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Forum Index > News and Announcements > Fall Festival Overview
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Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 10/28/2020 at 12:19 PM Post #1
Here is the official announcement thread for the Fall Festival of 2020!

Festival Begins: Wednesday, October 28th at 12:00 PM
Forum Games End: Monday, November 30th at 11:59 PM
Festival Features End*: Monday, November 30th at 11:59 PM
Festival Ends: Wednesday, December 9th at 11:59 PM

* = Umbra's Veil and Trick or Treating Visiting will close at this time

The Fall Festival is not only a celebration of the yearly harvest, but also a time where Sylestians enjoy everything spooky and frightful! It is an especially celebrated time of the year because it marks the yearly return of the Ryori's! Over the next few weeks, you can participate in many various activities to obtain unique rewards, find unique pets, and most importantly to have a lot of fun!

Diamond Sale and Double XP Event

Start Time: Wednesday, October 28th at 12:00 PM
End Time: Sunday, November 8th at 11:59 PM

During this time, all battles will award Double Experience!

Stable Purchase: 400 (20% Discount)
Diamonds: Receive 20% Extra Base Per Purchase!

[Exceptional Genetic Test Kit]: 1,000 (33% Discount)
[Exceptional Genetic Scanner]: 1,000 (33% Discount)
[Exceptional Infertility Kit]: 1,000 (33% Discount)
[Masterful Snare Trap]: 300 (40% Discount)

[Perfume of Themed Attraction]: 100 (Limited Item - 33% Discount)
[Philter of Trait Disruption (Themed)]: 200 (33% Discount)
[Philter of Expedient Learning]: 200 (33% Discount)
[Greater Genetic Mutator]: 160 (20% Discount)
[Greater Pet Dye]: 120 (20% Discount)
[Perfume of Themed Attraction (Lost Grove)]: 80 (20% Discount)
[Philter of Infertility]: 80 (20% Discount)
[Magical Pie]: 80 (20% Discount)
[Philter of Gender Swapping]: 80 (20% Discount)
[Prismatic Philter]: 60 (25% Discount)

[Mystical Ryori Essence]: 500 (50% Discount)

[Fall Festival Mega-Bundle]: 10,000 (Limited Item - Limit 1 Per Player)
[Fall Festival Fun-dle]: 3,900 (Limited Item - Limit 1 Per Player)
[Majestic Brewing Catalyst]: 1,200
[Fabled Brewing Catalyst]: 800
[Regular Brewing Catalyst]: 400
[Fabled Brewing Catalyst (Aged)]: 400
[Regular Brewing Catalyst (Aged)]: 100
[Box of Brewing Supplies]: 600
[Box of Brewing Agents]: 300
[Expedient Brew Agent]: 500
[Premium Vial Holder]: 60
[Maws Key]: 50
[Trick or Treating Basket]: 100

[Trait Disruptor (Aurleon - Ghostly)]: 500 (Limited Item)
[Trait Disruptor (Ferrikki - Skullmoth)]: 500 (Limited Item)
[Trait Disruptor (Kelpari - Reaper)]: 500 (Limited Item)
[Trait Disruptor (Nephini - Lightbringer)]: 500 (Limited Item)
[Trait Disruptor (Ny'vene - Imperial Dragon)]: 500 (Limited Item)
[Trait Disruptor (Ny'vene - Spectral)]: 500 (Limited Item)
[Trait Disruptor (Ryori - Astral Wanderer)]: 500 (Limited Item)
[Trait Disruptor (Ryori - Demonstalker)]: 500 (Limited Item)
[Trait Disruptor (Ryori - Grim Rose)]: 500 (Limited Item)
[Trait Disruptor (Zolnixi - Cute Witch)]: 500 (Limited Item)

Restricted Trait Set Adjustments

For this year's Fall Festival, the 4 Restricted Trait Sets available from Sylesti Brewing are some of our oldest sets in existence. Unfortunately, our earlier sets were much more limited in their color allocations as they were implemented before Accent Colors were utilized.

We felt that these Trait Sets could use a bit of adjustments in order to make them more functional and hopefully to also increase their demand. The following changes were thus made:

Species: Aurleon
Restricted Trait Set: Ghostly

For this set, we simply moved the accent colors for the sets away from EC and to AC1 or AC2, respectively. For their original Themed Pet, this should have had virtually no change as the original Themed design has AC1 and AC2 set to the same hex as EC.

If you have any non-Themed pets adversely affected by this change and would like their AC1 or AC2 adjusted, please send a PM to Krinadon. Please list the pets affected and what colors you want their AC1 and AC2 to be set to.

Species: Draeyl
Restricted Trait Set: Ethereal Dryad

Again, for this set, we simply moved the accent colors for the sets away from EC and to AC1 or AC2, respectively. For their original Themed Pet, this should have had virtually no change as the original Themed design has AC1 and AC2 set to the same hex as EC.

If you have any non-Themed pets adversely affected by this change and would like their AC1 or AC2 adjusted, please send a PM to Krinadon. Please list the pets affected and what colors you want their AC1 and AC2 to be set to.

Species: Morkko
Restricted Trait Set: Mystic Witch

The Morkko set received the greatest changes, as some actual pieces of the individual Traits were moved around as well as moving certain colors away from EC/GC1 to AC1/AC2. We are very pleased with the results and we think this should be an improvement on the set in regards to future designing. Unfortunately, as these types of changes almost always do, it negatively affects Morkkos with these Traits already in game.

We plan on making an official adjustment to the Ghostly Morkko Themed and then players will be able to adjust any of their own Themed or Pure Breds to the new official palette.

If you have any non-Themed pets adversely affected by this change and would like their AC1 or AC2 adjusted, please send a PM to Krinadon. Please list the pets affected and what colors you want adjusted for each pet.

Species: Ryori
Restricted Trait Set: Grim Rose

And again, for this set, we simply moved the accent colors for the sets away from EC and to AC1 or AC2, respectively. For their original Themed Pet, this should have had virtually no change as the original Themed design has AC1 and AC2 set to the same hex as EC.

If you have any non-Themed pets adversely affected by this change and would like their AC1 or AC2 adjusted, please send a PM to Krinadon. Please list the pets affected and what colors you want their AC1 and AC2 to be set to.

Themed Pet List

Visit the page above to see all of the available Themed Pets from this year's Fall Festival!

Explore the Festival Zone
This zone is recommended for players using pets of Level 10 and above!

The above will take you to the Festival Zone for the Fall Festival, Umbra's Veil. Please note, if you are exploring another zone in Astryl's Vale or the Lost Grove, you will have to exit the zone first. If you are in a battle, you will have to finish your battle first.

The zone is currently host to 34 Wild Themed Sylesties, 17 of which are new this year, 9 Named spawn locations, Mysterious Pumpkins, Sylesti Nests, hidden Treasure Chests, and so much more! Umbra's Veil is a large and spooky area tucked in the southwestern territory of Umbra Forest.

Level 60+ Bonus - If you are using an entire Party of Level 60+ Pets, Named will have two rolls on Avatar Item drops and offer increased Festival Supply rewards! However, Named and other enemies will provide more challenging battles.

Sylesti Brewing

Sylesti Brewing has returned! Please note, I am still intending on updating some interface things with the page with the recent changes so please bear with me on that.

All players will start out with 3 Free Cauldrons to use. You can always purchase additional one-time use Cauldrons for Diamonds, Gold, or Chocolate Coins! To begin brewing, just click on your Cauldron and fill it with Broth. After that you will need to add a Brewing Catalyst to your brew, which will determine which Themed Pet the Brew will produce when completed. You can find Brew Catalysts by participating in almost any of the Fall Festival's features or by purchasing them directly from the Festival Shop or the Diamond Shop.

Please note, some Catalysts are marked with "Aged". This means that is was a Themed that was available in the previous year.

Once you have your Sylesti Brew started, you will need to watch over it and keep it cooking at a good rate. Sometimes, the Brew will be out of balance and you will have to use a Brewing Agent to normalize it. Doing so will decrease the amount of time the Sylesti will be required to cook.

There are also Quality and Bonus measurements. Preventing your Brew from having lingering Conditions and continuing to counteract Conditions will improve its Quality. If you keep your Brew at higher Qualities, it will receive Bonus Points every hour. If a Brew receives a certain amount of Bonus Points by the time it is completed, it will receive up to 2 special bonuses to the resulting Themed Pet! This may be a tad confusing, so I will try to break it down further.

There are four different tiers of Quality:

Normal: Slowest rate of Hourly Progress and Agent Progress towards completion. No Hourly Bonus. No Agent Bonus.
Good: Double rate of Hourly Progress towards completion. Slowest rate of Agent Progress towards completion. No Hourly Bonus. No Agent Bonus.
Great: Triple rate of Hourly Progress towards completion. Double rate of Agent Progress towards completion. No Hourly Bonus. Single Agent Bonus.
Perfect: Quadruple rate of Hourly Progress towards completion. Double rate of Agent Progress towards completion. Double Hourly Bonus. Single Agent Bonus.

Using an Expedient Brew Agent on a Brew will increase all Hourly and Agent Progress and Bonuses by 300% until the Brew is completed.

If a Condition is ignored for too long, then every Hour a Brew's Quality will decrease by one tier until settling back at Normal.

Each Brew can unlock two Bonuses. This can easily be tracked in the list of information for each Brew. For any Brew, the first Bonus is an additional boost to the resulting Themed Pet's Statistics, equal to two additional Ranks of using Spectral Essences. For Majestic Catalysts, the second Bonus is an additional two Ranks boosted to Statistics. However, for all other Catalysts, the second Bonus is an additional Carried Trait to an empty slot.

Furthermore, you can also use Brew Additives to alter characteristics about your Themed Pet!

Exceptional Blood Vial: The completed Brew will be a 3-Visible Pet (2-Visible if Majestic).
Greater Blood Vial: The completed Brew will be a 2-Visible Pet (1-Visible if Majestic).
Lesser Blood Vial: The completed Brew will be a 1-Visible Pet (2-Carry if Majestic).

Expedient Brew Agent: Removes the waiting period between incurred conditions. This allows repeated application of Brewing Agents until the Brew is complete. Additionally, triples both the passive growth and the Brew Agent growth until completed, as well as Bonus gained if in Perfect Quality. These can only be used once that specific Themed Pet has already been created once by anyone on the Site.
Spectral Essence: Boosts the Base Stats of a Pet by 100 Health and 5 Str, Int, Dex, and Agi. Can be used four times. Requires 2 per use.
Sticky Goo: Allows you to guarantee a Visible Trait in a specific eligible slot. Requires 2 per use.
Vampire Dust: Guarantees that a Visible Trait will have a hidden Carried Trait. Requires 2 per use.
Gummy Puppy Tail: Guarantees that the Pet will be a Male. Requires 6 per use.
Sugar and Spice: Guarantees that the Pet will be a Female. Requires 6 per use.

There are a total of 48 unique Themed Pets available from Sylesti Brewing. There are 4 Restricted Trait Majestic Themes, 16 Fabled Themes, and 28 Regular Themes.

Lastly, there are a handful of unique Titles available from Brewing!

Premier Brewmaster / Premier Brewmistress: Awarded to the player who is the first to Collect any Pet from Brewing. They will also receive a [Peerless Avatar Token].
Majestic Brewmaster / Majestic Brewmistress: Finish a Majestic Sylesti Brew.
Fabled Brewmaster / Fabled Brewmistress: Finish all Fabled Sylesti Brews.
Brewmaster / Brewmistress: Finish all Regular Sylesti Brews.
Wondrous Warlock / Wondrous Witch: Finish one of all 25 Sylesti Brews.
The Perfectionist: Finish a Sylesti Brew with 2 Bonuses.
Benevolent Brewer: Use Brewing Agents on other players' Brews 25 times.

Trick or Treating

Trick or Treating is back! Visit all fellow Sylestians with your best Trick or Treat. Hosts can then either give you a complimentary Piece of Candy or give you a personal item (from a list of approved Festival-related items) from their Inventory. As a Trick or Treater, your goal is to collect each of the 21 unique Pieces of Candy. Once you have at least one of each, you can turn them into a Handful of Candy, which can be opened for awesome rewards!

You can also hand out Trick or Treating Baskets as gifts to other players to give them awesome rewards! Be the door that everyone flocks to!

You can view the status of your candy collecting by viewing your Trick or Treating profile. There are unique Titles that are available by participating. They are as follows:

-Trickster: Trick or Treat 500 times as a Visitor
-Candy Dispenser: Hand out 500 Pieces of Candy
-The Sweet Tooth: Create 5 Handfuls of Candy
-The Kind-Hearted: Hand out a Personal Item

Explore the Haunted House

The Haunted House has returned!

You must purchase an entry with either 250 Diamonds, 500,000 Gold, or 1,000 Chocolate Coins. If using Chocolate Coins, be sure to consume them from your Inventory first to add them onto your account.

There are 3 Stages to the Haunted House: the Gloomy Cemetery, the Haunting First Floor, and the Eerie Basement. You begin in the Gloomy Cemetery with 8 Shovels and must dig from the available spots to find either buried treasure or the Ghostly Key. Finding the Ghostly Key allows you to advance to the next Stage, the Haunting First Floor.

In the second Stage, you get 6 Brooms and again must sweep for hidden treasure or the Ghostly Key. Finding the Ghostly Key again will allow you to enter the third and final Stage, the Eerie Basement.

In the final Stage, you get 4 Torches to use to reveal hidden treasure before the game ends and you can play again.

For each Stage that you advance to, the available prizes get better and better.

As you play, you will notice various tiles in all Stages covered with different Objects. Objects can be removed by consuming one of your Tools for that Stage and often hide the more rare prizes underneath!

Additionally, if you run out of Tools on a Stage, you can opt to purchase more Tools for Diamonds. However, you can only do this once per Stage.

Lastly, you will sometimes find the Genie's Lamp! The Genie's Lamp is a special item that allows you to summon a Genie and be granted one of three available wishes. The Genie's Lamp also carries over from one game to the next until it is used, meaning you do not have to use it during the game that you found it! You can wait to use it at anytime! However, once used, it will be consumed until you find it again.

The available wishes will change depending on the current situation, but are grouped into 3 basic functions:

Remove All Objects
Grant the Ghostly Key
Grant Additional Tools

For all available prizes from the Haunted House, please refer to the bottom of the Haunted House page where all prizes are listed.

The Maws of Madness

Not available just yet. Stay tuned for more information within a few days!

Leaderboard Contests

Throughout the duration of the Festival, there will be a total of 132 Contests running! There are 2 types of Contests: Enemies Defeated and Pets Nurtured. The 1st Place winner of each Contest will receive a 3-Visible Brewing Pet of that Species. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Place finishers of each Contest will receive a 2-Visible Brewing Pet of that Species. All top 15 winners will receive a Contest Leaderboard Pouch which can contain some of the Festival's best items!

Enemies Defeated: In order to earn points for this Contest, you must defeat enemies inside the Festival Zone with pets of that Species. Having multiple Pets of the same Species counts as multiple points. Additionally, having various Pets in your Party counts for each of their respective Contests.

Pets Nurtured: In order to earn points for this Contest, you must nurture Pets of that Species. There are no other restrictions.

Lastly, all players can earn [Contest Reward Pouches] by earning so many points per Contest. There is no limit to the amount of pouches a player can earn. So the more you participate, the more that you'll receive! Reward pouches can contain various festival rewards.

Contest Schedule:
Enemies Defeated Contest #1: 11/1 at 12:00 PM - 11/5 at 11:59 PM
Enemies Defeated Contest #2: 11/11 at 6:00 AM - 11/15 at 11:59 PM
Enemies Defeated Contest #3: 11/20 at 12:00 PM - 11/24 at 11:59 PM

Pets Nurtured Contest #1: 11/1 at 12:00 PM - 11/5 at 11:59 PM
Pets Nurtured Contest #2: 11/11 at 6:00 AM - 11/15 at 11:59 PM
Pets Nurtured Contest #3: 11/20 at 12:00 PM - 11/24 at 11:59 PM

Festival Task List

The Festival Task Log is back and is full of 45+ Tasks for all sorts of things during the Festival. How this works is just simply complete whatever is required of the Task and credit will automatically be tallied into your Task Log. Once you have completed the Task the required amount of times, you will receive whatever the reward for the Task is. It's that simple!

There are both Daily Tasks, which reset every day at midnight, and Festival Tasks, which can only be completed once per Festival. Be sure to complete as many as you can!

New this year is a Daily Task for completing all of the other Daily Tasks. The reward for doing this each day is a [Mystery Brew Catalyst]!

Spooky Shop

The Spooky Shop is a mysterious brand new feature! With this feature, you can browse the current 'offerings', which update every 15 minutes, to see what's available. However, this shop works with a special twist! Instead of simply purchasing goods, you are instead completing delivery tasks in order to then receive a mysterious reward.

Delivery tasks come in all shapes and sizes. Some require you to deliver currency, such as Gold. Some require you to deliver a random item, or a certain amount of random items. Others may require you to seek out and find a specific pet. You will just have to check the offers as they become available and see which ones you can complete! ***Please Note, at this time, the available tasks are very limited. Due to a heavy time constraint, I was only able to code in delivery tasks for Gold and some basic items. There are plans to add much more variety in delivery tasks as noted above.***

If you successfully complete an offer, you will then receive a random reward based on the 'Tier' of the offer. The various Tiers are Rare, Epic, and Legendary. The higher the Tier, the more demanding the offer will be. However, the quality of your reward will also improve.

Available Rewards:
-Exclusive Fall Festival Avatar Items
-Exclusive Titles
-Fall Festival Themed Pets (1, 2, or 3 Visible Traits)
-Various Diamond Shop Items
-Various Fall Festival Supplies (ranging from Majestic and Fabled Catalysts all the way down to Brewing Agents)
-Various Lost Grove Materials

Collect the Fall Festival Avatar Items

There are 176 *NEW* Avatar Items available from this year's Fall Festival, not including the items available from the Retired Avatar Item Box, which can be purchased from the Festival Shop and the Diamond Shop, or returning items from previous Festivals. So be sure to participate so that you don't miss out!

Participate in Forum Games

Throughout the Festival, we will be hosting many various Forum Games. Visit the link above and look for any stickied thread that begins with "2020 Fall Festival".

Don't miss out! Participating in many of the games will guarantee you a prize. Others offer such great prizes for winning that you won't want to miss out!

2020 Fall Festival - Pumpkin Carving (Traditional)
2020 Fall Festival - Pumpkin Carving (Digital)
2020 Fall Festival - The Lost Pets
2020 Fall Festival - Spooky Stories
2020 Fall Festival - Avatar Dress Up
2020 Fall Festival - Word Search
2020 Fall Festival - Create a 3-Visible Spooky Pet
Edited By Krinadon on 12/2/2020 at 9:05 PM.
Level 75
Joined: 9/2/2015
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Posted: 10/28/2020 at 12:22 PM Post #2
Thanks Krin!
Level 73
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 10/28/2020 at 12:29 PM Post #3
Yay! *runs off to go catalougue all the items into the Wiki* time for some fun!
Level 71
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 3/3/2017
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Posted: 10/28/2020 at 12:59 PM Post #4
whoooop and there go my grades XD
Level 71
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 3/3/2017
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Posted: 10/28/2020 at 1:00 PM Post #5
But I've been saving for gifts the entire year, and now I have things to give :D
Level 75
Joined: 9/4/2013
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Posted: 10/28/2020 at 1:22 PM Post #6
Woo! Here we go! :)
Level 75
High Priest
Joined: 8/24/2018
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Posted: 10/28/2020 at 3:12 PM Post #7
Hehe, good luck to everyone, and thank you Krin!
Level 61
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 9/22/2020
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Posted: 10/28/2020 at 3:23 PM Post #8
How do we get chocolate coins? (My first time doing a festival)
Level 70
Joined: 4/9/2016
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Posted: 10/28/2020 at 3:33 PM Post #9
I'm so glad the events on this site run as long as they do, I always feel like I never have enough time to do fall events between all the games I play, thank you guys for all you do! <3
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Site Administrator
Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 10/28/2020 at 4:36 PM Post #10
Author: Sugarrxoxo
Time Posted: 10/28/2020 at 3:23 PM
How do we get chocolate coins? (My first time doing a festival)

You can receive Chocolate Coins by basically doing any of the available features.
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