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Forum Index > General Discussion > Why Release Pets?
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Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 11/7/2019 at 4:02 PM Post #81
I am not going to lock this thread... but I am going to just simply say a few things.

Firstly, please try and keep things civil. There really is no reason to have a heated argument over this topic. People have different opinions. That's a fact. =P Not getting around it. We have an active playerbase of 1500-2250 at any given time... there's a lot of different opinions around here. Having a different opinion than someone else is absolutely never a reason to be angry/rude/upset/etc about it. Just be civil and have a discussion - or don't if it's too much to bear.

Secondly, all of it is kinda moot. Our stance has always been, "Sell pets at your own risk." There is no plan at all to change that stance at this time. Once a pet has been fairly sold, the buyer is entirely free to do absolutely whatever they want to that pet. They are the absolute and sole owner of that pet now as if they were the one to create it.

The rules have to operate that way or it would be an absolute nightmare to try and manage - both for us as admins and for players. In my opinion, it is vital for a player to be free to do what they want with a pet once they purchase it - that is the entire point of buying it... they are buying the rights to it.

Obviously, buying a pet simply to release it falls in a slightly different category - but there are many reasons one may release a pet they purchased. Maybe they did actually want it but ended up realizing it doesn't match their project so they released it. Maybe they realized they don't have space for it. Maybe they just have buyer's remorse and simply just don't want it anymore. The list goes on. Where would the line be drawn? It'd be very murky and it's not a path that we want to go down.

As a seller, if you do not want your pets released - either:

1. Sell pets for a significant price that one would not pay just to release it.
2. Utilize private sales to have more control over who buys your pets.

Otherwise, using the public sale system is fair game. A player has just as much right to purchase your pet for 1 Gold and release it as you do to sell said pet for 1 Gold.
Edited By Krinadon on 11/7/2019 at 4:04 PM.
Level 70
Guardian of the Realm
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Posted: 11/7/2019 at 4:14 PM Post #82
This has been a VERY interesting thread to read through! I hope you don'y mind me throwing my two cents in here.

Deciding that it's unfair that you can't buy a 6vis for 3 gold is... an interesting perspective. And deciding that the only explanation is that "veterans" and "releasers" are targeting newbies is certainly a conclusion that you could draw. It's my opinion that this is an incorrect conclusion and that you're reading too much into it, and I'd encourage you to relax a little.

Ultimately, my take on the issue boils down to this: who cares? Some people buy to release. Some people don't buy to release. How other people choose to play isn't something you can control, so I don't understand why you would work yourself up about it. People breed pets all the time, so if you'd like a cheap 6vis, keep looking! One will come around eventually.

The only wrong answer in this situation is to harass any player for any reason. Someone else's play style is not your business.

edit: whoops, ninja'd by Krin! I guess this is a moot point then ;w;
Edited By Donmino on 11/7/2019 at 4:15 PM.
Level 32
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Posted: 11/7/2019 at 8:07 PM Post #83
It might be best to lock this thread. It definitely got a bit out of hand, and I most definitely should have kept this to myself. It wasn't right of me to act out the way I did, and this just became a war zone between players. It could be a conversation worth talking about, but I just made it worse. It wasn't my intention to start a battle between players.
Level 73
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Posted: 11/8/2019 at 10:21 AM Post #84
We al lmake mistakes (heck i just accidently sent something i was gonna put on my Insta story to like 30 people.....and buried all my DMs in the process....and now am bombarded by a milion messagescoming in)

But i totally agree-maybe lock it. This has gone on long enough and-
Well you can just see my last post on the previous page.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Site Administrator
Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 11/8/2019 at 4:37 PM Post #85
Author: Xxbluewhirlxx
Time Posted: 11/7/2019 at 8:07 PM
It might be best to lock this thread. It definitely got a bit out of hand, and I most definitely should have kept this to myself. It wasn't right of me to act out the way I did, and this just became a war zone between players. It could be a conversation worth talking about, but I just made it worse. It wasn't my intention to start a battle between players.

As per your request, I have locked the thread.

And thank you for your understanding regarding the issue.
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