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Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 9/21/2014
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Posted: 9/4/2015 at 7:56 AM Post #191
Pringle Lake Ryori

My design is inspired by sunset at Pringle Lake, where my family cottage is located. I go up there every summer and enjoy the beautiful weather and peacefulness of being in nature. Unfortunately, because I've moved to the UK for a year, I haven't been able to visit the cottage this summer, so I wanted to remember good times I've had there previously. While looking through photos of it, I came across the beautiful one pictured below, taken by my best friend while we were up there 2 or 3 years ago. It shows the view from the dock at sunset, and the colours of the sky and water are just lovely. Muted, but full of so many different shades, offset by the dark silhouetted trees and islands.

I wanted to pick a sylesti which would do a good job of representing that meeting of land and sea and sky, and the Ryori seemed like a good choice because of the way it is built like a ground-dwelling creature, looks sleek like an aquatic one, and is surrounded by wispy clouds. The "Galaxy" trait was also perfect, because it looks like embers floating up on the smoke from a campfire, which is always a favourite thing to do up at the cottage. It reminds me so much of this place which has been with me since childhood, and how much I love being there. Can't wait to go again next year!

Edited By ColonelHazard on 9/4/2015 at 7:57 AM.
Level 62
The Whimsical
Joined: 8/15/2013
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Posted: 9/4/2015 at 2:10 PM Post #192
Astriel, Lunar's Legacy

I had a hard time trying to figure out what my dream pet should look like. Then a thought struck, my first dream pet had been my starter pet, Lunar. So why not base her off of him, but with modern traits. I didn't want the colors to be identical, so I took Lunar and his mate, (Breeze) and I ran them through the breeding generator and took colors from their possible offspring. (So all colors came from their possible offspring, though not all in the same color slot.) I also only used trait slots that the pair already had. Breeze had a carried Tiger Stripes, so I upgraded that to Siberian Doublestripe. Lunar had carried Feather Wings, so I upgraded that to Jeweled Wings. Both pets had Ancient Runes, which I made into Lace Runes. My Starter and first dream pet Lunar, was modeled with colors of the night sky, and so I was hoping to achieve the same affect through her. Lunar originally was meant to be a girl, but by accident turned out a male. This is why Astriel will be a girl. Lastly, Luna means Moon in Latin. (Lunar being a more masculine version of Luna) I wanted Astriel to have a name related to that. Thus, Astriel came from the Latin word Astrum, which translates to star.
Edited By Kestral on 9/6/2015 at 11:39 AM.
Level 60
Joined: 8/28/2015
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Posted: 9/4/2015 at 8:27 PM Post #193
Her name is Tigris

Avg Height: 1'6''
(0.46m) Avg Weight: 22lbs
Health: 200 Mana: 100
Strength: 18 Intelligence: 24
Dexterity: 24 Agility: 24
Statistics Shown for Enhanced Generated Type
[Mystical Bulbori Essence] x0
[Enhanced Bulbori Essence] x0
[Regular Bulbori Essence] x0
General Information
The Bulbori are one of the most intelligent species known to Sylestia. They thrive in locations with lush vegetation and where few predators roam. The Bulbori are diurnal creatures and hide in their large city-like burrows at night. They will also stay underground during inclement weather.

The Bulbori are very gentle creatures and pay no mind to friendly strangers. However, they will seek safe shelter at the first sign of danger. But just because they choose flight over fighting does not mean that they cannot defend themselves. A scared and cornered Bulbori can be very dangerous and should not be trifled with.

Physical Features
The Bulbori are most easily identified by the many gems infused directly into their bodies. These gems are thought to greatly enhance a Bulbori's magical abilities. All Bulbories also have a gem that they telepathically hold above their heads. This gem is used to harness and project their psychic abilities. As a Hatchling, a Bulbori's gem has not fully developed and can be seen as a glowing ball of light above its head. One should also not underestimate their physical capabilities, as Bulbories have very large claws which help them to create their large burrows.

Some Bulbories have developed beautiful Butterfly Wings capable of allowing them to fly. This mutation significantly enhances their ability to avoid predators. Other Bulbori can be seen with a fiery tail wisp which is used as a light source and to fend off would-be predators. Lastly, some Bulbori can be seen wearing ornate armor on their bodies which further help to enhance their abilities while offering them a small amount of protection.
Edited By Mercedes on 9/6/2015 at 9:11 PM.
Level 59
Joined: 9/3/2015
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Posted: 9/4/2015 at 8:41 PM Post #194
Brothers of the Forest of Night

Skylar/Mori ----- 19

Jack/Flicker ----- 9

This is their story.

Skylar was heading home from school, Jack following behind with his toy deer. He had brought it for show and tell, he loves it so much.
"Jack, get behind me." Skylar says as he sees something up ahead.
What Skylar had seen was shocking. His home was surrounded by police. As he gets closer with Jack, he sees the chief police officer waiting by the drive way.
"Hey, you two boys, you live here?" The chief asks.
"Yes, I'm Skylar and this is my younger brother Jack. What's going on?" Skylar asks.
"Seems your mother passed away sometime today, do you have anyone still alive that could take you in?" He asks Skylar.
"No, our dad is in jail. We don't have anyone else." Skylar tells him.
"Then, I'm afraid you only have two choices. One is to go to a foster home. Or sense your 19, you can get your own house and keep your brother with you. Though, you could also let your brother go to foster-"
"No, we stay together."

Two days later, Skylar and Jack were living together under Skylar's own house. Jack was playing on the computer. He was creating his second online pet on the well known site, Sylestia. However, just as he finished it and saved the photo, someone knocked at the front door.
Skylar walked over and opened it only for a loud BANG to go off. Jack looked to see a man in black walk in and hold a gun at him. In a flash, Jack was on th ground, blood pooling from his head, dead. their soul went to the game where they protect the forest of Umbry. Together for the end of time.
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
Joined: 1/12/2013
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Posted: 9/5/2015 at 2:13 AM Post #195
Aris, The Wandering Night Sky

The youths in Ethernia have heard the story of how the night laid a brood of eggs in a special place where the moon shined. Night and light parented and watched over their egglings, and once they hatched, they blended with the night themselves, as if the night sky was sylesti-fied in each baby.

The children of the night sky were free to do as they please. Some made their life in the wilds of nature, others found homes with the inhabitants of Sylestia, and there are few that wander and explore Sylestia's far reaches. Across the continent, the progeny of the night sky were known for their beautiful navy fur, the dark but elegant color of night, with delicate, glowing speckles, stars, and swirls dancing across their body.

Much like the night, their presence came and went through human history, their time on Sylestia fleeting. The children, once they have been satisfied with their life on land, returned to their parents in the sky: the night, the moon, and the many stars that they were related to.

Generations of the night sky are reborn time after time, as if nature wants to keep in touch and see for themselves how Sylestia prospers. Their children vary, but Aris, one of the current generations of the night sky, drifts across the continent with her wanderlust, adoring the world around her as others adore the comfort of night and its ambient glow.
Level 75
Joined: 11/29/2013
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Posted: 9/5/2015 at 3:09 AM Post #196
oh that is lovely
Level 72
Maze Runner
Joined: 9/3/2014
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Posted: 9/5/2015 at 4:23 AM Post #197


Bloodletter does not have a backstory as her story has yet to be lived.

You may look at her and think what a wicked terrorsome thing, wrought with fear of what her intentions are.
You may see her sharp points and glowing eyes and think how vicious she must be.
But that is all that it would be. Thoughts. Imaginings. Shadows of things not real.

Blood is the life force that flows within us all. It is neither holy nor evil. Yet it is so very necessary. It can perform a service for you. You may not like it when it goes where you don't want it to. Blood can be warm and nurturing. It can be cooled and sometimes cold. And sometimes, when it is contaminated, a good bloodletting is in order...

Thus is the essence of Bloodletter.

(Meanwhile, I'm over here trying to give her the respect she deserves and at the same time want to grab her up and give her so much tight snuggles!! /)@w@(\ Sure, it might get messy but it's totally worth it... ;3 *pats gingerly and dreams* )
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 8/28/2015
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Posted: 9/5/2015 at 7:13 AM Post #198

Mayhem - Mate of Shambles

Doesn't have much of a story yet, he only really started out as a design, a pretty mate for my starter pet, Shambles. Following her namesake of chaos, I decided Mayhem would fit him nicely. Allthough he may look like death and destruction, he, like his mate, is more of a jaded individual than a destructive one. He's loyal to his mate, who always gets him into trouble with her undying curiousity. His highly contrasting colors bears resemblance to that of a poisonous frog, bright, flashy markings on an otherwise dull coat. He prefers using this to his advantage, rather than fighting tooth an claw, as he'd rather stick to lazying around. His glowing, yellow eyes could pierce through anyone, another tool he uses frequently.

Probably won't win, but I figured I'd try anyway! I've really fallen in love with this guy, even if I don't have him, and getting this chance to make him would be so nice <3
Level 64
Joined: 1/21/2015
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Posted: 9/5/2015 at 1:51 PM Post #199
Okay so I may have gotten really into this as I was writing...O.o I can edit it if it's too long XD Though I'm not entirely sure where to start... ^.^'

As a hatchling, Drift was quiet and sombre, she didn't play with those around her, prefering instead to watch the ocean waves with something akin to melancholy. Her reticence did not make Drift popular. Many times the other hatchlings would play games at her expense.

"Let's see who can get closest to the gargoyle!" They would cry, "Be careful she doesn't eat you!"

Yet still Drift would say nothing to their torment. She would mearly watch with a detatched gaze as the other hatchlings carried on their fun and games, blinking away their insults as if they were just dust on the wind. Her parents were highly concerned by her behaviour.

"What could be so fascinating about watching the tide?" They would ask with dismay, "You should try to climb the trees or scale the cliffs. You'll never learn to hunt properly if you stay like this. Leave the seas to the Sylvorpa and Kelpari and come climb with us in the hills."

Years past and as the other hatchlings found their talents in hunting and climbing, using their small but strong claws to their advantage. Drift however stayed by the shore, and to the knowledge of those who knew her, did nothing but stand sentinal over the waves. Yet on the coldest winter nights and on the hottest summer days Drift would dance in time with the oceans movements, weaving water around herself like dancers ribbons, as wild as any great seas tempest.

Summer past, and then winter and summer again. The other Luffoxs shook their heads at Drift's seemingly statue like visage, when suddenly, out of nowhere the tides started to recede. They pulled back from the shore line like oil over water, the air stilled, and the ground shook. The Sylvorpas and Kelparis, the denzines of the sea had long since fled, recognising the signs for what they were. But the Luffoxs, unknowing, crept closer over the sands, playing in the newly revealed rocky pools, catching clams and crabs and starfish gorging themselves on this new windfall. Laughing joyously at their good fortune, the roar of water took them entirely by suprise.

Looking up to see the commotion, the Luffoxs noticed to their horror a wall of water the size of a mountain rushing towards them, to late to run, they could only watch as the greatest wave they had ever seen descended upon them. Closing their eyes to their fate, they didn't notice as Drift slipped past them. Moving softly but swiftly towards the mountain of water.

They did notice when she started to dance.

Moving slowly at first, like a lazy summer ocean, Drift wove and turned, relaxed in the face of the great wave. The waters seeming to pause in their momentum, almost appearing to move in time with Drift's dancing. Gradualy building her dance's speed Drift's movements became ever wilder, whirling in the face of the wall of water, stripping away ribbons of liquid from it's flanks and twirling amongst them. Faster and faster, until the awestricken Luffoxs could see nothing but a writhing mass of waves swirling around her.

As the dance reached it's crescendo the waves started to fan out, moving back towards the ocean from whence they came, leaving the luffoxs cheering from the saftey of the shore. When the last droplet of water had spun itself into the ocean they rushed forward, looking to congratulate and thank Drift for her act of bravery.

Yet Drift had vanished into the waves, never again to return to the land that had scorned her, never to set foot upon the shore where she had watched the tide.

It is said, amongst the sailors of Sylestia that as long as you watch the tide and respect the waves, you may catch a sight of Drift amongst the waves, and that if you do, you need not fear the ocean's tempests, for she will dance and keep your ships from it's watery grasp.
Level 70
The Jolly
Joined: 5/5/2013
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Posted: 9/5/2015 at 4:24 PM Post #200

this is dark moon
Dark moon is my oc in a story im working on.
dark moon was found in the Dungeon of the Forsaken (no puffs there that i know of)
as an egg
she loves to play hide and seek at night her favorit thangs to do are
1) chase the wild Bulbori off the farm,
2) swimm in the lake at astryls tranquility
and 3) roll up in to her humans lap and take a long nap befor waking up to play in the night
its said that moon loves flowers and she is a mistery to all that see her
(so sorry about the speling im not any good at it)
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