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Forum Index > News and Announcements > 3/4/2017 - Introducing the New Ability a...
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Posted: 3/5/2017 at 8:28 PM Post #81
Author: Reviren
Time Posted: 3/5/2017 at 7:38 PM
Quick question, will the general level up points (where the pet earns 4 points for every level) remain the same or are they being rolled in this new proficiency system, which has its own version of level up points??

They are being merged into the new Proficiency system where the Pet receives additional of that Stat each Level gained.
Level 72
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Posted: 3/5/2017 at 11:39 PM Post #82
Author: Krinadon
Time Posted: 3/5/2017 at 9:41 AM

Firstly, to address the fate of Missions, I will go through and adjust the required Stats to complete Missions to match the new curve. So I do not expect an interruption to the success rates of Missions beyond anything slightly noticeable in one direction or another.

I will also take a look at any exploration requirements for Statistics and adjust accordingly as well.

In general, I have a lot of preparation work to do to get everything set up and ready to use the new system and I haven't started yet. So I don't know specifically what I'll do. But I will be sure to take a look at everything and adjust as needed.


For using multiple Elements, there was nothing 'wrong' with it previously; it just wasn't really intended to work that way. And due to the technical and mechanical aspects of the new system, there was no way to allow for that.


Strength and Intelligence (and Physical Damage and Magical Damage) are on their way out and will eventually just be merged into something like "Power" and "Damage" when we relaunch. So this is a step in that direction. Having both Physical and Magical really adds nothing to the game. It just makes it more complicated for Players to understand the system and it's frustrating for Players to manage Equipment because pretty much every piece of Equipment is useless for half of all Pets.


While you won't be able to equalize Strength and Intelligence through spent points anymore, by Level 75 your Pets will have 6 points to spend and they can be spread out for all sorts of Stat spreads. If you really wanted to, you could put points in the Str/Int and then whatever Element you select for the Pet, give it Equipment of the opposite Stat. That'd probably balance it out.


Nothing is being nerfed. Even with reduced Stats, Players will find it much easier to battle with the new Abilities. They do a ton more damage, have more powerful effects, and especially once Pets hit Level 30 and unlock the second Ability, it won't even be close. Even if they have ~150 less of a Stat (that's only 75 Damage, for example) The difference between 250 and 350 Damage doesn't much matter when Abilities now do upwards of 200% Damage instead of 110%.

And with Stats being reduced, as I said in the first point, I will go through and make sure everything is adjusted accordingly.

The intention of these changes should make it much easier for Players to not only learn how to battle and how to defeat encounters, but it should also make pretty much The Level 0-60 content much easier to get through. Which is one the intentions of doing this so that Players can catch up and get ready for the MegaZone.

Just to emphasize...under the current system, it's this:

1st Ability: Level 25
2nd Ability: Level 50

It will now be this:

1st Ability: Level 0
2nd Ability: Level 30

That is a massive improvement.


For content of Levels 0-60, an all Light party will probably never die. They definitely will not be nerfed.

When inside the MegaZone, will an all Light party be as effective as that party was in the Level 0-60 content? Probably not because the MegaZone will be more adjusted to the Ability buffs. However, I don't see why you couldn't still play with an all Light party if you wanted to. You might struggle on some encounters that are more easily handled with high Damage dealing, but being virtually unkillable is usually a good thing.

But yes, the mechanics of battling and setting up Parties is going to change somewhat. However, Pets will now actually 'do' the things they were advertised as being able to do under the original system. In the original system, everything was very, very small. Abilities dealt like 100%... 105%... 110% Damage. Now they deal 150%, 200%, 300%, etc. That alone is a massive, massive increase.

Furthermore, effects are much more powerful and/or trigger much more frequently. Earth Pets can keep an Enemy permanently Taunted starting at Level 0 now. Light Pets can directly Heal their Party for a ton of Health by Level 30. Shadow can leech a ton of Health back with their Abilities. Etc, etc.

The roles that each Element was supposed to have under the original system have all been significantly exaggerated under the new system. That's why this system is ultimately much better. A Light Pet actually feels like a Light Pet. It can actually manage to Heal their Party and keep them alive. The tradeoff? It doesn't do much Damage - comparative to the Damage dealing Elements.


I am saving Expertise for the MegaZone because it's intended to be a secondary leveling system and is intended to take quite a bit of time to earn. Enemies in the MegaZone will be properly tuned for this new system, while previous enemies will not and will become quite trivial for everyone's already maxed out Level 60 Pets.

While I may allow Pets to earn Expertise once the Level Cap is raised to 75 and I can make it so Pets can only earn it from enemies that they earn experience from, I'm not going to do that at this point because everyone would probably be able to just max out their Pets between now and when the MegaZone is released due to just slaughtering trivial enemies in Astryl's Tranquility.

And I don't want that scenario. =P


There definitely aren't less Abilities available. Under the original system, a Pet could have a maximum of 3 Abilities and it was the first 3 Abilities of each Tree... which weren't very special or interesting.

Under the new system, Pets can now have up to 5 Abilities by Level 75 and some of the Abilities are really awesome and powerful and fun to use.

In my opinion, this was a huge improvement.

Thank you so much for fixing the Missions and Exploration potential issues! <3 That will alleviate most of my worries. n_n So I should be able to continue feeding my sylestis with no problem, among other things. xD

Oh, I see. :o That makes sense.
Oooooooooooh....... ^0^ Wow, that's good to know and makes it make perfect sense! I am fairly excited about this development.... ^_^
I could probably get it pretty close using Equipment, thanks! ^_^
For the nerfing part, I had meant at what Level would our sylestis' stats catch back up to where they are now and the Abilities get back up to where they are now, assuming we had spent the necessary points to level an Ability up as much as possible... Or is there no sane way to determine how many Levels a sylesti will have to go up to rank up to the same point in the Ability branch... (sane being within reason) D_D But with the development of Mission/Exploration compensation of the first point, your replies to other people, and your answer for the Expertise below Level 60 point further down, this has been reasonably addressed, I think. n_n
Ah, I see... That is very explanatory and now I understand. ^_^ No need for worry there then...
That makes perfect sense and sounds like the best plan of action in that case, indeed. ^D^
I had meant that with the new system there were only 5 and with the old system there were 10, but under closer scrutiny of the 2 trees, I have realized that the 5 of the new system are the same 10 of the old system compacted down and more streamlined and attainable. Though, now with that realization, I have realized that the highest attainable from the old system is attainable now at Level 75... Is Level 75 the highest that a sylesti will ever be able to get now? (as opposed to Level 250? from before) O.O

Now that all of those things have been explained and addressed, I feel much better about the new change and am even excited about it now. ^_^ Thank you for taking the time to go over everything with me and explain things in such detail. I figured with as much as you were happy and excited with it that I must be just missing things or not have all of the information and would be fine if I could just fill in the holes. xD ^_^ Thanks again!
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 3/6/2017 at 2:33 AM Post #83
I'm glad to hear that mission requirements will be adjusted, that effectively stifles my concerns with this new system. :) Now I can't wait to try it out!

I am excited for the new abilities (did read through them all when they were announced), they really do seem much better and varied than before (and actual healing, yay!), and I'm glad expertise is kept even if you swap elements, since that gives each pet the potential to be very flexible. A nice feature for battling a variety of enemies.

On another note, I do agree with what was said about party presets, why is there such a small limit on those? I would like to see those increased - even if there is a small cost to do so. :) Despite the new system coming, there are still reasons for wanting to keep many presets for various purposes!

And thanks for addressing players' concerns in a thorough manner. This is a pretty big change, but now that you have gone over it more in-depth, I think it will probably sit better with most of us. :)
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 3/6/2017 at 9:31 AM Post #84
Pets will probably catch up and surpass, Stat-wise, what they are now somewhere in the Level 61-65 range. I don't know exactly when though. But I imagine by Level 65, pretty much every Pet will be have higher numeric numbers than they do now.

That said, things will be balanced accordingly, so relatively, there should be no difference. If a max Str pet is at 200 Str right now and only 150 after the changes, things will be adjusted so that 150 feels like it does now at 200.

And yes, the original system was made for a max level of 250. At this point, I'm very certain that the max Level will be 75 before we relaunch.
Level 43
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Posted: 3/6/2017 at 11:59 AM Post #85
Level 72
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Posted: 3/6/2017 at 4:37 PM Post #86
Oooh, I see... Seems like it will be pretty seamless then. ^0^

Ooh, if we are getting to max Levels soon, does that mean that the full storyline is nigh? :o
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Posted: 3/6/2017 at 4:52 PM Post #87
Author: Varyntha
Time Posted: 3/6/2017 at 4:37 PM
Oooh, I see... Seems like it will be pretty seamless then. ^0^

Ooh, if we are getting to max Levels soon, does that mean that the full storyline is nigh? :o

No. The main storyline will eventually cover all 10 regions on the world map.

We won't even finish the 3rd region before we relaunch Sylestia and start the storyline over.

The MegaZone is separate from the storyline and won't contain lore that shows up again after we relaunch.
Level 72
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Posted: 3/6/2017 at 5:00 PM Post #88
Oh, okay. xD I was thinking that that would be awfully fast... xD
Level 68
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Posted: 3/6/2017 at 7:16 PM Post #89
could you possibly add a description to the roles/specialties so we know exactly what that role is about? Like what tanking is/does or what buffing does/is...

really would be nice if that could be a thing...
Level 75
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Posted: 3/6/2017 at 7:22 PM Post #90
Author: Dragondawn
Time Posted: 3/6/2017 at 7:16 PM
could you possibly add a description to the roles/specialties so we know exactly what that role is about? Like what tanking is/does or what buffing does/is...

really would be nice if that could be a thing...

Once it's live, there will be a tutorial coded in with more information.
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