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Forum Index > Artwork Gallery > MS Paint Art
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Author Thread Post
Level 61
Joined: 2/17/2016
Threads: 4
Posts: 386
Posted: 2/27/2018 at 8:17 AM Post #21
Ha ha, that's great! XD I really like the serious drawing in the corner, it's good! :)

I did something similar with a friend's OC. She's a significantly better artist than I am (plus her characters are mostly animals - and I can't draw animals to save my life, honestly), so I tried to draw her character in MS Paint, with a tiny little fireball coming out of its mouth and a small bit of text saying "BLERGHH" XD I've forgotten where I saved it though lol.

Thank you very much! :D Since my normal humour extends to much darker subjects, I had to censor and not post some of the drawings - but I'm glad that you find my restrained version of my normal humour funny, I was concerned that the jokes wouldn't be as good if I held back lol.
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