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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > Fall Festival 2015 - Design General Them...
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Level 33
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Posted: 10/6/2015 at 7:21 PM Post #211
Demon Draeyl

Hellbiter Ny'vene

Level 57
Seashell Collector
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Posted: 10/6/2015 at 8:16 PM Post #212
Midnight Mist Ryori
I started out making a kind of creepy, halloween themed ryori, but it morphed into this. I actually like this a lot better than my original plan. It reminds me of those fall nights that don't have a cloud in the sky, but the ground is covered in fancy looking fog, complete with stars. (:

On this one, I wanted to show the egg too, because I really love it for some reason XD

Poison Potion Sylvorpa
Y'know how in cartoons around halloween they always have the stereotypical witch with green skin and a big nose with a wart on it? And she always has a big boiling cauldron of obnoxious lime green liquid? Yeah, that green stuff wasn't a potion. It was a sylvorpa. ^_^

Apple Cider Luffox
Where I live, apples are like the fruit of the fall! Hot apple cider is one of my favorite autumn things. I always remember when I was younger, we would buy homemade, fresh cider from one of the local farms and now whenever I smell or taste cider it reminds me of fall.

Last Leaf Lupora
There's always that one last colorful leaf that just wont fall off of the tree. The whole ground is a big patch of color and there's the one little spot still stuck in the tree that refuses to come down.

Werewolf Zolnixi Alternate: Lycanthrope Zolnixi
This one doesn't really need explaining. Its a werewolf. Not a teen-fiction pop culture werewolf. A HALLOWEEN werewolf.

Scarecrow Vulnyx
Based on those happy little scarecrows with the plaid shirts and straw hats that everyone puts up in the fall.

Lollipop Lunemara
At halloween, around here, so many of the houses hand out little orange lollipops. Here is one of them in lunemara form!
Edited By Maiaasher on 10/11/2015 at 8:33 PM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 10/6/2015 at 8:20 PM Post #213
Leaf Pile vulnyx

Level 65
The Hallowed
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Posted: 10/6/2015 at 8:57 PM Post #214
Post 2, as I ran out of space on my first post. Post 1 here.

Harvest Field Sylvorpa

Burning Leaves Vulnyx

Shadow Watcher Zolnixi

Edited By Zelly on 10/10/2015 at 10:02 PM.
Level 75
Sweet Solver
Joined: 12/18/2012
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Posted: 10/6/2015 at 9:36 PM Post #215
Post #2 (previous post is now full). Post #1 is here.

Phantom Ryori

Spellcaster Sylvorpa

Spice Cake Vulnyx

Harvest Guardian Zolnixi

Edited By Savynn on 10/23/2015 at 11:39 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 10/6/2015 at 10:34 PM Post #216

Screech Owl Aurleon

Pumpkin Pie Spice Bulbori

Early Frost Faelora

Restless Spirit Kelpari

Classic Horror Luffox

Toasted Smores Lunemara

Autumn Equinox Nytekrie

Golden Fields Qitari

Vampire Ryori

Candlelit Night Vulnyx

Edited By Sageturtle on 10/18/2015 at 1:19 PM.
Level 75
The Artistic
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Posted: 10/6/2015 at 11:34 PM Post #217
Hope you like them
Nightfall Angel

Ghostly Faelora

Autumn Queen and King

Fall Festival Zolnixi
Edited By Chikoo12007 on 10/6/2015 at 11:45 PM.
Level 72
Maze Runner
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Posted: 10/7/2015 at 2:06 AM Post #218
Some notes and reminders for myself, and anyone else that finds them useful, so that I don't have to go back through the posts: Themes, not designs. Can post a few versions displaying palette or single image.
No Ny'vene, Puffadore, Lighira, Aeridini, Griffi.
Yes Aurleon, Bulbori, Draeyl, Faelora, Kelpie, Luffox, Lunemara, Lupora, Morkko, Nephini, Nytekrie, Qitari, Ryori, Sylvorpa, Vulnyx, Zolnixi.
I'm going to use the setup of 5-6 vis big image on top with 3 little images with 0, 1, and 3 vis respectively underneath.

Autumn Leaves Zolnixi
These Zolnixis still have a nice Autumn leaves color palette even without any visible Traits and seem to look good with every Trait.

Halloween Nephini

Halloween Qitari

Mature Pumpkin Vulnyx
Edited By Varyntha on 10/15/2015 at 1:28 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 10/7/2015 at 3:19 AM Post #219
I may as well through my hat into the ring. When I think of Fall I don't think of Halloween, and when I think of Halloween it leads to other thoughts. You may see where this is going. I think of Tim Burton's works, especially Nightmare Before Christmas as it is my favorite. Hence forth these designs are inspired by various characters within said film. This Jack Skellington, also known as The Pumpkin King. This is the Pumpkin King Faelora. The reason I made the ghostly aura as white as it could get was not because Jack is a skeleton but that his constant companion is Zero his ghost dog. I used the leaf impression and made them fairly pale as well since he through the majority of the first half of the film wears a black and white pinstripe suit and it was the only trait that had the skinniest details to fit that description. I used yellow for the vine flowers in consideration of the fact that every time my family has tried to grow them it was always more of a yellow tint. Though in both the Jack Claus design and this one I used frosted flower. That may seem odd but it's normal to have the first snow fall a few days before or on Halloween where I'm from.
Next is the Ragdoll Luffox with Sally, Jack's eventual love interest. The main blue-gray hue represents her skin the red in both the mane and tail are for her hair. The black in the runes is an attempt at showing her stitches, and they were the most similar to what they were supposed to be. The starlight runes and moon armor are for her wish to gaze at the night sky with Jack. Yes, I could have used the lunar coat as well but that was making it a bit hard to see all three layers. The lovely hearts and moon armor colors come from her dress. The reason she has a wisp tail is the fact that she is a re-animated corpse. Next is the Caged Devil Qitari, modeled after Lock, the kid devil. The reason there is so much red is simple. The only part of his body that isn't red is his skin which looks gray, the ''whites'' of his eyes that are yellow, his blue lips and his mask. His mask which is more of pink pale enough it almost looks red. I used abstract for the first gene since his thoughts that working for Oogie Boogie are out there. The nightmare armor because he and counterparts are living examples of one, just ask Sandy Claws. Following is Spirit Keeper Zolnixi more theoretical that the rest due to it being modeled after a somewhat older Shock with the younger outfit cues. She has gray skin, black hair, blue lips that are darker than Lock's, and loves wearing black and purple. I used Cross Fox for her double-crossing Jack. The witch doctor, mystic runes, and shaman feathers are all cues to her being a child witch. The Spirit wings are where I theorize that as she grew stronger in her gifts, found a way to bring her boss back to ''life'' by way of having his spirit bound to her body in that form. Lastly I present the Bad Luck Vulnyx. Modeled after Barrel the last of Oogie's minions. He has green skin with hair a darker shade, wears a gray skeleton costume along with a skelly mask. I am not entirely sure what type of monster he is exactly so for this one I tied it into Shock's tale. So in one of the failed attempts by Shock to resurrect Oogie she mispronounced one of the words in the chant while aiming at the pit their boss died in. Unbeknownst to her from her focus on the book, Barrel had walked into the magic's line of fire and with the mispronunciation found that a stray snake who made the same mistake had gotten attached to each other. Lock tried remembering a spell he had learned for his schemes as Shock skimmed through the book looking for a similar spell to separate the two without too much harm to Barrel. Again, without realizing from the shared focus both unleashed their magic at the same time. Shock had again mispronounced a word and a portion of the magic that both shared was bound to their friend to forever be branded on his skin. On the bright side, now Barrel can use magic too, and often ruins his friend's potion experiments by adding too much magic here or far too many ingredients there.
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/16/2015
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Posted: 10/7/2015 at 11:27 AM Post #220
I can't wait to see what's picked for Fall Fest! I've deliberately not looked at anyone else's designs, so I hope nothing's feels copied. I'm trying not to, I promise. ^v^

Pumpkin Patch Bulbori -- I dunno why, but I love Bulbori dressed like elementary school decorations.

Phantom Chill Faelora -- That shiver that runs up your spine when you're all alone in the dark.

Black Magic Kelpari -- More Kelpi love. They can be beautiful.

Leaf Pile Luffox -- The warmest colors come out when the weather turns cooler

Devil Dog Lupora -- Mostly just an excuse to play with red and black, but I think they look striking and devilish.

Bonfire Zolnixi -- From the crackling flames of a Samhain bonfire, these Zolnixis come to dance and play

Trick or Treat Ryori -- Halloween's favorite colors for a bright, festive look

Toady/Witches' Brew Sylvorpa -- What a cruel trick, the witch didn't even turn them into newts!
Edited By GryffonJoieaux on 10/10/2015 at 5:59 PM.
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