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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > Spring Festival 2016 - Avatar Outfit Des...
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Level 61
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Posted: 4/3/2016 at 7:32 AM Post #11

Outfit - Spring kimono with tights and zori
Held item - curved Naginata blade with bell and ribbons
Head item - Small black goat horns

Level 50
The Artistic
Joined: 3/3/2016
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Posted: 4/3/2016 at 8:12 AM Post #12
i have my enter radey but me and my sister don't have ares sant in yat
Level 58
Lucky Leprechaun
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Posted: 4/3/2016 at 9:22 AM Post #13
Okay! I wasnt sure if i should ping you or not Faiona, but i decided i should. My entry was based off of a daisy as the central idea. Sorry for the black background btw, i couldnt make it white without it looking VERY weird, and it worked out a bit because i used white in my outfit. This was kinda hard to do when it was snowing outside lol.

The outfit includes the dress, shoes and lacey thing underneath (forgot what its called). The light yellow petal things coming out from the dress was inspired by disney princess dresses. The white dots on the dress were supposed to be like pollen, but the dress was already yellow. The shoes are quite bad sorry, i dont draw humans alot and when i do they are traditional lol. They are supposed to be white but i didnt want them to be hard to see with the tights. The wings are dragonfly wings, i thought of a bug i always see with wings in spring, #1 was a misquito, #2 dragonfly and i figured dragonfly would be better lol. Included with that is like pollen falling off the wings, but that could be a back sense i didnt do one. The head is pretty simple, just a little headband. i was going to make the yellow spots flowers but im pretty sure you guessed how that went.. lol. The held is a sun kite. I didnt really know how to draw it because i have never flown a kite, but i have seen pictures and things like that before. Sorry for the long explanation, just wanted to make the image clearer. Thank you!

I am not good at genderbending and i guess that rubs off when turning a more feminine outfit into a more masculine one. I left off the held and wings because they would most likely be the same.

This is more of a king of spring idea, but me not being the best artist the concept didnt work out so well as it did in my head xD.
The boots i thought were a great idea because of aprils natural instinct to rain alot, except all its done so far is snow lol. The crown was the best i could do sorry! I took the dress and gave it pants instead of a skirt pretty much. Maybe take more influence with this one? lol. Will be pming more feminine designs because i love designing :D
Edited By Jodjo on 4/3/2016 at 9:37 AM.
Level 67
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 4/3/2016 at 9:34 AM Post #14
Author: Xdarksonicx
Time Posted: 4/3/2016 at 12:00 AM

A bit disjointed, but they aren't really meant to go together I don't think. XD

Head Item: Floppy ears. Two floppy bunny ears that go down past the shoulders. Comes with short-cut choppy hair.

Held Item: Nibbling Baby Luffox. A little baby luffox clining to your arm and hand while nibbling on your fingers. :)

Back Item: Bushy Squirrel Tail. Kinda self explanatory...

Outfit. Woodland Caretaker's Outfit. A dress for women and a shirt and pants for guys. (Not much difference, so I didn't draw the guy...) The boots have fur on the top that's all rugged. They also have a bandanna that is all torn and cut up that goes down to a cut-up torn cape. The dress/shirt has no sleeves and has a laced front that reveal an undershirt. There are sharp shoulder plates that jut out from underneath the bandanna. There is also a double belt around the waist/hips. On the guy the pants are tucked into the boots...

*slowly walks off with the avatar items*

I want these I need these \(o.o)/
Level 67
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 4/3/2016 at 12:24 PM Post #15
Sorry, I think I'm rushing this but I have my drawings. (I did them digitally, that counts right?) Probably not going to win but...

(spring colors work right? I added the pinwheel because I thought kids in the spring liked to play with them........)
Edited By MelonHamster on 4/4/2016 at 8:51 PM.
Level 67
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/9/2016
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Posted: 4/3/2016 at 12:27 PM Post #16
Author: Zelly
Time Posted: 4/2/2016 at 11:47 PM
Dewdrop Rose Garb, Wings, Circlet.

Back Item:

Held Item: Transparent flower umbrella, with crystal raindrops hanging from it and stamens at the top.

Male version:

Level 74
Fright Master
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Posted: 4/3/2016 at 2:03 PM Post #17

Everything is grey-scale and shoddy, save the pink, because I was in a terrible hurry and couldn't get my colors to cooperate. So here we go.

~ Sakura/Spring Druid ~
Back Item: Sakura Tree, more or less. I can't draw trees.
Held Item: Spring Lantern Staff, with some magical glow-bugs about it.
Head Item: Spring Circlet
Outfit Item: Spring Druid Robes, with some vine-like tattoos and thin armbands.

Male and female versions are basically the exact same, so I just did the male version.
Level 75
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Posted: 4/3/2016 at 4:53 PM Post #18

This is my avatar submission, it is water themed.

The avatar head is simple crown with two tassels hanging down the side that connect above the eye to the middle crown spoke.
The outfit is a simple one, it is kind of loosely based on what I think fairies would dress in, but with lots of bracelets.
The wings are supposed to be fairy wings, but they look like dragon fly wings so I'll go with that.
The held is simply a jellyfish XD I think everyone knows what that is.
The background is kind of crappy, but it is supposed to be an underwater scene it needs a serious touch up but I do not have tools or skills or time to do it. The lines are supposed to be the light comeing in just like this picture
And the bubbles are meant to look like they are coming from the person's mouth and travling upward, like in this picture

So yeah, that's my very imperfect submission!
Level 71
Cutely Creative
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Posted: 4/3/2016 at 5:27 PM Post #19

Leaf sprite with leaf armor as a shirt
Grass leggings
leaf crown
leaf belt
in hand a fire flower.
Level 70
Joined: 7/13/2015
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Posted: 4/4/2016 at 6:08 AM Post #20


My design is based on spring birds, mainly the wings and back, which have a gradient effect (or should appear to do so)

The outfit has a similar colour scheme to match. The checquered pattern was just for some complexity whilst the bottom of the dress is supposed to look like feathers and the male outfit has a tie with a tree like design.

The flowers are woven into the hair (the male hair might want a bit of improvment) to give a springtime feel, which also match colours with the vines on their feet.

The held is simply a picnic basket with an aeri sticking its head out of it

edit: made it bigger
Edited By Toxxicangel on 4/4/2016 at 6:28 AM.
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