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Level 63
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 3/5/2017 at 11:22 PM Post #51
Lifting his paw from the struggling nixi, Byrd took a moment to compose himself. Looking at the vulnyx it was obvious it was dead. Oh well, add another notch to his belt later. He turned to the puff at his mention of Garvin.

"Ya work with the captain then?"

As he said this he licked the blood from his fur ignoring the puff's obviously disturbed expression as it glanced back at the dead vulnyx.
Edited By Deidriel on 3/7/2017 at 7:39 AM.
Level 37
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Posted: 3/5/2017 at 11:27 PM Post #52

Willow shivered, she had never liked fighting but they had done what needed to be done. Willow licked her paws, the blood felt salty in her mouth. Willow groomed her self trying to make her fur stay flat, although it didn't seem to be working. Willow hoped that was the last of that, although it most likely would happen again. Willow tried not too think of what the fight and put away the disturbing thought.
Edited By Icepaw on 3/5/2017 at 11:34 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 3/5/2017 at 11:29 PM Post #53

"Ye'll have ta excuse Byrdie. Tisn't quite the best wit' gen'lebeast like yeself. 'Scuse me a moment yer honor whilst I collect me duds, eh?" She scampered off to fetch her seabag, hopefully for the last time tonight. She took a moment to tug a scrap from inside the mouth of the bag and concealed it rather efficiently before slinging it over her shoulder in a fluid motion.
Edited By Harleyc on 3/5/2017 at 11:34 PM.
Level 63
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 3/5/2017 at 11:37 PM Post #54
Today was an off day that was for sure, but then most all days had bee off days since losing his old crew. To lose his composure so badly as to kill someone, not that he particularly cared about the loss of life it was more so due to it being so out of character for him to be so undiplomatic.

Furthermore he was really starting to dislike this Crystal Tavi character. He was far too ruffled to argue her comments about him. He would feel more himself once he'd had a good nights sleep and wad back on a boat for the first time in months.
Level 71
The Artistic
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Posted: 3/6/2017 at 6:20 AM Post #55

Kana had followed the others towards the ally's entrance her bright green eyes having a little glow in the dim light given off by the moon. She was not expecting this little pipsqueak to be aboard a boat, though Kana wouldent be much better in a brawl without weapons, and her size wasn't anything to brag about. Compared to the nixi that Byrd had juts let up Kana was about half of his size, but what she lacked in stature she made up for in optimism and enthusiasm. She smirked as the little puff go to his feet and spoke about the ol' buck. after the other two had spoke sh gave a beaming smile " Don't get your tail in a mat, I'm sure the ol' buck'll just be glad your in one piece and got what ever it is your bringin' em." she said still sporting a happy over confident expresion
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 3/6/2017 at 6:43 AM Post #56
Tulio~male~ currently none

The puffadore eyed the group. So these were going to be his shipmates, great. "I assure you senor you will all found out my intentions on the boat. But for now I need to speak to The captain." With that Tulio dismissed the subject all together. "Forgive me but where are my manners. I'm Tulio, at your service." With that he took a bow. "I will be a set of hands on the ship though I doubt that I'll be seeing much of you." After all he had paid a lot to be on this ship, he shouldn't have to work right? "Now if you don't mind could we get off the streets? I would prefer not to have a fight again."
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/16/2015
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Posted: 3/6/2017 at 12:00 PM Post #57

Ilmarinen ~~ 16 ~~ Male ~~ the inn

He was still concentrated on trying to slowly remove the remains of the fetter that once had hold his life to one place, to beeing nothing more than dirt. But as the house itself shaked from a roar he glanced up at the mighty, massive lighrah male. A bit nervously his beak both opend and closed over and over in a quick speed. But he relaxed quiet a bit as the brawl really took off. But his working on the rather heavy ironbracelett was cut short once something, or someone, landed on his head. The two golden eyes looked up at the bulbori that had landed on his head. The young male listend carefully as the white, green and brown bulbori spoke to him. He thought about it for a while. He was beeing offerd a job right? A job meant a reward of somesort. But what he wanted the most was not to GAIN something, rather he desired to lose something more than any reward that could be given. After a few moments he simply raised his head, having the bulbori glide down to his back. Without a word he was about to stand up as he felt someone stop him by putting something to his head. Instinctivly he lowerd his body once more, carefully looking up. His mind expected to see his old master, furious for him moving without an order. But as he looked up he simply saw the vulnyx that seemed to stare at both him and the bulbori as if they were lunch. But there was something else, something that got a fire starting to burn in the young nyte.

Without any problem at all the nyte stood up with such a speed despite the vulnyx putting its entire weight on Illmarinens head. The speed and strength the young male used the catlike sylesti literly went flying back about 2meters from him simply standing up. Not beeing able to make a sound he simply just made him self look larger by raising his fethers. After doing that he simply begun to walk, his rather large paws with the even larger claws simply digging themselves into the vulnyx that couldnt do anything about it. When someone stood infront of him he simply just lowerd his head, walking straight on, pushign the poor sylesti that seemed more surpriced about it than anything. The spotted nye however didnt even seem to notice that the sylesti infront of him tried to stop him as well as the vulnyx behind him trying to hold him back by the tail. In fact the goldspotted male seemed to trott without any problem depite two strong looking sylestis trying to hold him back. After taking a small detour to stay out of the worst fighting, simply pushing anyone who was unfortunate enough to be in his way. As it was now, he seemed to be more of a drafthorse than anything else.

It hadnt taken long and he hadnt used much of his strength at all as he reached the door out. But the unfortunate sylesti he had been pushing infront of him as if he was nothing but a hatchlingwas in the way and the wulnyx was still holding his feathery tail, trying to slow the male down with no noticable reaction at all. However for now the nyte looked at the sylesti infront of him and with a flick of his frontleg he was easly pushed aside. With his claws risping the door he turned the handle and walked out the door into the rain. However he hadnt gotten his tail all the way outside as he tensed up. Was the door closed on it? A bit confused he walked back at his tail that had the vulnyx biting it with full force, not just trying to stale the birdlike male now. Anoyed, almost insulted he raised his tail, smashing it as hard as he could into the ground so the Vulnyx got crushed between the tail and the ground. But the creature didnt stop biting and instead begunusing its claws to tear in him as well. Angry, filled with pain feeling insulted the birdlike creature repeated the smashing repeatedly. After beeing smashed into the ground about five more times the vulnyx either fainted or died from the injuries, wich it was he didnt care about. Instead he sat down in the pooring rain and starting to fix his tail and clean the wounds he had gotten on it. He however didnt realice the bulbori simply was gliding down his back to the ground, he just wanted to fix his tail.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 3/6/2017 at 12:37 PM Post #58
Garvin "Gar"~male~ The North Star

That fact that the larger four legged golden bird had managed to know only get them free of the inn, but also bat away his opposers like they were nothing was truly amazing. Thankful that he didnt have to fight Gar happily slide from the animals back. "I owe ye one mate." The buck said with a slight nod of his head. "Now as fer a reward I got debloons if ye are interested though if ye be seeking more then me ship has a few slots still up for the takings." With that the rabbit like animal crossed his hands over his chest perking his two ears forward to look at the golden spotted animal. The mark stood out on the poor souls neck like the golden earring did in the bulbori's ear. He was what they liked to call a slave. Twas a pity really, such a strong animal could really use a place in life, but with a scar like that it would be hard to find work. Except if he was a pirate on a ship of sea dogs. What did one more outlaw do to a whole bunch of them? Add to their bounty was all really. "Ye know what, dont push ye self to ans'er. If ye be lookin' for gold just nod that head 'v ye'rs, if ye be wantin' a spot on me ship then be followin' me." With that the captain turned and walked down the street towards the rest of his crew. "What ye all be doin' 'ere? Tis this ain't the ship!" The rather small animal stated pushing past the feet of the others as he pasted them. In the middle of the group was a black and red puffadore, a face he knew all to well. "Tulio? Well tie me up 'n throw me over board son 'tis be ages since we last be seein' each other! Come do be tellin' how ye be fairin' in th' rather harrrd times!" With that the buck wrapped an arm about the puff's neck and led the party down to the docks.

Tulio~male~ currently none

"Captain if I may...." The spainard started. "I'd like to board your ship with you. I have a mission I need to see through with. I'll pay you good money if you will take me along with you. I-" But before he could finish the ol' buck put a hand over his mouth silencing him.
"Tell ye what Tulio, I be feelin' generous. Ye come along with us tomorrow and we'll talk about taking ye to yer destination. Good. Right then lads and lasses lets be gettin' the ship ready to sail, we live at the first light!" Gar answered before unhanded the puff and scurrying aboard his ship. All in all the boat seemed to be about medium sized for the time with a black flag flying with a skull and crossbones on it. The top left corner of the flag had a star sewn on it to say that this was indeed The North Star.
Level 75
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Posted: 3/6/2017 at 1:19 PM Post #59

Twas good to see the captain came out unharmed, although his companion caught Crystal's attention rather quickly. The bedraggled creature reminded her of things that used to feedon the members of her former clan. So he looked rather fearsome in her eyes, but the shakles of slavery was intolerable to her. She let the captain and Byrd take Tulio and she looked back to the Nytekrie. She could see where the creature had been scratching and cutting itself until the area around its shackle was starting to redden with infection. It was staring at them and she couldn't tell if it was a he or a she, not if it was hungry or hurting. But the longer she stared at it, the more her attention was focused on the shackles rather than the fear of a bird of prey.

"Aye cap'n, jus' gimme a few moments ta see what we ken dofer yer bird buddy here." She replied, then moved closer to the nytekrie with her seabag over her belt. "A-a-ahoy bucko. Ye aren't goin' ta turn me inta a snack if'n I come take a look atcha?" She asked as she approached the big spotted bird.

She inched forward ever so carefully so the creature could keep its eye on her. She looked about smartly to make sure nobody was creeping upon her. She was just outside of the reach of the creatures beak until she had some idea of how it would receive her.
Edited By Harleyc on 3/6/2017 at 1:19 PM.
Level 71
The Artistic
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Posted: 3/6/2017 at 4:02 PM Post #60

Kana trailed along casting a smile to the spotted bird as they climbed aboard, she was quite interested to see what type of artillery the ship had, and what she would be managing if she in fact did become a gunner. " Ay' Cap'n, I'l be check'n the ware about below deck holler if ya need anythin !" she said in a care free tune as she trotted down into the Gundeck of the ship. there were about five cannons that lined each wall and the ceiling was a bit short, though to her it was like any normal room. the ammunition was neatly placed in all four corners of the room and other utilities organized and a few barrels. She smiled a bit felling a since of gratitude for the Gunner before her, or if her was still on the crew she was certain they would get along quite well.
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