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Forum Index > General Discussion > The Sylestia Times - September 2019
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Level 62
Majestic Green Thumb
Joined: 6/5/2019
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Posted: 10/5/2019 at 8:19 PM Post #41
You seem to know a lot about sylestia. I was wondering if you knew how much astral wanderer ryori are priced at with visible astral wanderers garb.
Level 67
Frosty Hands
Joined: 9/6/2019
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Posted: 10/5/2019 at 11:44 PM Post #42
Zombie Prompt

Sorry the images are so large, I couldn't figure out how to shrink them.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/8/2016
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Posted: 10/6/2019 at 11:38 AM Post #43
well I mean it all depends on how many of the traits are visible. Could you link me the pets in question?
Level 62
Majestic Green Thumb
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Posted: 10/6/2019 at 7:10 PM Post #44
This one and any other offspring that I may get from the parents. Most of them are exactly like this one.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 10/6/2019 at 7:14 PM Post #45
well like I said the visible traits number will change the price. So for a full 4vis you could probably sell them anywheres between 150k-300k (i'd say 300 being the fairer rice there) but a 2vis-3vis could sell for a bit though probably more in the range of 80k-100k

(hope this helped!)
Level 62
Majestic Green Thumb
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Posted: 10/6/2019 at 7:16 PM Post #46
Thanks, that helped heaps! :)
Level 63
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 10/9/2019 at 4:20 PM Post #47
A note on the overbreeding/ underpricing debate.

I personally, have no idea what pets should be priced at. if there were a guide to this, this would be quite helpful. if someone knows of a guide, please, point me in the right direction. something that tends to be assumed on this game, is that all game-running knowledge comes with time. I have no idea the pricing for a pretty quit with 3vis traits, verses a themed pet that has dishwasher colors, and no visible traits. I have been on here for awhile, not just with my own accounts, but watching over the shoulders of my sister as she played. I adore this game, and, I would put myself at around 5-6 years of exposure. But I still have no idea about certain things, or games in general. I did not know a thing about what what k meant, in general units, until a kind user decided to take pity on me. I guess this could be solved by myself, but it is rather hard to solve a problem if you do not even know where to start.

I find myself guilty of dirt-cheap pricing, not only because of the issue I addressed above, but also because I end up with pets that I have breed and thought looked good, or did not know what I was getting into. (I.E. event pets.) I play as a pastime, not every single day. I simply do not have time. It takes a lot of time and interest to upkeep this game. as such, I find that with the current release setting for stables, it takes a lot of time to release large amounts of pets, or even just a few. I do have the auto-release setting on my hatchery on, and that deals with most of the issues, but I still end up with pets I am not really invested in clogging up my stables, and I would rather price the pets low and let the new owner deal with them than go through and release them.

I truly would love a guide on how to price themed pets especially, as it feels like a shame to release a themed pet.I often end up with many themed pets I do not want, because of the colors, traits, or breed. I, like many, detest some breeds, and refuse pets within that breed, no matter how rare, or valuable they are. I have priced many themes low because it feels taboo to release them -when they would make another breeder super happy- just because I dislike a certain breed. I price low to get them out fast, and because it is hard to find buyers. I do believe there are some auctioning threads for pets, but I have no Idea how to use them, or where I find them. If those were also readily available and easy to use, I would do my best to use them, and to price fairly.
Edited By Dragongirl555 on 10/9/2019 at 4:27 PM.
Level 70
Joined: 6/24/2018
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Posted: 10/9/2019 at 6:14 PM Post #48
not knowing how to price pets is prob a huge part of the problem xD esp for new ppl. for 1st gen theme pets adv search is usually good, anything else gets kinda hard.. its really hard to sell anything thats not 1st gen themes or projects. i release if i dont think it will sell. i think you should slow down on the breeding if your not doing projects, its usually not worth the time.
taking time to release doesnt take THAT much longer then selling. but if you have a problem w/ space and sont want too release, you can set them for 1g to my id# and send me their links, i will release them for you.
theme pets will almost never be dishwater. the exeption is redied ones that get overbred.
and multiple accounts is not aloud here, fyi
Level 70
Joined: 6/24/2018
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Posted: 10/9/2019 at 9:04 PM Post #49
zombie puffs.. not sure if i should of pinged but i did anyway xD
Level 74
Grand Protector
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Posted: 10/9/2019 at 9:58 PM Post #50
One issue with pricing is that it can be so very subjective.

There are people who might pay a huge amount for dishwater pets as long as they have that purple(?) star that marks them as a themed pet. Others might only pay top dollar for high visible pets, and doesn't care whether something is a themed, 1000th generation offspring or whatever.

Thus, a guide can run into a huge problem as how on earth could you really create a guide to pets?

I have 2 visible pets from the last fest that no one seems to really want, because they aren't popular species, so a price by visible traits wouldn't do me any good.

Popularity can change quickly, so pricing by popularity of the species isn't going to do that much good, especially as there will be some pets in the species that are going to be worth a lot more due to their design being popular or being high stat etc..

I feel that a guide, while it would be nice to get basics down (always look on the AS for similar pets you are trying to sell and so on) it would get very complicated with 'well the more visibles, the higher the price, except if you have a pet of this species, then it won't sell at any price, however, if you have this particular THEME of this species, you can sell it for millions.

As someone else on the thread said, due to the nature of the site and the nature of the pets on the site, very few will retain their value beyond the initial release of them. Most, since they can be bred every 7 days at most, will quickly lose their values.

There are ways to retain value, and this site seems to want to experiment, as evidenced by the rikki breeding change.

I think I mentioned something like this in the economy thread in the suggestion, but another site has a certain type of horse that you can collect and they give bonuses, most of them are sterile, some can breed once with only one other type of horse to produce a third type of horse, and they can be gained by doing various events. Something like that, using themed pets, might be a nice experiment, as long as there weren't super exclusive (only offered once and if you happened to miss that particular hour/day you can never obtain them again) themes.

This would give certain pets more value, especially if some of them could only be obtained once (so if they ever are released again, you can't obtain another one), and they can't breed (wouldn't even really need that much coding due to having the ability to make pets infertile already, just have them come infertile), while still allowing those players who want to mass breed, whether just for the fun of breeding or because they have projects or whatever, to do so. If you didn't like that particular theme/species/boon, then you could sell it, and even reobtain one through the site when they came out again.

As long as they were difficult to obtain, not always available for most, and had boons attached that the players want, then I have the feeling they would retain value, because they would always be limited supply and higher demand.

Incentives to release pets, especially ones that target certain types of pets, would also help retain value, if not increase it for some, by not only increasing demand for those particular pets, but also decreasing supply. IE, for a week, you have a chance to obtain a random themed egg for every 50 themed pets you release. If they want it more specific, then make it every 50 themed qitaris, or every 200 themed pets you have a chance to obtain a random themed egg. (could even go specific themes if there are some that are generally not as valuable as others)
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