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Forum Index > Suggestion Box > Deleting Accounts
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Level 63
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Posted: 12/5/2014 at 5:31 PM Post #1
If someone does not log into their account for a certain amount of time (6 months, a year, etc), then their account should be deleted. The person's sylestis should be automatically put up for sale for 1G or some other low price a month or so before deletion so awesome sylestis aren't released because someone didn't want to play anymore.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/5/2014 at 6:38 PM Post #2
No Support.

This just feels like a "this user hasn't been online in forever and I want their pets" suggestion. I'm sorry if this sounds hostile but I've seen several threads like this over the years and I even made one myself at one point and it was fueled by me wanting something another unactive player had.

You don't know why someone's left sylestia. They could have been in a horrible accident, gone to war, or worse still- even died. Some hiatuses last months, even years while people get their lives and priorities together. Unless the player has died, they may return one day. You can't be sure of when, or if they ever will, but that doesn't mean delete their account and sell their pets.

For example, if I left for a hiatus for a year and found that my account had been deleted and my pets sold to strangers I'd be pissed beyond belief, especially if I had spent money for diamonds. Even a small amount and you can bet Krin would be getting an earful of an email from me and I know I'm far from the only user who'd write one. Not to mention I believe it was stated somewhere that deleting accounts would never happen, be it by choice or otherwise. Don't quote me on that though.
Level 71
Vanquisher of Undead
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Posted: 12/5/2014 at 7:05 PM Post #3
Strongly do not support. I have seen many players leave for a long period of time only to come back later. How would you feel if something happened in your life and you left for a long periodonly to cone back andfind all the pets you once loved and worked tirelessly, even paid millions of gold or diamonds for, we're completely gone, as wad your account.

Also think about it this way as well: many players spend real money to buy diamonds for avi items etc. If accounts were deleted, they would lose the real money they spent on those things. Which would not be good for the site at all.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/5/2014 at 7:35 PM Post #4
Strongly Against this Idea.
1) Many players take long hiatuses here, even I did at one point for nearly a year. And I have for other games too for multiple reasons. Sometimes I log on to old things just to reminisce, sometimes its to try and get back into them, regardless, I'd be really sad to find my account gone.

2)I believe if a person spends real money on anything it should be kept regardless of their activity for the duration a site, game, etc exists. I work hard for the real money I make in real life, and often what I spend here is all I'm spending on myself when I can. I'd be very mad to find that the little money Id been able to spend had just gone to oblivion.

3) Many people have pets they've spent months making. How would you like coming back to find that a pet you spent months on was sold to some player for 1G? Or any price really?

Furthermore, it could disrupt the economy. Imagine all these old themed pets or 6vis pets just suddenly selling at 1G? What about the active players who are playing now trying to sell the same pets? Sure in theory it sounds like a goldmine, until you realize everyone would be cashing in on this gold mine, depleting it of any value. And besides that, Why should we take someones hard work, and basically give it away for free? Regardless of Circumstance or Reason, that's not right.

I would rather support a donation spot and pound system of sorts. Where people can drop off things they don't need or want anymore, but still see value in for other players.

Edited to fix things I realized could be misunderstood/misinterpreted.
Edited By Dyschordia on 12/5/2014 at 7:37 PM.
Level 75
The Artistic
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Posted: 12/5/2014 at 8:06 PM Post #5
Have to say that I give no support at all for this idea. I'm one of those people who periodically takes long hiatuses from games, only to return months, or even years, later to fully engage with the game again. This happens when I'm either bored, busy, or get caught up in something new. When I return, I want to be able to jump back in where I left off. If I came back after a hiatus to find out that my account was deleted and everything I had worked for (and all the money I had spent) was gone.... I would be more than exceptionally angry. So yeah, no support for this. Especially the 'sell everything off for 1g' thing. That really rubs me the wrong way. If an account were to be deleted, everything on it would be deleted. Anyway, that's my two cents.
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 12/6/2014 at 5:16 AM Post #6
Instead of bearing all the nopes a user can muster in an

(I'm finding it just funny there's not just "no", but "strong no" all in a row aha)

I dug up some quotes pertaining to the possibilities of recycling pets. Essentially, taking one user's pets that were discarded for oneself.

Not only does this shine light on this suggestion, but it can give a little prediction on how the future of the site's handling on pets may be. So this post isn't just aimed at OP, but addresses pets in general.

-- - chance to encounter a user's released pet

"This is something that we don't plan on implementing. Some players release pets for a specific reason and would be very unhappy if someone else were able to stumble upon it and collect it. Additionally, it would just be excess use of server load to track and figure all of this out."
-Krinadon - recycling "unwanted" pets

"Fai and I have been thinking about creating an Adoption Center where users can OPT to release their pets into the Adoption Center.
Other users can then adopt these released pets from the Adoption Center.
The Adoption Center would then release a pet after x period of time of not being adopted.
This way, users can give other users the chance to adopt their pets through an automated service."
-Krinadon - release suggestion (release pets for gold)

"We will basically have this feature implemented soon. There will be NPCs in cities who will pay to adopt your pets from you."


The first quote implies that players release their pets for reasons. The safest definition of "release" is for them to be free. Which means no one else should be able to get them back.
Trying to bend that definition wouldn't go well for users who made the decision to release their pets with the intent to keep them away completely.

The same goes for keeping a pet in an account. They make the pet can't go to anyone else by keeping it in their account.
If they wanted to give it away, they would have had a giveaway or sale beforehand. Being offline does not imply that they want to give it away, and it's not safe to assume so anyways.

The second quote gives owners an option to let players give away their pets systematically.
What ties the first and second quote together is the ability of the player to choose what to do with their pets.
The suggestion for not just the system, but OTHER players digging in on someone else's pets when it's not their choice is invasive, which is why everyone in the posts above are in a tizzy.

The third quote is just a hope for a pet-buying NPC. QuQ even for scales.
That, and it implies that players have the choice of exchanging their "unwanted" pets for currency. This avoids assuming unattended accounts have unwanted pets.


I also just played a game where pets are "taken away" after not being cared for in a long time.

If the admin really intended the game to be that way, then such a condition would probably have been implemented already (IE after x amount of days, a pet dies or runs away or whatever). But it looks like this is not the case.

Anyways I should stop wasting space when all the nopes are up there aha
Level 60
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Posted: 12/6/2014 at 1:34 PM Post #7
I paid $20 for each of my Mystical pairs. Have someone snag them if I'm gone for a time for 1 gold? BWAHAHAHAHA!!

Level 75
High Warlord
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Posted: 12/6/2014 at 3:41 PM Post #8
This idea is a no go because I have pets that I love and if they go, I would not like it. Trust me this will start a lot of problems for the users who haven't been on at all. Users should have a right to be here and have as many pets as they desire, so this idea of deleting accounts should not be put into action:3

Plus you already have maid service to take care of your pets while you are gone for days, weeks, or even months. So I don't know what's the point of deleting accounts when the user is busy with their life for a while until they are free. I would hate to come back and see that my pets are missing after all of that hard work trying to breed them and care for them. Losing Shenzi and the others would break my heart.
Edited By Banzai on 12/6/2014 at 3:51 PM.
Level 60
Seashell Collector
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Posted: 12/6/2014 at 6:29 PM Post #9
I tend to "quit" games for a couple of years and then come back, so I wouldn't be too happy with this idea. :c But a button where one could choose to "delete" their account or clear it out would be nice for some. c:
Level 75
High Warlord
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Posted: 12/9/2014 at 3:42 PM Post #10
Yeah, I seen things like that where if you make a mistake with your account you can choose to delete it yourself:3 That's better than having the account cleared out on its own:3 I agree with you.
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