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Forum Index > Roleplaying > A Traitor's Journey
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Level 63
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 1/9/2017
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Posted: 5/8/2017 at 9:21 PM Post #1
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~Eigus~Ourorus Castle Town~Daybreak~

Eigus stood in the silent alleyway next to a man dressed in a dark cloak. The man's clothes were not fancy in any way but they were undoubtedly made of the finest materials, clean and well laundered in the midst of the grimy back alley.

"Are you quite sure you want to do this?" the man asked, lifting his face to look at the centaurs face. Eigus's eye caught on a strand of bright silver hair peaking out from under the mans hood. "You know me Lin, I can't just sit around and do nothing." the dark skinned centaur said in his soft low voice. The man in the hood sighed and shook his head. "I knew you would say that, but you can't blame me for trying."
Eigus smiled and patted the man on the shoulder, "You know as well as I do that this is the only course of action if we're ever going to learn the truth. I know my position, I won't do anything reckless."
The hooded man chuckled in a sort of defeated, yet appreciative manner. "I know... I just wish things could have worked out differently."

The sun rose a little further, casting its rays over the roofs of the shops on the other side of the street, and into the alley in which the two men stood. "We had both better get going." the centaur said. "Aye, and best of luck to you my friend. You know how to reach me." the hooded man replied as he pulled his cloak tighter about his body. The two men clasped hands for a moment before turning and walking off in opposite directions. Eigus did not look back as he exited the town through the little known breach in the wall and set off down the muddy road leading south.

This was going to be a long journey...
Edited By Deidriel on 5/9/2017 at 8:50 AM.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 5/9/2017 at 9:58 AM Post #2
The wind blew the soft aromas of the different wild flowers about the trail as he walked along the meadow towards the town of Ourorus. Maybe his name wouldn't be known here. That was a thought! It was strange just how quickly the whole country learned of a crime you did. But enough of that thought, he needed to find some food maybe even a place to stay. It had been so long since he had been able to sleep in a normal bed, to eat a decent meal. It had been since the incident. Well there was hope for this town at least. The man took a deep breath. Flowers, violets to be exact. Their smell was enough to make him smile. He had always held a certain fondness for those flowers, they reminded him of home in a way. had been so he needed to think of staying low, of keeping hidden. Last thing he needed was to get caught by a guard!
Level 63
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 1/9/2017
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Posted: 5/9/2017 at 10:22 AM Post #3

Eigus spotted a rather suspicious looking man near the trail a little ways down the road. His soldiers intuition told him to stop and question the man before it occurred to him that he looked much the same in terms of shadiness. Even still, what was a man like that doing strolling up to the capital like it was nothing. If Eigus had done his job then there was no way the sentries would allow him into the city... unless this man knew of the breach in the wall.
Eigus had to admit that he felt slightly guilty about not dealing with the breach while he was still in command of the soldiers, but if he had he would have needed to leave through one of the heavily guarded gates. No doubt the guards there would recognize him, he was their former commanding officer and it would do more than just raise a few eyebrows if the traitor who was supposed to have been executed already to show up at the city gates.

Eigus watched the man carefully. Had he not been so tall he likely would not have been able to see him. Much like Eigus himself this man was staying far out of view of the road, further adding to his suspicious appearance. No doubt the man would soon catch sight of him as well, no matter though as his face was not well known outside of the capital... wait... the capital!

His face was everywhere in the capital right now, posters announcing the execution of the traitor who had attempted to slay the king. If this man intended to enter the capital, who was to say he wouldn't tell someone that he had seen him alive and well. Eigus couldn't allow this man to enter the city, he had to take action.

Putting up the pretence of a friendly traveler he waved to the man. "Hello there."
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 5/9/2017 at 1:14 PM Post #4
Looking up the man stopped along his pleasant walk. "Good morrow." He said though in truth he was a bit nervous as to speaking to this person. What if they recognized him? That was most likely not the case, though he still wanted to be careful all the same. "Its a pleasant day for a walk is it not my friend?" The man looked about them making sure there was no one about. "And what bring you to this unused path?" It was best to be friendly and ask rather than to seem unfriendly right off.
Level 63
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 5/9/2017 at 1:38 PM Post #5

Eigus smiled and slowed his pace somewhat, "Indeed it is my friend. The gravel roads do not agree with my hooves, though the scenery is indeed worth the detour by itself."
The man looked to be mostly human so Eigus needn't have worried about an unforeseen attack so long as the man was unarmed.
"When you take the time to appreciate it, you can almost understand why wars were fought over this land. Thank Valdyr and the giants for this peaceful forest my friend!" He said with a hearty laugh, doing his best to appear unsuspecting and friendly. After all, chatting openly with a perfect stranger was often a sign of a carefree soul.
Edited By Deidriel on 5/9/2017 at 1:41 PM.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 5/9/2017 at 5:05 PM Post #6
Maybe this centaur wasn't as bad as he normally thought. Was it strange to say that in person he had never actually seen a centaur before? In all his years he had only seen a number of non human animals. There had been that cat person, Ase that had stopped by and sold him a full set of plated iron armor. One couldn't forget her Mage friend. He was a strange one, a human that had the ability to use magic! Now that was a sight. Most likely though he was half elf, meaning he could use magic but it was weak compared to a normal elf's. Oh and then there was the fox like animal that was barely taller than a toddler whom came looking to see if he could buy a war ax light enough to wing. But this was something completely different. A man with a horse body who would have thought! "Aye that is true yes." It was. If he hadn't been hiding from the law himself then he still would have taken this road, the sights were well enough to suit anyone! "Say you came from the town that way no? Could you do a friend a favor and tell him if you have seen any posters that may tell of a bounty on a face much like his own?" It was worth a shot, maybe it was time he end up in jail, or maybe this centaur would stay truthful to him.
Level 63
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 1/9/2017
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Posted: 5/9/2017 at 6:11 PM Post #7

Eigus' eyes widened some at the mention of a wanted poster bearing ones own face, mostly for the obvious reason of the majority of posters in the capital as of late bearing his own face. He decided to take a chance.
"If you're a wanted man, then I would recommend against paying Ourorous a visit. Apparently some high ranker in the army turned traitor and tried to assassinate King Leoni. Security is pretty tight at the moment since the whole army is on edge, I suspect they all half expect their brothers in arms to stab them in the back at a moments notice. Anyways, they've all been trying to prove their loyalty to the king by cracking down on criminals so... if your face is out there one of them is bound to recognize you."

It occurred to him that the human was looking at him in a rather bewildered manner. It was true that of all the races, humans had the greatest tendency to isolate themselves in communities of their own race. At least he hoped that was the reason, and not because the man had recognized his face.
Edited By Deidriel on 5/9/2017 at 6:15 PM.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 5/9/2017 at 7:15 PM Post #8
The man sighed. "Guess I did all that walking for nothing then." He said before turning around. And here he was thinking he was going to get a nice bed to sleep in and a meal to eat. He was stupid to think such nonsense! "I don't suppose that is one of the causes of your travel along these roads are they?" He said looking back at the horse like man. He had literally gave himself up to this man! He was a fool! Then again how long had it been? He was nearly forty now so what...twenty years? It was old news was it not? The murder of the boy yes but not the death of that one major, oh what was his name? The one that let his boy have fun with the farm girls. If only he could recall. It was a one among many at this point. Heck he was a killer! An assassin of sorts though he didn't get payed for his duties other than the fact that he is able to sleep just a bit easier knowing that someone out there is just a bit safer. No one knew it was him, he hence why he moved about so much. This town was not one he would ever be able to visit in that case.
Level 63
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 1/9/2017
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Posted: 5/9/2017 at 8:06 PM Post #9

Eigus chucked and picked up his pace again to fall in step beside the man, they were heading in the same direction now so there was no point in trying to avoid him.
"We've all got our reasons for taking this path in life. But, yes in a way I would prefer to avoid the royal army if I can help it."
The weight of his pike against his back seemed to increase at the thought of confronting his former subordinates, the weapon was wrapped tightly in cloth making it appear as if it could have been any number of things. It was strange to be carrying his weapons yet be wearing no uniform.

Eigus had been raised by the royal academy and had been enrolled as soon as he was old enough to begin training, such was the fate of many orphans left abandoned in or around the capital.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 5/9/2017 at 8:13 PM Post #10
"Some better the reasons than others." In his mind his goal was good enough. If his hands had to be stained red with the blood of those that preyed on the weak so be it as long as it was for the good of those that couldn't stand up to the threat on their own. "So what exactly are you? I've never seen one like you nor of tone before." He asked as politely as he could think to. What else was he to say? Hey your different, what are you?! No he needed to ask politely.
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