

Personality: ESTP-A?
As well-spoken and friendly as Ceryn can be, he has a very literal silver tongue. He uses his open and honest demeanor to deceive others into following his every whim. He loves to gamble and spends many of his days seeking "all men who dare think they can outplay him."
At the core, he's a cheat and uses his telepathic abilities to not only prey on thoughts of his opponents, but to lure them enough to feast on their souls. Ceryn is savage and cruelly calculative, expressing little regard or remorse for those he betrays and even less for those in suffering by his hand. He has his soft spots though and can be easily swayed to one's aid by almost any offer anyone promises him will be "worth his while." He can't seem to pass up any opportunity of a challenge.

Ceryn is an extremely powerful demon with an never-ending desire to consume more souls. Though he is fairly young among his species, he has carved out a name for himself among the human locals as a warrior of great skill. The glaive he wields is enchanted to churn air currents when swung and can even generate powerful windstorms in some intense battles. While he normally keeps his demon powers sealed to avoid detection from hunters, his magical power is far stronger. He is able to carve rips in space and time itself, allowing him to hop between universes. He is unable to stay long in any secondary universe without rapidly losing his powers due to shifts in magical energies. Due to this, he primarily uses these rips as "wormholes" to warp from place to place. These jumps tire him greatly and prolonged use of his abilities limits his power for long recovery periods. Consuming additional souls can decrease this time, but high amounts of them can cause huge shifts in his power and cause him to go temporarily berserk, losing control of himself and his powers until he is either calmed or incapacitated.

I honestly don't remember. Some other big bad was messing with dimensional portals and he happened.

Theme: x

Setting: Fantasy/Modern/Sci-fi
Since he can jump through time, it doesn't really matter, lol. He was made in a sci-fi fantasy dungeonpunk setting though.
Edited By Xedite on 3/19/2020 at 7:28 AM.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
Threads: 54
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Posted: 3/19/2020 at 7:31 AM Post #10
Full Name: Claudia Korsak

Nickname(s): Irene (dislikes her birth name, usually goes by Irene)

Titles: Commodore (current), Captain (former)

Age: 35-46(current)

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sexuality: Heteroromantic Heterosexual

Alignment: Neutral Good

Height: 5'8

Weight: 154 lbs


Personality: ISTP-T
While normally calm and composed, Irene is more than well known for her violent temper.
She is very analytical and hard to enrage, but has a bad habit of drinking or avoiding her emotions for the sake of the mission on hand. Despite being very aloof and otherwise foul-mouthed, she gets along with most of her crew, but being a strong introvert prefers her silence in most situations.
She is quick to adapt to most situations and seems to have little trouble at commanding the respect of a room with her normally altruistic, nonchalant nature.

Powers and Skills: While she doesn't particularly care to fight more than to disarm someone, Irene is no slouch in combat and despite her robotic leg, surprisingly quick on her feet. She is well trained in both hand to hand combat and most firearms.
Thanks to understanding of an ability known as Aether, Irene is able to conjure various, channeled elemental attacks via use of drawn runes and intense mental focus. She normally keeps two drawn on the back of her hands for easy use of her power.

Equipment: Irene usually wears a silver bodysuit under her uniform that provides her a degree of skin protection in both alien atmospheres and combat situations. Her cane, in addition to being used to correct her limp, is also outfitted with a taser device to allow her to stun any would-be attackers.
She also keeps around a large supply of standard issue Federation gear as needed in her adventures, such as police-grade cuffs for making arrests or various small handguns.

Backstory: Originally hailing from a small city and a large family from Siberia, Irene's family has been more than ravaged by the perils of war and poverty in her home country. Thankful to be born at the tail end of a series of climate-change induced battles known as the Great Overhaul War and in a rekindling of human spirit in mandated peace, Irene hardly remembers a life of economic hardship,only struggling through the emotional hardships of her parents in a new world that had suffered a grave loss of human life.
Perhaps it was such a thing that had her take to the stars in the first place, joining the Galactic Federation at the age of 16 when her father had passed and her ailing mother had taken her own life soon after.
She doesn't speak much of her history, simply describing her childhood as "unpleasant" when she isn't mouthdeep in a bottle of alcohol. She speaks even less of her former husband, Xenon Eldiram, but seems strangely mentally haunted by him and his ailing planet on his death. She holds great concern and respect for her adoptive son, Yolvet Eldiram.

Group/Guild: Galactic Federation (current)

Other: Another one of my mains, angry Russian space captain is best captain.

Theme: x/x

Edited By Xedite on 4/25/2020 at 6:16 AM.
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